Just fifteen years ago, my dear Mother died. The memory of her love and her excellence is still fresh in my heart. Such a life of usefulness as hers it will never be mine to live, but if through infinite and undeserved grace I may attain to the blessedness that she enjoys, it is enough. Let me be nothing and less than nothing.
Rev. Mr. Andrews preached from Revelations: "There was war in heaven &c" -- a very good sermon. There were some of the Eggleston guards at meeting. The congregation was small. It rained in the morning. In the afternoon, seven cars loaded with horses, wagons, canons &c passed down.
Editor's comments:
Julia's mother was Sally Parker Cutler who was born in 1777 and died in 1846. She was the second wife of Julia's father, Ephraim Cutler. Ephraim's first wife, Leah Atwood Cutler died at the age of 42 on 3 November 1807. Leah knew Sally Parker (although Ephraim did not). As Leah became increasingly ill, she suggested to Ephraim that after she died, Sally would make a good wife for him. With four surviving children at home to care for and no relatives nearby, a helpmate for Ephraim was a necessity. After Leah's death, Ephraim wrote to Sally asking if he could call on her. Five months after the death of Leah, Ephraim and Sally were married. They had five additional children including Julia Cutler.
"A life of usefulness" for a woman was to be a helpmate to her husband and to raise their children. I suppose that because Julia had not married and did not have children of her own, she might have modestly written that in comparison to her mother, she would never be as useful. But Julia was a great help to her brother William and his household and was also a wonderful aunt to her many nieces and nephews. In addition, she devoted a good deal of time to writing journals, letters, and books about her family. For that bit of "usefulness", I am particularly appreciative.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Saturday June 29
William is much occupied in arranging his business so as to leave home. He has been going around showing Ephraim how things are to be managed. A fire on the hill broke out in the dry undergrass and destroyed about ten acres of meadow. Capt. Cooke and W. R. Putnam, Esq., called. Capt. Cooke has been appointed paymaster in the United States Army, and has just come on from Washington. Capt. DeBeck called and left a large bundle of envelopes with the request that William would frank them for the soldiers. William says that he has no right to frank them and that he cannot afford to cheat the government even in little things. He sent and bought stamps and we placed them on the envelopes. This evening quite a number of the neighbors called knowing that William would leave on Monday.
Editor's comments:
With William Cutler leaving to serve a term in Congress, most of the management of the house and farm was left to the women. William's nephew Ephraim Dawes who was 21 years old, helped but within a few months he enlisted in the 53rd Ohio Infantry.
During the 1840's, the process of paying for mail delivery underwent many changes. Up until that time, the recipient paid the postage. In 1845 a uniform postal rate was established (five cents). Stamps were issued in 1847 and the sender paid the postage. For a time, it cost the sender three cents for a stamp or if sent unstamped, the recipient would pay five cents upon receiving the letter.
Free postage was provided to members of Congress. In place of a stamp, the Congressman signed his name where the stamp would normally be affixed. It is said that many members of Congress spent up to three hours a day franking mail! William's refusal to frank letters that weren't congressional business was one of the first tests of his integrity.
Editor's comments:
With William Cutler leaving to serve a term in Congress, most of the management of the house and farm was left to the women. William's nephew Ephraim Dawes who was 21 years old, helped but within a few months he enlisted in the 53rd Ohio Infantry.
During the 1840's, the process of paying for mail delivery underwent many changes. Up until that time, the recipient paid the postage. In 1845 a uniform postal rate was established (five cents). Stamps were issued in 1847 and the sender paid the postage. For a time, it cost the sender three cents for a stamp or if sent unstamped, the recipient would pay five cents upon receiving the letter.
Free postage was provided to members of Congress. In place of a stamp, the Congressman signed his name where the stamp would normally be affixed. It is said that many members of Congress spent up to three hours a day franking mail! William's refusal to frank letters that weren't congressional business was one of the first tests of his integrity.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Friday June 28, 1861
Kate came on the cars with Ephraim. She says that the graduating class appeared remarkably well, and it was generally accorded that Ephe bore away the palm. He was showered with bouquets. He dressed well, spoke well, and looked well and more than all has a well prepared address the sentiments of which did him honor.
Editor's comments:
The phrase "bore away the palm" has fallen out of use but Julia clearly thought that nephew Ephraim Dawes was the best of the graduates that year.
Looking ahead:
While Julia herself did not attend college--women didn't back then--her nephew Rufus Dawes would later have a daughter, Mary Frances Dawes, who was one of Marietta College's first two women graduates in 1895. Mary Frances Dawes married Arthur Beach and circa 1961 a dormitory at the college, Mary Beach Hall, was named in her honor.
Editor's comments:
The phrase "bore away the palm" has fallen out of use but Julia clearly thought that nephew Ephraim Dawes was the best of the graduates that year.
