Finished a letter I have been writing to Jane. Snow on the ground and the trees look beautiful in their feather robes. William went to Marietta and got us a variety of "little notions", conveniences for the winter. He got lamps and coal oil which we are going to burn this winter by way of experiment. Lucy came home with him.
Peggy's comments:
Jane Dawes Shedd was Julia's niece (and the sister of Kate, Lucy, Rufus and Ephraim Dawes). She married in 1859 and immediately left for Persia with her missionary husband. They would spend most of the next 31 years there.
Coal oil (kerosene) was distilled in large quantities in 1856 and tin lamps were introduced. Because of widespread railroads, lamps and coal oil could be shipped efficiently. I'm not positive that the lamp in this ad is exactly like the one William brought home for experimentation. I found several old ads through a Google search that advertised their lamps as being non-exploding. Wow!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Friday Nov. 29
Raining this morning. Sarah and Ephe returned home. The house has been filled nearly all day with people from Hocking and others doing business with William. It is a hard day for him. Annie has gone to spend the night with her Grandmother.
Peggy's comments:
Hocking, Ohio was about 75 miles west of where the Cutler's lived in Constitution, Warren Township. I can't confirm this, but my guess is that the people from Hocking were visiting William on RailRoad business.
Annie Cutler, William and Lizzie's daughter, was probably staying with Mrs. Burgess, Lizzie's mother.
Peggy's comments:
Hocking, Ohio was about 75 miles west of where the Cutler's lived in Constitution, Warren Township. I can't confirm this, but my guess is that the people from Hocking were visiting William on RailRoad business.
Annie Cutler, William and Lizzie's daughter, was probably staying with Mrs. Burgess, Lizzie's mother.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Thursday Nov. 28
This is Thanksgiving day. I awoke early and thought over the past year with its trials and its mercies. Tried to thank God and take courage. God has kept us thus far.
"The past with gratitude we own,
The future, all to us unknown,
We to Thy guardian care commit,
And Peaceful leave before Thy feet."
Sarah came down to spend the day with us. Lucy staid at home with Ephraim. Rev. Mr. Scott preached a very good discourse. We had sister Sarah, Mr. & Mrs. Burgess, Maggie and Lizzie, Mrs. M'Clure and Emeline here to dine. Very fine turkey and good dinner. Ephraim came down on the evening train and spent the night with us. Kate has got her pit finished at last and put her flowers in.
Peggy's comments:
Around the Cutler's Thanksgiving table were:
In trying to take courage and thank God, Julia quotes from a popular hymn:
"The past with gratitude we own,
The future, all to us unknown,
We to Thy guardian care commit,
And Peaceful leave before Thy feet."
Sarah came down to spend the day with us. Lucy staid at home with Ephraim. Rev. Mr. Scott preached a very good discourse. We had sister Sarah, Mr. & Mrs. Burgess, Maggie and Lizzie, Mrs. M'Clure and Emeline here to dine. Very fine turkey and good dinner. Ephraim came down on the evening train and spent the night with us. Kate has got her pit finished at last and put her flowers in.
Peggy's comments:
Around the Cutler's Thanksgiving table were:
- William and Lizzie Cutler and their two daughters, Annie and Sarah
- Julia Cutler
- Sarah Cutler (sister to William and Julia and the mother to Kate, Lucy, Rufus & Ephraim Dawes)
- Kate Dawes
- Rev. Dyer Burgess and Mrs. Burgess (Lizzie's mother)
- Maggie Voris, Lizzie's 26 year old sister
- Mrs. M'Clure and Emeline, neighbors
- Ephraim Dawes joined them later in the evening.
In trying to take courage and thank God, Julia quotes from a popular hymn:
"Great God, We Sing That Mighty Hand" by Philip Doddridge, 1702-1751 Text From: THE HANDBOOK TO THE LUTHERAN HYMNAL (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1942) p.95 1. Great God, we sing that mighty hand By which supported still we stand. The opening year Thy mercy shows; Let mercy crown it till it close. 2. By day, by night, at home, abroad, Still we are guarded by our God, By His incessant bounty fed, By His unerring counsel led. 3. With grateful hearts the past we own; The future, all to us unknown, We to Thy guardian care commit And, peaceful, leave before Thy feet. 4. In scenes exalted or depressed Be Thou our Joy and Thou our Rest. Thy goodness all our hopes shall raise, Adored through all our changing days. 5. When death shall interrupt our songs, And seal in silence mortal tongues, Our Helper, God, in whom we trust, In better worlds our soul shall boast.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Wednesday Nov. 27
Lizzie has been getting ready for Thanksgiving tomorrow. I read Gazette. It is apprehended that the rebels in western Virginia are organizing for guerrilla warfare. William came home from Chillicothe. He met on the cars Capt. Parril of the 53" regiment He spoke of Ephe as a first rate officer and said he was beloved not only by the officers but by every man in the regiment and that he is very correct and efficient. None of the officers of that regiment are drinking men. Ephe came home sick with cold.
