Sunday, April 24, 2011

Wednesday April 24

Andrews came to breakfast this morning.  He says six companies, or parts of companies, of flying artillery, with six fine brass field pieces from Toledo and Cleveland have arrived at Marietta designed for the defence of the frontier.  At present Western Virginia manifests a disposition to be loyal.  --The Wheeling papers propose a provisional government for the western counties subject to the United States.  At Parkersburg a union meeting is held today to be addressed by Gen. J. J. Jackson who was a member of the Convention which lately passed the act of secession.  He was opposed to that act and was therefore insulted, and maltreated, Gov. H. A. Wise wringing his nose & spitting in his face.  If Western Virginia is steadfast, Ohio & Pennsylvania will stand by her.

Presbytery before its close drew up a set of resolutions expressive of their views as to the duty of Christians in the present crisis.  Mssrs. Hart, Andrews & Marcus Boswoth made very stirring patriotic speeches.  Mr. Curtis was more conservative, and A. S. R [unreadable name scratched out] who chanced to be present, and was asked to give his views, made a compromise speech which did not meet with any favor.  Presbytery adjourned to meet in Sept. next to Tupper's Plains.  
Mr. Harold Wells of Chester took dinner with us, he is the elder from Chester church, and like everybody else, is wide awake on political subjects.  
Mr. Noble preached in the evening.  The burden of his remarks was the duty of recognizing the hand of God in passing events and by prayer & supplication committing our cause to Him, who is a very present help in time of trouble.  
William returned from Chillicothe where he has been to look after Rail-road matters.  Wilson has started to England to endeavor to raise funds to complete the road -- but the state of this country is such that there is little hope of much financial prosperity.  William is in charge of the road as Vice-President during Mr. Wilson's absence.  

Editor's notes:
There are occasional words or sentences of the original journal that have been crossed out, usually with a blue, waxy marker.  The journals were kept by two or three family members before being donated to the Special Collections Library at Marietta College.  There doesn't seem to be an obvious and consistent reason for the attempt to conceal small parts of the journal, although some of the "cross-outs" are the names of people Julia thought were "traitors".

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