Thursday, August 23, 2012

Saturday, Aug. 23, 1862

My sister Mrs. Dawes and Mrs. Mary Giles, a cousin of  Kate's came on the morning train.  Miss Nye went home.  Lucy staid to visit Mrs. Giles.  We have spent the day together very pleasantly.  Kate went to meet William at Scotts Landing taking the little girls with her in the buggy. They met him at Scott's Landing.  I sent Mr. Blackston a bottle of blackberry wine.  He called tonight.  William accommodated him at the bank.
The papers give very alarming rumors of an Indian outbreak in Minnesota and the massacre of the whites at the Lower Agency.  We hope it is exaggerated, but feel very anxious for the safety of John Williamson and Mario and her husband.  Kate got a letter tonight from Marion saying that the Indians were threatening to take advantage of the absence of Minnesota troops in Government service, and kill the whites.  They had taken a company of soldiers prisoners with their two cannon and then robbed the warehouses which they were placed to guard.  This was at the Upper Agency where Dr. Williamson and his family live.  We fear the worst.

Peggy's comments:
The alarming rumors of an Indian outbreak in Minnesota were true.  U.S. government officials had refused to provide food and supplies to the Dakota (Eastern Sioux), even though it was available in nearby warehouses, because payment from the federal government was delayed.  To learn more, read this from the Minnesota Historical Society, which includes a video of a talk by historian Annette Atkins.  Another account, including contemporary newspaper accounts, is in this posting from

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