William left for Morgan county early this morning, going up the Muskingum. This stumping is to him a very great trial, uncheered by the prospect of final success. No effort possible is left unused by the Democrats to defeat him; secret organizations holding meetings at night, public meetings, lies uttered, and printed in the Marietta Republican, and threats and intimidations to ignorant men to keep them from voting the Republican ticket. Everything is resorted to that can be done to defeat the Government in this district.
[Ten lines of Julia's journal have been smudged out and are unreadable.]
William says "the great lesson of life is not success, but submission" he says "he finds the great mass of the volunteers are Republicans and about ten thousand volunteers have gone from this Congressional district. In Rutland, Meigs Co., out of 200 volunteers not more than three Democrats. In Lee, Athens Co., of 100 not half a dozen were Democrats. He says with these facts before him, he sees no chance of success and he has given the thing up." God sees the end from the beginning. Though he slay me yet will I trust in him --
Theodore Greenwood is dead.
Peggy's comments:
Today's journal entry is particularly notable. Julia reveals brother William's distaste for the stumping he must do in an effort to be re-elected to Congress. Her comments about politics seem very timely!
Parts of Julia's journals have been erased or crossed out. It's difficult to know who did this but it is likely that it was one of the family who had access to the journals after Julia's death.
The quote from William is also of interest. Many soldiers would have voted for Republicans had they been able to cast their ballots. Another timely issue!
And finally, her comment about Theodore Greenwood is so very brief. It's almost as if death had become so commonplace that no elaboration was needed to convey sorrow.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Monday, Sept. 29, 1862
Kate went up to meet William at Scott's Landing with the buggy, he having gone to town on the morning train. She called at Mr. Greenwood's. They are in great trouble. Mr. G. started this morning for Jacinto where Theodore is. He is a most talented and estimable young man, a graduate of Marietta College, one upon whom great hopes have centered. He is on Gen. Rosecrans' Staff with rank as Captain, and acted as aid to the General in the battle of Luka.
Began a letter to Jane S. Shedd.
Peggy's comments:
Jane Shedd is Julia's niece and sister to Rufus, Ephraim, Kate and Lucy Dawes. Before the outbreak of the Civil War, Jane had left the country with her husband to serve as missionaries in Persia.
Began a letter to Jane S. Shedd.
Peggy's comments:
Jane Shedd is Julia's niece and sister to Rufus, Ephraim, Kate and Lucy Dawes. Before the outbreak of the Civil War, Jane had left the country with her husband to serve as missionaries in Persia.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Sunday, Sept. 28, 1862
Rev. Francis Bartlett supplied the pulpit for Mr. Curtis today. Some of the congregation seeing who was to preach, went home -- not feeling willing to sit under his teaching. I suppose they felt aggrieved by Mr. B.'s treatment of them ecclesiastically as well as financially. Mr. & Mrs. Greenwood sent in a note requesting prayers for themselves and son who is lying dangerously sick in Mississippi.
Peggy's comments:
Julia's entry made me curious about Rev. Francis Bartlett. He was born in Massachusetts in 1797 and spent his early years preaching in Massachusetts. He married, and according to an announcement in The Home Missionary, v. 41,
Peggy's comments:
Julia's entry made me curious about Rev. Francis Bartlett. He was born in Massachusetts in 1797 and spent his early years preaching in Massachusetts. He married, and according to an announcement in The Home Missionary, v. 41,
The necessity for securing better advantages for educating his children induced him to remove to Marietta. He now entered the service of the A.B.C.F.M. as agent for Southeastern Ohio and for nine years he diligently performed the duties devolving upon him in work. In 1857, having received a call, he was installed over the Congregational church in Belpre and remained pastor for five years when he resigned, and became pastor of the church at Coolville. [Athens County, Ohio]The ABCFM was the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Saturday, Sept. 27, 1862
Called to see Mrs. W. D. Bailey who is convalescent. Lucy who went back to town this morning came down again bringing Katy Andrews, on the evening train with a long letter from Rufus giving an account of his experiences during the late bloody battles in Virginia and Maryland. He has done nobly. In a late letter he says:
We have about 200 men left for duty. The brigade has a deservedly splendid reputation in the army. If I live through the struggle it will be the glory of my life to have fought with the gallant sixth at Sharpsburg, South Mountain, Gainsville and Bull Run. I fear you may yet have trouble at home.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Friday Sept. 26, 1862
Lizzie canning quinces again today. Last night Lieut. Henricle and a squad of soldiers came down on the engine and went over during the night and arrested Basil Chalfant, a deserter from the 77". He deserted after the battle of Pittsburg Landing, getting on to the steamboat with the sick, pretending to be a nurse. He has been skulking about ever since.