Looking ahead:
While Julia herself did not attend college--women didn't back then--her nephew Rufus Dawes would later have a daughter, Mary Frances Dawes, who was one of Marietta College's first two women graduates in 1895. Mary Frances Dawes married Arthur Beach and circa 1961 a dormitory at the college, Mary Beach Hall, was named in her honor.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Thursday June 27
I sewed all day, finished grey calico dress. Today Ephraim graduates. I should like well to hear him speak his piece, the "True Reformer". William returned from Chillicothe. After a few days at home he will leave for Washington to take his seat in Congress. God give to him and to his colleagues all needed wisdom and have them in His holy keeping.
Editor's comments:
Ephraim Dawes, Julia's nephew, was graduating from Marietta College and would later join the 53rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry.
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Ephraim Dawes |
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Marietta College, Ohio, 1856 |
Julia's brother, Ephraim Cutler, had been elected as a member of the House of Representatives from Washington County, Ohio.
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William P. Cutler |
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Washington, DC, 1861 |
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Wednesday June 26
Kate went to Marietta this morning. Mr. Cox of the "Fencibles" was here. We had four of the "Eggleston Guards" here to dinner. They seemed to enjoy the new potatoes, raspberries & cream, etc. The "Home News dispatches" which we bought of the train boy were unsatisfactory. Went to the hill with Nancy and gathered raspberries.
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The Old Stone House where the Cutlers lived |
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Tuesday June 25
Lucy went home this morning, she has closed her school until September. We are constantly expecting to hear of a battle in Virginia. Gen. M'Clellan is there in command. May the God in whom he trusts be a present help to him & contend with those who contend with him. It seems to me so desirable that Government should be victorious. It is right that the pride, arrogance, and oppression of the South should be rebuked, but in case of success I know our government will be as merciful as safety will permit. They will restrain their armies from outrage and plunder as far as may be possible. They do not seek to destroy the south, but to subdue the rebellion. The southern leaders appeal to the basest passions of their men, their hatred of the north is constantly inflamed. Their "government" as they style it, urge them on to violence and blood. The Lord plead our cause, we commit it to him. I think nearly 10,000 men have gone through Parkersburg into Virginia, the 9", 14th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 22nd regiments of O. V. M., and the 6th, 8th & 9th Indiana. The Michigan Regiment of Coldwater Flying Artillery and Sturgis Cleveland Artillery, and some others have gone this way. If all the regiments are full, with those which passed through Wheeling, McClellan must have 15,000 men. Enough if properly officered and thoroughly drilled to do great execution, and yet thousands more are ready to be added to the number.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Monday June 24, 1861
The "State Fencibles" have been ordered back toward Chillicothe and their places taken by the "Eggleston Guards". Capt. Carters Company from Cincinnati -- Sergeant Buell and five men of this Company took breakfast here, some of them Germans, all of them very civil. Their uniform is very neat, bluish grey coats and pants of the same with broad black stripes down the sides, fatigue caps and brown linen havelocks.
A letter from Mr. Walton today; their dear and only daughter, little Lucy Margaret is dead. It is a sore affliction, God comfort them under it. She died Tuesday, June 18, 7 o'clock P. M. of inflamation of the stomach & bowels. I wrote to Clara.
Lucy and Ephraim came on train. William went to Chillicothe.
Editor's Comments:
The individual companies gave themselves names and initially had uniforms particular to them. The term "fencibles" refers to men who enlisted in the military for the defense of their homeland.
A letter from Mr. Walton today; their dear and only daughter, little Lucy Margaret is dead. It is a sore affliction, God comfort them under it. She died Tuesday, June 18, 7 o'clock P. M. of inflamation of the stomach & bowels. I wrote to Clara.
Lucy and Ephraim came on train. William went to Chillicothe.
Editor's Comments:
The individual companies gave themselves names and initially had uniforms particular to them. The term "fencibles" refers to men who enlisted in the military for the defense of their homeland.
