Saturday, August 31, 2013

Monday, August 31, 1863

Lieut. A. S. Bailey came this morning to get money to uniform the Independent Co. of Warren.  William gave him $100 toward the object.
Lucy began her school today.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Sunday, August 30, 1863

We were saved from frost by the fog, but there was frost over the hill & in Virginia.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Thursday, August 27, 1863

Quite a large circle here.  Mrs. Reppert & Mr. & Mrs. Kramer, Miss Louisa Beale, Miss Valonia Reppert, Miss Mary T. Newton & Mr. Douglas Newton & Miss Wakefield beside the usual attendants.  We provided supper.  Set table in the porch -- very nice.  Fine peaches from Loveland & excellent Melons &c.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Wednesday, August 26, 1863

Wednesday Kate & I called on Mrs. James Reppert & Miss Lucy Kreamer and invited them to circle.  We also called at Capt. Moores but he was not at home.
Lucy came on cars this evening.
Circle is to meet at our house tomorrow.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Tuesday, August 25, 1863

Rainey.  I wrote to Clara today.
Kate & children came home she has obtained two very good photographs of the little girls.
Turned cold -- Thermometer fell more than 30 degrees in 24 hours -- have fires to sit by.

Peggy's comments:
This may be the photograph of the little girls, Sarah Julia Cutler and Annie Cutler, daughters of William and Lizzie Cutler.
Sarah Julia and Annie Cutler

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Monday, August 24, 1863

Kate took the children to Marietta.  William wet to Chillicothe on the morning train.
I wrote to Martha Carter enclosing forty dollars.
George Cutter here to spend the night.

Peggy's notes:
Martha Carter was a niece of Julia's.  She was the daughter of Julia's half sister Nancy Cutler Carter.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Sunday, August 23, 1863

I was sick and did not go to church.  The days continue very warm but somewhat cooler at night.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Saturday, August 22, 1863

William has spent the week in Chillicothe--he returned home to night.
The guerrillas under the desperado Quantrill have burned Lawrence City in Kansas -- Burnside is marching on East Tennessee -- Rosecrans is also moving in the direction of Chattanooga --Seige of Charleston S. C. is progressing.  Federal Troops are marching on Little Rock, Ark. & Banks heads an expedition against Mobile.

Peggy's comments:

This  contemporary account of the desperado William C. Quantrill's raid on Lawrence, Kansas, was published in the September 5, 1863 issue of Harper's Weekly.

The Massacre at Lawrence, Kansas

THE city of Lawrence was, on the evening of August 20, 1863, one of the most thriving towns between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains. At daybreak on the next day it was a heap of ruins. A gang of guerrillas, 500 strong, under Quantrill, crossed the Missouri River on the evening of the 20th, and pushed forward to Lawrence, where they arrived just before daybreak. Guards were posted around the town so as to prevent all escape, and the work of pillage and murder at once commenced. The attack was wholly unexpected, and there was not the least show of resistance. The citizens were massacred by the light of their burning homes, and their bodies flung into wells and cisterns. In one case twelve men were driven into a building, where they were shot down, and the house burned over their bodies. The number of victims is stated at 180, including the Mayor and the principal citizens. Only one hotel was left standing, and this was spared because the guerrilla chief had been formerly entertained there free of expense. Two of the banks were plundered, and the third escaped because the marauders could not force the safe in time. The total loss of property is put down at two millions of dollars. No other such instance of wanton brutality has occurred during the American war. The names of Nena Sahib in India, Cut-Nose in Minnesota, and Quantrill in Kansas will go down in history together.

And more information about Quantrill posted on the current blog, Civil War Daily Gazette .

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Friday, August 21, 1863

Lucy returned home.  Mrs. Cutler & Kate visited at Mrs. Briggs’ this afternoon.  [unreadable] Briggs is in very poor health.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Thursday, August 20, 1863

Mrs. Dawes returned home this morning.  We have had a very pleasant visit from her.  Kate went to town to-day & got her Photograph--Lucy, Nancy  & I went to Mrs. Scott’s funeral.  Rev. Mr. Curtis preached.  

Peggy's comments:  A line at the end of this entry has been erased and is unreadable.  The original journals were in Julia Cutler's possession until her death.  They were read by her niece, Sarah Julia Cutler (little Sarah) and later by Rufus Dawes' daughter.  

This may be the photograph that was taken of Kate Dawes:

Monday, August 19, 2013

Wednesday, August 19, 1863

We (Sarah & I) called on Mrs. W. D. Bailey.  Old Mrs. Scott died today.
Maggie, Lizzie Poage, Jennie Clark, John & James Means were here to dinner.
Lucy & Annie came home from Amesville.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Tuesday, August 18, 1863

Kate went with Mrs. A. S. Bailey to take dinner with Mrs. June Bailey.  Mrs. Cutler, Mrs. Dawes & little Sarah are spending the day with Mrs. Burgess.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Monday, August 17, 1863

Still warm.  William goes to Chillicothe again today.  Linley went home today.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Saturday, August 15, 1863

Letters from Ephe.  He was in the battle at the taking of Jackson, Miss.  Col. Cockerill who commanded the Brigade makes in his report honorable mention of Major Dawes.  The 53d had gone into camp on the Big Black River.  Letters from Lucy and Annie.

