This is the last day of summer. Another season is gone and still clouds and darkness are over our land. What country ever raised such a volunteer army as ours, intelligent, brave, self sacrificing, -- a million of men under arms to sustain the government and put down the rebellion. This army comprising the flower of our youth, our educated men, the pride and hope of our country, presents the strange spectacle of going into the struggle, with no talented competent leader. For a time the national hope and faith was in Gen. Scott who "never lost a battle", then Gen. M'Clellan "the rising young hero" was hailed as a deliverer. In vain. We cast our eyes longingly upon Fremont, Buell, Halleck, Pope. No man equal to the exigences of the times has arisen. William says "it is not men for the ranks but brains for the generals that we need." If God will not be our leader and interpose for us our prospect is dark indeed. O that he would remember that we are but dust -- & not try us beyond what we are able to bear.
Dr. Jamieson formerly of Gallipolis but now of Darke county preached for us today a good sermon in which he gave utterance to many noble and patriotic ideas. His text was Dan. Dr. Jamieson & Mr. Curtis took tea with us. Mr. W. D. Bailey brought in a nice basket of peaches and pears and a nice watermelon.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Saturday, August 30, 1862
The accounts from Minnesota are very horrible. It is said that 1000 have been slain of the unarmed and unprotected settlers. The Indians are besieging Fort Ridgely. There seems to be no doubt that these savages have instigated in these deeds of blood by the rebels. We can hear nothing definite from Dr. Williamson's family or from Marion, except that we learn that John Williamson is safe. He was at Pana, Ill. on the 19th on his way to Ohio. We rejoice that thus he is spared.
A great many men are passing on their way to town to get exemption from draft. William who was up yesterday says the town was crowded. These men are not all cowards. Some are really physically unable, some not citizens; but some it is to be feared are de facto sneaks. They would have saved their credit by staying at home as the probabilities are that no draft will be needed.
Mr. Bromley called. He is a very conservative politician, is afraid that William denounces slavery too severely and is not tender enough of the feelings of Democrats, &c. Thinks it would be a misfortune to lose this Congressional district but wants William to trim his sails so as not to fail if the support of Democrats; says that B-- says that William is only a "conditional Union man" &c. Nancy Carlin went home today. She will not return before the first of September to work. Another great battle fought last Thursday between Gen. Pope and the rebels. We think that Rufus and probably the 36th Ohio regiment were in it and dread to hear the result.
A great many men are passing on their way to town to get exemption from draft. William who was up yesterday says the town was crowded. These men are not all cowards. Some are really physically unable, some not citizens; but some it is to be feared are de facto sneaks. They would have saved their credit by staying at home as the probabilities are that no draft will be needed.
Mr. Bromley called. He is a very conservative politician, is afraid that William denounces slavery too severely and is not tender enough of the feelings of Democrats, &c. Thinks it would be a misfortune to lose this Congressional district but wants William to trim his sails so as not to fail if the support of Democrats; says that B-- says that William is only a "conditional Union man" &c. Nancy Carlin went home today. She will not return before the first of September to work. Another great battle fought last Thursday between Gen. Pope and the rebels. We think that Rufus and probably the 36th Ohio regiment were in it and dread to hear the result.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Friday, Aug. 29, 1862
Lucy came this evening on the train. She will spend the night. Her school begins next Monday. Last night Marietta was aroused by the alarm bells and booming of cannon. The inhabitants asked each other what it meant and at last were told that the guerrillas were in Williamsport opposite Marietta in Virginia, and had taken possession of Mr. Kinnaird's house. But at daylight it was ascertained that the "guerrillas" were Union soldiers who had been out on a scout.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Thursday, Aug. 28, 1862
Kate went to town today. Lizzie and I went up to Mrs. Bailey's and held prayer meeting. It seemed to be the burden of the prayer of the two or three assembled that God would be our leader and glorify Himself in our deliverance.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Wednesday, Aug. 27, 1862
Last night I heard the patrol pass and repass the house, mounted men sent by Col. Putnam to watch the fords. Kate took the little girls out riding this morning and to Mr. Burgess' to dinner. They took tea yesterday at Mrs. W. D. Bailey. Mrs. Bailey came in this morning and proposed that we have female prayer meeting, the first, at her house, tomorrow at three o'clock. It is a good and proper suggestion. God only can help us. All loyal men look anxiously toward Gen. Pope's army in Virginia. A battle is expected. God grant it be not defeat but certain victory. Rufus writes Aug. 14 from "Cedar Mountain battlefield". "You have doubtless seen by the papers that we were too late for the battle and that Jackson has again retreated. We came up just in time to meet the wagon trains loaded with wounded. It was the most murderous conflct of the war, 923 wounded and 300 left dead on the field out of 6000 engaged. The scene on the battlefield Monday morning beggars description. Hands, arms and every fragment of the body thrown over the field. The enemy had every advantage of numbers and position and simply murdered our men by the hundred while they were comparatively secure. We have been continually on the march for two weeks. Our dash on Fredericks Hall was the most daring feat of the war here. Newpaper reporters have not given us all the credit due. We were at one time completely environed by the enemy. Gen. Stuart of the rebel cavalry was in our rear with 3000 men. Our force was less than 1000. Col. Cutler has been highly complimented in General Orders. In his official report the following occurs: "I wish especially to notice Lt. Col. Kilpatrick and Major Davies of the Cavalry and Lt. Col. Bragg and Major Dawes of the infantry for the prompt and efficient manner in which they caused all my orders to be executed, also for the many valuable suggestions I received from them.""
