I painted a Chinese bird from the Expedition in Japan. The books contain a number of beautiful plates, birds, fishes, shells, &c.
Snow melting off. The Burnside expedition encountered a storm off the Carolina coast, which disabled eight or ten vessels, one wrecked loaded with ammunition, another with horses. Not more than six or eight lives lost. The expedition consisted of one hundred and eighty five vessels, it is said.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Thursday, Jan. 30
Snow on the ground and on the limbs of the trees this morning.
"The day is cold, and dark & dreary,
It rains, & the wind is never weary,
The vine still clings to the mouldering wall,
At every gust the dead leaves fall,
And the day is dark & dreary--
"Be still, sad heart, and cease repining,
Behind the cloud is the sun still shining.
Thy fate is the common fate of all;
Into each life some rain must fall,
Some days must be dark & dreary."
Lizzie came on the evening train. No Cincinnati paper. The train belated getting over Pilcher summit.
Peggy's comments:
Julia quotes The Rainy Day by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. It is a three verse poem, but she only quotes the first and last verses. The middle verse is:
"The day is cold, and dark & dreary,
It rains, & the wind is never weary,
The vine still clings to the mouldering wall,
At every gust the dead leaves fall,
And the day is dark & dreary--
"Be still, sad heart, and cease repining,
Behind the cloud is the sun still shining.
Thy fate is the common fate of all;
Into each life some rain must fall,
Some days must be dark & dreary."
Lizzie came on the evening train. No Cincinnati paper. The train belated getting over Pilcher summit.
Peggy's comments:
Julia quotes The Rainy Day by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. It is a three verse poem, but she only quotes the first and last verses. The middle verse is:
My life is cold, and dark, and dreary;
It rains, and the wind is never weary;
My thoughts still cling to the mouldering Past,
But the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast,
10 And the days are dark and dreary.
I like to think that the omitted verse was just a bit too dreary for Julia.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Wednesday, Jan. 29
Lizzie and Nancy went to town on the cars. It has proved a very disagreeable, rainy day. I finished writing a letter to Jennie Shedd. Nancy came home by the evening train, brought me some new water colors and brushes.
Peggy's comments:
Jennie Shedd is Jennie Dawes Shedd, Julia's niece, who was also the sister of Rufus, Ephraim, Kate and Lucy Dawes. She was living in Persia with her missionary husband.
Peggy's comments:
Jennie Shedd is Jennie Dawes Shedd, Julia's niece, who was also the sister of Rufus, Ephraim, Kate and Lucy Dawes. She was living in Persia with her missionary husband.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Tuesday, Jan. 28
Mr. Gilman here tuning piano. Maggie Voris here to dinner. William has sent home quite a number of valuable books. Among them the U. S. Expedition to Japan. Smithsonian and Patent Office Reports. Congressional Globes. The Fallen Brane, &c. Some of these have fine engravings.
Peggy's comments:
Maggie Voris was Lizzie Cutler's 26 year old sister.
William Cutler, who was serving in Congress, seems to have access to books that were of great interest to Julia. The U.S. Expedition to Japan refers to the expedition by Commodore Perry in the late 1850's.
Peggy's comments:
Maggie Voris was Lizzie Cutler's 26 year old sister.
William Cutler, who was serving in Congress, seems to have access to books that were of great interest to Julia. The U.S. Expedition to Japan refers to the expedition by Commodore Perry in the late 1850's.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Monday, Jan. 27
Miss Mary Ainsworth here today helping Kate make her black silk dress. I received a letter from Clara.
Peggy's comments:
Clara was Julia's younger sister to whom Julia sometimes sent money. Clara was married to Rev. James Walton and lived with their children in Pana, Illinois.
