Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Saturday Sept. 7

William seems free from fever but is still weak.  The doctor says he will not come tomorrow but will be down again Monday.  I have not kept my journal very well.  Loss of sleep makes me stupid.  Lizzie, Lucy and I take turns watching with William, so we are up every third night.  Kate gets up at four or five o'clock to relieve the watcher.  Lucy went to town today.  She brought down a letter which Mr. Wickes has written to Mr. Shedd giving an account of the rebellion.

Peggy's comments:
The doctor, at least, begins to think that William is on the mend.  His wife (Lizzie), nieces (Lucy and Kate), and his sister Julia continue to tend at night--a routine that has been going on for a month.

Mr. Shedd is the missionary in Persia, husband of Jane Dawes Shedd.  They were eager for news from family and friends about the war, even though the "news" was badly out of date by the time they received it.

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