Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Friday Sept. 13

A drove of mules went down, perhaps a hundred, designed for the army in western Virginia.  Several such droves have passed down lately.  A thousand mules have been in pasture for several weeks near Camp Putnam, which are forwarded to Camp Putnam as they are needed.
The privateer Sumter which has done so much mischief to our northern commerce went ashore lately, it is said on the Island of Trinidad and is a total wreck.  
Gen. Rosecrans has engaged Floyd's forces near Summerville at Cornfix Ferry.  Col. Lowe of the 12" Ohio was killed.  Col. Lytle & Capts. M'Mullen and M'Groartz wounded.  Total of our loss, 15 killed, 70 wounded.  The fight lasted five hours.  Union troops mostly Ohioans fought bravely.  Floyd's loss not known.  He fled during the night leaving his camp equipage, horses, wagons &c. and a large quantity of ammunition and fifty head of cattle.  Floyd is said to have been severely wounded in the arm.  At Elk River near Cheat Mountain Col. John A. Washington of the rebel army was, with another rebel officer, shot by our pickets while spying around our camp.

Peggy's Comments:
The Privateer Sumter apparently was not a total wreck in September as an article appeared in the NY Times in November of 1861 giving accounts of its actions, and reporting was that it had finally been captured.  If you want to read about this pirate ship, go here.

General Rosecrans was the Union general who was engaging Confederate General Floyd's troops in Virginia at Carnifex Ferry.  General Floyd, who had been Secretary of War under President Buchanan was never convicted of corruption, but more than once was associated with some less than honorable actions.   He suffered a wound to his arm at Carnifex Ferry as Julia recorded.  He continued to serve in the Confederate Army until he was relieved of command in 1862.  He died in 1863.

And General Fremont's wife, Jessie, was meeting with Abraham Lincoln to defend Fremont's proclamation to free slaves in Missouri.  An illuminating article appears in the NY Times blog, Disunion.

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