Peggy's comments:
Julia's nephew, Ephraim Cutler Dawes, was part of the 53rd Ohio Volunteers.  To learn more about the history of this regiment, check out the Ohio Civil War web page.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Friday, August 14, 1863

Sarah went home this morning to attend the female prayer meeting at her house.  Very warm.  August has been excessively hot, the first week of the month at Washington is said to have been the hottest for forty years.  Sarah came on evening train.  Mrs. Blizzard (mother of Dr. Bebee) was buried yesterday.  Linley Wilcox, tenant on the Old Farm in Amestown, came to see William.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Thursday, August 13, 1863

Lucy Dawes & Annie E. Cutler started to Amesville for a visit at Mr. Dean's.  They went by rail to New England Station.  Mrs. Dawes and I went in a buggy to Belpre.  We drove past Mr. Dana's beautiful place, called on Mrs. Lucy Browning she was not at home being at the house of Old Mrs. Goodno who died suddenly yesterday.  We had a pleasant call on Mrs. Sophie Browning who is blind.  Saw Fort Boreman, called at Mr. McTaggart--got home to dinner.  Kate took tea at Mr. Burgess's.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Wednesday, August 12, 1863

Lucy came this morning.  Ironing.  About noon extra train with Dr. L. Wilson, Pres. M. & C. RR stopped here an hour.  Mr. Wilson, Mr. Ridlow & the train men here to dinner.
William, Lizzie and little Sarah went out to Chillicothe on the train with Mr. Wilson.  Mrs. Dawes dined with Mrs. W. D. Bailey.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Tuesday, August 11, 1863

This morning about 5 o'clock after the guards had left the fords we saw two persons pass who we thought might be the criminals, but unarmed--heard afterwards they were arrested in Parkersburg -- Mr.       Baptist minister here to dinner & tea.  Mrs. W. D. Bailey, Mrs. Athens, Miss Annie Pimple & Maggie here to tea.  Lucy spent the day in Marietta.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Monday, August 10, 1863

Kate & her mother arrived by the morning train.  Two men from Union township came here much excited over a murder perpetrated nine o’clock this morning upon a constable named McCoy by a man & his son named Sturling.  Sturling was formerly from Virginia & is brotherinlaw of Henry Cole it was thought he & his son would try to cross here--the fords were watched.  William was up till morning & John & Hugh Cole all night.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Saturday, August 8, 1863

Kate and the children went to town to-day.  Kate found her mother with sick head-ache and stays with her until Monday sending Annie & Sarah home on the cars--their first trip alone.  Lucy visited at D. B. Calders & Mrs. McClures.  Mrs. Temple & Fanny Bosworth called.

Peggy's comments:
Annie Cutler was 10 and Sarah Julia Cutler was 7 at the time they had their first trip alone.

Sarah Julia and Annie Cutler

Fanny Bosworth was the daughter of the painter Sala Bosworth and Joanna Shipman Bosworth.  After the Civil War, Martha Frances (Fanny) married Ephraim Cutler Dawes.
The Bosworth family:  children Frances and Charles Henry in the center with parents Joanna and Sala 

Ephraim Cutler Dawes

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Friday, August 7, 1863

Lucy who went to town yesterday returned this morning a letter from Ephe at Jackson Miss. written July 23d.  We had become painfully anxious about him & feel much relief to hear he is well.  Lucy & Kate dined at Mr. Dickeys and took tea at A. S. Baileys where Lizzie joined them.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Thursday, August 6, 1863

To-day President Lincoln has set apart for Thanksgiving to Almighty God for recent victories.  May His people bow before Him in an humble obedient and thankful spirit and find grace to help in time of need.  Mr. Curtis preached from “Glory be to God who giveth us the victory” . Mrs. W. D. Bailey and her little girls took dinner here.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Wednesday, August 5, 1863

Mrs. Cutler, Lucy, Maggie & the children have gone to spend the day at Mr. Blackintons.  Kate went early to Mr. Greenwood’s & then to Mr. Blackintons.
I began to write an account of Morgan’s Raid.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Tuesday, August 4, 1863

Lucy went with Lizzie & the children to spend the day with Mrs. Burgess.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Friday, August 2, 2013

Sunday, August 2, 1863

I went to Sabbath school & meeting--very warm day--saw a hearse pass conveying the body of Capt. Jacob Cram killed at Buffington two weeks ago today.  His coffin was wrapped in the American Flag.  --   --  Mr. Curtis came here to tea.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Saturday, August 1, 1863

William, Kate & Lizzie went to Marietta to spend the day.  Lucy has a tea party--the Putnams & Nettie Campbell &c.  Kate saw Miss Mary Barker of McConnelsville who had much to tell of Morgan’s Raid In Guernsey & Morgan Counties.