Tonight Lucy came down with the good news of Rufus' safety. I do desire to thank God for His great goodness in thus keeping him unharmed amid such fearful carnage. He writes thus to his mother:
Tonight Lucy came down with the good news of Rufus' safety. I do desire to thank God for His great goodness in thus keeping him unharmed amid such fearful carnage. He writes thus to his mother:
Before the enemy near Sharpsburg, Sept. 18th. My dear Mother. I have come safely through two more terrible battles. South Mountain and the terrible battle yesterday. Our regiment is almost gone. We have lost near 400 men in killed and wounded in the late battles. Seven out of twelve officers in the last battle were shot. We are now under Hooker and will probably be annihilated as a regiment before he or our Brigadier will let our brigade be relieved. The men have stood like iron and been worth any two Eastern brigades in the army. Lt. Col. Bragg was wounded yesterday. I commanded the regiment and was obliged at one time to carry the color to keep the men up to save a cannon. It was riddled to ribbons in my hands, but God bless them every boy from the Badger State in sight rallied around me, and we saved our battery. We lost 160 men out of 400 in the fight. The battle may be renewed at any moment. Your aff. son, Rufe.The more we learn of the surrender of Harper's Ferry the more it appears there was base treachery and cowardice at the bottom of it. I never had faith in Col. Miles. He was a drunken, miserable wretch and should never have been trusted with so important a post. He dies unlamented with a blot upon his name. The rebels boast of the valuable opportune stores they obtained there. Among other things they took 1800 splendid horses. The rebel loss during the late battles is estimated at 20,000, our own loss at 10,000 killed and wounded.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Thursday Sept. 25, 1862
Kate went back with Lucy this morning. Lizzie is putting up quinces and making quince jelly. I went down to Mr. Briggs' with the children having an errand there. In the afternoon I went to Mrs. Burgess' to prayer meeting. Kate took tea with Dr. Frank Hart's family. He thinks that election prospects are good. The papers say that there is now less probability of an attack upon Memphis.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Wednesday Sept. 24, 1862
William went on the train this morning. He spends the rest of the week with the Quakers who are his good friends. Mr. Wm. Perdue has his threshing machine here today threshing our wheat.
Mrs. Fauncey came and helped us. Mrs. J. H. Deming called.
Late letters from Eph represent an attack upon Memphis by the rebels as probable. Eph's health is better, I wish he could be at home.
Mrs. Fauncey came and helped us. Mrs. J. H. Deming called.
Late letters from Eph represent an attack upon Memphis by the rebels as probable. Eph's health is better, I wish he could be at home.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Tuesday Sept. 23, 1862
Mr. William S. Nye was buried today in Marietta. He died in Chillicothe. He has been sick several weeks of typhoid fever. He was a useful man and is a great loss to the Railroad interests with which he has for several years been identified. The body of Col. Clark arrived today and will be interred tomorrow. Thus two prominent lawyers and worthy Christian men are laid low. Col. Clark fell in Wednesday's battle.
It is said that President Lincoln has proclaimed Emancipation. God bless the President and bless the cause. It is God's own cause. He can and will take care of it.
William came home to spend the night and will leave again in the morning. Hon. V. B. Horton treated him very handsomely, and gives him his support although the contrary has been reported. I noticed in a late paper that our cousin Prof. Joseph Torry, L. L. D. (the translator of Neander's Church history) is elected president of Vermont University.
Peggy's comments:
Julia's brother, William P. Cutler, was running for a second term in the U. S. House of Representatives. These mid-term elections were critical. Many "peace" Republicans advocated giving up trying to preserve the Union. They felt that the Confederate States could be let go in exchange for an end to the war. The issue would be taken up in Congress. William was encouraged by some politicians to soften his stand on preserving the Union.
Meanwhile, in July Lincoln had warned the southern states that if they did not rejoin the Union in 60 days, a proclamation would be issued to seize their property. Politically, issuing such a proclamation would have seemed a desperate move had it been made before there was a major Federal battleground victory. The recent battle at Antietam was seen at the time by the North as a victory--Robert E. Lee had withdrawn his army from the North. The timing, therefore, seemed right to issue the Emancipation Proclamation which would take effect on January 1, 1863.
It is said that President Lincoln has proclaimed Emancipation. God bless the President and bless the cause. It is God's own cause. He can and will take care of it.
William came home to spend the night and will leave again in the morning. Hon. V. B. Horton treated him very handsomely, and gives him his support although the contrary has been reported. I noticed in a late paper that our cousin Prof. Joseph Torry, L. L. D. (the translator of Neander's Church history) is elected president of Vermont University.
Peggy's comments:
Julia's brother, William P. Cutler, was running for a second term in the U. S. House of Representatives. These mid-term elections were critical. Many "peace" Republicans advocated giving up trying to preserve the Union. They felt that the Confederate States could be let go in exchange for an end to the war. The issue would be taken up in Congress. William was encouraged by some politicians to soften his stand on preserving the Union.
Meanwhile, in July Lincoln had warned the southern states that if they did not rejoin the Union in 60 days, a proclamation would be issued to seize their property. Politically, issuing such a proclamation would have seemed a desperate move had it been made before there was a major Federal battleground victory. The recent battle at Antietam was seen at the time by the North as a victory--Robert E. Lee had withdrawn his army from the North. The timing, therefore, seemed right to issue the Emancipation Proclamation which would take effect on January 1, 1863.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Monday Sept. 22, 1862
The day closes without news of or from Rufus. The weary waiting for tidings, the anxious dread is terrible. Hooker's division or whatever it may be called was in the hottest of the fight. That is where Rufus was as Hooker was his commanding General. The battle of Antietam of Wednesday last is said to have not been equalled since Waterloo.
