Saturday, June 30, 2012
Monday, June 30, 1862
Lizzie finished putting up thirty cans of cherries. John cut the saizette wheat, a specimen of which from the Patent Office grew in the garden. Lucy and Betty Gates came on the cars for a visit. The paper says that there was heavy fighting before Richmond three or four days last week particularly Friday. This battle will be one of momentous importance. We expect the victory but it may be at fearful cost. Every day this rebellion appears more inexcusably and terribly wicked.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Sabbath, June 29, 1862
Showery weather. Mr. Curtis preached at half past two o'clock. We had Sabbath School the hour before meeting. Mr. Curtis here to tea and to spend the night. He admires our place very much. He told Lizzie if she did not think it the most beautiful place in the worlds she ought to!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Saturday, June 28, 1862
Kate got a letter from Rufus this morning. He was then at Fredericksburg. There is a prospect, though not a certainty that he may be made Major of the 6th Wisconsin. A petition to that effect has been sent to the Governor signed by a large majority of the regimental and company officers. If it is best for him I hope that he will get the appointment for he is worth of it.
We also had a letter from Rev. Mr. Riggs saying that Marion Robertson was married at St. Paul Minnesota to Alex. Hunter, June 21st. Mr. Riggs performing the ceremony.
We had Mr. Lyman Hart, Mrs. Joel Deming, Mr. and Mrs. Goff, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bailey, Mrs. E. S. E. Bailey, Maggie Voris and Lucy Dawes here to tea. Charlie Gates went home this evening.
Peggy's comments:
Julia's nephew (and Kate's brother) Rufus R. Dawes was a Captain with the 6th Wisconsin and was with the Army of the Potomac. Up to this point, he had not seen much action. He writes in his journal:
Monday, June 16, 1862
Colonel Cutler ordered the seniority question settled by lot. Captains Dill, Hooe, Hauser and I repaired to the Colonel's headquarters. The Colonel put four scraps of paper into his hat, marked severally 1, 2, 3, and 4. The drawing resulted: Dawes, 1; Hooe, 2; Hauser, 3; Dill, 4. Much favored by fortune. Lieutenant Colonel Sweet sent in his resignation to-day. Now comes a tug of war. Colonel Cutler wants Haskell appointed Major.
Tuesday, June 17th, 1862
Colonel Cutler has asked an expression of the officers for Major. A caucus called for to-night. _______deserts me and works for Haskell. O, treachery! Was appointed officer of the brigade guard, and did not attend the caucus. Final vote: Haskell, thirteen, Dawes, fourteen.
Wednesday, June 18, 1862
A very exciting day in the regiment. No report made of the caucus. It did not come out right. Captain Brown battles for me like a hero. Haskell told me he should get the appointment if he could. I told him, I should do the same, as it was my right in order of rank, and we shook hands over it. Sent my papers to Bill Vilas. He will give them a hustle if he gets the papers in time. Major Bragg works hard for me. He says, 'this attempt to dragoon the officers into over-riding the rights of captains, will not win.'
Friday, June 20th, 1862
Colonel Cutler, General Gibbon, General King, and I suppose, all Madison, Wisconsin, recommend Haskell. Lieutenant Colonel Sweet, Major Bragg, seven Captains, fourteen Lieutenants, and three regimental staff officers recommend my appointment.
We also had a letter from Rev. Mr. Riggs saying that Marion Robertson was married at St. Paul Minnesota to Alex. Hunter, June 21st. Mr. Riggs performing the ceremony.
We had Mr. Lyman Hart, Mrs. Joel Deming, Mr. and Mrs. Goff, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bailey, Mrs. E. S. E. Bailey, Maggie Voris and Lucy Dawes here to tea. Charlie Gates went home this evening.
Peggy's comments:
Julia's nephew (and Kate's brother) Rufus R. Dawes was a Captain with the 6th Wisconsin and was with the Army of the Potomac. Up to this point, he had not seen much action. He writes in his journal:
Monday, June 16, 1862
Colonel Cutler ordered the seniority question settled by lot. Captains Dill, Hooe, Hauser and I repaired to the Colonel's headquarters. The Colonel put four scraps of paper into his hat, marked severally 1, 2, 3, and 4. The drawing resulted: Dawes, 1; Hooe, 2; Hauser, 3; Dill, 4. Much favored by fortune. Lieutenant Colonel Sweet sent in his resignation to-day. Now comes a tug of war. Colonel Cutler wants Haskell appointed Major.
Tuesday, June 17th, 1862
Colonel Cutler has asked an expression of the officers for Major. A caucus called for to-night. _______deserts me and works for Haskell. O, treachery! Was appointed officer of the brigade guard, and did not attend the caucus. Final vote: Haskell, thirteen, Dawes, fourteen.
