Theodore E. Greenwood's funeral was attended at eleven o'clock today. President Andrews of Marietta College conducted the services and made the address. He spoke in the highest terms of the worth of the departed, whom he said he regarded as a son. He was much affected as were many of those who heard him. Mr. Wickes made the concluding prayer, a most appropriate one. A procession of more than thirty carriages besides a large number on foot who had come on the train from Harmar, and some on horse back, followed him to the grave where a hymn was sung. Kate took up a beautiful bouquet of white flowers (which Lucy had arranged) and by his Mother's permission laid it upon his coffin. There were many of Mr. Greenwood's friends from Newport there, also from Marietta and Harmar, besides the Warren people. After the funeral was over we came home. (S. S. was omitted today) got our dinner and went to meeting. Mrs. Dawes came on the train to Mr. Greenwood's and then home with us. In the evening we heard firing on the other side of the river not very distant. We could not tell what it was. William said it was "boys having a frolic", but Mr. George Bailey who was on the bank listening, thought it must be a skirmish. We heard explosions that sounded like cannon and also muskets. After sitting up sometime being unable to decide what was going on we concluded (that is Sarah and I, for the rest of the family retired as usual) to go to bed.
Peggy's comments:
More about Theodore E. Greenwood can be found in the book Marietta College in the war of Secession.
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