Kate has letters tonight from John and Andrew Williamson. They both say that Marion is a prisoner among the Indians and is at Yellow Medicine. Mr. Hunter, her husband was murdered.
Kate has letters tonight from John and Andrew Williamson. They both say that Marion is a prisoner among the Indians and is at Yellow Medicine. Mr. Hunter, her husband was murdered.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Sabbath Sept. 21, 1862
This is the autumnal equinox but we have no rain. The roads are extremely dusty, the river getting lower daily. Full Sabbath School. Heard the drums and some firing at Parkersburg this morning, suppose it is the troops on parade.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Saturday, Sept. 20, 1862
Sarah came down on the evening train, going back on the returning train. She says that Quarter Master Barber telegraphed this morning the death of Lt. Col. Clark of the 36" O. V. I. Mr. Stephen Newton came to her house and told her he had "bad news". She replied "Rufus is dead", No, said he, "but Col Clark is and I want you to go and see his wife". Mrs. Clark first heard the boys in the street telling each other but thought it an idle rumor. The reality to her is terrible. She goes from one fainting fit into another. How terrible is war. The people of Marietta almost universally have friends in the army and feel that this is but the first installment of evil tidings.
There is no doubt that the rebels were greatly disappointed and chagrined by the reception they met with from Marylanders. The Richmond Whig of Sept. 13 has an article on the "Redemption of My Maryland", from which it appears that the rebels expected that as soon as their army appeared north of the Potomac, Maryland would rush to arms and join their standard. They have been deceived as to the state of feeling there. Major Andrews writes that the demonstrations of joy and loyalty on the approach of our army to Frederick were very affecting and that it did our men good to be able to go to the relief of such a people. The loyalty of the people of Maryland at this juncture has done more for our cause than a victory won on the field of battle.
The same Richmond paper has a report of a discussion in the rebel Congress on "advancing our banners into the enemy's country', and voted to invade the North 62 against 29. Messrs. Ayer and Miles of South Carolina both urged the policy. One said the only way for them was "to dare, to dare again and still to dare", and "dare at once". Miles said "give Jackson one half our present army, and although there were six hundred thousand men in the field, he would drive them all before him". He says "let our swords gleam and our banners float over their soil, make them bleed and strike the dagger to their hearts". He wishes "with strong arms to pluck fortune from the enemy's soil", "to let them bleed and let them feel the horrors of war". God has thus far wonderfully preserved the free States from the feet of the foe, but they now have formally announced their policy to be invasion, the but Lord is our keeper, "Man proposes but God disposes". It seems that the rebels have re-crossed the Potomac and are again in Virginia. They have possession of Harpers Ferry still.
Our neighborhood has organized into a military company. A. S. Bailey is Captain, Jacob Repper, 1st Lieut;, and George Cutter 2nd Lieut.
There is no doubt that the rebels were greatly disappointed and chagrined by the reception they met with from Marylanders. The Richmond Whig of Sept. 13 has an article on the "Redemption of My Maryland", from which it appears that the rebels expected that as soon as their army appeared north of the Potomac, Maryland would rush to arms and join their standard. They have been deceived as to the state of feeling there. Major Andrews writes that the demonstrations of joy and loyalty on the approach of our army to Frederick were very affecting and that it did our men good to be able to go to the relief of such a people. The loyalty of the people of Maryland at this juncture has done more for our cause than a victory won on the field of battle.
The same Richmond paper has a report of a discussion in the rebel Congress on "advancing our banners into the enemy's country', and voted to invade the North 62 against 29. Messrs. Ayer and Miles of South Carolina both urged the policy. One said the only way for them was "to dare, to dare again and still to dare", and "dare at once". Miles said "give Jackson one half our present army, and although there were six hundred thousand men in the field, he would drive them all before him". He says "let our swords gleam and our banners float over their soil, make them bleed and strike the dagger to their hearts". He wishes "with strong arms to pluck fortune from the enemy's soil", "to let them bleed and let them feel the horrors of war". God has thus far wonderfully preserved the free States from the feet of the foe, but they now have formally announced their policy to be invasion, the but Lord is our keeper, "Man proposes but God disposes". It seems that the rebels have re-crossed the Potomac and are again in Virginia. They have possession of Harpers Ferry still.
Our neighborhood has organized into a military company. A. S. Bailey is Captain, Jacob Repper, 1st Lieut;, and George Cutter 2nd Lieut.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Friday, Sept. 19, 1862
Kate went to town and took little Sarah with her. She found letters there from Rufus, Ephraim and Jane. Rufus at Frederick. It was written last Saturday. He thought the rebels meant to fight. "If there is a battle you may know I am there" he says, "If severely wounded I want Lucy to come to me at Baltimore or Washington. If killed I ask no more honorable grave than the battlefield". May God spare him to see our beloved land restored to peace and happiness and give to him an honorable life and old age. Ephraim and Jane have both been sick. I feel anxious for them all and for William as well as for the cause generally. My heart is greatly troubled. The fighting near Sharpsburg, Maryland, has been terrific and seems still to continue, our forces steadily pressing back the enemy while a rise in the Potomac prevents the rebels from fording back into Virginia. The situation of affairs is hopeful but critical. "But God reigns, let the earth rejoice".