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Colors of the Columbus Fencibles, OVI |
Clara Cutler Walton was Julia's youngest sister and she lived in Pana, Illinois. Julia's niece, Lucy Margaret, was 4 years old when she died.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Sabbath June 23
Mr. Star, the agent of the Bible Society, preached in the morning. Mr. Andrews disappointed us. Messrs. Cox, Niel, Houston, Gill & Buck of the Fencibles were at meeting. Their uniform is deep blue pants with a stripe of black down the side. Jackets of the same, ornamented with brass buttons, white belts and straps across the shoulders with a medallion on the breast. Cape red. Sergeants Cox & Niel wore broad red sashes. They are under Capt. Crumb. Mr. Gill took dinner with us, he is a nephew of Mrs. Noah L. Wilson and a pleasant fellow. Mrs. Chapin & her daughter, Mrs. Collier called. They had been down to Parkersburg to see a friend in the Nineteenth Regiment, but found that Regiment had moved to Grafton. They broke their carriage and waited here while the young men who drove them found another conveyance. Mr. Star had a Bible meeting this evening at 5 o'clock. I paid my yearly subscription, two dollars. We sent George Cutler to Parkersburg with some things, a letter & money for George E. Cutler from William.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Saturday June 22, 1861
This morning about three o'clock William & Lizzie got home, there were nine cars in the train filled with soldiers, most of them guards for the Railroad between Belpre & Athens. Those on the trestles next below here were at our house to breakfast. Orderly Sergeant Cox & three men. They are the "State Fencibles" from Columbus, business men, who are disposed to do a little amateur soldiering. The Fencibles have charge of the Union road. At the "Tunnel Station" there is a company of Zouaves from Dayton. Company B of the 22" have gone to Virginia on this train. The uniform of the Fencibles is much more showy than that of our O. V. Militia. They are provided with everything essential to their comfort. The volunteers dress in blue pantaloons and blouse with a black belt and buckle inscribed O.V.M. They have fatigue caps though many of them wear hats in preference.
Miss Sara Emerson & her brother George Emerson from Lake Superior & Mrs. Bailey called this evening. Mr. Emerson has been in Virginia lately. He says he was surprised to find how great the terror of the Northern army is. After all the south have said of Northern cowardice & southern prowess, we are surprised to see their armed men flying before our soldiers without even risking a battle. A fleet of ten steamboats all came in sight at once in the river below here. They bore the army transports returning. Henry O. M'Clure has volunteered in the 17" Regiment and goes tonight to Parkersburg to join his company.
Editor's comments:
Julia often comments of train transport which was how her brother William traveled to Chillicothe, Ohio, to conduct railroad business for the Marietta & Cincinnati Rail Road, and also how many troops were transported to Virginia.
There were about 25 small railroad companies in Ohio at the time. They generally were named for their beginning and ending stations and seemed to merge and reorganize over time. In 1861, the Marietta & Cincinnati ran three trains east and three trains west each day. It took William about 5 hours to reach Chillicothe.
The stations nearest Marietta heading east were:
Scott's Landing
Little Hocking
Big Run
New England
Heading west from Marietta on the Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road were:
Belpre, Ohio
Parkersburg, Virginia
West Union
Some of these names might seem familiar because there had been skirmishes along the rail road.
Here's an 1875 map of the Rail Road: (The Cutlers lived in Constitution, just a few miles south of Marietta, Ohio)
Miss Sara Emerson & her brother George Emerson from Lake Superior & Mrs. Bailey called this evening. Mr. Emerson has been in Virginia lately. He says he was surprised to find how great the terror of the Northern army is. After all the south have said of Northern cowardice & southern prowess, we are surprised to see their armed men flying before our soldiers without even risking a battle. A fleet of ten steamboats all came in sight at once in the river below here. They bore the army transports returning. Henry O. M'Clure has volunteered in the 17" Regiment and goes tonight to Parkersburg to join his company.
Editor's comments:
Julia often comments of train transport which was how her brother William traveled to Chillicothe, Ohio, to conduct railroad business for the Marietta & Cincinnati Rail Road, and also how many troops were transported to Virginia.
There were about 25 small railroad companies in Ohio at the time. They generally were named for their beginning and ending stations and seemed to merge and reorganize over time. In 1861, the Marietta & Cincinnati ran three trains east and three trains west each day. It took William about 5 hours to reach Chillicothe.
The stations nearest Marietta heading east were:
Scott's Landing
Little Hocking
Big Run
New England
Heading west from Marietta on the Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road were:
Belpre, Ohio
Parkersburg, Virginia
West Union
Some of these names might seem familiar because there had been skirmishes along the rail road.
Here's an 1875 map of the Rail Road: (The Cutlers lived in Constitution, just a few miles south of Marietta, Ohio)
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Friday June 21
The troops that passed down yesterday were the 17" Regiment O.V.M. Col. Counel & Lieut. Pond of McConnelsville, George E. Cutler is in the Regiment. He went to Mrs. Dawes to dinner, etc,, yesterday. They were pleased with his good appearance and sensible conversation. William Friesner and Henry Rose (a cousin of Kate's) & Perley Davis belong to the Seventeenth. The nineteenth, Col. _____ also was on the boats. Today a fleet of six steamboats all together passed down with flags flying & covered with soldiers. These are Indiana troops, eight and ninth regiments, in their gray uniforms. They cheered heartily as they went by, giving a tiger. It was a splendid sight, solemn too. I could only pray for them. God help us. How many valuable lives are now exposed to the hazards of war.
