Sunday, August 14, 2011

Tuesday, Aug. 14

Lucy, Marion and little Annie went up to A. S. Bailey's.  Clara Andrews is spending the week there.  Sarah Dawes took dinner at Mrs. Burgess'.  Dr. Hart today gave William more active medicine and he has had a very sick day.  I am afraid he will have a course of typhoid fever but hope for the best.  The river has risen rapidly and is covered with drift.  In some places the fords have been guarded for fear of secession depredations.  This rise will remove all such apprehensions.  It has risen about ten feet.  Miss Bicknell who lives at Great Bend, Ohio, opposite Jackson Co., Va., says that their neighborhood has been full of Virginia refugees.  Union men fleeing with their families from secession pursuers.  As many as thirty were at one time at her father's house.  The family of Lieut. Gov. Falsey were obliged at one time to take refuge in Ohio.  Our land is in a deplorable state.  Whence will deliverance come?  God pity us and send victory to our armies.  How long must this state of things be?  Shall the oppressor go unpunished?  Is God the friend of the slaveholder to uphold him in all his ways?

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