Sunday, July 8, 2012

Tuesday, July 8, 1862

Lucy and Lizzie went to Marietta.  Lucy came down last night with eight letters just received from Ephraim.  He is at Moscow now but has been at Lagrange.  Gen. Denver, the brigade commander publicly complimented the 53rd for their conduct in a late skirmish.
There is apprehension of trouble from England.  The tone of the London Times which William sends us, is very unfriendly.  Everything that can be said to the disadvantage of the government of the United States and of the northern man is said.  Gen. Butler's order, unfortunately worded, has been made the occasion of a great deal of animadversion.  The President by the advice of the Governors of loyal states calls for 300,000 more volunteers, to speedily put down the rebellion, and no doubt, to be ready for England's hostile demonstrations.

Peggy's comments:
I had to look up the word "animadversion" which means adverse criticism or censorious remarks.    Julia refers to General Butler's Order Number 28 which became known as the "Woman Order".  A wonderful article about the ramifications of this order is here.   General Butler was commander of the occupying forces in New Orleans where the population was very definitely pro-Confederacy and uncooperative with the Union rule.  Women were disrespectfully spitting on Union troops so a very irritated General Butler issued an order stating:

New Orleans, May 15, 1862.
As the officers and soldiers of the United States have been subject to repeated insults from the women (calling themselves ladies) of New Orleans in return for the most scrupulous non-interference and courtesy on our part, it is ordered that hereafter when any female shall by word, gesture, or movement insult or show contempt for any officer or soldier of the United States she shall be regarded and held liable to be treated as a woman of the town plying her avocation.
By command of Major-General Butler

In other words, disrespectful women were to be considered as reprehensible as prostitutes.  This certainly offended the southerners and there were even repercussions from London.  Read more about it here in a NY Times Opinionator column.

Here is Lincoln's call for more troops:

NEW YORK, June 30, 1862.
The capture of New Orleans, Norfolk, and Corinth by the national forces has enabled the insurgents to concentrate a large force at and about Richmond, which place we must take with the least possible delay; in fact, there will soon be no formidable insurgent force except at Richmond. With so large an army there, the enemy can threaten us on the Potomac and elsewhere. Until we have re-established the national authority, all these places must be held, and we must keep a respectable force in front of WASHINGTON. But this, from the diminished strength of our army by sickness and casualties, renders an addition to it necessary in order to close the struggle which has been prosecuted for the last three months with energy and success. Rather than hazard the misapprehension of our military condition and of groundless alarm by a call for troops by proclamation, I have deemed it best to address you in this form. To accomplish the object stated we require without delay 150,000 men, including those recently called for by the Secretary of War. Thus reinforced our gallant army will be enabled to realize the hopes and expectations of the government and the people.

And here is a private letter to the governors from Lincoln regarding the need for more troops:

(Private and Confidential.)
WAR DEPARTMENT, July 3, 1862.10.30 A.M.
GOVERNOR WASHBURN, Maine [and other governors] I should not want the half of 300,000 new troops if I could have them now. If I had 50,000 additional troops here now, I believe I could substantially close the war in two weeks. But time is everything, and if I get 50,000 new men in a month, I shall have lost 20,000 old ones during the same month, having gained only 30,000, with the difference between old and new troops still against me. The quicker you send, the fewer you will have to send. Time is everything. Please act in view of this. The enemy having given up Corinth, it is not wonderful that he is thereby enabled to check us for a time at Richmond.
Yours truly,

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