Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Saturday, Jan. 4

Rev. C. C. Hart of Logan came on the morning train to administer the Sacrament to the Warren Church tomorrow.  Mr. Wilcox left for Amestown.  I wrote to sister Polly and gave him (as I supposed) the letter, but found afterwards that I had sent something else, I know not what in the envelope.  We sent up the sled for Annie this morning.  Rhoda came down to spend the day.  William went to town in the morning but returned in time for preparatory lecture.  Mrs. W. W. Groves called.   Also S. J. Bailey.  The young folks made taffy balls ornamented with pop corn.

Peggy's comments:
The Cutler's house and farm were in Warren Township,  six miles from Marietta, Ohio.  For them, the  Warren Church was a short walk.

Sister Polly was Julia's older half-sister, Polly Cutler Dean, who lived in Amesville.

1 comment:

  1. That is so funny that she sent "she knows not what" instead of the letter. I have always been in mortal fear of doing that.