In Virginia the scouts, picked guards, sentinels & those who watch the railroads are constantly harrassed by concealed foes. A number of steamboats have been going back and forth from Parkersburg and Marietta carrying horses, wagons & army stores to the former place. Genl. McClellan has arrived at Parkersburg and it is said will command the movement from the west into Virginia in person. There are many rumors of movements of rebel forces westward. The Secessionist, Judge Jackson, of Parkersburg, is said to be in command of 3000 men, acting with Porterfield who fled from Philippi with so much haste. Ex. Gov. H. A. Wise has command of the rebel forces against Western Virginia. Warm work is expected. We had three of Company B. here to breakfast & dinner and seven of them to supper. Nancy & Marion went to town today.
Editor's comments:
George Cutler was a nephew of Julia's, the son of her half brother Charles.
The 8th and 9th Infantry from Indiana were two regiments that organized in April 1861 with a three-month term of service. This seemed to be fairly common, with many regiments reorganizing after their initial terms were complete.
George McClellan was highly thought of--initially.
In Virginia the scouts, picked guards, sentinels & those who watch the railroads are constantly harrassed by concealed foes. A number of steamboats have been going back and forth from Parkersburg and Marietta carrying horses, wagons & army stores to the former place. Genl. McClellan has arrived at Parkersburg and it is said will command the movement from the west into Virginia in person. There are many rumors of movements of rebel forces westward. The Secessionist, Judge Jackson, of Parkersburg, is said to be in command of 3000 men, acting with Porterfield who fled from Philippi with so much haste. Ex. Gov. H. A. Wise has command of the rebel forces against Western Virginia. Warm work is expected. We had three of Company B. here to breakfast & dinner and seven of them to supper. Nancy & Marion went to town today.
Editor's comments:
George Cutler was a nephew of Julia's, the son of her half brother Charles.
The 8th and 9th Infantry from Indiana were two regiments that organized in April 1861 with a three-month term of service. This seemed to be fairly common, with many regiments reorganizing after their initial terms were complete.
George McClellan was highly thought of--initially.
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George McClellan in 1861 (portrait by Matthew Brady) |
Monday, June 20, 2011
Thursday June 20
It is said that a fleet of steamboats arrived last evening from Bellaire at Marietta with troops for Virginia. Kate & I went to Mrs. M'Clures to attend sewing circle. The circle made havelocks and prepared lint. This afternoon four steamboats, the William Wallace, Eunice, Diadem, and AngloSaxon passed down together, literally covered with troops. The view from M'Clures up the river is splendid. We were all on the banks and with the soldiers at M'Clures trestle made a company of near fifty, the ladies waving their handkerchiefs and the men hurrahing. The cheering from the boats was deafening. The boats gave three short whistles and the troops on the AngloSaxon gave three times three & tiger. Which they also did when they passed our house. Capt. Guthrie's men who have been guarding the Union Railroad received notice to strike their tents and repair to the stations ready to move on to Virginia. About ten of them were of Constitution Station. As they had eaten no supper, we sent to them a basket of cakes, tarts & bread, also a lot of handkerchiefs which were made in the circle. The cars did not come for them and they are spending the night in our barn.
Editor's comments:
Julia and her sewing circle seemed to have been quite busy making useful items for the Union troops. On this day, she refers to "havelocks" which were cloth pieces attached to the soldier's hat to protect the man's neck from sunburn.
The Cutlers lived in a prime location to watch the early troop movement into Virginia. Through Julia Cutler's account, I can picture the ladies waving, the men hurrahing, and the troops cheering. The reference to "three times three & tiger" has to do with particular cheers which are also referred to in the words of the following song:
When Johnny comes marching home again, Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll give him a hearty welcome then, Hurrah! Hurrah!
The men will cheer, the boys will shout The ladies they will all turn out
And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home.
The old Church bell will peal with joy, Hurrah! Hurrah!
To welcome home out darling boy, Hurrah! Hurrah!
The village lads and lassies gay With roses they will strew the way
And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home.
Get ready for the jubilee, Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll give the heroes three times three, Hurrah! Hurrah!
The laurel wreath is ready now To place upon his loyal brow
And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home.
Editor's comments:
Julia and her sewing circle seemed to have been quite busy making useful items for the Union troops. On this day, she refers to "havelocks" which were cloth pieces attached to the soldier's hat to protect the man's neck from sunburn.
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Havelock covering a soldier's hat |
The Cutlers lived in a prime location to watch the early troop movement into Virginia. Through Julia Cutler's account, I can picture the ladies waving, the men hurrahing, and the troops cheering. The reference to "three times three & tiger" has to do with particular cheers which are also referred to in the words of the following song:
When Johnny comes marching home again, Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll give him a hearty welcome then, Hurrah! Hurrah!
The men will cheer, the boys will shout The ladies they will all turn out
And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home.
The old Church bell will peal with joy, Hurrah! Hurrah!
To welcome home out darling boy, Hurrah! Hurrah!
The village lads and lassies gay With roses they will strew the way
And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home.
Get ready for the jubilee, Hurrah! Hurrah!
We'll give the heroes three times three, Hurrah! Hurrah!
