Monday, July 18, 2011

Thursday July 18

Kate went to see Maggie in the forenoon and I went up in the afternoon.  She does not regain her strength.  Lucy came home with Lizzie to spend the night.  Little Sarah seemed pleased to be at home again.  Eliza Carlin came to see Nancy.
It is said that Johnson retreats before Patterson.  I see it stated in the Gazette that Judge Jackson of Parkersburg, an officer in the rebel service was killed at Cheat River, another Jackson was severely wounded and two more made prisoners, all belonging to the same family.  A letter from William today.  He thinks Congress will not adjourn this week.  From his letter I infer that W. H. Seward, our Secretary of State is not much of a war man.  I am glad to find that William is making acquaintances.  He went to Washington not knowing more than half a dozen persons in the city.  
The papers talk of a a probable battle by Saturday, at or near Manassas Junction where the enemy are concentrated in force.  Mr. Andrews returned from Virginia.

Peggy's comments:
Amidst all the war news, Julia and the women of the family were also concerned about the health of Maggie Voris, Lizzie Voris Cutler's sister.

William Henry Seward won a seat in the New York State Senate in 1830, served as governor from 1838-1940, and US Senator from 1849-1861.  He was outspoken in his opposition to slavery, which probably prevented him from being the Republican nominee for President in 1860 (Republican politicians thought that he was too radical and that the swing states would not vote for him).  When Lincoln appointed Seward Secretary of State, Seward expected to have extensive influence in foreign affairs.  He was willing to wage war against European powers if they favored the South, but Lincoln opposed that so Seward worked to prevent European recognition of the Confederacy.    Julia's comment that Seward i"s not much of a war man," may refer to his early attempts to work out a compromise to keep the southern states in the Union.

The "probable battle" that Julia refers to was the Battle of Bull Run. the first major land battle of the Civil War which was fought on Sunday, July 21.

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