Peggy's comments:
1862 was not a leap year so no entry was made by Julia Cutler.
I've been asked by a reader of this blog to include the year rather than the month and date only. I'll do that from here on, even though Julia rarely included the year.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Friday, Feb. 28
This last day of winter is bright and pleasant looking, though the wind is cold. Sarah called up today to see Mrs. W. D. Bailey. Mr. Burgess, Mrs. B. C. Bailey, Mrs. Dickey and Mrs. Goff called here.
Maggie who went to town today brought Sister Sarah a letter from Rufus, who is still in camp on the Potomac.
Peggy's comments:
Julia's nephew, Rufus R. Dawes (a son of Sarah Cutler Dawes) was at Arlington Heights, defending Washington, DC, with the Army of the Potomac. Up to this point, they had seen little action.
Rufus writes:
During the continuance of bad weather, target shooting was about the only exercise required, and Colonel Cutler* offered small prizes for excellence. Our Belgian muskets had been exchanged for Springfield rifles, a much lighter and better gun, and this gave great satisfaction. Washington's birthday was celebrated by Congress with appropriate ceremonies. Our brigade formed in a semi-circle in close column before the broad portico of the Arlington House, and listened to the reading of Washington's farewell address, and to an excellent oration from Brigadier General, Rufus King. The columns were then deployed and battalion volleys of blank cartridges were fired in honor of the day. The inspiration of the occasion was felt more deeply because we stood upon ground once owned by Washington.
*Colonel Lysander Cutler was not related to our Marietta Cutler family.
The above quote is taken from Rufus' book, Service with the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers, which he wrote based on his Civil War letters and journals.
Rufus is correct in that the ground was once owned by Washington. The house itself was built by slaves in 1802 for the Custis family and became the home of Robert E. Lee. During the Civil War, it was used by Union soldiers and the grounds later became a national cemetery.
Maggie who went to town today brought Sister Sarah a letter from Rufus, who is still in camp on the Potomac.
Peggy's comments:
Julia's nephew, Rufus R. Dawes (a son of Sarah Cutler Dawes) was at Arlington Heights, defending Washington, DC, with the Army of the Potomac. Up to this point, they had seen little action.
Rufus writes:
During the continuance of bad weather, target shooting was about the only exercise required, and Colonel Cutler* offered small prizes for excellence. Our Belgian muskets had been exchanged for Springfield rifles, a much lighter and better gun, and this gave great satisfaction. Washington's birthday was celebrated by Congress with appropriate ceremonies. Our brigade formed in a semi-circle in close column before the broad portico of the Arlington House, and listened to the reading of Washington's farewell address, and to an excellent oration from Brigadier General, Rufus King. The columns were then deployed and battalion volleys of blank cartridges were fired in honor of the day. The inspiration of the occasion was felt more deeply because we stood upon ground once owned by Washington.
*Colonel Lysander Cutler was not related to our Marietta Cutler family.
The above quote is taken from Rufus' book, Service with the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers, which he wrote based on his Civil War letters and journals.
Rufus is correct in that the ground was once owned by Washington. The house itself was built by slaves in 1802 for the Custis family and became the home of Robert E. Lee. During the Civil War, it was used by Union soldiers and the grounds later became a national cemetery.
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Arlington House in 1861 |
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Arlington House with Union Soldiers |
Monday, February 27, 2012
Thursday, Feb. 27
Lizzie and sister Sarah and little Sarah went up and took tea with Mrs. A. S. Bailey. Jeff Davis' inaugural address is received. It is one tissue of falsehood and misrepresentation. May our land soon be delivered from all such traitors. The southern papers denounce Davis' war policy and call for aggressive movements. I am inclined to believe that the south are very far from being united in sentiment. Many of them gladly welcome the old flag.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Wednesday, Feb. 26
A dark gloomy day. Sister Sarah seems much depressed -- no wonder. [ The following lines were left out of the typescript by Mary Dawes Beach: Mr. D. doing all he can to injure her and both her boys in the army and liable any day to fall on the battlefield; but we trust in God & He will not make us ashamed of our hope.] The rebel prisoners are being sent to St. Louis, Indianapolis Chicago, Columbus, &c. Our wounded are also being sent to Cincinnati and other places. The Sanitary Commission are doing a good work in caring for them.