The laurel wreath is ready now To place upon his loyal brow
And we'll all feel gay when Johnny comes marching home.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Wednesday June 19
Many of the horses passed down again and toward night & in the evening upwards of fifty wagons passed up, every horse & every wagon marked U. S. In the afternoon seven cars loaded with soldiers passed down; also the steamer Transfer covered with troops. These are the German Regiment, Ninth Regiment O.V.M. Two other boats passed in the evening which appeared to have soldiers aboard. They were the Cold-Water Flying Artillery from Michigan. One of their number was one of the famous 600. Kate went to Joel Demings to dinner. A battle is reported at Booneville, Missouri, in which the Government forces under Gen. Lyons were victorious. The rebels having three hundred killed and six hundred taken prisoner.
Editor's Comments:
The 9th Ohio Infantry Regiment was Ohio's first all-German unit to enter the Union Army during the Civil War. They organized in Cincinnati and originally enlisted for 3 months. Most of them re-inlisted and served for 3 years. Because Marietta Ohio was on both the Ohio River and the Cincinnati and Marietta Rail Road line (of which Julia's brother William was Vice-President), the Cutlers were able to observe a considerable amount of troop movement from the west to the east in the early months of the war.
The Flying Artillery refers to an artillery brigade on horseback.
Julia's account that 300 rebels were killed and 600 taken prisoner at the Battle of Boonville is evidence that initial newspaper reports were often erroneous. The Battle of Boonville Missouri actually had few casualties with only a few dozen secessionists killed and approximately 80 captured. However, this battle did enable federal forces to maintain control of the Missouri River.
Editor's Comments:
The 9th Ohio Infantry Regiment was Ohio's first all-German unit to enter the Union Army during the Civil War. They organized in Cincinnati and originally enlisted for 3 months. Most of them re-inlisted and served for 3 years. Because Marietta Ohio was on both the Ohio River and the Cincinnati and Marietta Rail Road line (of which Julia's brother William was Vice-President), the Cutlers were able to observe a considerable amount of troop movement from the west to the east in the early months of the war.
The Flying Artillery refers to an artillery brigade on horseback.
Julia's account that 300 rebels were killed and 600 taken prisoner at the Battle of Boonville is evidence that initial newspaper reports were often erroneous. The Battle of Boonville Missouri actually had few casualties with only a few dozen secessionists killed and approximately 80 captured. However, this battle did enable federal forces to maintain control of the Missouri River.
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Battle of Boonville |
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Tuesday June 18, 1861
William took Lizzie with him to Chillicothe today. Ephraim Dawes went with them as far as Big Sand to attend to some business for William. Sent the soldiers six cherry pies, a quantity of biscuits and Kate sent the cakes, etc. This afternoon one hundred and five horses, in harness, passed up. Two hundred and ten horses were shipped on the Stephen Decator with a number of army wagons from Cincinnati a few days ago. The steamboat stuck upon a bar in the river below & these horses which passed here were taken off to lighten the boat. There was a man to every three horses. They seemed to be Germans. These horses probably belong to the Artillery now at Camp Putnam, en route for Virginia. It looks like War.
The Convention now in session in Wheeling has passed an ordinance for the Government of Virginia, declaring eastern Virginia or rather the Gov. Letcher, etc. in a state of insurrection & vacating state offices. The Convention is said to comprise a large amount of talent, Carlisle being the prominent man. They appear to act with deliberation, and under a solemn sense of their responsibility. Terrorism reigns in many parts of Virginia, in Tennessee, and indeed throughout the south. Union men fleeing for their lives, & sometimes not escaping at all. It is horrible.
Editor's comments:
Stephen Decatur was an American naval hero after whom many vessels have been named. The steamboat Decatur was the earliest American example of a coasting packet boat powered by a "screw" propeller.
The Convention now in session in Wheeling has passed an ordinance for the Government of Virginia, declaring eastern Virginia or rather the Gov. Letcher, etc. in a state of insurrection & vacating state offices. The Convention is said to comprise a large amount of talent, Carlisle being the prominent man. They appear to act with deliberation, and under a solemn sense of their responsibility. Terrorism reigns in many parts of Virginia, in Tennessee, and indeed throughout the south. Union men fleeing for their lives, & sometimes not escaping at all. It is horrible.
Editor's comments:
Stephen Decatur was an American naval hero after whom many vessels have been named. The steamboat Decatur was the earliest American example of a coasting packet boat powered by a "screw" propeller.
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Steamboat Decatur |
In Wheeling, Virginia a meeting at the Custom House declared that the previous month's Secession by Virginia was void and that “the offices of all who adhere to the said Convention and Executive, whether legislative, executive or judicial, are vacated.” The western part of Virginia was asserting that in voting for secession, those officials in Virginia--from Governor Letcher on down--were abandoning their offices.