Wednesday, June 18, 1862
A very exciting day in the regiment. No report made of the caucus. It did not come out right. Captain Brown battles for me like a hero. Haskell told me he should get the appointment if he could. I told him, I should do the same, as it was my right in order of rank, and we shook hands over it. Sent my papers to Bill Vilas. He will give them a hustle if he gets the papers in time. Major Bragg works hard for me. He says, 'this attempt to dragoon the officers into over-riding the rights of captains, will not win.'
Friday, June 20th, 1862
Colonel Cutler, General Gibbon, General King, and I suppose, all Madison, Wisconsin, recommend Haskell. Lieutenant Colonel Sweet, Major Bragg, seven Captains, fourteen Lieutenants, and three regimental staff officers recommend my appointment.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Friday, June 27, 1862
Charlie Gates came on the evening train for a visit. Kate took Annie and Sarah to Marietta, came home very tired. Betsey and Thomas Bailey called.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Thursday, June 26, 1862
Commencement day at Marietta College. Maggie, Lizzie, & Mrs. Burgess, here to dinner -- I wrote a letter to Clara -- Mr. D. B. Calder was dangerously hurt by Laluthiel Sturling this morning -- John Sturling, a boy, had been bound to Mr. Calder and lived with him some years, and was treated as one of the family -- yesterday he ran away. This morning Mr. Calder went to Mr. Sturlings' who lives on Hocking near Mr. Neidhams, where he found John and was just coming out of the house with him when Mr. Sturling met him at the door and with a club struck him senseless and left him on ground weltering in his gore & escaped & secreted himself -- Mr. Calder came to himself, rose to his feet & went toward Mr. Neidham's house crying "murder! murder!" He was helped into the house & immediately went into convulsions. Dr. Biebe & Mrs. Calder were immediately sent for. The Dr. pronounced the case a doubtful one saying he had seen wounds less severe prove fatal. Kate went down to Mrs. McClure's on the cars this evening & learned the particulars.
Peggy's comments:
I find Mr. D. B. Calder alive and well in the 1880 Census still living in Washington County, Ohio with his wife Mary and children Flora, William, Stella and Rollin. Mr. Calder worked in a store in 1880 (according to the census). I find no record of the Sturlings.
Peggy's comments:
I find Mr. D. B. Calder alive and well in the 1880 Census still living in Washington County, Ohio with his wife Mary and children Flora, William, Stella and Rollin. Mr. Calder worked in a store in 1880 (according to the census). I find no record of the Sturlings.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Wednesday, June 25, 1862
Maggie and Lizzie Poage who went to Illinois when Kate and I did, got home tonight. Lucy came down and got a basket full of flowers for Mrs. Andrews' levee tomorrow evening.
Peggy's comments:
A levee was another word for a reception.
Peggy's comments:
A levee was another word for a reception.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Tuesday, June 24, 1862
Gardening. Hunter has had a fight at James Island off Charleston on the 16th. We have only rebel accounts which claim a victory for the South.
Peggy's comments:
It was indeed a Confederate victory, and although a minor one, it generated a large amount of positive press for the South.
Peggy's comments:
It was indeed a Confederate victory, and although a minor one, it generated a large amount of positive press for the South.
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Published in Harpers, July 5, 1862 Bird's eye view of Charleston, SC, with federal boats approaching |
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Monday, June 23, 1862
I was busy gardening most of the day. The Gazette says that McDowell's division 30,000 strong has re-enforced McClellan on the Chickahominy and that the great battle cannot be long postponed. God shield our beloved one and keep him unharmed in the day of battle. I pray that God may show in the coming conflict, verily, whether he is for Slavery or against it and give such a victory as shall forever destroy the power of the oppressor.
Peggy's comments:
Julia's nephew, Ephraim Cutler Dawes, was with the 53rd Ohio and she feared that he would part of the impending great battle near Richmond.
Her nephew, Rufus R. Dawes, was with the 6th Wisconsin with the Army of the Potomac and was still camped near Washington, D.C.
Peggy's comments:
Julia's nephew, Ephraim Cutler Dawes, was with the 53rd Ohio and she feared that he would part of the impending great battle near Richmond.
Her nephew, Rufus R. Dawes, was with the 6th Wisconsin with the Army of the Potomac and was still camped near Washington, D.C.
Friday, June 22, 2012
Sunday, June 22, 1862
We had the sacrament of the Lord's supper administered today. Rev. O. H. Newton, officiating. A. S. Bailey's little daughter, "Clara Catherine" was baptized.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Saturday, June 21, 1862
I have been gardening this morning, our roses, except the microphylla are mostly out of bloom but the monthlies will soon be out again.