Peggy's comments:
Julia continues to comment on the bitterness between her sister Sarah Cutler Dawes and Henry Dawes, from whom Sarah had been separated for 22 years.
Peggy's comments:
Julia continues to comment on the bitterness between her sister Sarah Cutler Dawes and Henry Dawes, from whom Sarah had been separated for 22 years.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Tuesday, Feb. 25
This is the birthday of my eldest half-sister, Nancy C. Carter. She is seventy two years old today. She lives in Franklin Co. Ohio, and enjoys good health. Sister Sarah, Lizzie, the little girls and myself took dinner at Mrs. Burgess'. Kate came down on evening train. Her father has been several days in Marietta but left yesterday morning for Malta. He evidently took advantage of the absence of William & Rufus & Ephraim to threaten and annoy [unreadable] but God can & I trust will restrain him and [unreadable] them from all harm. Ephraim and his regiment have gone to Paducah, Ky.
Peggy's comments:
A sensitive subject for the Cutler/Dawes family was the separation of Sarah Cutler Dawes (Julia's sister) and Henry Dawes. It was an unpleasant business and certainly unusual for the times. The separation occurred when Sarah was pregnant with Ephraim in 1840. Henry provided her with some financial support, but not much. By court order, his sons left the Cutler home and lived with him from the time they were ten years old. The boys visited the Cutlers as frequently as they were allowed and from their writings, always felt that the Old Stone House was their home. Sarah Cutler Dawes relied on financial assistance from her family, including her sons Rufus and Ephraim as they reached adulthood.
Henry Dawes lived in Malta, Ohio, and also had a store in Mauston, Wisconsin. Son Rufus had been in Wisconsin doing work for his father when Lincoln's call for volunteers came in 1861. Rufus helped form what became known as Company K of the Sixth Wisconsin (part of the Iron Brigade). Son Ephraim had been in Ohio attending Marietta College and joined the 53rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
For generations the family was very sensitive about the separation of Henry and Sarah Dawes. Mary Frances Dawes Beach, who was their granddaughter, and who typed Julia Cutler's journals, chose to leave out many references to Henry Dawes. In the original journal, some lines have been crossed and rubbed out. But since they were part of Julia's original journal and part of her thoughts, I've included them here.
Peggy's comments:
A sensitive subject for the Cutler/Dawes family was the separation of Sarah Cutler Dawes (Julia's sister) and Henry Dawes. It was an unpleasant business and certainly unusual for the times. The separation occurred when Sarah was pregnant with Ephraim in 1840. Henry provided her with some financial support, but not much. By court order, his sons left the Cutler home and lived with him from the time they were ten years old. The boys visited the Cutlers as frequently as they were allowed and from their writings, always felt that the Old Stone House was their home. Sarah Cutler Dawes relied on financial assistance from her family, including her sons Rufus and Ephraim as they reached adulthood.
Henry Dawes lived in Malta, Ohio, and also had a store in Mauston, Wisconsin. Son Rufus had been in Wisconsin doing work for his father when Lincoln's call for volunteers came in 1861. Rufus helped form what became known as Company K of the Sixth Wisconsin (part of the Iron Brigade). Son Ephraim had been in Ohio attending Marietta College and joined the 53rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
For generations the family was very sensitive about the separation of Henry and Sarah Dawes. Mary Frances Dawes Beach, who was their granddaughter, and who typed Julia Cutler's journals, chose to leave out many references to Henry Dawes. In the original journal, some lines have been crossed and rubbed out. But since they were part of Julia's original journal and part of her thoughts, I've included them here.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Monday, Feb. 24
This morning Marion was ready to go to town but we had first a thunder shower and then a tempest of snow, the most violent of the season. So she remains till tomorrow. Two colored girls got off the cars & stopped here to warm. The display of jewelry on these sable damsels was quite wonderful.