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Virginia's Governor Letcher |
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The Wheeling Virginia Custom House |
Friday, June 17, 2011
Monday June 17
Troops arrived at Marietta this morning from Cincinnati by railroad. There are twelve hundred of them consisting of Artillery from Michigan & a German Regiment. This the Ohio North under Col. Robert McCook.
The evacuation of Harpers Ferry is confirmed. The railroad bridge across the Potomac was burnt by the rebels, also a large number of cars and other property belonging to the B & O RR Company.
The evacuation of Harpers Ferry is confirmed. The railroad bridge across the Potomac was burnt by the rebels, also a large number of cars and other property belonging to the B & O RR Company.
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Sketch of the destruction of the Rail Road Bridge |
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Photo of the destroyed bridge |
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Sunday June 16
We all went to meeting. Mr. Andrews preached on the "popularity of Christ". 1st Lieut. Steadman, 2nd Lieut. Deshler, and Sergeant Rhodes, and several soldiers of Company B 22nd regiment attended church. Mr. Andrews preached at 4 o'clock at Scott's Landing to the Soldiers especially. It seems very strange to us to have soldiers in our midst, but they have been orderly & respectful. The rations sent them have not been abundant. The bread often so moldy it could not be eaten. In this neighborhood the people have been very considerate and have either sent them provisions or invited them to their houses. Still it is wrong that they are not properly supplied with wholesome food, and is calculated to make the service unpopular. Mr. Blackinton has arrived from Tenn. where he and Mrs. B- have been teaching. Being of northern origin he found it best to leave. His family are in Indiana.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Saturday June 15
Ephraim came down with Messrs. Fleck, Davis, Bosworth and Blyer. They concluded to go down to Parkersburg to Camp Union, did not get back till near four o'clock. Lucy & Maggie & the young gentlemen went to town on the evening train. We went down the road and saw the drilling of the soldiers at a distance. There was not more than a dozen of them but they seemed to go skillfully through the various maneuvers under the orders of Sergeant Rhodes who has a fine voice.
Editor's comments:
Julia often refers to train travel by friends and relatives. So far I have been unable to find a photo of the Marietta train, but here are two pictures of passenger trains in Pennsylvania in the early 1860's.
Editor's comments:
Julia often refers to train travel by friends and relatives. So far I have been unable to find a photo of the Marietta train, but here are two pictures of passenger trains in Pennsylvania in the early 1860's.
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1860s Passenger Train at the station |
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Friday June 14
Kate, Lizzie and Annie went to Marietta to spend the day. Lucy came home with them bringing Clara Andrews with her, also William from Chillicothe. There was a drunken soldier on the cars from Harmar to Scott's landing where he was put under guard. He frightened them by his profanity etc. Mrs. Lucy Browning called on me. Mr. Star, the Bible agent, was here. It is reported that the rebels have evacuated Harper's Ferry.
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Harper's Ferry (west Virginia) 1861 |
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Harper's Ferry (west Virginia) 1861 |
Monday, June 13, 2011
Thursday June 13, 1861
The report of Col. Dumont to Genl M'Clellan states that a part of 14" O.V.M. and that Indiana Sixth which passed here, were engaged in the Phillipi affair. The artillery were commanded by Lieut. Col. Sturgis who dined here a few weeks ago. The rebels under Genl. Porterfield fled in the greatest haste leaving behind them their baggage, etc. They are said to have been 2,000 strong. They retreated to Beverly among the mountains. Lizzie and the children spent the day at Mrs. Burgess'.
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Phillipi |
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Western Virginia, 1861 |
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Wednesday June 12
The school children with their teacher Miss Greiger are having a picnic on the hillside under a hickory tree. Kate, Annie, and Marion are there. Ephe came down on the cars, but returned tonight. He is on patrol to watch the safety of Marietta. Threats to burn towns in Ohio have been made, Marietta among others, hence the patrol. Disastrous affairs at Great Bethel near Fortress Monroe last Monday. Our troops under Gen. Pierce (?) mistake and fire upon each other. Lieut. Grellet of the Artillery, a brave and efficient officer, was killed. His body was brought to Fortress Monroe on his gun. Mr. Winthrop of N. Y. --? Reg. was killed at Bethel. He wrote "Washington as a Camp" in a recent number of the Atlantic Monthly. The secessionists fire almost nightly on the guards about Parkersburg.
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Map of Battle of Bethel |
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Major Theodore Wintrhop, killed at Bethel |
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Tuesday June 11
Mrs. Burgess spent the day here. The soldiers are without rations. They were invited yesterday to dine by T. L. Bailey, today by A. S. Bailey. They stopped here on their return and drilled in front of the house, and listened to Lizzie play Hail Columbia, etc. Lizzie told them she would send them supper. They sent up two men, she gave them two baskets of pies, biscuits, cakes, etc., besides currants and hot coffee. I think they will be comfortable for one meal at least. Lucy came down and returned again on the train. Mr. Merwin came down also to get his horse, which having been bought of us, took an opportunity to run home.