Mr. William Buell and his mother called. She complimented our garden saying it is more nicely kept than Mr. Dana's where she has been today.
Mr. William Buell and his mother called. She complimented our garden saying it is more nicely kept than Mr. Dana's where she has been today.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Friday, June 20, 1862
I wrote an obituary notice of Dyer B. McClure and appended these lines composed by Mrs. Elizabeth S. E. Bailey.
Thy toilsome march is o'er,
The trumpet and the war cry
Shall thrill thy heart no more.
"His country's summons heeding
In the hour of deadly strife
He has laid upon her altar
His young, brave, earnest life.
"God help the widowed mother
And be her strength and shield
Four other sons are marshalled
Upon the battlefield.
"Oh! what weary, anxious waiting
What restlessness, what woe,
For the fate of her beloved ones
Must the soldier's mother know."
We sent the notice to the Marietta Register which is the name of the Republican newspaper which is to take the place of the "Marietta Intelligencer" and of the "Home News", both of which papers Mr. Stimson has bought out. He will issue the first number of his paper next week.
We -- that is, Lizzie and the two children (Annie and Sarah, who were included in the invitation) and myself, after an early breakfast took the cars for Belpre. Mr. Geo. Dana, Jr., was waiting with carriages at the Belpre station for us and Mrs. Rebecca Nye and Mrs. Goddard who were on the cars going to Mr. Dana's also. We met a cordial welcome from the wife and father of Mr. Dana and from the two sisters, Mrs. Emily Dodge and Mrs. Mary Lynn who are there on a visit. We spent the day very pleasantly. I have not been at Mr. Dana's for twenty years I think. The place is much improved, the grounds beautiful, evergeens and many rare roses and other shrubs are scattered about. He took us out to see his plantation of evergreens, &c. Mrs. Wm. Pitt Putnam was there to tea and Miss Polly Benedict called. Mrs. Putnam's son-in-law, Mr. Wilcox who was taken prisoner some months ago in Tennessee and was believed to be dead, has lately got home having been exchanged. Coming home on the cars we found Mrs. Stanwood, sister of N. L. Wilson. At home found Lucy with Kate who did not feel well enough to go with us today.
"Rest, rest thee, weary soldier,
Thy toilsome march is o'er,
The trumpet and the war cry
Shall thrill thy heart no more.
"His country's summons heeding
In the hour of deadly strife
He has laid upon her altar
His young, brave, earnest life.
"God help the widowed mother
And be her strength and shield
Four other sons are marshalled
Upon the battlefield.
"Oh! what weary, anxious waiting
What restlessness, what woe,
For the fate of her beloved ones
Must the soldier's mother know."
We sent the notice to the Marietta Register which is the name of the Republican newspaper which is to take the place of the "Marietta Intelligencer" and of the "Home News", both of which papers Mr. Stimson has bought out. He will issue the first number of his paper next week.
We -- that is, Lizzie and the two children (Annie and Sarah, who were included in the invitation) and myself, after an early breakfast took the cars for Belpre. Mr. Geo. Dana, Jr., was waiting with carriages at the Belpre station for us and Mrs. Rebecca Nye and Mrs. Goddard who were on the cars going to Mr. Dana's also. We met a cordial welcome from the wife and father of Mr. Dana and from the two sisters, Mrs. Emily Dodge and Mrs. Mary Lynn who are there on a visit. We spent the day very pleasantly. I have not been at Mr. Dana's for twenty years I think. The place is much improved, the grounds beautiful, evergeens and many rare roses and other shrubs are scattered about. He took us out to see his plantation of evergreens, &c. Mrs. Wm. Pitt Putnam was there to tea and Miss Polly Benedict called. Mrs. Putnam's son-in-law, Mr. Wilcox who was taken prisoner some months ago in Tennessee and was believed to be dead, has lately got home having been exchanged. Coming home on the cars we found Mrs. Stanwood, sister of N. L. Wilson. At home found Lucy with Kate who did not feel well enough to go with us today.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Thursday, June 19, 1862
Kate came home on the morning train. Dyer died between two and three o'clock last night. He was aware that he was dying, talked much but his throat was very sore and they could understand but little. His bodily sufferings were very great. He has laid his young hopeful life an offering, upon the altar of his country unmurmuringly. May it not be a vain sacrifice. Mrs. Bailey wrote some beautiful verses which she sent to Mrs. McClure. George Cutter went to Marietta for the coffin. The funeral took place at four o'clock this afternoon. Mr. H. B. Scott officiated. There was a large attendance of sympathizing friends. His wounded leg mortified before his death. Typhoid pneumonia brought on by fatigue and exposure and the exhaustion from his wound, has placed him in his grave before he was nineteen years old.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Wednesday, June 18, 1862
This afternoon we heard that Dyer McClure was thought to be dying. Kate having missed the train went down on horseback. She sent back her horse by George and remained for the night. A. S. Bailey is also going to stay. There is no hope of Dyer's surviving the night.