Peggy's comments:
The letter Rufus wrote to his sister Kate on September 13, 1862 from Frederick was written after having been in battles at the Rappahannock, Gainesville, and Bull Run. On September 14, he would be battling at South Mountain. By the time the Cutler/Dawes family read his letter, Rufus had been through the first day of battle at Antietam (Sharpsburg). It is no wonder that he considered it likely that he would be wounded or killed. His sister Lucy was unmarried, and often tended to sick family members.
Peggy's comments:
The letter Rufus wrote to his sister Kate on September 13, 1862 from Frederick was written after having been in battles at the Rappahannock, Gainesville, and Bull Run. On September 14, he would be battling at South Mountain. By the time the Cutler/Dawes family read his letter, Rufus had been through the first day of battle at Antietam (Sharpsburg). It is no wonder that he considered it likely that he would be wounded or killed. His sister Lucy was unmarried, and often tended to sick family members.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Thursday, Sept. 18, 1862
Kate and I went to circle at W. P. Cole's taking Maggie and Mrs. W. D. Bailey in our buggy. All the circle sewed on things we are preparing for the missionaries in Minnesota who have lately suffered the loss of all things from the Indian outbreak. We are still in uncertainty as to Marion Hunter's fate. Miss Williamson thinks she may be a prisoner. Rev. Alfred Riggs writes to Maggie Voris that in all probability Mr. Hunter is killed.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Wednesday, Sept. 17, 1862
George shot some squirrels. I took one to Mrs. Burgess who is not well. Talked over the possibility of a raid from Jenkin's cavalry. We hope to be spared a visit from his robber band. Col. Mulligan has been ordered away from Parkersburg. Col. Lightburn has arrived at the Ohio river with his train of six hundred wagons and is crossing the river near Ravenswood. The enemy are reported to be working their way down the Kanawha, in force. If so, a battle may be expected near Pt. Pleasant. They may, however, turn toward Parkersburg. If so, our scouts will report them. Very severe fighting in Maryland. Gibbon's brigade was in the fight of Sunday at South Mountain. They moved to a gorge in the mountain and got into action about dark, fighting until nine o'clock. They drove the enemy a mile, lost 120 killed and wounded; when they were relieved, (all except the 6" Wisconsin who lay upon their arms all night) by Summer's corps who held the position during the night. Gen. Reno a gallant and loyal officer was killed. Our anxieties for Rufus are constant. We can only trust that the same divine hand which has kept him heretofore will guard him still.
The paroled Union soldiers are to be formed into regiments and sent to fight the Indians in Minnesota.
I called to see Mrs. G. W. Bailey this morning.
Harpers Ferry has fallen into the hands of the rebels. The 87 O. V. I. were there.
Peggy's comments:
Rufus Dawes, Julia's nephew, helped raise Company K of the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers shortly after Lincoln's first call for troops. In May 1861 he was officially mustered in and was soon after he was elected Captain. For more than a year, Rufus had been camped near Washington, D. C. with the Army of the Potomac. But during the summer of 1862, he and his men were on the march. On August 23, he was under fire from the rebels while supporting a battery near Rappahannock, near Warrenton, Virginia. There was fierce fighting and the Union army slowly retreated. Five days later in Gainesville, Virginia, Rufus was in another fierce battle. He wrote in his journal:
Rufus was back near Washington when he learned that McClellan was in charge of all the troops, taking over for General Pope, who had been sent to Minnesota to respond to the Indian wars. The news was well received as the troops had not liked General Pope.
Rufus' regiment was again engaged in battle on September 14 at South Mountain and then on September 17 at Antietam, near Sharpsburg, Maryland. As they marched toward the village of Sharpsburg, the rebels began to fire and Colonel Bragg was shot. Rufus was handed the command and fought in the horrific battle in the cornfield. Rufus took the flag in hand and rallied the troops to follow him--he did not expect to survive, but miraculously, he survived uninjured.
The paroled Union soldiers are to be formed into regiments and sent to fight the Indians in Minnesota.
I called to see Mrs. G. W. Bailey this morning.
Harpers Ferry has fallen into the hands of the rebels. The 87 O. V. I. were there.
Peggy's comments:
Rufus Dawes, Julia's nephew, helped raise Company K of the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers shortly after Lincoln's first call for troops. In May 1861 he was officially mustered in and was soon after he was elected Captain. For more than a year, Rufus had been camped near Washington, D. C. with the Army of the Potomac. But during the summer of 1862, he and his men were on the march. On August 23, he was under fire from the rebels while supporting a battery near Rappahannock, near Warrenton, Virginia. There was fierce fighting and the Union army slowly retreated. Five days later in Gainesville, Virginia, Rufus was in another fierce battle. He wrote in his journal:
Our one night's experience at Gainesville had eradicated our yearning for a fight. In our future history we will always be found ready but never again anxious.The Second Battle of Bull Run occurred two days later on August 30. The Union troops had been slowly advancing when they broke rank and began a confusing retreat. The Sixth Wisconsin held fast. They did not have orders to retreat, but it soon became obvious that all other regiments had done so. Colonel Bragg ordered face front and slowly back away.