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Tuesday, Aug. 26, 1862
Mr. Dodge went early. Mr. Ballard of Decatur who spent the night here goes to Marietta as a delegate to the Congressional convention. Sophie and Fannie Dana, the little daughters of George Dana jr. Esq. of Belpre have come to spend a couple of days here. Mr Ballard came about 5 o'clock -- took a cup of tea and pursued his journey homeward. B. C. Bailey here in the evening. William was re-nominated to Congress today on the first ballot. The delegations from Washington and Meigs were unanimous for him. Morgan and Monroe on the sequel were also unanimous. Athens county had wire workers there, but a majority of the delegations were for William. Mr. Bailey says the Convention was harmonious beyond what is usual and was made up of very intelligent and respectable men.
Gov. Tod telegraphed today that there was danger of guerrillas and the home guard must be on the alert. We can only commit ourselves to God. We lay ourselves down thinking of murdered friends in Minnesota and not knowing what may befall us, but God is our refuge, a very present help in time of trouble. I wrote to Martha S. Carter enclosing 30 dollars.
Gov. Tod telegraphed today that there was danger of guerrillas and the home guard must be on the alert. We can only commit ourselves to God. We lay ourselves down thinking of murdered friends in Minnesota and not knowing what may befall us, but God is our refuge, a very present help in time of trouble. I wrote to Martha S. Carter enclosing 30 dollars.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Monday, Aug. 25, 1862
Cousin Temple came down on the morning cars and staid till after dinner, -- his farewell visit. He expects to start in the morning to New England. He has been about eight months in the service of the Government as Chaplain. His church at Skowhegan lent him to his country six months and now urge his return to his old field of labor among them.
The eveing train came in late. Mr. Dodge who came on it spent the night here. He came to talk with William and arrange about the R. R. bridge at Belpre.
Today's paper has more details of the horrid Indian massacre. It states that Dr. Williamson and Rev. Mr. Riggs, missionaries are among the slain.
Mr. Miller, the Assessor for Warren was here today. He thinks the quota for the township is full. About 100 have enlisted.
The eveing train came in late. Mr. Dodge who came on it spent the night here. He came to talk with William and arrange about the R. R. bridge at Belpre.
Today's paper has more details of the horrid Indian massacre. It states that Dr. Williamson and Rev. Mr. Riggs, missionaries are among the slain.
Mr. Miller, the Assessor for Warren was here today. He thinks the quota for the township is full. About 100 have enlisted.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Sabbath, Aug. 24, 1862
Dr. M'Kinsey from the troops at Parkersburg came up and addressed our Sabbath School. He is from Cincinnati and a good friend to the institution of Sunday Schools.
Annie went to Sunday School today. Her cough is very much better, but Sarah yet coughs hard.
Annie went to Sunday School today. Her cough is very much better, but Sarah yet coughs hard.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Saturday, Aug. 23, 1862
My sister Mrs. Dawes and Mrs. Mary Giles, a cousin of Kate's came on the morning train. Miss Nye went home. Lucy staid to visit Mrs. Giles. We have spent the day together very pleasantly. Kate went to meet William at Scotts Landing taking the little girls with her in the buggy. They met him at Scott's Landing. I sent Mr. Blackston a bottle of blackberry wine. He called tonight. William accommodated him at the bank.
