Saturday, July 16, 2011

Tuesday, July 16

Today's Gazette gives details of an important victory obtained over the rebel forces by M'Clellan's forces under Gen. Morris at Carrick's Ford on Cheat River eight miles from St. George.  The rebels retreated from Laurel Hill first toward Beverly but finding M'Clellan there before them, they retraced their steps until they reached a turnpike leading to St. George.  They were pursued by Gen. Morris with the Ohio 14", the Cleveland Artillery, 7" and 9" Indiana regiments.  The rebels were commanded by Gen. Robert Selden Garnett once a West Point cadet and a United States officer.  Gen. Garnett was killed at Carricks Ford.  His army of 5000 Georgians, Carolinians,  and eastern Virginians, was completely routed, 25 known to be killed, many bodies carried off.  Forty loaded wagons, all their horses and camp equipage fell into our hands, and more prisoners than could be taken care of.  Our own entire loss was four, all belonging to the Ohio 14".  Two regimental banners were taken & several Virginia officers and four Georgia Captains and lieutenants.  It is thought that this defeat will dishearten Secessionists in Virginia.

Peggy's comments:
The battle at Corrick's Ford might seem like a skirmish in comparison to battles that were to follow.  I can't say whether the Secessionists were disheartened, but what did happen was that the Confederate army was driven from western Virginia and the Federals held that territory  and its east-west railroads for the duration of the war.  This early victory for McClellan contributed to the decision by Lincoln to name George McClellan commander of the Army of the Potomac.  It might be said that his victory at Corrick's Ford was the high point of McClellan's military career.

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