Peggy's comments:
Clara was Julia's younger sister to whom Julia sometimes sent money. Clara was married to Rev. James Walton and lived with their children in Pana, Illinois.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Sabbath, Jan. 26
Went to Sabbath School and Church. Rev. H. B. Scott has returned and preached today. Not more than forty present. The state of the roads and bridges prevented many from coming.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Saturday, Jan. 25
Nancy took Dolly and Bonnie and went after Kate and the children and brought them home on horseback. It is pleasant to get them back again. Seven men putting up fence today. Hope the most necessary part will be done to-night. Kate brought home a basket full of mail matter, two letters from William. The Seventy Third Regiment, Col. Orland Smith, passed down enroute to Virginia in two trains of eighteen cars each. They hurrahed vigorously as they passed. We have some acquaintances in the regiment.
Peggy's comments:
Nancy Carlin worked in the kitchen for the Cutlers. She took the horses, Dolly and Bonnie, to retrieve Julia's niece Kate Dawes and Lizzie and William's children, Annie and Sarah, from the Burgess's home which was on higher ground.
Peggy's comments:
Nancy Carlin worked in the kitchen for the Cutlers. She took the horses, Dolly and Bonnie, to retrieve Julia's niece Kate Dawes and Lizzie and William's children, Annie and Sarah, from the Burgess's home which was on higher ground.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Friday, Jan. 24
Cold last night. The puddles of water left by the retreating river are covered with ice nearly a quarter of an inch thick. The boys with two teams and Roberts, Call and Franey to help them, are busy putting up fences. At noon the turnpike bridge was still under water, but soon appeared. This rise began to excite attention Sabbath Jan. 19. There had been very heavy rains Friday night and Saturday night continuing with little intermission to Monday morning. On Sabbath Little Hocking was very high flooding all the valley and the river was over the bridge below us that evening. Monday morning the turnpike was under water. Monday forenoon the water rose about three inches an hour, when it began to rise more slowly, and finally came to a stand at about ten o'clock Wednesday morning having surrounded the house and filled the cellar up to the level of the water outside and also filled the well. It was stationary six or eight hours Wednesday Jan. 22, when to our great relief it began to fall. It has moved a good deal of fence and carried away some rails.
We got first daily Gazette this evening giving he particulars of the Union victory near Somerset in which the rebel, Zollicoffer fell. Our Ohio ninth distinguished themselves very much in the fight, Col. R. A. M'Cook being wounded, &c.
Today is my birthday. May the years God is pleased to add to my life be spent in his service. We heard cannon from Parkersburg.
Peggy's comments:
I don't know when Julia wrote each day, but I picture her at her desk, writing in the evening. Sometimes it seems she writes a bit and then adds more later. It always seems that she has an eye to making an historical record, but her opinions do slip in. Her negative feelings about the rebels are strong, as is her pride in the Ohio soldiers.
In this entry, her primary concerns are with the receding flood waters, but she finds time to report on the first news of a Union victory.
And Julia marks her birthday--she was 48 on January 24, 1862.
We got first daily Gazette this evening giving he particulars of the Union victory near Somerset in which the rebel, Zollicoffer fell. Our Ohio ninth distinguished themselves very much in the fight, Col. R. A. M'Cook being wounded, &c.
Today is my birthday. May the years God is pleased to add to my life be spent in his service. We heard cannon from Parkersburg.
Peggy's comments:
I don't know when Julia wrote each day, but I picture her at her desk, writing in the evening. Sometimes it seems she writes a bit and then adds more later. It always seems that she has an eye to making an historical record, but her opinions do slip in. Her negative feelings about the rebels are strong, as is her pride in the Ohio soldiers.
In this entry, her primary concerns are with the receding flood waters, but she finds time to report on the first news of a Union victory.
And Julia marks her birthday--she was 48 on January 24, 1862.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Thursday, Jan. 23
Last evening Kate sent a note saying that Fuller had telegraphed that Shoepf had a battle with the rebels, beat them and killed Zollicoffer.
