Monday, September 30, 2013

Wednesday, September 30, 1863

Mrs. Burgess spent the day here & Maggie came to tea.  Old Mrs. Ward died in Barlow yesterday.
It is reported that Hiram Harvey Cole was killed at the late battle of Chickamauga (as it is called) -- His old and feeble father Malachi Cole, straitening himself up with the tears rolling down his face said “my son could not have died in a better cause” --

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Tuesday, September 29, 1863

Kate & Maggie went to town they found the place full of Independent Co.s on Regimental muster.
No news yet from the 36th -- some of its old friends are getting uneasy (I think unnecessarily) not for its safety but its reputation.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Sunday, September 27, 1863

Mr. Curtis preached.  Most of the congregation   True dear friends in the army under Rosecrans--yet Mr. C. offered no special prayers in their behalf!
Dr. Hart here  -- William is much better.  The Dr. says Col. Ben Fearing of the 92d and Adjt David Putnam are both wounded, and on their way home.  Capt. James Merrill wounded & a prisoner.  The eleventh Army corps is today crossing Ohio on the Central Railroad on its way South.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Saturday, September 26, 1863

Letter from Ephe saying he had sent     dollars to his mother by express.  A letter from Rufus directs Wm to pay his mother $40, so her boys remember her, God bless them.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Friday, September 25, 1863

Lucy spent last night here.  Dr. Hart down again.  William escaped a chill today--
Mrs. W. D. Bailey, Miss Betsey Bailey, Miss Maggie Voris, Mr. B. C. Bailey, Mr. Frost &c callled.
I took up my wall flowers, salvia, &c and suffered most of the day with sick headache.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Thursday, September 24, 1863

Political meeting in Marietta.  Hon. Ben Wade & Hon. John Sherman speak.  William was also appointed to speak but was too sick to go.  He sent to Wade & Sherman a [unreadable] over M & C RR.
Capt. Moore called -- also Mr. John Newton & Mr. Wm Ellison of Manchester
A man from Pittsburg was here today and bought our apples at $1.50 per barrel for Graham & Thomas.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Wednesday, September 23, 1863

Dr. Hart was here to-day to see William who had a chill & fever again today.
We have packed three boxes for the Cincinnati Sanitary Commission to be sent tomorrow morning -- for Rosecrans.
We wait anxiously for news from Rosecrans.  More than 40 Ohio Regiments are under him --sorrow awaits thousands.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Tuesday, September 22, 1863

Kate & Annie went up to town.  We have been hoping to have a visit from both the boys this fall, but Ephe is in command of the 53d and cannot come and Rufus has applied in vain for a furlough.  So we are disappointed.  I fear there is more hard fighting before them.  May God keep them as he has done hitherto.

Peggy's notes:
Rufus wrote to his fiancé, Mary Beman Gates, on September 3:
My application for leave of absence was disapproved by our brand-new Brigadier General Rice, at division headquarters, which made me pretty mad, and I went up to see him.  The result of our interview was, that he said if I would make another application, he would approve it, and so I started another paper grinding through the mill.   
A disappointed Rufus wrote again to Mary on September 12:
General Meade refused to grant my leave of absence.  Colonel Bragg endorsees it:  'Lieutenant Colonel Dawes has neither asked nor received indulgences to relieve him from duty.  I earnestly recommend the granting of the application.'  General Rice, the division commander, endorsed:  'This appears to be such a case, that if the exigencies of the service will permit, I earnestly recommend that the application be granted.'  The corp commander, General John Newton, approved the application, but General Meade refused to grant the leave of absence, and returned the paper endorsed:  'The Commanding General declines to grant leaves of absence at the present time, for private considerations.' 


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Monday, September 21, 1863

William had a chill again to day with high fever in the evening.
Rosecrans has fought the Southern Confederacy in Georgia and has been compelled to return to Chattanooga.

Peggy's notes:
More information here on the Battle of Chickamauga.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Sunday, September 20, 1863

Preaching by Mr. Curtis.  Mr. & Mrs. O’Neal, who were married last Thursday, were at meeting.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Saturday, September 19, 1863

We have just heard that the body of Joseph Hutchinson was brought home and buried in the Warren Grave yard yesterday morning.  He died a few hours before his friends arrived.  His brother Henry, also a soldier, lies very low now at his fathers house.
Lucy went home on night train.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Friday, September 18, 1863

Dr. Frank down again this morning we succeeded in keeping off the chill last night -- a rainy day.  Kate put out plants which Lizzie brought from Dr. Tenneys.
Mrs. Barnett here yesterday & today helping.  Lucy came down on evening train.  She was invited to a party at George Wells’ tonight, but came here instead.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Thursday, September 17, 1863

