Sunday, May 25, 2014

Wednesday, May 25, 1864

William got home to-day.  It is a time of great anxiety with us for our dear friends in the army.  Rufus under Grant is almost daily in battle, his Division General, Wadsworth, killed in the battle of the Wilderness, friend after friend falling at his side.  In such imminent long continued & constant peril God alone can keep him.  Ephe is with Sherman in Georgia nearly every paper tells of battles fought & victories gained there.  They are moving upon Atlanta which is about 140 miles from Chattanooga, the rebel Gen. Johnston disputing their progress.

Peggy's comments:
Julia had good reason to be concerned for Rufus's safety.  Rufus writes to his wife:
Battle of the North Anna, Line of Battle, May 25th, 1864
We are again closing our lines for a desperate battle.  The bullets clip through the green leaves over my head as I lie behind the breastwork writing.  I have had no full night's sleep since May 7th, when I took command of the regiment.  Day after day, and night after night we have marched, fought and dug entrenchments; I have not changed my clothing since May third.  We have not seen, and seldom communicated with our wagon train.  I have not composure to write, as the bullets are coming so thickly through the limbs, and some poor wounded soldiers are near me. 

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