Sunday, January 22, 2012

Wednesday, Jan. 22, 1862

I got up at two o'clock and found by the mark that the river had risen but little over an inch an hour since ten o'clock.  At light this morning found it had risen four inches since two o'clock being just two thirds of an inch per hour.  We have still a few feet of terra firma visible about the front door, although the river and back water have met over the yard and turnpike.  It does not appear to have reached Mr. Bailey's house yet.  I hope it has about reached its greatest height  From eight o'clock till eleven it was almost stationary rising only half an inch.  From eleven till four it was at a stand when it began to fall very slowly.  A skiff which ha been fastened at our landing for sometime and belonged to ________ has been a great convenience.  The boys use it to ferry back and forth to the hill.
Tom Bailey passed in a skiff this forenoon and reported that the Cincinnati train had not arrived at Harmar being delayed by high water.  We have heard whistles this noon and think that it has probably got through.  We have no mail or newspaper since Saturday.  I can scarcely wait to hear what is going on.  When we last heard from the world great events cast their shadows forth.  I wonder what effect this freshet will have upon the operations of our gun boat fleet at Cairo.  Will not Cairo itself be submerged?  Will not the enemy at Columbus, Ky., be more vulnerable now?  What will become of their torpedoes and chains when the floods and drift go down?  I hope to hear that something has been accomplished worthy the country and the cause.

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