A heavy storm this evening. We received an invitation to spend Friday at Mr. Geo. Dana's, Belpre.
Peggy's comments:
Dyer McClure was wounded at the battle of Lewisburg on May 23, 1862.
A heavy storm this evening. We received an invitation to spend Friday at Mr. Geo. Dana's, Belpre.
Peggy's comments:
Dyer McClure was wounded at the battle of Lewisburg on May 23, 1862.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Tuesday, June 17, 1862
Marion went this morning. Kate, Lizzie, and Annie and Sarah went as far as Chillicothe and returned on the Cincinnati train. Mr. Brock will take care of her and her baggage at Cincinnati where Mr. Riggs is to meet her and take charge of her.
Kate met on the train some Indiana officers from Fremont's command. They were in the Fort Republic fight and are very bitter in their denunciation of Gen. Sheilds. They say efforts are being made at the War Dept. for his removal. They seemed to doubt both his loyalty and his competency. They say their men have marched until their feet are shoeless and their way can be traced by their blood.
Kate met on the train some Indiana officers from Fremont's command. They were in the Fort Republic fight and are very bitter in their denunciation of Gen. Sheilds. They say efforts are being made at the War Dept. for his removal. They seemed to doubt both his loyalty and his competency. They say their men have marched until their feet are shoeless and their way can be traced by their blood.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Monday, June 16, 1862
Mrs. Franey washes. Mr. Henry Skipton died yesterday.
Mr. James Reppert called here with his daughter this morning. Mr. Reppert has two sons in the army, Byron who belongs to the Pierpoint battery, andJacob who has joined the Putnam guards and is now at Camp Chase.
Elizabeth and Mary Deming, Louisa Carpenter, &c called to tell Marion goodby. She is to start for Minnesota to-morrow. Kate is almost tired out getting her ready. Marion made several calls today. She seems sad as the time of departure approaches. Kate went again to see Dyer McClure. She thinks he has failed much since she last saw him.
Mrs. Dawes came in the cars, to take leave of Marion. She will stay here tomorrow.
Mr. James Reppert called here with his daughter this morning. Mr. Reppert has two sons in the army, Byron who belongs to the Pierpoint battery, andJacob who has joined the Putnam guards and is now at Camp Chase.
Elizabeth and Mary Deming, Louisa Carpenter, &c called to tell Marion goodby. She is to start for Minnesota to-morrow. Kate is almost tired out getting her ready. Marion made several calls today. She seems sad as the time of departure approaches. Kate went again to see Dyer McClure. She thinks he has failed much since she last saw him.
Mrs. Dawes came in the cars, to take leave of Marion. She will stay here tomorrow.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Sabbath, June 15, 1862
Mr. Scott read a printed sermon this morning, very good. Mr. Curtis preached at four o'clock.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Saturday, June 14, 1862
It has been a sultry day. Lizzie came home this evening. She and her Mother took dinner today at Mr. Samuel Shipman's. Rhoda Cutler is there. She is hoping to see her husband, Temple Cutler, soon. He was at last accounts with the Maine 9th regiment at Fernandina in Florida. They eyes of the whole people now turn to Richmond where our army under McClellan and the rebels under Gen. Robert W. Lee are confronting each other and where a desperate battle is to be fought.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Friday, June 13, 1862
Lizzie with her Mother went to Marietta. They were invited to a small party at Mrs. John Newton's. Marion went to Mr. Briggs to make a farewell visit. Lucy came down on the train and was caught in a smart shower between the station and the house. The rain having ceased she returned to Marietta this evening. Mr. Riggs of the Dacotah Mission is at Sister Sarah's. He is going to take charge of Marion to Minnesota. Lucy took up the money for her expenses to him.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Thursday, June 12, 1862
As I sat reading last night I chanced about 11 o'clock to look out of the window and saw that the moon was partially eclipsed. I accordingly sat up until long after midnight and had the pleasure of seeing a total eclipse of the moon. The night was clear and I watched the shadow until the bright moon was entirely enshrouded and then saw the eastern portion show itself like a new moon, when I retired to bed. As I am not a close student of the almanac it was purely accidental that I had an opportunity to observe for the first time in my life a total eclipse of the moon.