Peggy's comments:
In the typescript of the journal, Mary Frances Dawes Beach omitted the last two lines which were crossed out in the original journal.
Peggy's comments:
In the typescript of the journal, Mary Frances Dawes Beach omitted the last two lines which were crossed out in the original journal.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Sabbath, Feb. 23
Mr. Scott preached from the text, "There is a way that seemeth right unto man but the end thereof is death," -- a very good discourse. Two trains with men, horses and mules and army stores passed down today.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Saturday, Feb. 22
This is Washington's birthday and is being celebrated very generally. We have heard cannon. This is the day that Jeff Davis is to be inaugurated President of the Southern Confederacy. Present appearances indicate that it will be a short lived honor.
Peggy's comments:
It was no accident that Jefferson Davis' second inaugural was held on George Washington's birthday--the Southern Confederacy was doing what they could to assert their legitimacy. Here is a link to his second inaugural address.
Peggy's comments:
It was no accident that Jefferson Davis' second inaugural was held on George Washington's birthday--the Southern Confederacy was doing what they could to assert their legitimacy. Here is a link to his second inaugural address.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Friday, Feb. 21
Mr. Burgess here again today. he seems to be a little [unreadable because it has been erased from the original].
Sarah and I went to the graveyard in the buggy. I like Father's monument very much and am thankful to see a worthy memorial stone placed over the graves of our excellent parents, and thankful too that those of our number who lie in unknown graves are there commemorated. Sarah and I called on Mrs. Blackinton, and I stopped at Mrs. G. W. Bailey's to see how little Bertha was. She is still seriously sick. The papers announce that Bowling Green, Ky., which has been called the Manassas of the West is now occupied by our forces under Gen. Mitchell. The enemy retreated to Nashville, Tenn., first destroying a large amount of military stores and burning the home of Gen. Warner Underwood and doing a great deal of injury to the property of Union citizens. Gen. Smith has also occupied Clarksville, where he took possession of military stores enough to subsist his army to twenty days. It is thought that Nashville will soon be captured. Let us thank God and take courage. The trains which passed down Wednesday night were for the conveyance of an Indiana regiment which went west today.
Peggy's comments:
This is the monument to Ephraim Cutler, his first wife Leah Atwood Cutler and their two children Polly and Hezekiah who died while the family was traveling west to Ohio. The monument also honors Ephraim's second wife Sally Parker Cutler who was Julia Cutler's mother. Near where the people are standing are several small stones marking the graves of several of William and Lizzie Cutler's children who died quite young.
Inscription for Ephraim Cutler's first wife, Leah Atwood.
Inscription for Polly and Hezekiah Cutler, Ephraim & Leah Cutler's children who died in 1795 and were buried in the wilderness along the Ohio River.
Inscription for Sally Parker who was Ephraim Cutler's second wife and the mother of Julia Cutler.
The inscription describing Ephraim Cutler.
The inscription is now hard to read but this is what it says:
Apr. 13, 1767
Monday, February 20, 2012
Thursday, Feb. 20
Last night three trains of cars passed. I think they probably had on board a regiment of soldiers. Maggie was here to dinner. It is said that Savannah, Georgia, is now in possession of our forces. This is the birthday of my half brother Daniel now in Kansas. He is 63 today.
Peggy's comments:
Daniel Converse Cutler was the youngest child of Ephraim Cutler and his first wife, Leah Atwood.
Peggy's comments:
Daniel Converse Cutler was the youngest child of Ephraim Cutler and his first wife, Leah Atwood.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Wednesday, Feb. 19
Mr. Burgess here today, crazy about Masonry, very cross & excited & unbearable. Sarah tried to talk to him about her religion -- but he went home angry.
Gen. Lander has had a brilliant success at Bloomery Gap. Va. last Friday.
Peggy's comments:
It's rare that Julia is so obviously irritated by someone. Mary Dawes Beach chose to omit the first two sentences about Mr. Burgess when she typed the journal.