Peggy's comments:
I wonder if by reading the Cincinnati Gazette Julia was staying out of Lizzie's way as she was preparing for Thanksgiving!
Ephraim Dawes, Julia's nephew, seems to be frequently on leave from service with the 53rd Ohio. This was somewhat typical in the early days of the Civil War.
Marietta's proximity to western Virginia--it was just across the Ohio River--caused anxiety for the Cutlers, even though the western Virginia was in the process of forming a new state, separate from Virginia.
Peggy's comments:
I wonder if by reading the Cincinnati Gazette Julia was staying out of Lizzie's way as she was preparing for Thanksgiving!
Ephraim Dawes, Julia's nephew, seems to be frequently on leave from service with the 53rd Ohio. This was somewhat typical in the early days of the Civil War.
Marietta's proximity to western Virginia--it was just across the Ohio River--caused anxiety for the Cutlers, even though the western Virginia was in the process of forming a new state, separate from Virginia.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Tuesday Nov. 26
Disagreeable weather. Read the Gazette aloud, also about forty pages in Macauley.
Peggy's comments:
Julia is referring to the Cincinnati Gazette and Macauley's History of England.
Peggy's comments:
Julia is referring to the Cincinnati Gazette and Macauley's History of England.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Monday Nov. 25
Still snowing. William started again to Chillicothe. I wrote to Clara enclosing twenty dollars. Began to read aloud Macauley's History of England.
Peggy's comments:
Thomas Macaulay wrote a four-volume History of England, the first two volumes were published in 1949. It has long been thought to be powerfully and beautifully written.
Peggy's comments:
Thomas Macaulay wrote a four-volume History of England, the first two volumes were published in 1949. It has long been thought to be powerfully and beautifully written.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Sunday Nov. 24
The ground is white this morning with our first snow. Continues snowing but does not accumulate as the ground is warm. Mr. Scott preached. Small congregation, only twenty-two -- inclement weather.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Saturday Nov. 23
Sister Sarah and William went to town and he returned about noon on an extra train. Gave Mr. Wilson one of the train men a large basket of russet apples.
An Irish woman from the tunnel came to complain of the Boss - Grattan - whom she called a "hungry hound". She had quarreled with him and with her husband who gave her, she said, "an awful bating" for abusing the Boss-- She cried and talked loud, and from the strong smell of whiskey it was evident that she had been drinking. Kate came home this evening.
An Irish woman from the tunnel came to complain of the Boss - Grattan - whom she called a "hungry hound". She had quarreled with him and with her husband who gave her, she said, "an awful bating" for abusing the Boss-- She cried and talked loud, and from the strong smell of whiskey it was evident that she had been drinking. Kate came home this evening.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Friday Nov. 22
Mrs. Terril here coloring black--
Floyd has again retreated before Rosecrans army. The 36" is still at Summersville. Owing to the wretched state of the roads they are kept on rather short allowance. W D. McClure who is the train master wrote home that it took four days for the train to go a distance of 37 miles. William got home this evening.
Floyd has again retreated before Rosecrans army. The 36" is still at Summersville. Owing to the wretched state of the roads they are kept on rather short allowance. W D. McClure who is the train master wrote home that it took four days for the train to go a distance of 37 miles. William got home this evening.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Thursday Nov. 21
Kate and Lizzie went to town visited Mrs. Dr. Tenney. Mary Slocomb was married this morning by gas-light to Dr. D. B. Cotton. Sister Sarah came down with Lizzie this evening.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Wednesday Nov. 20
Mr. George Davenport, an elderly gentleman of the old school who wishes a place under government dined with us today.
Peggy's comments:
William Cutler frequently had patronage requests made of him, as was the custom for Congressmen.
Peggy's comments:
William Cutler frequently had patronage requests made of him, as was the custom for Congressmen.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Tuesday Nov. 19
Nancy washed. Mrs. Terril cleaned the dining room and Lizzie's room. Kate and Lizzie made cloth cloak for the latter.
The Confederate commissioners, Mason of Virginia and Slidell of Louisisana, have been captured by Com. Wilkes of the War Steamer San Jacinta. They were taken from the British mail steamer Trent in the Bahama Channel while on the way to Europe and brought to Fortress Monroe.
William went to Chillicothe.
