Mrs. Cutler & little Sarah at Mrs. Burgesses to dinner. Mrs. Cutler came home leaving Sarah at her Grandmothers. We went to Mrs. Demings to circle. The Society sewed on Mrs. Demings materials for which she gave them $5.00. A cool pleasant day. Thomas Bailey had a melon party in the evening to which we were not invited. Russel Norton was here today -- his son in law William Skipton has lost his arm in the service and is now in hospital at the South. He has not received his pay for some months and his family at home are sick. He writes to them to go to Mr. Cutler and get what they need. I know of no greater compliment to a man than to see even political opponents instinctively turn to them in time of trouble. We sent them tea, rice, and sugar.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Tuesday. Aug. 30. 1864
A large number of horses belonging to Government have been pastured on the Island near here for a month past. Today some men came and took them away. They swam them across, to the Ohio side, the current was strong, the river having risen several feet and four of the horses were drowned.
We have the news of the taking of Fort Morgan in Mobile harbor, by Farraguts fleet. Said to be a brilliant achievement.
Peggy's comment:
Friday, August 29, 2014
Monday Aug. 29 1864
The last of our Logan Grapes gathered to-day. They are the earliest grape we have, and are very good. Mrs. Cutler & Sarah went to town -- got me a plain black calico dress which cost about four dollars, it used to cost about $1.50. Col. R. R. Dawes was here to dinner. He expects to go into the sheep business with his uncle William, but starts tomorrow to Washington to settle up his military accounts with Government ---- Little Jennie Stone, Mrs. Giles’ niece came down & spent the night with Sarah.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Saturday Aug 27, 1864
James P. Carlin went home on the morning train. David Irwin who used to live with us, was here to dinner to-day. He is on his way home from California whither he went in 1854. He appears to be an intelligent, steady, loyal man. Nancy Carlin went home to attend Quarterly Meeting at the Methodist Church in Barlow of which she is a member. James P. Walton returned to town.
The Copperheads in many places threaten to resist the draft. In Dunham township which adjoins this they have their midnight meetings and say that they will neither serve if drafted or furnish substitutes--These are the kind of men who hide behind trees & rocks to shoot their victims but never come out in fair fight. David B. Colder, Sylvester Ellenwood & his sons, and Jasper Needham are the leading and noisiest of the Dunham copperheads.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Friday Aug. 26, 1864
The Col. & Mrs. Dawes went home on this morning’s train. Nancy’s brother James P. Carlin here to supper and to stay all night. Mrs. Joel Deming called here today. James P. Walton came on the evening train -- he is sister Clara’s oldest son. I think it is about seven years since he went to Illinois with his parents he is now near seventeen years old, not tall, but a bright looking boy.
Peggy's comment:
James P. Walton, Julia's nephew, would be educated at Marietta College and become a civil engineer.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Thursday, Aug 25 1864
I called this morning upon Mrs. Gates found her very much depressed on account of the death of her son Charles B. Gates.
Mrs. Dawes is so much better that I concluded to come home, which I did on the 11” o’clock train. Col. Dawes & wife coming with me. Mr. William Faris whose foot was crushed at the time of the collision near Athens and who is still obliged to walk on crutches came down on the train to see brother William. He staid to dinner. The Colonel & his lady went on the hill gunning. Little Sarah has been at her Grandmother’s since yesterday. James Carlin came on the afternoon train from the Parkersburg hospital to see his sister. He seemed perfectly charmed with Rufus, listening eagerly to the stories of battles which Rufus knows so well how to tell. James Carlin went to Mr. Burgesses to spend the night.
Rufus was telling an incident which struck me. If I remember right it was on this wise. At the battle of Spotsylvania some of our line were out flanked and many of them captured, to avoid which a number of the union soldiers under a heavy fire from the enemy ran some rods across an angle to our lines. Rufus said it was terribly exciting to watch the poor fellows run the gauntlet so few of who came out unscathed. One man fell desperately wounded near our lines & Rufus called for volunteers to bring him in, but he died just as he was laid down within our lines. Rufus said as he was examining his pocket book to find his name a soldier approaching told him it was William P. Dawes, that four of their brothers & cousins had volunteered in Wisconsin, two were killed at the battle of the Wilderness, the third lay dead before them & he alone was left. -- During the siege of Petersburg one day when Rufus was Officer of the day and going his rounds he came upon some soldiers digging a grave, there had been a reconoisance in which several were wounded and one man killed. As he returned from his rounds the grave was filled & a little board set up bearing the dead soldiers’ name -- he stopped to read it -- it was the last of the Dawes’s!”