Mrs. B. C. Bailey called with an invitation from Mrs. Dickey to Lizzie and me to take tea there this afternoon which we accepted. We met there, Mrs. H. D. Wilson, Mrs. B. C. Bailey, Mrs. A. S. Bailey, Mrs. Goff, Mrs. Hart and Miss Mary Hart.
Today's paper brings an account of a hard fought battle on Sunday, June 8th, at Cross Keys between Fremont's forces and the rebel general Jackson.
Kate went on the train this evening to see Dyer B. McClure and took him some strawberries.
Peggy's comments:
The battle at Cross Keys was a victory for Stonewall Jackson and the Confederacy. An account of the battle is here.
Mrs. B. C. Bailey called with an invitation from Mrs. Dickey to Lizzie and me to take tea there this afternoon which we accepted. We met there, Mrs. H. D. Wilson, Mrs. B. C. Bailey, Mrs. A. S. Bailey, Mrs. Goff, Mrs. Hart and Miss Mary Hart.
Today's paper brings an account of a hard fought battle on Sunday, June 8th, at Cross Keys between Fremont's forces and the rebel general Jackson.
Kate went on the train this evening to see Dyer B. McClure and took him some strawberries.
Peggy's comments:
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Cross Keys on June 7, 1862 |
The battle at Cross Keys was a victory for Stonewall Jackson and the Confederacy. An account of the battle is here.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Wednesday, June 11, 1862
Dyer B. McClure who was wounded at Lewisburg, Va., got home last Monday. Dr. Frank Hart is attending him. His wound which is in the knee has been neglected and now there is an appearance of erysipelas which is an unfavorable symptom. He has some fever.
Miss Mary Ainsworth and Elizabeth Deming were here to tea. Mrs. Ainsworth leaves here Friday to go to Wheeling where her mother resides.
Miss Mary Ainsworth and Elizabeth Deming were here to tea. Mrs. Ainsworth leaves here Friday to go to Wheeling where her mother resides.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Tuesday, June 10, 1862
Mrs. Terril ironed today.
Yesterday's Gazette gives an account of the capture of the city of Memphis, Tenn., after a spiritied gunboat fight off the city. Com. Davis (who is the successor of the excellent and brave Com. Foote whose wounds rendered it necessary to retire from service for a season) managed the affair admirably.
Peggy's comments:
Yesterday's Gazette gives an account of the capture of the city of Memphis, Tenn., after a spiritied gunboat fight off the city. Com. Davis (who is the successor of the excellent and brave Com. Foote whose wounds rendered it necessary to retire from service for a season) managed the affair admirably.
Peggy's comments:
"The Total Annihilation of the Rebel Fleet by the Federal Fleet under Commodore Davis."
"On the Morning of June 6th 1862, off Memphis, Ten."
Lithograph by Middleton, Strobridge & Co. In the foreground, the print depicts the Confederate ships (from left to right): General M. Jeff Thompson (shown sinking); Little Rebel (shown burning); General Sterling Price ; General Beauregard (shown being rammed by the Ellet Ram Monarch ); General Bragg (shown aground) and Colonel Lovell (shown sinking).
In the background are the Federal warships (from left to right): Queen of the West ; Cairo ; Carondelet ; Louisville ; Saint Louis ; a tug; and Benton . The city of Memphis is in the right distance, with a wharf boat by the shore.
Photo from the Naval Historical Foundation
USS Cairo today Photograph courtesy of Amy Green, used with permission |
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Monday, June 9, 1862
William went this morning on the "Express" steamer bound to Wheeling on his way to Washington. The Baltimore and Ohio Road is not yet open.
Kate & Annie went to Marietta & brought Marion home with them. Mrs. Terril washed. I wrote to Martha A. Carter & sent twenty dollars from William.
Sixteen hundred of our soldiers belonging to Gen. Prentiss' division who were captured at Pittsburg Landing have been paroled by the rebels because they could not feed them. Four hundred more are to be released soon.
Kate & Annie went to Marietta & brought Marion home with them. Mrs. Terril washed. I wrote to Martha A. Carter & sent twenty dollars from William.