Peggy's comments:
Nancy Carlin was an employee of the Cutler household and Mrs. Terril came occasionally to help with the cleaning. Kate Dawes and Lizzie Cutler were close in age and had grown up near to each other.
The Confederate commissioners, James M. Mason and John Slidell, had been sent to Europe by Jefferson Davis not in an official capacity but as gentlemen, to discuss establishing ties with France and England. It was believed that European countries would be willing to do so because of the need for cotton. Mason and Slidell were captured by Commander Wilkes from a British ship, Trent. Wilkes was applauded in the United States as a hero. The capture, however, caused diplomatic difficulties for the United States. The British complained that the seizure aboard one of their vessels had violated their neutral rights. For details, see the Wikipedia article or infoplease.
The Confederate commissioners, Mason of Virginia and Slidell of Louisisana, have been captured by Com. Wilkes of the War Steamer San Jacinta. They were taken from the British mail steamer Trent in the Bahama Channel while on the way to Europe and brought to Fortress Monroe.
William went to Chillicothe.
Peggy's comments:
Nancy Carlin was an employee of the Cutler household and Mrs. Terril came occasionally to help with the cleaning. Kate Dawes and Lizzie Cutler were close in age and had grown up near to each other.
The Confederate commissioners, James M. Mason and John Slidell, had been sent to Europe by Jefferson Davis not in an official capacity but as gentlemen, to discuss establishing ties with France and England. It was believed that European countries would be willing to do so because of the need for cotton. Mason and Slidell were captured by Commander Wilkes from a British ship, Trent. Wilkes was applauded in the United States as a hero. The capture, however, caused diplomatic difficulties for the United States. The British complained that the seizure aboard one of their vessels had violated their neutral rights. For details, see the Wikipedia article or infoplease.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Monday Nov. 18
Another hard frost. Ephe came on the morning train on his way to Camp Diamond. We gave him a barrel of apples.
The papers for several days have been filled with the details of the taking of Forts Walker and Beauregard at Port Royal, Nov. 7". The attack was begun by the rebels. Sixteen armed vessels under Commandore Dupont were engaged in the fight which continued five hours when the rebels fled and our forces took possession. It was on the part of the Federals strictly a naval fight. The military taking no part.
Peggy's comments:
The success of the navy at Port Royal had a variety of consequences. For more details, read this article which appeared in the magazine America's Civil War.
The papers for several days have been filled with the details of the taking of Forts Walker and Beauregard at Port Royal, Nov. 7". The attack was begun by the rebels. Sixteen armed vessels under Commandore Dupont were engaged in the fight which continued five hours when the rebels fled and our forces took possession. It was on the part of the Federals strictly a naval fight. The military taking no part.
Peggy's comments:
The success of the navy at Port Royal had a variety of consequences. For more details, read this article which appeared in the magazine America's Civil War.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Sabbath Nov. 17
We had our first severe white frost this morning. Roses, chrysanthemums, verbenas, mignonette, pansies &c. have continued to bloom in the open air until now, but the leaves had fallen from most of the trees before. Pretty full congregation.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Saturday Nov. 16
Lucy came down on the cars and sister Sarah returned this morning to Marietta. Lucy has been painting in water colors -- rosebuds. Ephe came on the evening train and Lucy went to town with him. He had heard of the alarm at Marietta and came home to see after his friends. Col. Craig has been appointed Military Commandant at Marietta. He has two companies entrenching themselves in the narrows below the mouth of the Muskingum where they have two cannon mounted. The Adjutant Gen. Buckingham ordered another cannon in from Chillicothe, and Col. Pond with six hundred men came down fro Zanesville. A lady, Mrs. Lovell, just from Charleston who is well acquainted with Jenkins and his secession friends says he has vowed to burn Gallipolis at all hazards and Marietta if he can. Forewarned it is best to be forearmed. This Jenkins is an ex-member of Congress. He owns a valuable estate on the banks of the Ohio, raising on it some years 100,000 bushels of corn. He is now at the head of a troop of cavalry 800 strong with whom he has been waging a guerrilla warfare upon his union neighbors in western Virginia and now threatens southern Ohio. God has mercifully kept the war from us higherto. We can but trust Him for the future. Mr. Scott, our preacher, came on the cars and spends the night with us. W. W. Peabody sent William a box with a dozen quails.
Peggy's comments:
A rambling post from Julia today, recording the comings and goings of her sister, niece and nephew.
Albert Jenkins is the ex-member of Congress to whom she refers. He was a Democrat from Virginia who resigned his seat in Congress when Virginia seceded. Read more about him here.
Peggy's comments:
A rambling post from Julia today, recording the comings and goings of her sister, niece and nephew.