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Wednesday Aug. 24. 1864
Ephe who has been waiting several days for his mother to be well enough to leave, started this morning to Cincinnati to see Dr. Blackman. Mrs. Dawes is better but still weak. Rufus & Mary are with her much of the time. Lucy has too much to do, & I fear will herself be sick.
Peggy's comment:
Ephe Dawes was consulting Dr. Blackman about reconstructive surgery to repair his facial wounds suffered in battle in Georgia in May 1864.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Tuesday Aug. 23. 1864
Nancy in to see Mrs. Dawes or to inquire after her. I think this practice in town is carried too far--it becomes a nuisance which needs abatement. Unless a family is so situated as to have one person at leisure to attend upon callers, the sick may suffer for attention, while their polite inquiries are being answered. Dr. Hart was in twice to see Mrs. Dawes he thinks she is better. Her right foot & leg to the knee is swollen as tight as the skin can hold--it is erysipelas.
Peggy's note:
Erysipelas is an infection in the skin caused by bacteria. It most commonly affects the foot and today is treated with antibiotics.
Friday, August 22, 2014
Monday Aug. 22 1874
Ephraim came down on the morning train for me to go up and see his mother who is seriously sick. I went up on the three o’clock train I found Sarah quite sick. I think she scarcely expects to recover, but I trust she will do so. She made her will today and it was committed to my custody.
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Sarah Cutler Dawes Sister to Julia Cutler and the mother of Rufus, Ephraim, Kate, Lucy, & Jane Dawes |
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Friday Aug. 19 1864
Lucy had to go home as her mother is not well. The others spent the day here -- taking tea at Mr. Burgess’s. Rainy day. Joseph D. Clark who was killed at City Point was buried yesterday in Marietta.
Monday, August 18, 2014
Thursday Aug. 18 1864
Very smokey. There is quite a rise in the river. Two Steamers went down, designed for military service with their boilers protected. William and Ephe went to town. J. P. Walton arrived at Mrs. Dawes’ last night from Illinois--he is to enter the preparatory department at Marietta College. Female prayer meeting here, Mrs. Joel Deming attended. Col. Dawes & wife, Major Dawes & Lucy came on the night train.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Wednesday Aug. 17. 1864
Rufus passed up on the morning train on his way home. We are glad his fighting days are over, he has done his duty faithfully and well.
While William was riding over his farm today he heard at Widow Skiptons crying & lamentation, he heard that William Skipton was dead--but afterwards learned he was wounded, and would lose his left arm. Dr. Hart came and vaccinated Mrs. Cutler & Sarah, Nancy & I. Cloudy day.
Ephraim came on the night train, bringing with in a 53d man, John Sturling, he was wounded in the shoulder at Atlanta Georgia. Wesley dressed his wound for him & we gave him supper and his bed.
Peggy's comment:
I am struck by the way death and injury have become commonplace. Julia, and everyone else, must have been quite war weary.
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Tuesday Aug. 16 1864
Wilcox went on the train this morning. Maggie Voris spent the day here. It rained hard in the afternoon. Lizzie Poage came down to tea & got her feet very wet. William took them home in the carriage. Old Mrs. Butler (colored woman) was here & she brought some chickens, and recieved in return coffee, tobacco, a bundle of clothing -- and crinolines. A Mar. Station Agent at Big Run here to stay all night. Train late. Major Dawes came from town he says that Rufus obtained his discharge by especial order of Stanton, Secretary of War. Earl Gorham who lived in Belpre, Smith of Decatur, & Joseph Clark of Belpre were killed by the explosion of an ammunition barge at City Point. They were members of the 148” regiment, National Guards -- or Hundred day’s men.