Rufus was back near Washington when he learned that McClellan was in charge of all the troops, taking over for General Pope, who had been sent to Minnesota to respond to the Indian wars. The news was well received as the troops had not liked General Pope.
Rufus' regiment was again engaged in battle on September 14 at South Mountain and then on September 17 at Antietam, near Sharpsburg, Maryland. As they marched toward the village of Sharpsburg, the rebels began to fire and Colonel Bragg was shot. Rufus was handed the command and fought in the horrific battle in the cornfield. Rufus took the flag in hand and rallied the troops to follow him--he did not expect to survive, but miraculously, he survived uninjured.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Tuesday, Sept. 16, 1862
William went to Athens and will probably spend a week in Meigs Co. William D. M'Clure called this afternoon just from Parkersburg. It is apprehended that the rebels may make a move in that direction and upon Ohio. He wants George Cutter to come with his gun and stand guard at the ford. A. S. Bailey came here this evening and said all the fords must be watched. He recalled George from M'Clure's and set him, and John and six or seven others from Hocking, to watch at the foot of the island, a guard being placed also at the head of the island. M'Clellan reports a victory at the Heights near Middletown, Md., on the 14th. God be thanked.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Monday, Sept. 15, 1862
Our Union troops have possession of Frederick, Maryland. Our Army in the Kanawha Valley has been greatly reduced by the withdrawal of Cox's division, only 5000 remaining under Col. Lightburn. Our advanced camp only 1200 strong were attacked by 10,000 rebels under Williams and were compelled to fall back to Charleston where a fierce battle was fought, resulting in the destruction of the town. Our troops are supposed to be retreating to the Ohio river. The enemy which threatened Cincinnati have retreated. The whole available population of that city and Newport and Covington were made to labor on the defences. As a result seven miles of defences were completed and guns mounted. Business in the city is resumed and volunteers from the country are returning home.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Sabbath, Sept. 14, 1862
The Sabbath School library which William bought and gave the school was first distributed to the school today. The books are beautiful and were the cause of many smiles on children's faces. Mr. Curtis brought with him a Mr. Monelle who addressed the school and afterwards preached. Our congregation numbered more than 80 today, which for this place is a large number. I was sorry to notice that today neither of the men who occupied the pulpit prayed either for the government, the country, or the patriot army who daily suffer for our good. Now is the time to say mightily unto God -- in this hour of darkness, when men's hearts fail them with fear, lest all be lost.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Saturday, Sept. 13, 1862
William has been at home writing letters and arranging his business with G. W. Bailey, &c. He says that it is very irksome to him to stand as candidate with so much uncertainty as to results. The conservative Republicans are constantly urging on him, caution, saying that it will not do to come out plainly against Slavery, denouncing it as the cause of the rebellion (while they admit that it is the cause) for fear Union Democrats will be offended.
Peggy's comments:
Julia's brother, William P. Cutler, was running for a second term as congressman.
Peggy's comments:
Julia's brother, William P. Cutler, was running for a second term as congressman.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Friday, Sept. 12, 1862
The letter of Rufus written partly with pen and partly with pencil is dated: "Upton's Hill near Washington, Sept. 5, 1862" and is as follows:
Peggy's comments:
Rufus later writes extensively about these battles in his book Service with the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers. He was proud of his men and quotes accounts given by their opponents, notably Confederate General T. J. (Stonewall) Jackson:
My dear Mother: I have tried in several ways to let you know of my safety ere this. We have had a terrible ordeal in battle almost every day from Aug. 21 to 31. We fought at Rappahannock, at Beverly Ford, at White Sulphur Springs, in a terrible battle on Thursday eve of 28 and in the great battles of Friday and Saturday. Our brigade has lost 800 men. Our regiment near 150. How I have escaped without injury is beyond my comprehension. How nobly our regiment and brigade bore themselves the Country knows. Gibbon's Brigade has covered the retreat of the army since leaving the Rapidan. I have been at my post in every battle. In great haste, your aff. son Rufe.I wrote to Clara and began a letter to Jane. B. C. Bailey here this evening. He has been talking with Mr. Morris and ascertaining the strength of parties in this township. William was in Marietta, saw Stimson and arranged with him as to the conduct of the campaign. Saw leading business men. They mean to work from this till election as opportunity presents. Let loyal men do their duty and leave the event with God.
Peggy's comments:
Rufus later writes extensively about these battles in his book Service with the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers. He was proud of his men and quotes accounts given by their opponents, notably Confederate General T. J. (Stonewall) Jackson:
The conflict was fierce and sanguinary. The federals did not attempt to advance but maintained their ground with obstinate determination. Both lines stood exposed to the discharge of musketry and artillery until about nine o'clock with the enemy slowly retired, yielding the field to our troops. The loss on both sides was heavy . . .
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Thursday, Sept. 11, 1862
William went to town today, found the German paper, which the Republicans established last year had been discontinued by X -- who for a trivial debt of 40 dollars had locked up the press and for months thus deprived the country of a very valuable help in bringing our German population to a just knowledge and appreciation of the crisis. William sent Mr. Reppert to the man with the money who, after exacting an additional twelve dollars, released the press and the publication of the paper will be resumed next week.
