Sunday, April 12, 2015

Wednesday. April 12” 1865

We went by invitation to Mr. Blackintons to tea expecting to meet Kate on whose account the party was made, but the omnibus disappointed them and altho’ Mr. Edward Buell took her over in his carriage they were two minutes too late and lost the train— She and Anna came down on the evening train & were much disappointed at losing the visit at Mrs. Blackintons.  Mrs. Cutler, Sarah, & I went to the party where we met Mrs. A. S. Bailey, Miss Louisa Carpenter, Rev. C. D. Curtis, Mrs. McGill, Miss Ann Waldron, Mrs. Charles Cone, Mrs. C. Dickey, & Miss Maggie Voris & Miss Daniels the teacher of the District School — We spent the afternoon pleasantly, though much regret was expressed that Kate and Anna McLean were not there.  Heard that Mr. Henry Cooke, the blind soldier, died very suddenly at Pittsburg last Saturday — He appeared well until a few hours before his death which is supposed to have been occasioned by fragments of bone penetrating the brain.

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