Albert Jenkins is the ex-member of Congress to whom she refers. He was a Democrat from Virginia who resigned his seat in Congress when Virginia seceded. Read more about him here.
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Albert Jenkins |
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Friday Nov. 15
Sister Sarah came on the cars this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Adams returned to Marietta. We have enjoyed their visit very much.
Gen. Don Carlos Buell is appointed to command in Kentucky in the place of Sherman. Gen. Buell's mother lives in Marietta. He is said to be modest, capable, enduring and brave. He is a native of Ohio, I believe of Marietta.
Peggy's comments:
Gen. Don Carlos Buell is appointed to command in Kentucky in the place of Sherman. Gen. Buell's mother lives in Marietta. He is said to be modest, capable, enduring and brave. He is a native of Ohio, I believe of Marietta.
Peggy's comments:
Monday, November 14, 2011
Thursday Nov. 14
This morning Mr. and Mrs. Nehemiah Adams came on the train. Mr. Adams is the youngest son of the late Tiffany Adams who came to Ohio in 1816. During the sickly seasons between 1820 - 1824, Mr. Tiffany Adams and his wife (who was a sister of Uncle Torrey) and four sons all promising young men, died, leaving Nehemiah and Edward orphans. They went back to Connecticut, are both Christian men and have both been prosperous in business. Edward now lives in Balise, Central America. He has but one child, a daughter, now pursuing her studies at Senard Institute, New York. Mr. Nehemiah Adams is a manufacturer. He lives at Jewett city, Conn., where he owns a large cotton mill, and also has interest in mills at Pomfret. His wife is a cultivated, courteous, pleasing woman. They have no children living. I went with Mr. Adams to call at Mr. Bailey's and Mr. Joel Deming's and to see his old home on the Gilman farm. We met Mr. Joseph Hutchinson who told us that it was reported that Jenkins with seven thousand men had come back to Guyandotte. That they had seized the steamboat, Ohio No. 3 and two other steamers and three thousand of them were on their way to take Marietta. He seemed a good deal excited but after inquiring into the matter I concluded it was too soon to be frightened. It is probably a sensational rumor.
In the evening Mr. & Mrs. Joel Deming and Miss Emma Bruchlocker, Miss Betsey and Augustus S. Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bailey called to spend the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Adams. William got home from Cincinnati this evening.
In the evening Mr. & Mrs. Joel Deming and Miss Emma Bruchlocker, Miss Betsey and Augustus S. Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bailey called to spend the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Adams. William got home from Cincinnati this evening.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Wednesday Nov. 13
I was up a great part of last night with little Sarah. Answered Mr. Walton's letter. Mrs. Terril housecleaning.
There is news of a terrible massacre at Guyandotte, Virginia. One or two companies of Federal troops were stationed there. Last Sabbath evening while a part of these troops were at church, and others had been invited to the houses of citizens, Jenkins and his band of desperadoes who were concealed near the town awaiting the preconcerted signal rushed in and aided by the citizens, male and female, murdered and captured about one hundred of the soldiers, -- a most unprovoked and terrible thing. Col. Bailey, who was a relative of the Baileys of this place, was among the dead. He was wounded and then thrown from a high bridge and drowned. Col. Ziegler who was at Point Pleasant on hearing of these things immediately went to Guyandotte. His men burned the houses of those rebel citizens who had betrayed the slaughtered comrades.
Peggy's comments:
Little Sarah Cutler is Julia's niece, the daughter of William and Lizzie Cutler. She was 5 years old in 1861. Julia wrote to Mr. Walton, her brother-in-law from whom she had heard the previous day.
This from Harper's Weekly, November 23, 1861:
There is news of a terrible massacre at Guyandotte, Virginia. One or two companies of Federal troops were stationed there. Last Sabbath evening while a part of these troops were at church, and others had been invited to the houses of citizens, Jenkins and his band of desperadoes who were concealed near the town awaiting the preconcerted signal rushed in and aided by the citizens, male and female, murdered and captured about one hundred of the soldiers, -- a most unprovoked and terrible thing. Col. Bailey, who was a relative of the Baileys of this place, was among the dead. He was wounded and then thrown from a high bridge and drowned. Col. Ziegler who was at Point Pleasant on hearing of these things immediately went to Guyandotte. His men burned the houses of those rebel citizens who had betrayed the slaughtered comrades.
Peggy's comments:
Little Sarah Cutler is Julia's niece, the daughter of William and Lizzie Cutler. She was 5 years old in 1861. Julia wrote to Mr. Walton, her brother-in-law from whom she had heard the previous day.