After his brilliant success, General Lander wrote an account of it and a request that he be relieved due to ill health. He died on March 2, 1862, from wounds from previous battles.
Gen. Lander has had a brilliant success at Bloomery Gap. Va. last Friday.
Peggy's comments:
It's rare that Julia is so obviously irritated by someone. Mary Dawes Beach chose to omit the first two sentences about Mr. Burgess when she typed the journal.
After his brilliant success, General Lander wrote an account of it and a request that he be relieved due to ill health. He died on March 2, 1862, from wounds from previous battles.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Tuesday, Feb. 18
Kate went to town this morning. I called on Mrs. W. D. Bailey and also on Mrs. G. W. Bailey. Her little daughter Bertha is very sick, taken Sabbath night. They thought her symptoms favorable this morning. I also called on Mrs. Lyman Hart. The day is as mild as spring, very pleasant. Sister Sarah came on the evening train. Today's paper gives the particulars of the surrender of Fort Donalson, Sunday morning, after a hard fought battle. We have 15,000 prisoners, perhaps more. Buckner and Johnson, rebel generals, are prisoners. They surrender was unconditional. A large number of guns and army stores to a large amount have fallen into our hands. All our cities have had public rejoicings over this great victory. God be thanked for it. "If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, now may Israel say," we should now be mourning over the defeat of our forces. Pillow and Floyd escaped with their brigades. The success is a decided and brilliant one.
The 63rd regiment, Col. Sprague (lately a prisoner of the confederates) left Marietta this evening on the two steamboats for Paducah, Ky. This is the third regiment which has been recruited from Marietta.
The 63rd regiment, Col. Sprague (lately a prisoner of the confederates) left Marietta this evening on the two steamboats for Paducah, Ky. This is the third regiment which has been recruited from Marietta.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Monday, Feb. 17
Mrs. Burgess here to spend the day. Maggie here to dinner. Ephraim writes that his regiment have orders to move to Portsmouth from Camp Diamond, where they expect to remain about two weeks. He does not know where the next move will be. He expresses entire confidence in Col. Appler and is proud of his regiment and of their proficiency in drill and discipline. Ephraim is very dear to us and now that he is about to go into active service, we cannot but feel much solicitude for his safety. "May the Lord be his keeper and preserve his soul. The Lord preserve his going out and coming in from this tine forth."
Kate had a letter from her father today -- proposing to taker her and Lucy to [unreadable] to keep house for him -- [unreadable] now in Ohio -- He [unreadable] mention of his house is to [unreadable]. He is [unreadable} and I pity him now. It does seem as though Sarah has been greatly affected. May God grant them grace & strength according to their day.
Cannon fired at Parkersburg. It is reported that we have taken Fort Donalson. A letter to Kate and also one to me from William.
Peggy's comments:
This is another entry where the original as been crossed out and erased and Mary Dawes Beach chose not to include that segment. The family was still sensitive to the fact that Sarah Cutler Dawes and Henry Dawes had legally separated about twenty years before. Henry Dawes was living in Wisconsin and hoped that Kate and Lucy would come keep house for him.
Cannon fired at Parkersburg. It is reported that we have taken Fort Donalson. A letter to Kate and also one to me from William.
Peggy's comments:
This is another entry where the original as been crossed out and erased and Mary Dawes Beach chose not to include that segment. The family was still sensitive to the fact that Sarah Cutler Dawes and Henry Dawes had legally separated about twenty years before. Henry Dawes was living in Wisconsin and hoped that Kate and Lucy would come keep house for him.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Sabbath, Feb. 16
Rev. H. B. Scott spent last night here. Cold and the ground frozen so hard that we went on foot to Sunday School very comfortably, but the sun by the time meeting was out had so thawed the ground that we had a sorry time getting home. Read Phillip's "Guide to Communion with God," -- an excellent book.
