Lucy came down on the cars and sister Sarah returned this morning to Marietta. Lucy has been painting in water colors -- rosebuds. Ephe came on the evening train and Lucy went to town with him. He had heard of the alarm at Marietta and came home to see after his friends. Col. Craig has been appointed Military Commandant at Marietta. He has two companies entrenching themselves in the narrows below the mouth of the Muskingum where they have two cannon mounted. The Adjutant Gen. Buckingham ordered another cannon in from Chillicothe, and Col. Pond with six hundred men came down fro Zanesville. A lady, Mrs. Lovell, just from Charleston who is well acquainted with Jenkins and his secession friends says he has vowed to burn Gallipolis at all hazards and Marietta if he can. Forewarned it is best to be forearmed. This Jenkins is an ex-member of Congress. He owns a valuable estate on the banks of the Ohio, raising on it some years 100,000 bushels of corn. He is now at the head of a troop of cavalry 800 strong with whom he has been waging a guerrilla warfare upon his union neighbors in western Virginia and now threatens southern Ohio. God has mercifully kept the war from us higherto. We can but trust Him for the future. Mr. Scott, our preacher, came on the cars and spends the night with us. W. W. Peabody sent William a box with a dozen quails.
Peggy's comments:
A rambling post from Julia today, recording the comings and goings of her sister, niece and nephew.
Albert Jenkins is the ex-member of Congress to whom she refers. He was a Democrat from Virginia who resigned his seat in Congress when Virginia seceded. Read more about him
Albert Jenkins |
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