This from Harper's Weekly, November 23, 1861:
On Sunday night, Guyandotte, in Western Virginia, situated on the Ohio River, was attacked by six hundred rebels, and out of one hundred and fifty National troops stationed there, all but fifty were killed or taken prisoners. The rebel force afterward beat a hasty retreat, and nothing has since been heard of them, though a body of National troops has been sent in pursuit. Our troops afterward fired the town of Guyandotte, and it was entirely destroyed.Saturday, November 12, 2011
Tuesday Nov. 12
Mrs. Male here picking over apples; also Mrs Terril ironing. William went to Chillicothe. A letter from Mr. Walton saying that James Pennock, their oldest son, is very sick of typhoid fever. God pity and spare them their first born if it is His holy will.
The great Naval Expedition has taken Port Royal and Beaufort, S. C. The Stars and Stripes are floating triumphantly over a port of that rebellious state, a port rich in cotton and rice and slaves. The harbor is one of the best on the southern coast. The position threatens both Savannah and Charleston. The rebels acknowledge their own loss to be large in the fight which took place near Beaufort. Of our own loss we yet know nothing.
The present indications are that the war is to be vigorously prosecuted during the winter. God grant that our arms may be prospered and so order events that Slavery may die. How blessed is the truth that God is King. He doeth his pleasure among the armies of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth. We may safely trust our Country, our friends and ourselves in his hands. He doeth all things well.
Peggy's Comments:
James Pennock was one of Julia's nephews, the oldest son of her sister Clara. He was 13 at the time and he did survive the bout of typhoid fever.
The plan for bombarding Fort Walker and Fort Beaureguard was to sail the ships in an elliptical pattern, bombarding each as the ships passed by. Although this plan broke down, the Federal forces succeeded in capturing both forts. Loss of life was small.
The great Naval Expedition has taken Port Royal and Beaufort, S. C. The Stars and Stripes are floating triumphantly over a port of that rebellious state, a port rich in cotton and rice and slaves. The harbor is one of the best on the southern coast. The position threatens both Savannah and Charleston. The rebels acknowledge their own loss to be large in the fight which took place near Beaufort. Of our own loss we yet know nothing.
The present indications are that the war is to be vigorously prosecuted during the winter. God grant that our arms may be prospered and so order events that Slavery may die. How blessed is the truth that God is King. He doeth his pleasure among the armies of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth. We may safely trust our Country, our friends and ourselves in his hands. He doeth all things well.
Peggy's Comments:
James Pennock was one of Julia's nephews, the oldest son of her sister Clara. He was 13 at the time and he did survive the bout of typhoid fever.
The plan for bombarding Fort Walker and Fort Beaureguard was to sail the ships in an elliptical pattern, bombarding each as the ships passed by. Although this plan broke down, the Federal forces succeeded in capturing both forts. Loss of life was small.
Here is an interesting article from the current NY Times blog Disunion regarding the naval battles.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Monday Nov. 11
Mr. W. B. Hollister here getting out the foundation stones for Father's monument.
Peggy's comments:
Maggie Voris was Lizzie Cutler's 26 year old sister.
William would be going to Tunnel Station regarding RailRoad business.
Mrs. Terril often came to help with housework.
Julia Cutler's father, Ephraim Cutler, was born 13 April 1767 and died 8 July 1853. He is buried in the Riverview Cemetery (also known as Gravel Bank Cemetery) near where he lived in Warren Township, Ohio.
Tombstone inscription:
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Here we are, standing in front of Ephraim Cutler's monument in 2011 |
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Ephraim Cutler |
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Sabbath Nov. 10
Mr. Scott preached. The congregation pretty full. Went to prayer meeting. George W. Bailey conducted it.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Saturday, Nov. 9
A severe engagement is reported at Belmont, Mo. The Federal troops under Generals Grant and M'Clernaud fought bravely. We lost a large number of officers. The rebels under Gen. Pillow lost very heavily. Both parties claim the victory.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Friday Nov. 8
Kate, the children and I took dinner at Mrs. Burgess' with Mrs. Blackinton and children, Miss Jones and Mrs. Dickey. Mr. Burgess was absent, gone to preach, I think at a sacramental occasion to a free church near Chillicothe. William came home from Chillicothe very tired. Lucy came down with some of her scholars who were going to visit Lizzie Poage. Little Betty Gates is very sick.