Friday, August 15, 2014
Monday, Aug. 15. 1864
A warm day. A man who came to the well for water wants camphor for his stomachs’ sake. Two colored men here, named Hale, one has enlisted and received $250.00 bounty, the other intends to enlist if he can get the same. Mr. Randolph C. E. of B&O R. R. was here to dinner, also Linley Wilcox, who wants to borrow money to buy a farm.
Noticed Bill Scott & Bill Sharp riding about together--they are both traitors & after no good.
A gentlemanly stranger called and wanted supper --we were just eating, and invited him to partake with us -- he was a very handsome man. He wanted to pay, handed Mrs. Cutler a dollar bill which she refused & William made him take again. He said he had called at several places & no one would accommodate him, & he thought it would be late supper time before he could ride to Marietta--
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Sabbath Aug 14” 1864
A good rain today, hope it will be cooler. Mr. Curtis who has returned from the meeting of Presbytery, preached today.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Saturday, Aug 13 1864
Three men called and staid to dinner one of them acted a little odd, we learned afterward that he was deranged & the others were taking him to his friend near the mouth of Little Hocking.
Rufus telegraphs that he has recieved an honorable discharge. He has served more than his time, and with great distinction, it is but just that he should now be permitted to leave the service honorably.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Friday Aug 12 1864
Very hot. Thermometer 122o in the sun. I wrote to Kate. Lizzie Poage & Jennie Means here to tea. A Dispatch has been recieved that Joseph D. Clark, son of the late Col. Melvin Clark, and member of the 148” regiment National Guards now at City Point Va. is dead--no particulars.
Monday, August 11, 2014
Aug. 11 1864. Thursday
No prayer meeting today. Very warm. Congressional Convention met at Marietta, candidates before convention were Cutler, Woodbridge, Welch & Plants. [2 ½ lines are scratched out and unreadable]
Nancy Carlin went home her brother came on the three o’clock train. B. C. Bailey spent the evening here. Mr. G. W. Norris & Linley Wilcox were here all night.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Wednesday, Aug. 10, 1864
Mr. & Mrs. McLean went to call at Mr. Burgesses &c. And also drove up to the graveyard and came back here to dinner and found Mrs. R. R. Dawes here. They all went to Marietta in the afternoon, we went up to the cars with them. Kate & Mr. McLean take the packet tomorrow for Wheeling -- Mrs. W. D. McClure called.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Tuesday Aug. 9” 1864
Kate came on the 11 o’clock train leaving Lucy and Sarah at Mr. Hollisters at a picnic with the Andrews. This afternoon we have company here to see Kate. Mr. & Mrs. Joel Deming, Mr. & Mrs. Lyman Hart, Mrs. Curtis (who was formerly a Kemper), & Miss Lydia Hart, also Mr. & Mrs. B. C. Bailey. Just as we were through tea Mr. McLean came on the train -- and Lucy with Sarah & Bettie Gates. County Convention met today to nominate candidates for County offices.
Friday, August 8, 2014
Monday, Aug. 8” 1864
Kate went to town and took Sarah, (who seems to cling to her all the time) with her.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Aug. 7”. 1864 Sabbath
Mr. McKimm preached and took up a contribution for the Christian Commission over 80 dollars.
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
August 6. 1864
To-day we had Mrs. Emerson, Miss Sarah Emerson, and Mrs. Bailey here to tea, they are all intelligent & interesting ladies.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Friday, Aug. 5” 1864
Martha Colville came home from Mr. Flemings. His niece Mrs. Greenlees is deranged and will probably not recover. Kate came home from Gallia County, Mr. McLean will be here next week.
Monday, August 4, 2014
Thursday, Aug 4” 1864 National Fast Day
It was not expected that there would be any public preaching services in our church, that as it turned out, Rev. Mr. McKimm was here. Lucy and I and Mrs. W. D. Bailey went to Marietta. Heard from Mr. Wickes a good and appropriate discourse, came home in the evening, the train from Cincinnati was an hour late & we had a tedious time waiting at the junction. Mrs. Emerson and Miss Sarah Emerson were on the car with Mrs. W. D. Bailey, which made it much more pleasant for me.
Peggy's note:
Abraham Lincoln's Proclamation 114 declaring August 4, 1864 as a "Day of National Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer."