River falls very slowly, bank and road before the house and front yard are out of water this morning. Clouds broken and occasional gleams of sunshine. These winter freshets are attended by a damp chilly atmosphere which is sure to make one's tired limbs ache. Several of our family were almost sick with influenza before and therefore were in no good trim to go through with the discomforts of a flood. Still we have much to be thankful for, though the cellar has been two thirds full of water that is nothing to having it upon the first floor. The walls of the house, too, are not wet as in the flood of 1860 which I think must have been four or five feet higher than this.
Peggy's comments:
The battle that Julia heard news of by way of a note from her niece Kate Dawes took place in eastern Kentucky. For more details, here's a link from the American Battle Protection Program of the National Park Service.
River falls very slowly, bank and road before the house and front yard are out of water this morning. Clouds broken and occasional gleams of sunshine. These winter freshets are attended by a damp chilly atmosphere which is sure to make one's tired limbs ache. Several of our family were almost sick with influenza before and therefore were in no good trim to go through with the discomforts of a flood. Still we have much to be thankful for, though the cellar has been two thirds full of water that is nothing to having it upon the first floor. The walls of the house, too, are not wet as in the flood of 1860 which I think must have been four or five feet higher than this.
Peggy's comments:
The battle that Julia heard news of by way of a note from her niece Kate Dawes took place in eastern Kentucky. For more details, here's a link from the American Battle Protection Program of the National Park Service.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Wednesday, Jan. 22, 1862
I got up at two o'clock and found by the mark that the river had risen but little over an inch an hour since ten o'clock. At light this morning found it had risen four inches since two o'clock being just two thirds of an inch per hour. We have still a few feet of terra firma visible about the front door, although the river and back water have met over the yard and turnpike. It does not appear to have reached Mr. Bailey's house yet. I hope it has about reached its greatest height From eight o'clock till eleven it was almost stationary rising only half an inch. From eleven till four it was at a stand when it began to fall very slowly. A skiff which ha been fastened at our landing for sometime and belonged to ________ has been a great convenience. The boys use it to ferry back and forth to the hill.
Tom Bailey passed in a skiff this forenoon and reported that the Cincinnati train had not arrived at Harmar being delayed by high water. We have heard whistles this noon and think that it has probably got through. We have no mail or newspaper since Saturday. I can scarcely wait to hear what is going on. When we last heard from the world great events cast their shadows forth. I wonder what effect this freshet will have upon the operations of our gun boat fleet at Cairo. Will not Cairo itself be submerged? Will not the enemy at Columbus, Ky., be more vulnerable now? What will become of their torpedoes and chains when the floods and drift go down? I hope to hear that something has been accomplished worthy the country and the cause.
Tom Bailey passed in a skiff this forenoon and reported that the Cincinnati train had not arrived at Harmar being delayed by high water. We have heard whistles this noon and think that it has probably got through. We have no mail or newspaper since Saturday. I can scarcely wait to hear what is going on. When we last heard from the world great events cast their shadows forth. I wonder what effect this freshet will have upon the operations of our gun boat fleet at Cairo. Will not Cairo itself be submerged? Will not the enemy at Columbus, Ky., be more vulnerable now? What will become of their torpedoes and chains when the floods and drift go down? I hope to hear that something has been accomplished worthy the country and the cause.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Tuesday, Jan. 21
The boys with Mr. Call and Mr. Franey slept little last night. They found the water rose about four inches an hour during the night. Took the horses to the hill at midnight and put the corn aloft in the barn and many other matters secured. This morning the water was in the garden about the port royal apple tree but was not rising so fast as during the night. From nine this mornng till three in the afternoon it was rising steadily two and a half inches an hour. We have John and George and Roberts and Franey and Call at work. They have cleared the cellar, brought the potatoes from the field, secured some corn in the shack, &c. The weather is cooler, no rain but a little snow flying in the air. From three o'clock till nine at night it rose just two inches an hour, at ten it rose an inch and a half when we went to bed. Kate, Annie and Sarah crossed over in the skiff before night to stay at Mr. Burgess' until the water subsides. The water began to soak into the cellar during the evening and the well also to fill by water which came through the ground and trickled down the sides. I called at W. D. Bailey's this afternoon.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Monday, Jan. 20
Rained again last night. Lucy went to the station on horseback, the water being over the turnpike bridge. Water rising about 2 1/2 or 3 inches an hour. John Roberts moved his family and effects up into the house by the spring to escape the dreaded high water. John Kunz has been bringing potatoes, &c from the cellar. They have taken most of the stock to the hill. From 1 o'clock to 10 p.m. it has risen four or five inches an hour and we go to bed with little hope of escaping an inundation like that of 1860. The bridge at the meeting house is under water this afternoon.