The papers give very alarming rumors of an Indian outbreak in Minnesota and the massacre of the whites at the Lower Agency. We hope it is exaggerated, but feel very anxious for the safety of John Williamson and Mario and her husband. Kate got a letter tonight from Marion saying that the Indians were threatening to take advantage of the absence of Minnesota troops in Government service, and kill the whites. They had taken a company of soldiers prisoners with their two cannon and then robbed the warehouses which they were placed to guard. This was at the Upper Agency where Dr. Williamson and his family live. We fear the worst.
Peggy's comments:
The alarming rumors of an Indian outbreak in Minnesota were true. U.S. government officials had refused to provide food and supplies to the Dakota (Eastern Sioux), even though it was available in nearby warehouses, because payment from the federal government was delayed. To learn more, read this from the Minnesota Historical Society, which includes a video of a talk by historian Annette Atkins. Another account, including contemporary newspaper accounts, is in this posting from
The papers give very alarming rumors of an Indian outbreak in Minnesota and the massacre of the whites at the Lower Agency. We hope it is exaggerated, but feel very anxious for the safety of John Williamson and Mario and her husband. Kate got a letter tonight from Marion saying that the Indians were threatening to take advantage of the absence of Minnesota troops in Government service, and kill the whites. They had taken a company of soldiers prisoners with their two cannon and then robbed the warehouses which they were placed to guard. This was at the Upper Agency where Dr. Williamson and his family live. We fear the worst.
Peggy's comments:
The alarming rumors of an Indian outbreak in Minnesota were true. U.S. government officials had refused to provide food and supplies to the Dakota (Eastern Sioux), even though it was available in nearby warehouses, because payment from the federal government was delayed. To learn more, read this from the Minnesota Historical Society, which includes a video of a talk by historian Annette Atkins. Another account, including contemporary newspaper accounts, is in this posting from
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Friday, Aug. 22, 1862
Capt. Henderson and his wife called. Capt. H. owns the steam ferry at Belpre. He says not less than two thousand persons crossed yesterday to Parkersburg to see friends in the 36th. Every house and outhouse was crowded with lodgers and still they came. A train came in on the railroad about midnight crowded from Athens County but the 36th had left for Washington at 5 pm. yesterday, so they were disappointed. William came on the same train. Two bridges were burned on the Marietta & Cincinnati R. R. night before last and a freight train loaded with hogs was precipitated through one of them, the trainmen barely escaping.
Mary Nye came this evening and spent the night here. Judge Davis Green, Henry's law partner died this morning.
Peggy's comments:
Henry Dawes, Julia's nephew and the oldest brother of Rufus and Ephraim Dawes, died at the age of 28 in August 1860. He was to have married Mary Nye.
Mary Nye came this evening and spent the night here. Judge Davis Green, Henry's law partner died this morning.
Peggy's comments:
Henry Dawes, Julia's nephew and the oldest brother of Rufus and Ephraim Dawes, died at the age of 28 in August 1860. He was to have married Mary Nye.
Thursday, Aug. 21, 1862
Miss Cone left this morning. The road is still crowded with people going to visit the 36th, carrying apples, peaches, melons, &c to brothers and sons. It is quite an ovation. It shows of what material our army is made and how great the sacrifice has been.
We started to attend "circle" at Loring Lewis'. Mrs. Dawes, Maggie, Lizzie and I. We broke our buggy near Mr. Brigg's, Mrs. Dawes returned home. The rest walked to Mr. Lewis'. We had a pleasant time. Rode home in Mr. Bailey's express. Miss Temple spent the afternoon with Kate and Lucy.
We started to attend "circle" at Loring Lewis'. Mrs. Dawes, Maggie, Lizzie and I. We broke our buggy near Mr. Brigg's, Mrs. Dawes returned home. The rest walked to Mr. Lewis'. We had a pleasant time. Rode home in Mr. Bailey's express. Miss Temple spent the afternoon with Kate and Lucy.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Wednesday, Aug. 20, 1862
William goes to Chillicothe. Miss Cone and Charlie spend the day here. George and Nancy have gone to Parkersburg to see friends in the 36th regiment which is expected in that place today on their way to join Gen'l Pope, (it is supposed). There is an almost uninterrupted train of wagons filled with men, women and children bound for the same errand. I saw Mr. Zearing with his wife and daughter and her little ones and the two Misses Skipton going down to see the four Zearing boys and Sam Skipton. Persons on foot and on horseback augment the throng. Skiffs and steamboats bear along a crowd to greet their soldier friends. Extra trains of passenger cars pass along more than full, all showing how strong a hold our soldiers have upon the hearts at home.
The 36th regiment and four or five others from Gen. Cox division came up the Ohio on twenty five steam boats which were nearly all grounded at Blennerhasset and other points. Some of the troops marched on foot to Parkersburg, others were brought upon steamers of light draft. Hannah Temple & Maggie called.
The 36th regiment and four or five others from Gen. Cox division came up the Ohio on twenty five steam boats which were nearly all grounded at Blennerhasset and other points. Some of the troops marched on foot to Parkersburg, others were brought upon steamers of light draft. Hannah Temple & Maggie called.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Tuesday, Aug. 19, 1862
Mr. Dodge and Mr. Graves here to dinner. Mrs. Dawes and I went in the buggy to A. S. Bailey's where we took tea. Mrs. W. D. Bailey and Miss Mary Cone there. We brought them and Charlie Brush home in the buggy with us. Lucy returned from Pana tonight very tired, almost sick. She left Clara getting well.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Saturday, Aug. 16, 1862
Sarah, Lizzie and I called this afternoon at Mrs. J. H. Deming's and Mrs. Goff's (but did not find them at home). Mrs. Dickey's, Mrs. Joel Deming's, Mrs. Blackinton's, Mrs. Greenwood's. I also called at Mr. Cone's to see Miss Mary Cone. We then called at A. S. Bailey's but the ladies were out; then on Mrs. John Scott.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Friday, Aug. 15, 1862
The 92nd Reg. O. V. I. which has been forming at Marietta is full without drafting. Col. Van Vorhes in command.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Thursday, Aug. 14, 1862
William went to Chillicothe. Mr. W. S. Nye is sick. This makes it necessary for William to go and attend to railroad business. Temple, Rhoda, Mrs. Dawes, Lizzie and I took dinner at Mrs. Burgess'. Came home to tea after which Temple and Rhoda took the cars to Marietta.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2012
Kate took the children to meet their father at Scotts Landing. Miss Guthrie and Mr. Train from Putnam caller here this morning. Temple Cutler who has been in Florida, Chaplain to the 9th Maine Reg. has resigned and is going back to Skowhegan. He and his wife came down on the evening train. He is looking very well and has much to tell that is interesting. While at St. Augustine he was quartered in Senator Yuler's (?) house. He gave me a specimen of the stone (a kind of conglomerate of shells) of which the old fortifications at St. Augustine are made, also a bit of wood taken from the oldest house in America.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Tuesday, Aug. 12, 1862
Mr. Dodge of Hanover N. H. here to tea and will spend the night. He ws a contractor who built a considerable part of the Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad and is now here about the bridge which it is proposed to build over the Ohio at Parkersburg. The bill authorizing the building of this railroad bridge passed Congress at its last session. It is a measure of great utility to this part of Ohio and owes to William's brain and energy its inception and final passage. Tonight's paper gives an account of a severe battle between Gen. Pope and Gen. Jackson near Culpepper, Va. We think Rufus was not in the battle.
Peggy's comments:
Julia's nephew, Rufus Dawes, who had been in service for over a year, was about to participate in many battles. He writes in Service with the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers:
Peggy's comments:
Julia's nephew, Rufus Dawes, who had been in service for over a year, was about to participate in many battles. He writes in Service with the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers:
On the early morning of August 10th we left the old camp opposite Fredericksburgh, never to return. The regiment marched twenty-one miles that day and on the eveing of the 11th arrived near the scene of Cedar Mountain battle. General Jackson's army had retreated beyond the Rapidan.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Saturday, Aug. 9, 1862
The 92nd regiment is recruiting or rather is being formed at Marietta. The quota for Washington Co. is three hundred. If the regiment is not full by the 15th men will be drafted to fill it up. This drafting brings the war home to every fireside. Women tremble for their husbands and sons. Men feel reluctant to be drafted. If they go at all they prefer to volunteer. They come to talk the matter over with William and to leave their families in his care. There will be five or six such families on our place. Mr. A. ____ a good Union man, has an only child, a boy of very delicate constitution totally unfit for the hardships of the army. It is said that he has taken him & his nephew _______ and gone to Canada where he now has a brother living. I am afraid that the order of the Secretary of War arresting persons going to Canada to avoid Military service in to-days paper may give them trouble. [a line is scratched out in the journal.] I pity those who are obliged to go. War is a terrible scourge. Still we should put aside these selfish feelings, stand in our lot and do our duty.
