Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Wednesday, Oct. 15, 1862

In Warren which is a strong Democratic township, the majority is the same as it was last year on the Governor's vote being about 74 where they promised themselves 110.
We this morning received a letter from Marion Hunter who is now at Dr. Williamson's at Traverse de Sioux.  She gives a touching account of the murder of Mr. Hunter by the Indians.  Annie and Sarah cried when I read it to them.  No one could hear it without emotion.  She was among the released prisoners.  Rev. John P. Williamson also writes --
William went to town today.  Lucy came on the evening train.  The Republican ticket is defeated in this county; and probably in the district.  Sharp a miserable traitor living in Warren was boasting and glorying over it in the streets of Marietta.  Thus the wicked triumph.  The Democrats have perhaps 500 majority in Washington Co.  The Republicans 780 in Athens, 350 in Meigs as reported, Morgan and Monroe yet to hear from.  The latter will be heavily Democratic.

1 comment:

  1. It should read "Warren...township," which is the home location of Julia's family in Constitution.