Peggy's comments:
Kate Dawes, Julia's niece, lived with the Cutlers. Mrs. Burgess was Lizzie Cutler's mother and lived nearby with her husband Rev. Dyer Burgess. A rather colorful character, here's a reference to Dyer Burgess from an article about Marietta:
Peggy's comments:
Kate Dawes, Julia's niece, lived with the Cutlers. Mrs. Burgess was Lizzie Cutler's mother and lived nearby with her husband Rev. Dyer Burgess. A rather colorful character, here's a reference to Dyer Burgess from an article about Marietta:
Of this time Mr. Russell O'Neal tells of an amusing incident. That Father Burgess, of Warren, came to preach one Sabbath in the old brick church and when he arose to announce the hymns and saw that they had brought a bass viol into church, he indignantly said: "We will fiddle and sing the 148th Psalm."
Monday, November 7, 2011
Thursday Nov. 7
Fighting is reported at Gauley between the army under Rosecrans and that under Floyd. Nancy went home to spend a week visiting in Morgan County. Marion came down this morning and Ephe also. He is going to Pomeroy on regimental business.
Peggy's comments:
Nancy Carlin worked in the kitchen in the Cutler household.
Ephe Dawes is moving about as adjutant.
I'm still unsure as to Marion's role--a friend or relative who often accompanied Ephe's mother, Sarah Cutler Dawes.
Peggy's comments:
Nancy Carlin worked in the kitchen in the Cutler household.
Ephe Dawes is moving about as adjutant.
I'm still unsure as to Marion's role--a friend or relative who often accompanied Ephe's mother, Sarah Cutler Dawes.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Wednesday Nov. 6
Ephe called on us this morning. He looks very well. William went to Chillicothe. A rainy disagreeable day. Fremont is removed and the West is indignant. No sufficient cause has been assigned. It is believed to be the work of wire working politicians who fear Fremont's popularity. Men like Chase who wish to be President will not heseitate to sacrifice those who stand in their way. Thus far nothing has transpired to impair confidence in Fremont. His announcement to his command that he was no longer their leader is gentlemanly, feeling and patriotic. If he has been wronged, God will right him.
Peggy's Comments:
The reporting during the Civil War often consisted of letters sent from reporters on the scene. Reports were not always reliable or unbiased.
Two reports from the New York Times November 5, 1861:
Peggy's Comments:
The reporting during the Civil War often consisted of letters sent from reporters on the scene. Reports were not always reliable or unbiased.
Two reports from the New York Times November 5, 1861:
Important From Missouri.; Excitement About The Rumored Removal Of Fremont
The following is a special dispatch to the St. Louis Republican: "A good deal of excitement has prevailed in camp for some days past, respecting the report of Gen Fremont's supersession, but Washington advices at headquarters mention nothing of the kind. Gen Fremont's removal would cause intense excitement, and no little trouble in camp. A number of officers declare that they will resign in that event, or insist upon creating him Dictator of the Southwest, independent of the Administration, which is bitterly denounced in camp for its vacillating and injudicious policy respecting this Department."
Our Washington Correspondence.; Storm In Washington--Fears For The Fleet-- Fremont Removed--The President's Reasons--The Tribune's Contraband Enterprise--Historical Names In Washington--M'clellan Not Going Into Winter Quarters At Washington.
WASHINGTON, Saturday Night, Nov. 3, 1861. One of the severest rain-storms ever known in this latitude has prevailed all day. Streets have been converted into made for dashing torrents; cellars, flooded; low lands, overflowed; and the Potomac itself brought up towards high-water mark with a rapidity almost unprecedented. A violent wind has accompanied the rain, giving rise to painful apprehensions in many breasts for the safety of our fleet that lately started in search of a harbor on the inhospitable Southern coast. The most cheerful view that we can take is the one I telegraphed you, to-night, that the fleet either made the harbor it was sailing for, or returned to Hatteras Inlet, and sought safety in Pimlico Sound. If this latter course was taken, the country will have new cause to be gratified by the success of the former naval expedition to Southern waters. So heavy a fall of rain must seriously impede the movement of the army in Virginia. It will be a week, at least, with the most favorable weather, before the roads are firm enough for an advance. The country may rest assured that Gen. MCCLELLAN means to advance, and to prosecute the war actively and unremittingly. He has no thought of going into Winter quarters in front of Washington. Further South it is not so cold, and MCCLELLAN's intention is to Winter in a milder region than even the South bank of the Potomac. I do not mean to say that he may not be disappointed. The natural elements may conspire against him and prevent his moving, as this storm has done. The political elements may restrain him. But it is not credible that a Cabinet edict will be issued against a movement. If left to himself, I have the best authority, for saving that Gen. MCCLELLAN will push the war vigorously and without pause.