Peggy's comments:
This book includes a chapter "The Influence of Prayer Upon Peace of Mind in the Trials of Life"
Peggy's comments:
This book includes a chapter "The Influence of Prayer Upon Peace of Mind in the Trials of Life"
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Saturday, Feb. 15
A fight is in progress at Fort Donaldson on the Cumberland river. It will no doubt be a desparate one. The number in the Fort is not certainly known, certainly not less than 15,000 and maybe more than twice that number. Buckner, Johnson, Floyd and Pillow, rebel generals are said to be there. The attack was made by Gen. Grant yesterday, aided by Commodore Foote's gunboats.
Peggy's comments:
This battle for Fort Donelson was a victory for the Union and in particular for "Unconditional Surrender" Grant who refused to grant any terms of surrender to the opposing forces.
Here's a link to a map of the campaign.
Peggy's comments:
This battle for Fort Donelson was a victory for the Union and in particular for "Unconditional Surrender" Grant who refused to grant any terms of surrender to the opposing forces.
Here's a link to a map of the campaign.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
Thursday, Feb. 13
I wrote to Martha A. Carter.
William has sent us some more books. Among them are. Emory's United States and Mexican Boundary Survey and several additional volumes of the Pacific Railroad Explorations.
Burnside's expedition has taken possession of Roanoke Island, and captured about 3000 of the enemy. O. Jennings Wise son of ex-governor Wise of Virginia, among the killed. His grandfather, Rev. Obadiah Jennings was an old friend of my father's.
Peggy's comments:
Martha A. Carter was another niece. She was the daughter of Rufus Carter and Nancy Cutler Carter. Nancy was Julia's half sister.
William has sent us some more books. Among them are. Emory's United States and Mexican Boundary Survey and several additional volumes of the Pacific Railroad Explorations.
Burnside's expedition has taken possession of Roanoke Island, and captured about 3000 of the enemy. O. Jennings Wise son of ex-governor Wise of Virginia, among the killed. His grandfather, Rev. Obadiah Jennings was an old friend of my father's.
Peggy's comments:
Martha A. Carter was another niece. She was the daughter of Rufus Carter and Nancy Cutler Carter. Nancy was Julia's half sister.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Wednesday, Feb. 12
Dr. Hart came down on the morning train and extracted Kate's teeth. The papers are full of comments on the recent grand party at the President's mansion. It does seem strange that Mrs. Lincoln should think the present a suitable time for festivities. Merry making in the midst of a national calamity is out of place. Hundreds of thousands of families are today in a state of agonizing anxiety, not knowing what hour will bring to them intelligence of the death of some loved one whose life has been given an offering to his country. Mrs. Lincoln evidently lacks good common sense. It is ridiculous for a woman of her age, training and profession to attempt to be a leader of fashion. If she had pursued an unobtrusive and dignified course she would have commanded much more respect at home and abroad.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Tuesday, Feb. 11
Snowing all day. Letter from William. Some time since he had written and we began to be anxious about his health. He is well except toothache. This winter has brought us very little cold weather. The snow melts almost as fast as it falls. We have had no sleighing yet. Some one says: "Old winter has seceded and that is why we have a Southern climate." The state of the roads has placed an embargo on military movement. Marching and drilling in the mud results in great loss of health and even life. Loss from deaths in camp has exceeded many fold our loss from the enemy's guns.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Monday, Feb. 10
Kate and Marion went to Marietta. Cold but pleasant. Mr. Burgess here, also Mr. Male, Mr. Richardson, &c. Gave Mrs. Male delaine dress and some other things.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Sabbath, Feb. 9
Marion is here today she came down last evening. Mr. Scott preached. Good congregation considering the state of the roads. Pleasant day.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Saturday, Feb. 8
Lucy went home this morning. Jane Scott came to bring home Kate's bonnet and shawl and staid nearly all the forenoon. Mr. Burgess here in the afternoon discussing masonry.