Editor's comments: Here's a link to the tune "Hail Columbia": http://kids.niehs.nih.gov/lyrics/hailcolumbia.htm
Friday, June 10, 2011
Monday June 10, 1861
William went to Amestown on the train. It is thought be some that the Confederate army in Virginia does not exceed 60,000 although they claim to have 180,000 which they say will soon reach 200,000.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Sabbath June 9, 1861
The swelling in my face less painful today, but a severe headache instead. While all the family, except myself, were at meeting, a man came into the house and went up into the boys room. I was a little startled, but he went quietly away. Found afterwards it was George Roberts, he had been at meeting awhile, when he acted queer. He had probably been drinking. A car load of troops passed down.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Saturday June 8
Maggie had a party from town, young ladies & gentlemen. Kate, Lucy and Ephe are here. Mr. Burgess has gone to Ross Co. to spend the Sabbath. Four or five of the gentlemen came down here with Ephe & got bouquets of flowers. Lucy and Ephe returned to town this evening. A company of troops went down on the cars this morning. Lizzie sent a basket of pies and biscuit to soldiers who are guarding the trestles. William at Marietta today. I have suffered since yesterday extremely with a cold which settled in my face, swollen and painful.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Friday June 7
Some newspaper writer says, that all the most important events of this war have occurred on Friday. What will this day bring forth? We shall know in a few days. God is on the throne. He cannot err. We may leave our friends who are in the army, ourselves, and our country confidently in His hands. Lucy and Eph came down on the evening train. William also from Chillicothe. The ladies of Marietta under of the leadership of Mrs. Nahurn Ward nurse the soldiers in the hospitals.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Thursday June 6
A busy day. The circle met here, full attendance. Mrs. James Reppert was here. She has just returned from Pittsburg where all her friends were busy in preparing army supplies. All worked for the soldiers today preparing lint, handkerchiefs, etc. Kate has made with Marion's and Lizzie's assistance more than a hundred pin-cushions supplied with pins. They have been making needlebooks also. Mrs. Reppert took fifty-four pin cushions and four needle books, and a supply of handkerchiefs to distribute to the soldiers who guard the trestles near Scott's Station. Lizzie sent bread and biscuit to soldiers at M'Clures. Nine cars loaded with soldiers have passed today. One train went down while the circle was here. They cheered vigorously, the ladies waving their handkerchiefs to them. William M'Clure got home on that train from Louisiana, thankful to be in safety once more under the stars and stripes.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Wednesday June 5
Spent most of the day writing to Jane. Kate and the children at Mrs. Burgess'.
We wait in suspense the progress of events, Jeff Davis who has been sick it is said, is now at Richmond anxious for a battle. Scott it is believed is ready for him. The Charleston Mercury, a most pestilent traitorous paper, gives Scott the credit of having laid his plans in a masterly manner. May they be successful.
Editor's notes:
Jane Dawes Shedd was a niece of Julia Cutler and was living with her husband in Persia where they were missionaries.
Kate Dawes, also Julia's niece, lived with the Cutler family in the Old Stone House. The children are Annie and Little Sarah Cutler, children of William and Lizzie Cutler. Mrs. Burgess, their grandmother, lived nearby.
We wait in suspense the progress of events, Jeff Davis who has been sick it is said, is now at Richmond anxious for a battle. Scott it is believed is ready for him. The Charleston Mercury, a most pestilent traitorous paper, gives Scott the credit of having laid his plans in a masterly manner. May they be successful.
Editor's notes:
Jane Dawes Shedd was a niece of Julia Cutler and was living with her husband in Persia where they were missionaries.
Kate Dawes, also Julia's niece, lived with the Cutler family in the Old Stone House. The children are Annie and Little Sarah Cutler, children of William and Lizzie Cutler. Mrs. Burgess, their grandmother, lived nearby.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Tuesday June 4
Very heavy rain last night. William goes to Chillicothe. Lizzie and I dined at Mr. W. D. Bailey's in company with Mrs. Emerson and Mr. George Emerson and others. Very pleasant. Picked lint, talked war, etc.
It is said that Gen. McClellan will advance 30,000 troops into Virginia. It is stated tonight that Grafton is occupied now by Ohio, Virginia, and Indiana troops. The secessionists fled to Philippi, Barbour, Co.; were pursued, surprised and captured, fifteen of the secessionists killed. Col. Kelly of Wheeling, the commander of the expedition was severely wounded, perhaps mortally. It is reported that one of the prisoners fired upon him after the surrender. The secessionists descend to the most dishonorable warfare. Senator S. A. Douglas died at Chicago, Monday. During the present crisis he has stood by the Union and never before could have been so sincerely regretted. Flags at half-mast and firing of minute guns in many places testify the respect of the people.