The order transferring the Western Military Department from Gen. Fremont’s to Gen. HUNTER's command, was sent West some days since, and has doubtless reached Gen. Fremont camp before this. The determination of the President to relieve Gen. Fremont of the command, had the hearty approval of every member of the Cabinet. The order was accompanied by no conditions whatever, such as that it was "not to be delivered if Fremont was in presence of the enemy." The President was thoroughly satisfied that Col. MULLIGAN and his army of 3,500 men were sacrificed at Lexington by the incompetency and inefficiency of Fremont; and the escape of PRICE, unpunished, into Arkansas, -- an event foreseen by all military men as certain for weeks past, -- put an end to the hope and promise of Fremont and his friends, that he would, if allowed a chance, "bag" PRICE and retrieve his reputation. The Government has lost now not only MULLIGAN's army, but the enormous expense of Fremont’s campaign, with near 50,000 men into Southwest Missouri, in the fruitless pursuit of the victorious PRICE. If Fremont should go forward into Arkansas, his army, being drawn away from its base, would be cut off and lost; if he returns with it to St. Louis, PRICE will follow his retreating footsteps, and reconquer the greater part of the State; if he leaves enough of his army at Springfield to keep PRICE, MCCULLOCH and Gen. A.S. JOHNSTON out of the State, he will go back to St. Louis stripped of the means to operate effectively on any other field, -- having lost two battles, one General, (LYON,) one Colonel, (MULLIGAN,) and 3,500 men, and spent many millions of dollars, since he assumed command in Missouri, and only ended in putting the State where Gen. LYON had placed it last June. It is upon this record of ineffectual service, connected with voluminous and undoubted evidence of extravagant expenditures and confusion in the accounts of the Department, that the President has felt impelled to remove Gen. Fremont. Some doubts are expressed as to the course Fremont will pursue. It is thought by some that he will demand a Court of Inquiry with a view to vindicate his reputation; while others, who know him better, say he will resign in dudgeon, and let the country henceforth take care of itself. There is even another still smaller class, who think that Fremont will disobey the President's orders and put Gen. HUNTER under arrest for impeaching his military capacity. I confess my anxiety that Gen. Fremont should deport himself as a good soldier and loyal citizen, and pursue the first course -- demand an investigation and relieve himself, if possible, from the charges made against him. He owes so much as that to his friends. The example should inspire him of the illustrious Lieut.-Gen. SCOTT -- the great Captain who has just laid aside the harness of war, enjoying the unbounded love and admiration of the American people. Gen. SCOTT returned from the conquest of Mexico under arrest, and with his glories obscured by a cloud of calumnies. He disproved and lived them down. So may Fremont-- if he is innocent. If he resists the Government, he will sink to infamy and be classed with BENEDICT ARNOLD and AARON BURR. I am sorry to see you giving credit to the Tribune's assertion that it received Gen. STONE's and Gen. THOMAS' reports "in regular course from the War Department." It did no such thing. Gen. STONE's report was published in the Tribune before it ever reached the War Department, even before Gen. MCCLELLAN had read and considered it; whereat the latter was justly indignant. The War Department emphatically denies the Tribune's assertion also, so far as it relates to Gen. THOMAS' report -- the publication of which is so injurious to the public service. The Tribune twits the TIMES with lack of "enterprise" in not having secured these reports first. If the War Department and Gen. MCCLELLAN are to be believed, it is only an "enterprise" such as sometimes leads men into serious restrictions of their personal liberty that won the Tribune's recent successes. The TIMES can well afford to let the parties implicated in the guilt settle the question of veracity. Among the visitors at Washington, whose presence revives historical associations, is THOMAS H. CLAY, oldest son of HENRY CLAY, who is here to promote the interests of the Unionists in Kentucky with the Government. He is very like his illustrious father in feature, as he is in spirit. He has been, from the first, one of the boldest opponents of secession in Kentucky, and has done much, in his effective labors, to redeem the name of his great sire from the contamination of these degenerate times. It has been proposed, I learn, to return THOMAS H. CLAY to the United States Senate in place of BRECKINRIDGE. A sounder patriot could not fill a seat in the Senate; and the old friends of HENRY CLAY, again visiting Washington, would be startled to see a face so like their ancient idol's occupying a place in the Senate.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Tuesday Nov. 5, 1861
We had Mrs. Blackinton, Miss Jones, Mrs. Dickey, Mrs. A. S. Bailey, Miss Louise Carpenter and Miss Kroeger and Maggie here to tea.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Monday Nov. 4th
A fleet of three steam boats three of them lashed together passed down this morning with flags flying having on board the 51' Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Col. Stanley Matthews, on his way to Kentucky. They are armed with Enfield rifles. William and Lizzie went to Mr. Burgess's to dinner. Kate and Annie rode out to invite some friends to tea tomorrow.
I wrote to Martha A. Carter enclosing thirty dollars.