The train passed down tonight but probably will be unable to do so in the morning, Since noon the air has been chilly and no doubt the headwaters are running out. We have no paper tonight and do not know how much of a rise to expect. No rain here today since eight o'clock in the morning.
The train passed down tonight but probably will be unable to do so in the morning, Since noon the air has been chilly and no doubt the headwaters are running out. We have no paper tonight and do not know how much of a rise to expect. No rain here today since eight o'clock in the morning.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Sabbath, Jan. 19
Rained very hard last night, ground flooded with water, very rainy all the forenoon. No meeting. G. W. Bailey rode down to get help to place stones on the planks of the meeting house bridge. River rising and a flood apprehended. The bridge next below us is under water before dark. Kate was obliged to remove most of her flowers from the pit on account of the water which had flooded it. Our cellar has a foot of water in some parts from rain. Hocking very high.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Saturday, Jan. 18
Rained again last night. Some water in Kate's flower pit. A disagreeable rainy day. Lucy almost sick with headache. I finished a winter scene in India ink: "Sheep Feeding" by Birket Foster. John salted the pork. The fire which we saw last night at Parkersburg destroyed six or eight frame houses and came near burning the N. W. V. R.R. Depot in which a quantity of Government stores were deposited. Several families were burned out; houseless on a cold night.
Peggy's comments:
Birket Foster was a popular artist from Great Britain who specialized in gentle, country scenes. His media were water color and engraving. Here's more information about Foster: http://www.victorianweb.org/painting/foster/index.html
and a link to one of his watercolors: http://www.victorianweb.org/painting/foster/drawings/1.html
Regarding the RR station: The B&O Railroad line from Baltimore arrived in Parkersburg in 1857, and until the railroad bridge was built over the Ohio River, the city was a terminal from which all supplies and passengers had to be taken across by ferry or steamboat to connect with the Marietta & Cincinnati Railroad. (http://www.electricearl.com/parkersburg/railroad.html)
A railroad bridge across the Ohio River at Parkersburg was authorized by Congress in 1861 but was not completed until after the Civil War. http://bridgehunter.com/wv/wood/parkersburg/
Before that time, passengers coming from the east would disembark the train at Parkersburg in western Virginia, board a steamer or ferry and be transported by water to Marietta where they could continue their train travel on the Marietta & Cincinnati Rail Road (William Cutler was an officer of that line).
Peggy's comments:
Birket Foster was a popular artist from Great Britain who specialized in gentle, country scenes. His media were water color and engraving. Here's more information about Foster: http://www.victorianweb.org/painting/foster/index.html
and a link to one of his watercolors: http://www.victorianweb.org/painting/foster/drawings/1.html
Regarding the RR station: The B&O Railroad line from Baltimore arrived in Parkersburg in 1857, and until the railroad bridge was built over the Ohio River, the city was a terminal from which all supplies and passengers had to be taken across by ferry or steamboat to connect with the Marietta & Cincinnati Railroad. (http://www.electricearl.com/parkersburg/railroad.html)
A railroad bridge across the Ohio River at Parkersburg was authorized by Congress in 1861 but was not completed until after the Civil War. http://bridgehunter.com/wv/wood/parkersburg/
Before that time, passengers coming from the east would disembark the train at Parkersburg in western Virginia, board a steamer or ferry and be transported by water to Marietta where they could continue their train travel on the Marietta & Cincinnati Rail Road (William Cutler was an officer of that line).