Sixteen hundred of our soldiers belonging to Gen. Prentiss' division who were captured at Pittsburg Landing have been paroled by the rebels because they could not feed them. Four hundred more are to be released soon.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Sunday, June 8, 1862
Mr. Scott preached a good sermon. Nancy went with Pamela Massey to Hocking to meeting. She there heard of the dangerous illness of her brother-in-law Henry Skipton and went home to help take care of him.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Saturday, June 7, 1862
The reports from Halleck's command are that Gen. Pope has taken ten thousand prisoners and fifteen thousand stand of arms. It is said that the rebels are very much "demoralized", thousands of them throwing away their arms. I am glad our boys who fought so well and suffered so much at Pittsburg Landing or Shiloh have not again been called to the terrific scenes of the battlefield. Beauregard's retreat from Corinth is certainly a confession of inability on the part of the rebels to meet Halleck's forces, but I fear it will prolong the struggle for those who run away may life to fight another day. Our worthiest men cannot long endure the climate. One sickens to think how many of our young men will fall either on the battlefield or in the Hospitals into early graves. God pity us. We are a sinful nation and the divine chastisement is upon us. Let us humble ourselves and repent and turn unto the Lord if indeed he will have mercy upon us.
The battle before Richmond of May 31st and June 1st was a terrible one. The number of our killed and wounded is now placed at 7000, that of the rebels at 10,000. McClellan like Grant and Sherman tried to throw the blame of his blunders on his subordinates who suffered most by the lack of generalship. Casey's division mostly New Yorkers were made the scapegoats to save McClellan's reputation. But this won't work. The country will judge for itself. This is called the battle of Fair Oaks.
Dr. Frank Hart & his wife here to tea. He has just returned from Corinth.
Peggy's comments:
The reports that General Pope had taken 10,000 prisoners and fifteen thousand stand of arms was exaggerated. In actuality, Pope had destroyed an ammunition train and captured about 200 Confederate wounded. Halleck misunderstood Pope's communication and sent news to the war department that 10,000 prisoners had been captured as well as 15,000 stand of arms.
The Battle of Seven Pines--Fair Oaks near Richmond indeed was a terrible one. Final casualties were:
Federals: 5,031 (790 killed, 3,594 wounded, 647 captured or missing)
Confederates: 6,134 (980 killed, 4,749 wounded, 405 captured or missing)
After this battle, General Robert E. Lee was appointed commander of the Confederate Army.
The battle before Richmond of May 31st and June 1st was a terrible one. The number of our killed and wounded is now placed at 7000, that of the rebels at 10,000. McClellan like Grant and Sherman tried to throw the blame of his blunders on his subordinates who suffered most by the lack of generalship. Casey's division mostly New Yorkers were made the scapegoats to save McClellan's reputation. But this won't work. The country will judge for itself. This is called the battle of Fair Oaks.
Dr. Frank Hart & his wife here to tea. He has just returned from Corinth.
Peggy's comments:
The reports that General Pope had taken 10,000 prisoners and fifteen thousand stand of arms was exaggerated. In actuality, Pope had destroyed an ammunition train and captured about 200 Confederate wounded. Halleck misunderstood Pope's communication and sent news to the war department that 10,000 prisoners had been captured as well as 15,000 stand of arms.
The Battle of Seven Pines--Fair Oaks near Richmond indeed was a terrible one. Final casualties were:
Federals: 5,031 (790 killed, 3,594 wounded, 647 captured or missing)
Confederates: 6,134 (980 killed, 4,749 wounded, 405 captured or missing)
After this battle, General Robert E. Lee was appointed commander of the Confederate Army.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Friday, June 6, 1862
My Mother's birthday. We were all busy preparing for company this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Blackinton, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickey, Mrs. Harriet D. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Bailey, Mrs. Burgess and Mrs. Dawes were here to tea. We had a fine dish of strawberries, very nice cake, chicken, green peas, &c, &c. All seemed to enjoy the visit and we were glad to have William at home to see them.
Sarah brought a letter from Ephraim written since the battle of Corinth. He says they all have confidence in their General, Halleck.
Peggy's comments:
Julia's mother was Sally Parker Cutler born June 6, 1777 in Newburyport, Massachusetts. She was the second wife of Ephraim and they married April 13, 1808. Sally helped raise the four surviving children of Ephraim's first wife, Leah Atwood. Sally and Ephraim had five children of their own. Sally died June 30, 1846.
On May 30, Julia made a brief comment about Corinth being "ours". She wrote that a large bloody battle had been expected but due to General Halleck's caution, the federals were successful. What happened is that both sides were preparing for battle near Corinth, Mississippi. When General Beauregard of the Confederates realized that they were significantly outnumbered, he decided to retreat. They continued to fool General Halleck, however, by sending up great cheers at the railroad station as if reinforcements were arriving, parading the musicians up and down the line to play as if there were many troops, purposely sending "deserters" to the federals to confess that a big battle was anticipated and that the Confederates had large numbers of soldiers. But in the dark of night, they withdrew, leaving campfires going all along the line with drummer boys to attend them. In the morning, Halleck prepared to attack and found that there was no Confederate army in Corinth to engage in battle.
Sarah brought a letter from Ephraim written since the battle of Corinth. He says they all have confidence in their General, Halleck.
Peggy's comments:
Julia's mother was Sally Parker Cutler born June 6, 1777 in Newburyport, Massachusetts. She was the second wife of Ephraim and they married April 13, 1808. Sally helped raise the four surviving children of Ephraim's first wife, Leah Atwood. Sally and Ephraim had five children of their own. Sally died June 30, 1846.
On May 30, Julia made a brief comment about Corinth being "ours". She wrote that a large bloody battle had been expected but due to General Halleck's caution, the federals were successful. What happened is that both sides were preparing for battle near Corinth, Mississippi. When General Beauregard of the Confederates realized that they were significantly outnumbered, he decided to retreat. They continued to fool General Halleck, however, by sending up great cheers at the railroad station as if reinforcements were arriving, parading the musicians up and down the line to play as if there were many troops, purposely sending "deserters" to the federals to confess that a big battle was anticipated and that the Confederates had large numbers of soldiers. But in the dark of night, they withdrew, leaving campfires going all along the line with drummer boys to attend them. In the morning, Halleck prepared to attack and found that there was no Confederate army in Corinth to engage in battle.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Thursday, June 5, 1862
Mr. Riggs and Mr. Burgess called down this morning. Mr. Riggs is going back to Minnesota in about two weeks accompanied by his daughter Martha, now in school at College Hill. We propose to sent Marion Robertson (who has been here nearly three years) back with them, we paying her expenses. She is engaged to marry the Mr. Alex. Hunter of Minn., a worthy man. She will remain with Mr. Riggs until her marriage. This is thought to be the best arrangement we can make. It will save Mr. Hunter the fatigue (he has not been well) and expense of a long journey and leave them more abundant means for housekeeping. Mr. Burgess invited us all up to dinner at his house. Lizzie, Kate, Marion and little Annie went. In the afternoon Lizzie and I went to Mrs. A. S. Bailey's to tea where we met Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Blackinton. Brother William who had been to town got off the cars at the Gravel Bank with Lucy Dawes and joined the company before tea.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Wednesday, June 4, 1862
After Banks' retreat into Maryland the call of the government for more troops has met a prompt response from all the loyal states. Ohio has not been behind her sisters. A paper says: "A son of glorious Massachusetts said his state would send all her inhabitants if needed and if that wasn't enough she'd go herself." And so will the gallant Buckeye State. The Putnam Guards got together by the efforts of Judge W. R. Putnam are already in Columbus ready to "do or die". A large proportion of them are students from Marietta College. The returns of the assessors give Washington Co. 1328 soldiers. The Intelligencer thinks is below the real number. Morgan Co. has 732.
William came back from Chillicothe. The Rev. S. R. Riggs of the Dacotah Mission came on the same cars to visit Mr. Burgess.
William came back from Chillicothe. The Rev. S. R. Riggs of the Dacotah Mission came on the same cars to visit Mr. Burgess.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Tuesday, June 3, 1862
William has gone to Chillicothe to look after Railroad matters.
Today's Gazette gives a detailed account of the fight at Lewisburg where a part of Col. Crook's brigade, the 36th and 44th Ohio regiments met and defeated 4000 rebels under Gen. Heath, the Ohio troops acting with a great deal of coolness and gallantry. Our loss was 13 killed and 47 wounded. Among the latter were Dyer B. McClure and Ezekiel Roberts of this neighborhood. The rebel loss was 50 killed, 100 wounded or prisoners, 4 cannon and 300 stand of small arms.
Peggy's comments:
An article by Rick Steelhammer appeared in the Charleston Gazette on May 16, 2012, describing the battle of Lewisburg which took place on May 23, 1862. Here is an excerpt:
Today's Gazette gives a detailed account of the fight at Lewisburg where a part of Col. Crook's brigade, the 36th and 44th Ohio regiments met and defeated 4000 rebels under Gen. Heath, the Ohio troops acting with a great deal of coolness and gallantry. Our loss was 13 killed and 47 wounded. Among the latter were Dyer B. McClure and Ezekiel Roberts of this neighborhood. The rebel loss was 50 killed, 100 wounded or prisoners, 4 cannon and 300 stand of small arms.
Peggy's comments:
An article by Rick Steelhammer appeared in the Charleston Gazette on May 16, 2012, describing the battle of Lewisburg which took place on May 23, 1862. Here is an excerpt:
The . . . Battle of Lewisburg began shortly after dawn on May 23, 1862, as about 1,400 federal soldiers led by Col. George Crook were beginning to eat breakfast at their encampment along both sides of the Midland Trail, the route of present-day U.S. 60.
Crook (who would gain fame after the war for capturing the Apache chief Geronimo) was returning from a raid on railroad facilities at Covington, Va., when he learned that a Confederate force led by Brig. Gen. Henry Heth was headed toward Lewisburg.
Crook's force, which included two Ohio infantry regiments and part of a West Virginia cavalry regiment, arrived in Lewisburg -- then a town of 800 with strong Confederate sympathies -- on May 22 and set up camp, planning to engage Heth's troops. They didn't have long to wait.
Heth and his force of 2,300 men arrived at the outskirts of Lewisburg under the cover of darkness, and established a battle line bolstered by six artillery pieces on the eastern end of town. At about 5 a.m. on May 23, Heth ordered his artillerymen to fire on the unsuspecting federals.
The Union troops were taken by surprise, but were quick to respond. Crook ordered his infantrymen to attack both ends of the Confederate line, while sending his mounted cavalrymen on a galloping charge through downtown Lewisburg to the center of Heth's position.
Though outnumbered, Crook's soldiers -- who had drilled steadily throughout the winter at a camp near Summersville -- quickly overpowered the less-disciplined Confederate troops. Heth organized a retreat to the east, burning the bridge spanning the Greenbrier River at Caldwell behind him.
In all, 80 Confederates were killed in the battle, while another 100 were wounded and 157 taken prisoner. They left behind four cannons, 300 rifles and 25 horses for Crook's men to seize. The Union force had 13 men killed, 60 wounded and 6 prisoners of war taken.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Monday, June 2, 1862
William went down to the Tunnel this morning but was about home most of the day. His speech on "slavery" the 23rd of April has elicited complimentary and approving letters from many gentlemen. Among them are Lewis Tappan, G. B. Cheever, James A. Hamilton, Horace Greely, Gerrit Smith, Alphonso Taft, etc. The earnest anti slavery men are much pleased with it.
He called on theSecretary of War to talk about the manner in which the Ohio troops were treated after the battle of Shiloh. Mr. Stanton told him that he felt it keenly himself and assured him no injustice should be done them in the department. He said that "there was a brigade of liars accompanying every division of the army whose sole business it was to puff Commanders no matter at whose expense. But, he felt sure that in the end the Ohio troops would have justice done them." Many Ohio members consider the making of W. T. Sherman a Major General an outrage. The news today is that McClellan had a fight near Richmond Saturday in which he repulsed the enemy. The rebels however renewed the attack next day and were again repulsed. We anxiously await further tidings. Sarah and Lucy were down to spend the night. Messrs. B. C. and A. S. Bailey spent the evening here talking over the state of the country.
Peggy's comments:
The Tunnel refers to a railroad station not far from Marietta. It seems to have had some shops and was a gathering place for local folks.
He called on theSecretary of War to talk about the manner in which the Ohio troops were treated after the battle of Shiloh. Mr. Stanton told him that he felt it keenly himself and assured him no injustice should be done them in the department. He said that "there was a brigade of liars accompanying every division of the army whose sole business it was to puff Commanders no matter at whose expense. But, he felt sure that in the end the Ohio troops would have justice done them." Many Ohio members consider the making of W. T. Sherman a Major General an outrage. The news today is that McClellan had a fight near Richmond Saturday in which he repulsed the enemy. The rebels however renewed the attack next day and were again repulsed. We anxiously await further tidings. Sarah and Lucy were down to spend the night. Messrs. B. C. and A. S. Bailey spent the evening here talking over the state of the country.
Peggy's comments:
The Tunnel refers to a railroad station not far from Marietta. It seems to have had some shops and was a gathering place for local folks.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Sabbath, June 1, 1862
About sundown yesterday a thunder storm commenced which continued nearly all night with a copious fall of rain. Quite early in the morning the regular Wheeling packet "Express" (due at 9 o'clock last night) stopped and sent William ashore in the yawl. The boat had been delayed by twice grounding upon bars and by the storm which compelled them to lie up for some hours. He was obliged to come by way of Harrisburg Pa., as the Baltimore and Ohio road by the retreat of Gen'l Banks has fallen into Jackson's hands at Martinsburg. It is believed that the rebels will be able to hold it but a very short time.
Rev. E. B. Scott read a sermon in the morning. Rev. C. D. Curtis preached at four o'clock in the afternoon. Both gentlemen came here to tea and to spend the night.
Rev. E. B. Scott read a sermon in the morning. Rev. C. D. Curtis preached at four o'clock in the afternoon. Both gentlemen came here to tea and to spend the night.
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