Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Friday, July 11, 1862

Sarah went home to be at the female prayer meeting which is always at her house.  The clouds have cleared away and the sun shone out hot.  It began to appear smoky which increased until the atmosphere seemed to hang like a pall over the earth obscuring objects usually distinctly seen, and darkening the brightness of the sun so that it cast no shadow.  I cannot think what causes it at this season of the year.  We often have smoke in the atmosphere in the spring when people are burning brush, also in the autumn when we have Indian summer, but never at harvest time.
I have just read the letters of Gen. Sherman and Lieut. Gov. Stanton of Ohio about the battle of Shiloh and think the General worsted in the contest with the Governor.

Peggy's comments:
Here is a link with the letter General Sherman wrote to give his account of what happened at Shiloh; it is quite amazing to me that this sort of conversation took place in newspapers!

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