Dr. Frank Hart came down here to see William this morning thinks he can break the chill.  William has had a sick day.  Lizzie came home this evening.  He had appointments to speak at Greenfield in Highland Co. & also in Morgan Co. and in Belpre this week but will be prevented by this sickness.
Nancy Jane Scott & Russell O’Neal were married this evening by Rev. C. D. Curtis.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Wednesday, September 16, 1863

Sent away two bags books one to Marietta & one M & C RR.  Kate & Lizzie spent the day in town and Lizzie remains there all night.  William came home from Chillicothe sick -- he had a hard chill last night. 
Letters from Rufe & Ephe.  Ephe came near being shot by guerrillas concealed in the bushes.  God mercifully kept him.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Tuesday, September 15, 1863

I directed books & pamphlets for distribution in this Congressional District all day.  It is a laborious undertaking.  
Nancy has heard of the severe illness of her brother Perley Carlin who is in the army near Vicksburg.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Monday, September 14, 1863

Kate recieved [sic] invitation to N. A. Scott’s wedding next Thursday.
Sent a bag of books to Marietta, Mrs. Lewis Reppert was here to dinner.  Lizzie went to Mr. Dickeys to take tea.  I had a severe spell of palpitation of the heart today.  William went this morning to Chilicothe.  Loring Lewis called to see William about “cattle-pass” on Union RR.  Dr. Hart stopped to see Annie who has the chicken pox.

Peggy's notes:
A cattle pass is a passageway to allow the passage of cattle,  often under a bridge or a railway.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Sunday, September 13, 1863

I went to meeting & Sabbath School.  Mr. Curtis is now absent on a visit to the 116th Reg. OVI at Harper’s Ferry.  William read one of Burder’s village sermons about 70 persons at meeting several of them strangers.

Peggy’s notes:  A collection of sermons “Intended for the use of families, sunday schools, or companies assembled for religious instruction in country villages” were printed in 1817 by George Burder.  A free ebook is available from Google Books.  

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Saturday, September 12, 1863

Old Mr. Cone called here he has been entirely blind for many years.
Mr. Hutchinson received a dispatch that Joseph his son was at the point of death in the army of the Potomac.  [unreadable name] Hutchinson & Mrs. Kramer started to him last night.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Friday, September 11, 1863

The peaches are very fine indeed    put them all up to-day.  Kate went to Mr. Bailey’s and got a bushel of dumson plums - we put up several cans of them.  I called on Mrs. Sheets.
Col. W. R. Putnam and his wire spent the afternoon here.  Lucy, Katy Andrews, & Charley Brush here to stay all night.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Thursday, September 10, 1863

We put up a bushel of peaches this morning in cans.  Mrs. Terrill made plum jam.  Lizzie, Kate, & I went to A. S. Bailey’s to circle, pleasant time.  Mrs. Bailey provided the supper, it was excellent.
William brought home four boxes of peaches from Cincinnati containing one bushel in each box.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Wednesday, September 9, 1863

Mr. Burgess & Rev. Mr. McLean called.
Kate and I spent the afternoon at Mr. Burgess’s with Mrs. Dickey & her sister Miss Lindley & Miss Haywood who teaches the district school.  
We got by the cars peaches from Watertown which George Cutter procured for us.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Tuesday, September 8, 1863

Mrs. Barnett of Barlow brought us a bushel and a half of peaches at two dollars and a half a bushel.  They were very nice.  We canned them all.
Kate went to town & returned this evening.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Saturday, September 5, 1863

To-day was to have been preparatory lecture but Mr. Curtis dismissed us without service & before half the people had assembled because his Mrs. thought there might be no one to lead the singing--He is very peculiar about some things.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Friday, September 4, 1863

Lizzie & William with little Sarah returned from Cincinnati.  They got a beautiful field glass such as is used by the signal corps in the army.  It cost 32 dollars.  They also goat a very pretty cake basket.  Lucy came down & spent the night.  Miss Sarah Parker came on the train to attend school in Marietta.  She will board with Mrs. Dawes.

Field Glasses used during the Civil War

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Thursday, September 3, 1863

Kate, Maggie Voris, & little Annie went to Belpre to attend the “Old Folks Concert” at the Brick Church.  They took tea with Mrs. Col. Clark and had a good time.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Wednesday, September 2, 1863

Lucy spent last night with us.  Mr. Frederick Ballard called & we got dinner for him -- an old man -- he lives in Sparta, Morrow Co. Ohio.  

Note:  A line is crossed out and unreadable at the end of this entry.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Tuesday, September 1, 1863

This morning William started to Cincinnati taking Lizzie & little Sarah with him -- They go as far as Chillicothe today.
Threshing Machine here to-day--fourteen hands to dinner & supper.  Walter Brown’s Machine from Grandview.

Peggy's comments: