Thursday, June 11, 2015

Sabbath, June 11” 1865

Mr. Curtis preached to a full house, Collection for the American Bible Society taken up & amounted to 147 dollars—


  1. I am enamored and fascinated with this family since reading THE PIONEERS and TO MY BEST GIRL. I want to read your book, THE DAWES HOUSE. My passion urged me to make a family tree of the Mary and Rufus family. Can you tell me through whom your husband is related. Also, on the internet is a Harriett Dawes Wilson. Do you know from what line she comes?
    My daughter is the manager of the Betsey Mills House. My visits there have imbued me with a desire to know all about the history of Marietta and the families who contributed much to the region and the nation.

    1. What a pleasant surprise to receive your comment. I agree that the Dawes family, particularly those of Rufus Dawes’s generation, are remarkable. Reading as many letters and journals as I did I sometimes felt like they were relatives who were living at a physical distance and not from a distant time period.

      I wrote the book The Dawes House primarily to share original letters and journals with descendants. It’s available on Amazon

      My husband is a direct descendant of Rufus Dawes. Rufus and Mary had 6 children, one of whom was Mary Frances Dawes Beach. She had 4 children, the youngest was Betsey Beach Dempsey. Betsey and her husband Ed Dempsey had 3 children, the youngest is my husband Rich Dempsey. Rufus is his great-grandfather.

      Harriet Dawes Wilson was also descended from Rufus and Mary Dawes. She comes down through Rufus Dawes’s second son, Rufus Cutler Dawes and his son, Charles Cutler Dawes. Harriet (aka Hattie) is one of Charles Cutler Dawes’s offspring.

      Your connection through your daughter and the Betsey Mills house is lovely. Good luck with your journey of discovery about this wonderful family. If I can be of further help, let me know.

  2. I can be reached by email at
