Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Thursday, May 8, 1862

Occupied during the morning packing to start on the train today for home.  Mr. William Tyler came to seal up some cans of sorghum which we are going to take to Ohio.  Mrs. Mills, Mrs. Tyler and Mrs. Bacon came to say goodby.  After an early diner we went down to the depot.  A little after eleven o'clock we made our adieus to Clara, Mr. Walton and the children and Mr. and Mrs. Bradley who came to see us off, and were seated in the cars homeward bound.  We saw Mr. Munsell and Levi on their lot near Tower Hill as we passed.  
The country looks beautiful, the prairies with the herds of cattle and horses and the woods beautified and fragrant with blossoming haws, crabapple and plum trees.  I enjoyed the ride very much.  At St. Mary's there are some very fine buildings where a Catholic school is kept.  Some of the young ladies came on the cars to go to Terre Haute.  They were evidently school girls, with their large bouquets of lilacs and other flowers, enjoying a day's respite from study.  One of these who sat near us tried to get up, though unsuccessfully, quite a panic by asserting that the bridge over the Wabash was dangerous, and was expected to fall, etc.  But no one attended to her probably thinking if these things were really so why was she who knew the facts on board the train.  
We did not change cars at Terre Haute but a new conductor came on board who was a singularly ugly looking man with a remarkable turn up nose and a mustache five or six inches long.  I took a dislike to him but he proved to be gentlemanly and accommodating seeing that we and our baggage were safely on board the Cincinnati train at the Indianapolis depot.  In a few minutes we left the city, just as the sun was setting.  I noticed numerous spires and glanced up some fine looking streets.  A few stations passed and it became dark.  The passengers stopped about nine o'clock for super, but Clara had provided us with a lunch and we did not get out.  I did not sleep any but as we passed along looked out on the moonlit scenery.  I thought Lawrenceburg improved by the dim light.  From that place to Cincinnati the road runs parallel with a canal.  The canal boats slowly moving with lamps at the end or tied up for the night looked oddly as we whirled past them.  It was after midnight when we arrived at Cincinnati.  We got into an Omnibus and drove through the gas lighted streets to Mr. Joshua Walton's.  The omnibus driver rang the bell for us and waited until Mr. Walton appeared and admitted us.  He lighted the gas in the parlor and called Mrs. Walton who received us very kindly and insisted upon making us a cup of tea, which we declined preferring to go at once to bed.

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