Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Friday, Jan. 24

Cold last night.  The puddles of water left by the retreating river are covered with ice nearly a quarter of an inch thick.   The boys with two teams and Roberts, Call and Franey to help them, are busy putting up fences.  At noon the turnpike bridge was still under water, but soon appeared.  This rise began to excite attention Sabbath Jan. 19.  There had been very heavy rains Friday night and Saturday night continuing with little intermission to Monday morning.  On Sabbath Little Hocking was very high flooding all the valley and the river was over the bridge below us that evening.  Monday morning the turnpike was under water.  Monday forenoon the water rose about three inches an hour, when it began to rise more slowly, and finally came to a stand at about ten o'clock Wednesday morning having surrounded the house and filled the cellar up to the level of the water outside and also filled the well.  It was stationary six or eight hours Wednesday Jan. 22, when to our great relief it began to fall.  It has moved a good deal of fence and carried away some rails.  
We got first daily Gazette this evening giving he particulars of the Union victory near Somerset in which the rebel, Zollicoffer fell.  Our Ohio ninth distinguished themselves very much in the fight, Col. R. A. M'Cook being wounded, &c.
Today is my birthday.  May the years God is pleased to add to my life be spent in his service.  We heard cannon from Parkersburg.

Peggy's comments:
I don't know when Julia wrote each day, but I picture her at her desk, writing in the evening.  Sometimes it seems she writes a bit and then adds more later.  It always seems that she has an eye to making an historical record, but her opinions do slip in.  Her negative feelings about the rebels are strong, as is her pride in the Ohio soldiers.

In this entry, her primary concerns are with the receding flood waters, but she finds time to report on the first news of a Union victory.

And Julia marks her birthday--she was 48 on January 24, 1862.

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