Mrs. Finney ironed. Female prayer meeting here, Mrs. W. D. Bailey, Lizzie and I and our little girls were all that attended today but where two or three are gathered together, the Savior's promise may be claimed and his blessing expected. Mrs. Dawes came on the evening car. She brought a letter from Rufus, the first since the battles of the 28th, 29th and 30th of August. God mercifully kept him as he did Ephraim at Shiloh -- to Him be all the praise!
B. C. Bailey here this evening.
Mrs. Finney ironed. Female prayer meeting here, Mrs. W. D. Bailey, Lizzie and I and our little girls were all that attended today but where two or three are gathered together, the Savior's promise may be claimed and his blessing expected. Mrs. Dawes came on the evening car. She brought a letter from Rufus, the first since the battles of the 28th, 29th and 30th of August. God mercifully kept him as he did Ephraim at Shiloh -- to Him be all the praise!
B. C. Bailey here this evening.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Wednesday, Sept. 10, 1862
We canned three bushels of peaches today, more than 30 cans. Mrs. Terril helped us in the forenoon, but were all very tired.
A Parkersburg butcher came to inquire for beef cattle. He said he heard William had sixty head. He offered two cents a pound which is too low a figure, but I wish they were marketed. In these troublous times a fine herd of cattle are tempting booty. We, however, have little to fear from rebels just now, while the brave and energetic Col. Mulligan, (the hero of Lexington, Mo.) is in command at Parkersburg. William came home tonight. Mrs. Douglas Putnam buried today.
A Parkersburg butcher came to inquire for beef cattle. He said he heard William had sixty head. He offered two cents a pound which is too low a figure, but I wish they were marketed. In these troublous times a fine herd of cattle are tempting booty. We, however, have little to fear from rebels just now, while the brave and energetic Col. Mulligan, (the hero of Lexington, Mo.) is in command at Parkersburg. William came home tonight. Mrs. Douglas Putnam buried today.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Tuesday, Sept. 9, 1862
Looking over the Pomeroy Telegraph I see a letter describing the march of Gen. Sherman's division from Moscow to Memphis. Speaking of the 53rd O.V.I. the writer says -- "First comes a good natured looking chestnut steed whose main object seems to be not to move too fast. Mounted on the aforesaid steed is a pleasant looking officer, with a short pipe in his mouth. This Adjutant Daws, as brave a man as there is in our army. He is not so much for saving the Union as he is for killing the rebels." Of the 53rd he says "They, last winter, left Ohio, Volunteers, expecting to bring the war to a close by eating their rations and having dress parade. They march out of Moscow, soldiers in every sense of the word, understanding their duty and willing to perform it."
George went to Watertown and got peaches for us and for Mrs. Burgess. We are all invited to a melon party at Joel Demings this evening. Too tired to go. Kate and Annie went to town today. She brought home a letter her mother has just received from Adjutant Brooks of the 6th Wis. Regiment who is in hospital at Washington having been wounded in the late battle. He writes that Rufus passed through the battles entirely unhurt, and with honor. Col. Cutler was wounded in the thigh severely. Kate also brought an interesting letter from Major Andrews telling the adventures of the 36th since they left Parkersburg. They were drawn up in line of battle but took no part in the late engagements.
William telegraphs that he stays over at Athens until tomorrow.
Major Andrews writes to his wife, "Tell Mrs. Dawes I have seen Rufus four or five times. He is a brave and gallant officer. His regiment did splendid fighting. She may well be proud of him. I am proud of him myself."
Peggy's comments:
The whole family was concerned for Ephraim Dawes and Rufus Dawes, nephews of Julia. Ephraim was adjutant for the 53rd Ohio and Rufus was a captain with the 6th Wisconsin.
George went to Watertown and got peaches for us and for Mrs. Burgess. We are all invited to a melon party at Joel Demings this evening. Too tired to go. Kate and Annie went to town today. She brought home a letter her mother has just received from Adjutant Brooks of the 6th Wis. Regiment who is in hospital at Washington having been wounded in the late battle. He writes that Rufus passed through the battles entirely unhurt, and with honor. Col. Cutler was wounded in the thigh severely. Kate also brought an interesting letter from Major Andrews telling the adventures of the 36th since they left Parkersburg. They were drawn up in line of battle but took no part in the late engagements.
William telegraphs that he stays over at Athens until tomorrow.
Major Andrews writes to his wife, "Tell Mrs. Dawes I have seen Rufus four or five times. He is a brave and gallant officer. His regiment did splendid fighting. She may well be proud of him. I am proud of him myself."
Peggy's comments:
The whole family was concerned for Ephraim Dawes and Rufus Dawes, nephews of Julia. Ephraim was adjutant for the 53rd Ohio and Rufus was a captain with the 6th Wisconsin.
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Rufus R. Dawes |
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Ephraim Cutler Dawes |
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Rufus' and Ephraim's mother, Sarah Cutler Dawes |
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Monday, Sept. 8, 1862
Mrs. Terrill washed. William has gone out to Chillicothe. The rebels have crossed the Potomac, have taken Frederick, Maryland, and are threatening the Pennsylvania border and Baltimore. Pope has resigned and is transferred to the Northwest to look after the Sioux and M'Clellan is again in command. It is disheartening but we must submit. "They are the sword, the hand is thine."Oh, that patriotism and faith in God may not die out of the national heart.