B&O steam engine in Parkersburg (from http://einhornpress.com/ParkersburgHistory.aspx) |
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Friday, Jan. 17
Lucy came down on this evening train to remain until Monday. She brought letters from Rufus who got back to Camp Arlington safely just two hours before his furlough expired, had been recognized as Senior Captain by his Colonel and appointed one of the executives (I believe it is) committee of the regiment. Ephe writes from Camp Diamond that his regiment lacks but 20 men of being full. They have orders to hold themselves in readiness to move and not to allow a man or officer to leave camp.
Peggy's comments:
Confirmation of imminent troop movement seems to be confirmed by letters from Julia's two nephews who were officers for the Union.
Peggy's comments:
Confirmation of imminent troop movement seems to be confirmed by letters from Julia's two nephews who were officers for the Union.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Thursday, Jan. 16
Sky has cleared and sun shines pleasantly. Mr. and Mrs. Burgess called this afternoon. Today's paper indicates important military movements begun. The Burnside expedition has already salied some say to operate in North Carolina. Others assert in Virginia. Butler's expedition menaces New Orleans. The Port Royal expedition has advanced to within a short distance of the city of Charleston. Gen. Pope has been doing good service in Missouri capturing some 1500 of the enemy. The aspect of affairs has improved in that region.
An expedition has already left Cairo to operate against Columbus, Ky. by land and water, under Gens. Grant and M'Clernaud. A fleet of gun boats under the command of Foote is on the way to the scene fo action. Gen'l Buell is ready for an advance on Bowling Green. Gens. Rosecrans and Reynolds are to advance from Romeny to aid Gen. Banks who is probably to assist M'Clellan's army of the Potomac. Thus it seems that several different points are to be attacked simultaneously and so the rebellion crushed. By the blessing of God upon these measures we hope for success and that a just peace may soon be established.
Peggy's comments:
This entry shows how closely Julia read accounts in newspapers to follow the military movements. And how fervently she hoped, as did many others, that the war would soon be over.
An expedition has already left Cairo to operate against Columbus, Ky. by land and water, under Gens. Grant and M'Clernaud. A fleet of gun boats under the command of Foote is on the way to the scene fo action. Gen'l Buell is ready for an advance on Bowling Green. Gens. Rosecrans and Reynolds are to advance from Romeny to aid Gen. Banks who is probably to assist M'Clellan's army of the Potomac. Thus it seems that several different points are to be attacked simultaneously and so the rebellion crushed. By the blessing of God upon these measures we hope for success and that a just peace may soon be established.
Peggy's comments:
This entry shows how closely Julia read accounts in newspapers to follow the military movements. And how fervently she hoped, as did many others, that the war would soon be over.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Wednesday, Jan. 15
Awakened this morning by a thunder shower. It has proved to be a rainy disagreeable day. The Burnside expedition so much talked of, which has been fitting out at Annapolis and sailed to Fortress Monroe has now left that place. Its first destination has not been made public but is supposed to be some important point.
Peggy's comments:
Peggy's comments:
General Burnside proposed to General McClellan that he take a naval expedition south to secure the coast of North Carolina. McClellan approved of the plan, troops were staged at Annapolis and departed in January 1862. There were 13,000 men on 80 vessels.
![]() |
Grand Review of Burnside's Troops at Annapolis from Harper's Weekly, January 18, 1862 |
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Tuesday Jan. 14
Last night as I was taking care of little Sarah, I happened to look out of the window in the direction of Parkersburg and saw a fire which reddened the sky and water. I suppose it was a burning building. Maggie Voris here to dinner. Miss Mary Ainsworth called. I finished India ink drawing, "The Watering Place," by Rosa Bonheur. Kate received a letter from Clara and James.
Peggy's comments:
In 1855, the wood engraving "The Watering Place" by Rosa Bonheur appeared in "The Illustrated London News".