The paper tonight brings intelligence of an important victory in Tennessee. Commodore Foote with his gun boats captured Fort Henry which surrendered with its garrison of 60 men under Brig. Gen. Tilghman. The Confederate infantry four or five thousand strong fled from their camp without striking a blow, leaving in our hands stores and equipage worth a million of dollars. This is thought to be one of the most damaging strokes yet given the rebels.
Mr. Hollister set up Father's monument in the graveyard today.
Peggy's comments:
The monument to Ephraim Cutler still stands in the Riverview Cemetery (also known as the Gravel Bank Cemetery) near Marietta, Ohio.
The paper tonight brings intelligence of an important victory in Tennessee. Commodore Foote with his gun boats captured Fort Henry which surrendered with its garrison of 60 men under Brig. Gen. Tilghman. The Confederate infantry four or five thousand strong fled from their camp without striking a blow, leaving in our hands stores and equipage worth a million of dollars. This is thought to be one of the most damaging strokes yet given the rebels.
Mr. Hollister set up Father's monument in the graveyard today.
Peggy's comments:
The monument to Ephraim Cutler still stands in the Riverview Cemetery (also known as the Gravel Bank Cemetery) near Marietta, Ohio.
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Monument to Ephraim Cutler |
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Friday, Feb. 7
Lucty is painting a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Mr. Burgess and Maggie called. The Cairo gun boats have gone up the Tennessee; indications of a stirring time in that region.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Thursday, Feb. 6
James Bailey came down just after dinner and told us that Mr. John Scott was to be buried in our grave yard this afternoon at two o'clock. Kate, Nancy, little Annie and I went in the buggy and waited at Mr. Dickey's till the train bearing the funeral arrived. The corpse of Sergeant Scott was attended by fifty soldiers in uniform, five or six captains and lieutenants. The drummers and fifers played a dead march as they followed the bier which was attended by the soldiers as bearers, and followed first by the chaplain of the 77th regiment, Rev. W. Pearce and Mr. Wakefield of whose church the deceased was a member. Next came a file of soldiers with arms reversed, then the mourners and a large number of persons from Harmar and Warren. At the grave the dirge continued while the coffin was lowered. When Mr. Wakefield had made a few remarks, then a file of soldiers were drawn up on each side of the grave over which three volleys were fired, after which the procession re-formed and returned to the cars. This is the first military funeral I ever saw. The soldiers who attended were from Capt. Titus' company of the 63".
Lucy came down on the evening train. Kate went with Mrs. Dickey and called on Mrs. Cobb.
Lucy came down on the evening train. Kate went with Mrs. Dickey and called on Mrs. Cobb.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Wednesday, Feb. 5
Maggie here to dinner. Mrs. James Scott sent down for a black bonnet and shawl to wear tomorrow to the funeral of Mr. John Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Hart spent the evening here.
Peggy's comments:
I am working primarily from a typescript of Julia Cutler's journal, but I have read through the original and compared it to the typescript. The original journals have been passed down in the family and for a time were in the possession of "little Sarah" Cutler, who in 1862 was six years old. Later, the journals were in the possession of Mary Frances Dawes Beach (Rufus Dawes' daughter). Other family members may have read through them, but Sarah Cutler and Mary Dawes Beach seemed to have handled them the most.
The typescript I'm using was made by Mary Frances Dawes Beach and it is remarkably true to the original. However, when Mary Dawes Beach typed from the original, she occasionally omitted a name or a line or two. This seems to have been a deliberate omission on her part. Sometimes the omission of a name was when Julia was referring to someone she deemed a "traitor". Perhaps Mary Frances, who worked on this while living in Marietta, didn't want to offend any relatives of the family who might still live there. A few times she left out a line that referred to household work done by an employee of the Cutlers.
Occasionally in the originals there are passages that are erased, scribbled over, or covered with another piece of paper that has been glued over the original. I don't know if Julia did this herself or if someone else wanted these passages obliterated.