Lizzie and I went to eat melons at Mr. Lyman Hart's. The report of the loss of Mr. Johnson's horses by guerrillas is untrue. They were pressed into Government service to do picket duty.
Lizzie and I went to eat melons at Mr. Lyman Hart's. The report of the loss of Mr. Johnson's horses by guerrillas is untrue. They were pressed into Government service to do picket duty.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Sunday, Sept. 7, 1862
Mr. Curtis preached from the text "Who will show us any good". Bennet Bailey rode down to tell us that it was reported that Gallipolis was burned out and that Mr. Johnson, a Union man living in Virginia three or four miles from here had six horses stolen by the guerrillas last night. Capt. Moore and Mr. Tuttle here when we got home from church but did not stay.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Saturday, Sept. 6, 1862
John went to town today. Mr. Buell who went east for the body of Capt. Buell who was killed has returned. He says Rufus is safe.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Friday, Sept. 5, 1862
My throat sore today -- diptheria. Feel miserably. Kate and the children and Mrs. W. D. Bailey and her children went to Mr. Greenwood's today. Lucy came down to spend the night. Col. T. C. H. Smith telegraphs that the 36th are safe and also Rufus Dawes.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Thursday, Sept. 4
Circle at Mr. M'Taggarts, full attendance; we pieced a quilt and sewed on other articles for the sufferers in Minnesota. News from the Army at Virginia discouraging. Our forces have fallen back to Centerville. Last Friday, Pope was victorious, Saturday was defeated, very severe fighting. M'Dowell is blamed for retreating too soon, M'Clellan for not forwarding Franklin's division when ordered to do so. Somehow our brave army have been beaten back and our generals out-generaled. I cannot believe that God means to destroy us. I want to keep my faith fixed on the only Helper but sometimes the clouds and darkness are so dense. I lose sight of Him and am almost ready to despair.
Kate took Mrs. G. W. Bailey out with her children for a ride. A late 'Pomeroy Telegraph' says of William's nomination many handsome things, endorsing his honesty, "soundness of head and purity of heart." It says "Again we thank the Convention for giving us a candidate in whom we can trust under every temptation."
Kate took Mrs. G. W. Bailey out with her children for a ride. A late 'Pomeroy Telegraph' says of William's nomination many handsome things, endorsing his honesty, "soundness of head and purity of heart." It says "Again we thank the Convention for giving us a candidate in whom we can trust under every temptation."
Monday, September 3, 2012
Wednesday, Sept. 3, 1862
William went to Belpre on the morning train. On his return he met a man just from Alexandria. He says the Federals are by no means discouraged, but feel as if they had the rebels in a tight place. M'Clellan has advanced his army of 75 thousand. McDowell, Burnside, &c are within supporting distance of Pope. A favorable issue is expected in the pending struggles.
We went in the evening to a melon party. [The location of the melon party is scratched out, but it appears to be Bailey's.] Cool evening, table outdoors, chilly business. Betsey kept us sometime listening to various rumors of guerrillas who were expected to ford the Ohio at the Island here and cut up Nick generally, of spies who went from house to house gathering information and making out lists of Union men, of threats that 'somebody' had made that the times would be no better until our family and certain others were killed or burned out, &c. [The phrase "our family and certain others" is written in pencil over an erasure.] I know these are troublous times -- may their continuance be short, still I think it is useless for us to keep ourselves in a state of chronic fear as many do, driving sleep from their eyes and slumber from their eyelids. I think Ann Harvey is about right when she says she, after much anxiety concluded that, unless "the Lord kept the place, the watchman watched in vain", and so resigned herself to His keeping.
Mr. Goff sent us a fine water-melon, also Mr. Crawford.
We went in the evening to a melon party. [The location of the melon party is scratched out, but it appears to be Bailey's.] Cool evening, table outdoors, chilly business. Betsey kept us sometime listening to various rumors of guerrillas who were expected to ford the Ohio at the Island here and cut up Nick generally, of spies who went from house to house gathering information and making out lists of Union men, of threats that 'somebody' had made that the times would be no better until our family and certain others were killed or burned out, &c. [The phrase "our family and certain others" is written in pencil over an erasure.] I know these are troublous times -- may their continuance be short, still I think it is useless for us to keep ourselves in a state of chronic fear as many do, driving sleep from their eyes and slumber from their eyelids. I think Ann Harvey is about right when she says she, after much anxiety concluded that, unless "the Lord kept the place, the watchman watched in vain", and so resigned herself to His keeping.
Mr. Goff sent us a fine water-melon, also Mr. Crawford.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Tuesday, Sept. 2, 1862
Lizzie has been canning plums today. Last night more soldiers went on the cars to Parkersburg. I suppose the guerrillas are about again. The papers tonight bring us both good and bad news. Good news to hear that our friends, the Williamsons and Riggeses have escaped the massacre and have reached Henderson on the Minnesota River in safety. We thank God for this mercy. We are still in suspense as to the fate of Marion and her husband, but hope they may have reached Fort Ridgely. It is stated that many perhaps 500 women and children took refuge there.