We got two letters from Pana tonight. Clara is a little better, for which I am thankful.
We got two letters from Pana tonight. Clara is a little better, for which I am thankful.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Friday, Aug. 8, 1862
Sarah is too sick to be up much. Emeline and Maggie came to go with Kate to the meeting house to make out a list of the sabbath school library. Kate was unable to go having sore throat. I went.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Thursday, Aug. 7, 1862
Sarah and Mrs. Buell went up in the forenoon to Mr. Burgess'. Sarah had an attack of sick headache which prevented her from coming into the circle. The Warren Picnic Circle met here. Twenty eight persons present. We had a very pleasant time and good fare. The day was excessively hot. William got home from Chillicothe. Mrs. Buell went home.
Peggy's comments:
The Picnic Circle had the dual purpose of friends gathering to eat and making useful items for the soldiers.
Peggy's comments:
The Picnic Circle had the dual purpose of friends gathering to eat and making useful items for the soldiers.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Wednesday, Aug. 6, 1862
This morning Sarah went up to town but returned on the evening train with Mrs. Buell. Kate, Lizzie and Annie have spent the day at Mr. Burgess with Mrs. J. Newton and Miss M. Woodbridge. Miss Betsey Bailey called. Col. Craig told the people of Marietta last night that in a late trip he has seen hundreds of villages and towns in ashes and that he should not be surprised to hear that Marietta was burned before fall. Col. Craig goes to Santa Fe. He owns a handsome residence in Marietta which circumstance may make him peculiarly alive to the dangers which threaten that place. I think he counseled with his fears rather than with his judgment when he made that speech. Still if the river becomes low and fordable we may have trouble from guerrillas.
Peggy's comments:
Julia always seems calm to threats of danger.
Peggy's comments:
Julia always seems calm to threats of danger.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Tuesday, Aug. 5, 1862
Lucy started to Pana this morning. William going as far as Chillicothe with her.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Monday, Aug. 4, 1862
Sarah and Lucy came down today. Lucy is preparing to start to Illinois in the morning unless we get some favorable news from Clara. We hope for a dispatch today. Mr. D. B. Nott, the Bible Agent was here to tea. He gave us some interesting and amusing details of his experience as a colporteur in Wood Co. Virginia, where he distributed the publications of the American Tract Society.
Peggy's comments:
A colporteur is a pedlar of devotional literature.
Peggy's comments:
A colporteur is a pedlar of devotional literature.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Sabbath, Aug. 3, 1862
I staid at home with the little girls who both have whooping cough. Rev. Mr. Heath from Cleveland, a Bible agent & Mr. D. B. Nott an assistant agent, held a Bible Meeting today. They collected much more than was anticipated.
Peggy's comments:
The little girls are William and Lizzie's daughters, Annie and Sarah Julia.
Peggy's comments:
The little girls are William and Lizzie's daughters, Annie and Sarah Julia.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Saturday, August 2, 1862
I wrote to Clara this morning enclosing 30 dollars from William. He and Lucy go to town today to telegraph to Pana and learn how Clara is. No answer from Pana. If we do not hear Monday, Lucy will go to Pana, Tuesday.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Friday, August 1, 1862
Lucy came this morning with Mrs. Dr. Tenny to spend the day. She brought a letter from Ephe who is now in Memphis. Also his likeness after being ten months in the service. He has seen hard times, but has thus far been mercifully preserved. We feel anxious about him on account of the climate as well as the danger from active service. William says that he has needed him much at Washington and scarcely a day but he misses him and wants his assistance. I have been devoting my leisure to directing documents &c for William, but still there are cart loads to be sent. Ephe's ready pen would soon dispose of them.
William came home and proposes that one of us go to Clara. Lucy will go if it is thought best.
Peggy's comments:
Ephraim Dawes, Julia's nephew, was serving with the 53rd Ohio. This may be the likeness that Julia refers to.
Ephraim assisted his uncle William both before and after the Civil War.
William came home and proposes that one of us go to Clara. Lucy will go if it is thought best.
Peggy's comments:
Ephraim Dawes, Julia's nephew, was serving with the 53rd Ohio. This may be the likeness that Julia refers to.
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Ephraim Cutler Dawes |
The concern for Clara is growing.
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