Clara Walton was Julia's younger sister (and Kate's aunt). James was Clara's husband.
Peggy's comments:
In 1855, the wood engraving "The Watering Place" by Rosa Bonheur appeared in "The Illustrated London News".
Clara Walton was Julia's younger sister (and Kate's aunt). James was Clara's husband.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Monday, Jan. 13
The doctor came down to see little Sarah. She coughs hard and has a good deal of fever. Weather has turned cold again. No paper tonight. Train belated by freight train off the track.
Peggy's comments:
I love the term "belated" although I have never heard it used before.
Peggy's comments:
I love the term "belated" although I have never heard it used before.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Sabbath, Jan. 12
Little Sarah very sick last night. I slept but little. Her mother and Kate were also up two or three hours. I did not feel well enough to attend Sabbath School and meeting so staid at home. No preaching. Weather very uncomfortably damp. Some days the water drips from the walls. A number of Ohio troops ordered into West Virginia. Order countermanded. Regiment required to hold themselves in readiness.
Peggy's comments:
Kate Dawes, also a niece of Julia's, lived with the Cutlers. They lived in the Old Stone House which was built about 50 years prior to 1861 by Julia's father, Ephraim Cutler. It was often damp and some folks suspected that the house itself contributed to the frequent illnesses of its occupants, especially the children.
In January of 1861, General McClellan was still formulating a plan to attack the Confederates. His notion was to have one decisive battle. Lincoln was eager for the army to move.
![]() |
The Old Stone House |
Peggy's comments:
Kate Dawes, also a niece of Julia's, lived with the Cutlers. They lived in the Old Stone House which was built about 50 years prior to 1861 by Julia's father, Ephraim Cutler. It was often damp and some folks suspected that the house itself contributed to the frequent illnesses of its occupants, especially the children.
In January of 1861, General McClellan was still formulating a plan to attack the Confederates. His notion was to have one decisive battle. Lincoln was eager for the army to move.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Saturday, Jan. 11
Annie and Sarah are both sick with severe colds. Annie coughs very hard and at night has fever. Sarah is just beginning to cough. We dread to have her take cold as it generally results in an attack of croup. John Means called also Mr. Burgess and Lizzie Poage.
Peggy's comments:
Annie and Sarah are Julia's nieces (the two daughters of William and Lizzie Cutler). The other people are part of the extended family of Lizzie Cutler.
Peggy's comments:
Annie and Sarah are Julia's nieces (the two daughters of William and Lizzie Cutler). The other people are part of the extended family of Lizzie Cutler.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Friday, Jan. 10
This is little Sarah's birthday, six years old today. The little girls having received quite a quantity of toys on Christmas and New Year's day; it was thought best to think of the useful in a birthday present so little Sarah received a nice pair of rubber overshoes and Annie had a pair too. And Grandma Burgess sent her a basket of Catawba grapes. Johnny Means spent the day here. Marion came down on the evening train to spend the Sabbath.
Peggy's comments:
Sarah and Annie are the two remaining living children of William and Lizzie Cutler.
Grandma Burgess was Lizzie's mother who lived nearby.
Marion Robertson is a friend who often came from Marietta with Sarah Cutler Dawes (Julia's sister).
Peggy's comments:
Sarah and Annie are the two remaining living children of William and Lizzie Cutler.
Grandma Burgess was Lizzie's mother who lived nearby.
Marion Robertson is a friend who often came from Marietta with Sarah Cutler Dawes (Julia's sister).
Monday, January 9, 2012
Thursday, Jan. 9
This is Jennie Shedd's birthday and also the birthday of our sweet little Jennie who died last April.
George Cutter went to town to say goodby to his brother, William whose regiment was moved by three trains to Camp Dennison today. Two companies were sent forward tow or three das ago to make ready their quarters. Col. Hildebrand leaves about 50 men of the 77th sick with measles in hospital at Marietta. The 63rd regiment Col. Craig is still at Camp Putnam. An attempt was made to consolidate the 63rd with a regiment at Camp Dennison. The arrangement proved unsatisfactory and time was given to each to fill up their ranks.