The news from the army is very unsatisfactory. An immense amount of stores have fallen into the hands of the rebels at Manassas. The rebel cavalry mounted on blooded race horses dash through our lines, capture our officers, the baggage of our commanding general, destroy bridges, trains, &c and are away beyond pursuit before our men can punish their temerity.
So much depends upon the Army of the Potomac, the fate of Washington, of our country itself seem to wait upon the issue. And Oh! the precious lives there to be lost before the end comes. May the merciful Savior prepare the dying for death and strengthen the suffering ones to endure their agony and give to them healing influences, comfort the bereaved and help them to bear their burdens. O that our God would pity and deliver us for we are brought very low. O that our rulers may do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with their god; and may this nation learn righteousness that peace may be established in all our borders.
Affairs in Kentucky wear a threatening aspect. Martial law has been proclaimed in Cincinnati. Gen. Law. Wallace in command there. An attack is apprehended. Several hundred of the troops sent to Parkersburg returned on the cars to Camp Marietta this evening.
The comet which has been visible some weeks is still seen though it appears less brilliant now we have a moon. It changes its place in the heavens rapidly, moving past Ursa Major and the Northern Crown, still going southward.
A letter from Jennie. She had just heard of Ephe's being in the battle of Pittsburg Landing and felt as a sister would feel his peril and his bravery. She writes from Bitlis.
Peggy's comments:
Jennie Dawes Shedd was Julia's niece (and the sister of Rufus, Ephraim, Kate, and Lucy Dawes). Along with her husband, she was a missionary in Persia. Bitlis is a town now in eastern Turkey.
The comet that Julia refers to was discovered in July 1862 and became known as the Swift-Tuttle comet, after it's discoverers. It is a periodic comet with an orbit of 133 years.
The news from the army is very unsatisfactory. An immense amount of stores have fallen into the hands of the rebels at Manassas. The rebel cavalry mounted on blooded race horses dash through our lines, capture our officers, the baggage of our commanding general, destroy bridges, trains, &c and are away beyond pursuit before our men can punish their temerity.
So much depends upon the Army of the Potomac, the fate of Washington, of our country itself seem to wait upon the issue. And Oh! the precious lives there to be lost before the end comes. May the merciful Savior prepare the dying for death and strengthen the suffering ones to endure their agony and give to them healing influences, comfort the bereaved and help them to bear their burdens. O that our God would pity and deliver us for we are brought very low. O that our rulers may do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with their god; and may this nation learn righteousness that peace may be established in all our borders.
Affairs in Kentucky wear a threatening aspect. Martial law has been proclaimed in Cincinnati. Gen. Law. Wallace in command there. An attack is apprehended. Several hundred of the troops sent to Parkersburg returned on the cars to Camp Marietta this evening.
The comet which has been visible some weeks is still seen though it appears less brilliant now we have a moon. It changes its place in the heavens rapidly, moving past Ursa Major and the Northern Crown, still going southward.
A letter from Jennie. She had just heard of Ephe's being in the battle of Pittsburg Landing and felt as a sister would feel his peril and his bravery. She writes from Bitlis.
Peggy's comments:
Jennie Dawes Shedd was Julia's niece (and the sister of Rufus, Ephraim, Kate, and Lucy Dawes). Along with her husband, she was a missionary in Persia. Bitlis is a town now in eastern Turkey.
The comet that Julia refers to was discovered in July 1862 and became known as the Swift-Tuttle comet, after it's discoverers. It is a periodic comet with an orbit of 133 years.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Monday, Sept. 1, 1862
William returned from Marietta, where he went this morning, on a train of cars filled with soldiers, part of the which Gov. Todd has ordered to Parkersburg. Mr. G. A. Norris spent the night here.
We begin to get some particulars of Thursday's battle fought on the old battlefield of Bull Run. Gen. Pope says his men behaved splendidly, that they hold the battlefield, the enemy under Jackson and Lee retreating to the mountains. Our loss 8000, that of the enemy supposed to be twice as great. We lose many very valuable officers. The Wisconsin 6th, Lieut. Col. Bragg [a mistake, Bragg was uninjured] mentioned in a late letter from Rufus as having distinguished himself at Frederick's Hall. We feel very anxious to hear from Rufus.
Our raw recruits under Nelson have been repulsed at Richmond Kentucky with a loss of 350.
The Pomeroy Telegraph notices William's nomination in a very handsome manner.
We begin to get some particulars of Thursday's battle fought on the old battlefield of Bull Run. Gen. Pope says his men behaved splendidly, that they hold the battlefield, the enemy under Jackson and Lee retreating to the mountains. Our loss 8000, that of the enemy supposed to be twice as great. We lose many very valuable officers. The Wisconsin 6th, Lieut. Col. Bragg [a mistake, Bragg was uninjured] mentioned in a late letter from Rufus as having distinguished himself at Frederick's Hall. We feel very anxious to hear from Rufus.
Our raw recruits under Nelson have been repulsed at Richmond Kentucky with a loss of 350.
The Pomeroy Telegraph notices William's nomination in a very handsome manner.
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