Peggy's comments:
Stanley Matthews was born in Kentucky in 1824. He moved to Cincinnati in 1844 where he practiced law and was active in politics as a Democrat. He held strong anti-slavery views, however, and with the outbreak of the Civil War, he became a Republican and volunteered for service with the army.
Here's a youtube video of Civil War re-enactors demonstrating loading and firing Enfield rifles.
Julia Cutler's father, Ephraim Cutler, moved to Ohio in 1795 with his first wife, Leah Atwood Cutler. They travelled with their four children, one of whom was Nancy Cutler. Nancy's daughter Martha A. Carter is the woman mentioned in today's journal entry. Martha was 32 years old and unmarried in 1861.
I wrote to Martha A. Carter enclosing thirty dollars.
Peggy's comments:
Stanley Matthews was born in Kentucky in 1824. He moved to Cincinnati in 1844 where he practiced law and was active in politics as a Democrat. He held strong anti-slavery views, however, and with the outbreak of the Civil War, he became a Republican and volunteered for service with the army.
Here's a youtube video of Civil War re-enactors demonstrating loading and firing Enfield rifles.
Julia Cutler's father, Ephraim Cutler, moved to Ohio in 1795 with his first wife, Leah Atwood Cutler. They travelled with their four children, one of whom was Nancy Cutler. Nancy's daughter Martha A. Carter is the woman mentioned in today's journal entry. Martha was 32 years old and unmarried in 1861.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Saturday, Nov. 2
Rainy all day. Several employees settling accounts with William. Letters from both Ephraim and Rufus. The Ohio 53' is filling up slowly but expects to be complete soon. Rufus gives us a picture of the celebrities, DeJoinville, Seward, M'Clellan, M'Dowell, &c. - quite interesting.
Lieut. Gen. Scott in consequence of his infirmities and age has resigned his position as Commander of the Army and that duty by unanimous consent of the Cabinet now devolves upon McClellan. May God whom he has tried to honor, bless and prosper him. I believe that he has been raised up to be the instrument of good to this people.
Peggy's comments:
Many people thought that the war would be settled by one large battle. Gen. Scott, aged 75, thought it would be a long and drawn out conflict. Union hopes were pinned on General McClellan. For further discussion on the change in command, see the Civil War Daily Gazette blog.
Lieut. Gen. Scott in consequence of his infirmities and age has resigned his position as Commander of the Army and that duty by unanimous consent of the Cabinet now devolves upon McClellan. May God whom he has tried to honor, bless and prosper him. I believe that he has been raised up to be the instrument of good to this people.
Peggy's comments:
Many people thought that the war would be settled by one large battle. Gen. Scott, aged 75, thought it would be a long and drawn out conflict. Union hopes were pinned on General McClellan. For further discussion on the change in command, see the Civil War Daily Gazette blog.
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General Winfield Scott, 1861 |
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General George B. McClellan |
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Friday Nov. 1st, 1861
William from Chillicothe, Kate, who went to town today and Lucy came on the evening train. It began to rain about sunset. It was dark and muddy getting from the station.
The question of forming the new state of Kanawha has been submitted to the vote of the people of western Virginia who appear to be almost a unit in favor of the measure. In Wood county the vote stood 1011 to 45 in favor of the measure.
William and Lizzie were married twelve years ago today.
Peggy's comments:
There were about 20 years difference in the ages of William and Lizzie Cutler. Lizzie was 17 when she married William in 1849. By 1861, Lizzie had given birth to 5 children, and only 2 were still living.
The northwestern counties of Virginia seceded from Virginia when it seceded from the United States. Kanawha was the proposed name for the new state (it was the name of a river and also a Native American term meaning "place of white stone".) The vote was held on October 24, 1861 with a large majority of those voting in favor of becoming a new state.
The question of forming the new state of Kanawha has been submitted to the vote of the people of western Virginia who appear to be almost a unit in favor of the measure. In Wood county the vote stood 1011 to 45 in favor of the measure.
William and Lizzie were married twelve years ago today.
Peggy's comments:
There were about 20 years difference in the ages of William and Lizzie Cutler. Lizzie was 17 when she married William in 1849. By 1861, Lizzie had given birth to 5 children, and only 2 were still living.
The northwestern counties of Virginia seceded from Virginia when it seceded from the United States. Kanawha was the proposed name for the new state (it was the name of a river and also a Native American term meaning "place of white stone".) The vote was held on October 24, 1861 with a large majority of those voting in favor of becoming a new state.
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1862 Map Showing the Proposed State of Kanawha Frank Leslie's Pictorial History of the American Civil War, 1862 (Ma61- 25) |
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