Editor's comments:
This from the NY Times, June 3, 1861:
WASHINGTON, Monday, June 3. Lieut.-Gen. SCOTT to-night received a dispatch from Gen. MCCLELLAN, stating that the command under Gen, MORRIS, last night marched on Grafton. It was raining at the time. They surprised s party of Secessionists, near Phillippa, about 200 strong, and effectually put them to the route and killed some of them. A large quantity of arms, munitions, and a number of horses, which the Secessionists left in their alarm, fell into the hands of the Federals. The rebels retreated further into Virginia. Col. KELLY was mortally wounded.
Senator Stephen A. Douglas is the Democrat who had run against Abraham Lincoln in the 1860 election. Long active in politics, he held controversial opinions about slavery and was well-known for his attempts to compromise. Once Lincoln was elected, Douglas was entirely supportive of Lincoln and of maintaining the Union. He contracted typhoid while making a circuit of speeches and died June 3, 1861.
It is said that Gen. McClellan will advance 30,000 troops into Virginia. It is stated tonight that Grafton is occupied now by Ohio, Virginia, and Indiana troops. The secessionists fled to Philippi, Barbour, Co.; were pursued, surprised and captured, fifteen of the secessionists killed. Col. Kelly of Wheeling, the commander of the expedition was severely wounded, perhaps mortally. It is reported that one of the prisoners fired upon him after the surrender. The secessionists descend to the most dishonorable warfare. Senator S. A. Douglas died at Chicago, Monday. During the present crisis he has stood by the Union and never before could have been so sincerely regretted. Flags at half-mast and firing of minute guns in many places testify the respect of the people.
Editor's comments:
This from the NY Times, June 3, 1861:
WASHINGTON, Monday, June 3. Lieut.-Gen. SCOTT to-night received a dispatch from Gen. MCCLELLAN, stating that the command under Gen, MORRIS, last night marched on Grafton. It was raining at the time. They surprised s party of Secessionists, near Phillippa, about 200 strong, and effectually put them to the route and killed some of them. A large quantity of arms, munitions, and a number of horses, which the Secessionists left in their alarm, fell into the hands of the Federals. The rebels retreated further into Virginia. Col. KELLY was mortally wounded.
Senator Stephen A. Douglas is the Democrat who had run against Abraham Lincoln in the 1860 election. Long active in politics, he held controversial opinions about slavery and was well-known for his attempts to compromise. Once Lincoln was elected, Douglas was entirely supportive of Lincoln and of maintaining the Union. He contracted typhoid while making a circuit of speeches and died June 3, 1861.
Friday, June 3, 2011
June 3, 1861
Mr. and Mrs. Munsell and little Emma left this morning. Gen. Butler at Fortress Monroe says that 60,000 dollars worth of negroes have escaped to his lines. He regards them as "contraband goods". The 14th regiment O.V.M. have reconstructed the burnt bridges (one of them 150 ft. span) on the Northwestern R. R. and are advancing upon Grafton.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Sunday June 2
Mr. Andrews preached. I staid at home ant took care of Emma Munsell. Mr. Munsell preached in the afternoon to the soldiers down at the McClure school house.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
June 1. 1861
William came home at one o'clock last night. Lucy went home this morning. Her health is better and she is teaching again. This forenoon twenty eight cars (in two trains) passed down with the Indiana sixth regiment. They were dressed in their state uniform, gray jackets and pantaloons. They were commanded by Col. Crittenden. Both trains stopped to wood at this station and by means of the spyglass we could see them distinctly. They were in fine spirits and cheered lustily as we waved to them. God protect and bless them. They are noble specimens of Hoosiers. The people of Marietta provided them with a good breakfast and they seemed well pleased with their treatment. A third train passed down with a detachment of the 22nd regiment O. V. M. which is stationed along to protect the bridges on the Marietta & Cincinnati R.R. This is Company B under Capt. Guthrie. They have charge of the Union R.R. and are from Athens Co. We took the spy glass and went upon the hill to see the Indiana Regiment enter Parkersburg but it was too smoky. We could see them embark at Belpre and go across the river but notheing more. At the sound of the diner bell we concluded to descend the hill, when a train passing up stopped and left some soldiers. Presently we saw a file of soldiers march down the lane. When we got home they were in the front yard with their arms stacked. We were very glad to give them a good dinner for which they expressed their thanks through their officer, Orderly Sergeant Rhodes. There were thirteen of them belonging to company B. of the 22nd Regiment. They have charge of the next three trestles below here. Lizzie sent them by Mr. Munsell four blackberry pies and a peck of ginger cakes. Kate sent late newspapers and a bouquet of flowers. What a strange state of things when sixty bayonets, if not more, are glittering along the Union road to guard it from destruction. This evening we heard a great deal of fireing at Parkersburg. George Cutter, who was down there, says, it was the Indiana regiment drilling. This regiment has been under drill five weeks and a[pears admiably. The Parkersburgs thought they never saw it equalled.
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