Peggy's comments:
Jennie Shedd was the sister of Rufus, Ephraim, Kate & Lucy Dawes. Jennie had married in 1859 and she and her Presbyterian minister husband immediately left to do missionary work in Persia.
"Sweet little Jennie" refers to Margaret Jane Cutler, William and Lizzie Cutler's baby daughter who died in infancy.
George Cutter went to town to say goodby to his brother, William whose regiment was moved by three trains to Camp Dennison today. Two companies were sent forward tow or three das ago to make ready their quarters. Col. Hildebrand leaves about 50 men of the 77th sick with measles in hospital at Marietta. The 63rd regiment Col. Craig is still at Camp Putnam. An attempt was made to consolidate the 63rd with a regiment at Camp Dennison. The arrangement proved unsatisfactory and time was given to each to fill up their ranks.
Peggy's comments:
Jennie Shedd was the sister of Rufus, Ephraim, Kate & Lucy Dawes. Jennie had married in 1859 and she and her Presbyterian minister husband immediately left to do missionary work in Persia.
"Sweet little Jennie" refers to Margaret Jane Cutler, William and Lizzie Cutler's baby daughter who died in infancy.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Wednesday, Jan. 8
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Tuesday Jan. 7
Friday, January 6, 2012
Monday, Jan. 6
Marion went back to town. Rev. C. C. Hart went back to Logan, We have had a very pleasant visit with him. He is a native of East Tennessee, was educated at Marietta College and Lane Seminary. He preached for 6 or 7 years in Mississippi but left there six years ago on account of his northern principles. He is a frank and genial man with popular manners and loyal sentiments. Capt. T. W. Moore came on the morning trian direct from Summersville, Va. A good deal of sickness iin camp there. He came to see William about the Tunnel work. After two hours talk William took him home in the buggy. Snowed all the afternoon. Ice floating in the river, the first this winter. I wrote to Clara. William gave me a twenty dollar gold piece, I sealed up the letter and coin in a [unreadable]. G. W. Bailey called. George Cutter went to town to see his twin brother who enlisted in the 77th and is now under orders to go to Camp Dennison.
Peggy's comments:
Julia always enjoys talking with the well-educated visitors who seem to stop by to see her brother William. I like her reference to Rev. Hart's "northern principles" as the reason he left Mississippi.
A good deal of sickness did find it's way into the camps where hundreds of men, many of whom had lived on farms away from disease such as measles, now found themselves sick. Not much was yet known about how disease was transmitted which only made it worse.
The river, of course, is the Ohio.
Clara was Julia's sister who had married a minister and whose family often seemed in need of money.
Peggy's comments:
Julia always enjoys talking with the well-educated visitors who seem to stop by to see her brother William. I like her reference to Rev. Hart's "northern principles" as the reason he left Mississippi.
A good deal of sickness did find it's way into the camps where hundreds of men, many of whom had lived on farms away from disease such as measles, now found themselves sick. Not much was yet known about how disease was transmitted which only made it worse.
The river, of course, is the Ohio.
Clara was Julia's sister who had married a minister and whose family often seemed in need of money.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Sabbath, Jan. 5
Congregation not large. Cold. Mr. Hart preached from the text "What think ye, will he not come to the feast?" A good sermon. Rhoda went back to Mr. Burgess' this morning and came to meeting with them.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Saturday, Jan. 4
Rev. C. C. Hart of Logan came on the morning train to administer the Sacrament to the Warren Church tomorrow. Mr. Wilcox left for Amestown. I wrote to sister Polly and gave him (as I supposed) the letter, but found afterwards that I had sent something else, I know not what in the envelope. We sent up the sled for Annie this morning. Rhoda came down to spend the day. William went to town in the morning but returned in time for preparatory lecture. Mrs. W. W. Groves called. Also S. J. Bailey. The young folks made taffy balls ornamented with pop corn.