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Wednesday, Aug. 3" 1864
William went to Cincinnati, Lizzie & little Sarah to the Burgesses -------
The 36” O.V.I. many of whom are Washington Co. men, were in a battle July 24” in the Shenandoah Valley and have suffered severely. In tonight’s Gazette is a long list of the killed and wounded among the fallen are Lt. Col. Adney and Major Palmer.
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Tuesday, Aug 2" 1864
Desperate fighting before Petersburg for four hours, a mine sprung in front of the city, terrible explosion, the battle still raging at last accounts.
Peggy's note:
An account of the Petersburg fighting from Harper's Weekly, August. 13, 1864.
Our military record this week is chiefly concerned with General Grant's unsuccessful assault on Petersburg, Saturday, July 30.
For six weeks preparations had been making for a grand assault on the enemy's lines. The point to be gained was Cermetery Hill, a commanding position both in regard to the other rebel fortifications and the town of Petersburgitself. This hill, on the east side of Petersburg, was about 800 yards distant from our lines. It was approached by regular lines, according to the usual process of a siege. The resistance to be overcome was great, the position being made as strong as possible both by nature and art. In order to break the centre of the rebel lines at this point, a battery of the rebels occupying a salient point was undermined. The mine was 400 feet long, with two galleries constructed from the main passage-way, and was charged with eight tons of powder. To divert Lee's attention to the north side of the James, operations were conducted on a large scale threatening Richmond from General Foster's position at Deep Bottom, three miles from Malvern Hill. General Foster had held a position here for some weeks, his flanks being protected by gun-boats. A bridge stretched across the James at this point to Jones's Neck. Thursday night, the 21st, a second bridge was thrown across, at Strawberry Plains, just below Deep Bottom, and the next morning a few regiments of the Nineteenth Corps crossed to hold the head of the bridge. The enemy became alarmed, and there was considerable skirmishing from the 23d to the 26th, when Grant threw over Hancock's corps and three divisions of cavalry—two under Sheridan and one under Kautz. To make his threat in this direction more formidable, he sent across, on Friday, 400 wagons of the Sixth Corps. This led Lee to plant a force of from 15,000 to 20,000 north of the James. That night the Second Corps recrossed the river, and were ready to co-operate in the assault on Saturday.
Our lines on Saturday morning at 1 o'clock were disposed to suit the contemplated movement. The Ninth Corps held the centre, with the Eighteenth massed in the rear. Warren's (Fifth) corps held the left in support. The signal for the assault was to be the explosion of the mine, at 3 1/2 o'clock, when a cannonade was to be opened from every cannon along the line, and the Ninth Corps was to charge through the gap laid open by the explosion.
If the mine had been exploded at the time set, the disposition and movements of our troops would have been covered in darkness ; but there was a delay, and it was not till after light, at 4 o'clock and 40 minutes, that the signal was given, and the enemy was partially forewarned. The explosion was terrific; the battery (6 guns) was blown up, and a North Carolina regiment, acting as garrison, was buried in the chasm. Then the artillery opened all along the line and the charge was made, Ledlie's Division ofBurnside's Corps in the advance. The Second Brigade, Colonel Marshall, led the Division, followed by the First, Colonel W. F. Bartlett, and then by the Third, Colonel Gould. The Fourth Division of the Corps, all negroes, pushed on in the rear of these three brigades. The Fourteenth New York Artillery were the first to enter the breach; seizing two of the rebel guns left in the ruins, these were turned against the enemy. The three assailing columns then pushed up toward the crest of the hill, but were driven back. Then the colored troops pressed up and broke. The rebel artillery slackened, and the enemy made a charge and were themselves repulsed. The assault was then given up.
The loss was very severe considering the troops engaged. The entire loss will probably reach to between 2000 and 3000. General Bartlett and staff were captured, also Colonel Wild.
The rebels lost heavily, in the explosion and in the charge ; we captured about 500.
Friday, August 1, 2014
August 1" 1864 Monday
A hot day. Lucy went to town. Rebels under Gen. Jubal Early, last Saturday, burned Chambersburg Pa, a town of 6000 inhabitants, destroying 250 houses and over $1,000,000 of property.
Peggy's note:
The main effect of the raid and burning of Chambersburg, PA was for calls for retaliation against the South. More information here.
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