The opening segment of today's entry has a single line drawn through the original. I suspect that Mary Dawes Beach thought this particular entry was disrespectful to Rev. Burgess. Rev. Burgess was somewhat a character, quite flamboyant, a bit radical in his beliefs. He was 76 in 1862 and often visited the Cutlers because he was married to Lizzie Cutler's mother.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Tuesday, Feb. 4
Painted on Bengal rose. Nancy went to Tunnel station to do some shopping. Sun came out pleasantly toward evening. Snow has not melted much today.
This evening Kate received a letter from Ephraim. He says he has been very busy making payrolls for the regiment, which he says is a great labor. He has been to Columbus on regimental business lately. Doctor L. Fulton goes to the 53" as Captain. Dr. J. W. Fulton has been Quartermaster from the first. These two brothers married daughters of brother Charles. Geo. E. Cutler, Charles' only son is a 1st Lieutenant in the same regiment and Ephraim C. Dawes is Adjutant.
This egiment is still at Camp Diamond in Jackson Co. We shall feel an especial interest in the fortunes of the 53rd. I hope that they may not be sent to Kansas but God knows what is best.
Mr. John Scott, Jr. of Harmar, son of John Scott of Warren died today of brain fever at Camp Dennison. He leaves a large family unprovided for. One son, William is a Lieutenant in the 77th. Col Hilderbrand's regiment. Mr. Scott was an orderly sergeant in the same regiment.
We received a package of flower seeds from Washington this evening. I also had a letter from Annie Dean.
Peggy's comments:
The Tunnel station was a station on the Rail Road around which there were some shops. Nancy worked for the Cutlers.
This entry is full of news about the extended family:
Kate Dawes, Julia's niece who lived with the Cutlers, frequently wrote to her brothers Rufus and Ephraim Dawes, who were with the Sixth Wisconsin and the Fifty-Third Ohio respectively.
Brother Charles was Charles Cutler who was Julia's half-brother. I'm not sure which of Charles' daughters married the Fulton brothers.
The flower seeds were probably sent to Julia from William Cutler who was in Congress.
Annie Dean was the daughter of Gulliver Dean and Mary Polly Cutler (Mary was a half-sister of Julia's).
This evening Kate received a letter from Ephraim. He says he has been very busy making payrolls for the regiment, which he says is a great labor. He has been to Columbus on regimental business lately. Doctor L. Fulton goes to the 53" as Captain. Dr. J. W. Fulton has been Quartermaster from the first. These two brothers married daughters of brother Charles. Geo. E. Cutler, Charles' only son is a 1st Lieutenant in the same regiment and Ephraim C. Dawes is Adjutant.
This egiment is still at Camp Diamond in Jackson Co. We shall feel an especial interest in the fortunes of the 53rd. I hope that they may not be sent to Kansas but God knows what is best.
Mr. John Scott, Jr. of Harmar, son of John Scott of Warren died today of brain fever at Camp Dennison. He leaves a large family unprovided for. One son, William is a Lieutenant in the 77th. Col Hilderbrand's regiment. Mr. Scott was an orderly sergeant in the same regiment.
We received a package of flower seeds from Washington this evening. I also had a letter from Annie Dean.
Peggy's comments:
The Tunnel station was a station on the Rail Road around which there were some shops. Nancy worked for the Cutlers.
This entry is full of news about the extended family:
Kate Dawes, Julia's niece who lived with the Cutlers, frequently wrote to her brothers Rufus and Ephraim Dawes, who were with the Sixth Wisconsin and the Fifty-Third Ohio respectively.
Brother Charles was Charles Cutler who was Julia's half-brother. I'm not sure which of Charles' daughters married the Fulton brothers.
The flower seeds were probably sent to Julia from William Cutler who was in Congress.
Annie Dean was the daughter of Gulliver Dean and Mary Polly Cutler (Mary was a half-sister of Julia's).
Friday, February 3, 2012
Monday, Feb. 3
Snowed last night. Had our cistern cleaned. We are anxious to hear from Ephraim, fear he may be sick.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Sabbath, Feb. 2
Mr. Scott preached a good practical discourse on the exercise of faith. The roads are in a worse condition than they have been this winter. The bridge next below us is impassable for carriages.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
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