Peggy's comments:
The Cutler's house and farm were in Warren Township, six miles from Marietta, Ohio. For them, the Warren Church was a short walk.
Sister Polly was Julia's older half-sister, Polly Cutler Dean, who lived in Amesville.
Peggy's comments:
The Cutler's house and farm were in Warren Township, six miles from Marietta, Ohio. For them, the Warren Church was a short walk.
Sister Polly was Julia's older half-sister, Polly Cutler Dean, who lived in Amesville.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Friday, Jan. 3
The weather has turned cold. Kate went to town with Rufus and Lucy to be there during his stay which will be only till Monday. William and Lizzie dined at Mr. Burgess'. Annie is there also spending the day. Mr. Wilcox came from Amesville. William has been busy all the afternoon settling accounts with him. Raining and reezing this afternoon, the ground covered with ice. Lizzie left Annie to spend the night. Marion Robertson came on the evening train. Mrs. Fanny M. Bailey called.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Thursday, Jan. 2
Lucy is spending the day with us and making a new black merino dress. William came home from Chillicothe and to our joyful surprise Rufus was with him having arrived last night at Marietta after the girls had left for Warren. He looks in fine health and is in fine spirits. He is said to be an excellent officer. Rhoda (Cousin Temple's wife) and Maggie Voris were in during the evening. Charlie Gates who came Tuesday went home to-night.
Peggy's comments:
The war gloom that bothered Julia yesterday is alleviated somewhat by the arrival of visiting family members including nephew Rufus Dawes who raised Company K which became part of the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers many months ago. The Sixth Wisconsin, part of the Army of the Potomac, was being drilled into readiness by General McClellan and was camped near Washington, DC.
Charley Gates was the only son of Beman and Betsey Gates and he lived in Marietta with his parents and his two sisters, Mary and Betsey. Charley was 17 and eager to fight for the Union but his parents insisted that he was as yet too young. Rufus Dawes would often call on Charley's sister, Mary Gates, during visits to Marietta.
Peggy's comments:
The war gloom that bothered Julia yesterday is alleviated somewhat by the arrival of visiting family members including nephew Rufus Dawes who raised Company K which became part of the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers many months ago. The Sixth Wisconsin, part of the Army of the Potomac, was being drilled into readiness by General McClellan and was camped near Washington, DC.
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Rufus R. Dawes |
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Charles B. Gates |
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Jan. 1st 1862, Wednesday
The New Year dawns upon us in such circumstances as our Country never before saw. It is sickening to think that in our Christian land a million of men stand this day to their arms ready to do battle to the death. All for no cause but that the haughty South have been thwarted in their political ambition and have failed to make the North bow down to the Slave Power. We are a sinful people and we have need to remember our faults this day. God grant that we may repent and forsake our sins. Our hope is in His mercy. I trust He has not utterly withdrawn His blessing from our nation but that we may yet praise Him for His goodness.
We little thought a year ago that events would occur making such great changes in our family. We did expect that William would spend the winter in Washington, but did not expect that city would have to be defended by a hundred thousand armed men.
Last New Year's, Cousin Temple was quietly preaching to his people in Skowhegan, Maine. Now he is in South Carolina preaching the gospel to the sick and wounded soldiers. Rufus was pursuing peaceful avocations in Wisconsin. Now he is with the Army of the Potomac guarding the Capitol. Ephe a student in College then, now a 'belted soldier on the tented field.' Others, too, of our kindred are with the fighting men of the North. God keep them every one and may the next New Year find us enjoying the benefits of a righteous and just peace.
Kate, Lucy and Annie came home from Marietta on the evening train. Painted.
Peggy's comments:
There is no doubt about Julia's feelings about the Civil War or the "haughty South" or Slave Power. Yet she began a new blank book in 1862 with hopes that peace would be achieved that year.
First page of Julia's 1862 journal |
April 1862 |
Back cover of 1862 journal |
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