We have our New Years’ feast to day. Lucy, Col. Dawes & wife, Mr. Walton & James, Mr & Mrs. Burgess, Maggie Voris & Lizzie Poage, James & John Means were here to dinner and our own family consisting now of Mr & Mrs W. P. Cutler, their only child Sarah Julia, myself, and Nancy Carlin, John Kunz and Humphrey Peddicord. The turkey was very nicely cooked also the vegetables, the canned strawberries were delicious. Col. Dawes & wife & Lucy went home on the after noon train. Quite a heavy snow last night -- 6 or 7 inches deep.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Friday Dec. 30. 1864
A light fall of snow last night. I did not sleep much -- which I attributed to a cup of strong tea which I took at supper.
Mr. Walton, James’ father, came on the evening train. He left Pana a week ago Thursday & has been visiting his brothers & sisters. It was a very pleasant meeting between James & his father who is I think a truly good man. Lucy came with William from town.
Monday, December 29, 2014
Thursday Dec. 29 1864
Miss Nye left us about two o’clock P. M. She went from here to the grave yard to visit Henry’s grave. James Walton went with her as far as the Gravel Bank. She went to Marietta on the afternoon train.
The weather is becoming cold again. We are expecting Mr. Walton every boat.
Peggy’s comment:
Miss Nye was engaged to be married to Henry Dawes (Julia’s nephew), the oldest son of Sarah Cutler Dawes and Henry Dawes. Young Henry died at the age of 28 in 1860.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Wednesday Dec. 28. 1864
Mr. Burgess was here a long time this forenoon and was about as amiable as a grizzley bear. I read to him until I was hoarse.
William came home on the accommodation train having spent last night at Marietta, having business to arrange with some New York men.
Miss Mary Nye is spending the day with us, she takes a great deal of interest in Sarah.
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Tuesday Dec. 27. 1864
This is the 80” birth day of Rev. Dyer Burgess, and is celebrated by a turkey dinner. Mrs. Cutler, & little Sarah went up early and Mrs. S. C. Dawes, Col. Dawes & lady, Miss Mary C. Nye, Bettie Gates, Lizzie Andrews & Mary Smith came down on the Accommodation train. I did not go -- am still feeling far from well --
Sherman has possession of Savannah without a battle and has captured a large amount of cotton it is said several million dollars worth also guns & ammunition. Hardee withdrew in the night with his men. Sherman telegraphs the President that he gives the Nation Savannah as a Christmas present--
Miss Nancy C. Nye came home in the carriage with Mrs. Cutler & little Sarah from Mr. Burgess’ to make us a visit.
Friday, December 26, 2014
Monday Dec 26. 1864
Still unwell with no appetite. James Means called, had been over after Mrs. Terril to help Mrs. Burgess, thinks it horribly muddy.
William went to Chillicothe on Railroad business. James Walton came down on the evening train, expecting his father would arrive to-night, but was disappointed.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Sabbath Dec 25” 1864
Got up sick -- think I had a chill last night -- took rhubarb and returned to bed -- sick all day -- vomited bile.
The sun shone pleasantly and all the family went to meeting -- I have hardly realized that this is Christmas day.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Saturday Dec 24” 1864
Maggie Voris & Lizzie Poage are here spending the day. Mrs. Dawes also was here to dinner, but went home on the afternoon train. Sarah is enjoying Christmas in advance. She has recieved several presents of books, and has herself braided four pretty toilette cushions, which she today distributed to her Grandma, Maggie, Lucy & I.
About four o’clock in the afternoon our lard & fresh meat was sent home, as tomorrow is Sabbath we were obliged to take care of the lard, & make the sausage meat of three hogs, tonight it was eleven o’clock before we got through, and though Nancy did all she could, I was very tired.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Friday Dec 23. 1864
Sherman & his army have performed successfully the March from Atlanta to the Sea coast and are now investing Savannah, which is held by Gen. Hardee with from 15,000 to 20,999 rebel troops --
Monday, December 22, 2014
Thursday Dec 22. 1864
No circle this week.
The President has issued his proclamation calling for 300,000 more volunteers to serve one, two, or three years. I hope & believe that this will furnish men enough to put down the rebellion. Hon. W. L. Dayton ambassador to France died of apoplexy at Paris on the 1” of December.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Wednesday Dec. 21 1864
The river does not fall, but the cold prevents its rising, it is over the bridge be-low here, but we shall have no trouble from it this time. Lizzie & William came home.
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Tuesday Dec. 20. 1864
Mrs Cutler went to Marietta & will stay until tomorrow.
William placed in my hands to-day three certificates of 100 shares each, of stock in the New York Gold Mining Company, Colorado. One for Mrs. S. C. Dawes, one for Mrs. C. W. C. Walton, & one for myself on certain conditions -- It is kind of him to do this and if God please, may be a blessing to us. He went to town, & will stay all night with Mrs. Cutler at Mrs. Dawes.
Yesterday’s paper has very interesting War News. Gen. Thomas has defeated the rebel Hood in two hard fought battles near Nashville Tenn. The engagements took place Thursday & Friday Dec. 15” & 16” -- last week-- The rebel loss in prisoners, killed, wounded, & by desertion is estimated at 20,000, our own loss 3,000 of whom very few were killed, the worst of them being slightly wounded. Hood is retreating pursued by Union forces.
Sherman has performed his undertaking of marching his army from Atlanta to Savannah subsisting upon the Country and has invested the latter city -- Dahlgren of the Navy co-operating with him ----
Friday, December 19, 2014
Monday Dec 19 1864
Rainy. River rising so fast that it seems likely to overflow its banks, our hands are busy with teams removing corn &c from low grounds.
The water rises about six inches per hour. Toward night it became cooler, with indications of a freeze which will check the rise--
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Sabbath Dec 18 1864
Muddy -- walked to sabbath school -- Rev. L. C. Ford preached from “I am ready to be offered, I have fought a good fight, I have kept the faith” &c. It was nearly dark when we got home. A subscription was circulated, (privately) to pay Miss Louisa Carpenter for playing the Melodeon in church. So warm that they opened the church doors.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Friday Dec. 16. 1864.
A very rainy day. William came home on the evening train from Chillicothe, also Lizzie Poage who was just returning from College Hill where she has been at school.
William says that Mr. Brookover, a New York Capitalist who has been buying oil lands of Rufus, told him that “he never met a man who delighted him more than Col. Dawes--”
Monday, December 15, 2014
Thursday Dec. 15 1864
William went on the Morning train to Chillicothe on Railroad business. Some trouble with the contractors on the extension from Loveland to Cincinnati.
The ground is covered with ice, it is sleeting.
Circle meets at Mrs A. S. Baileys -- The woods are in such a condition we conclude to stay at home.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Wednesday Dec. 14 1864
Mrs. Dawes went home this morning. It rained last night and the snow goes off rapidly.
Mrs. Terril is here washing. I wrote to Annie Dean.
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Tuesday Dec. 13 1864
William went to town to-day and Sarah came home with him on the Accommodation train. They have had a late letter from Kate, Maria the colored woman who was with her when Lucy & I was there, was taken sick the day after we left and is dead. The neighbors were afraid to come in thinking the disease was contagious. So Kate took care of her night and day. I fear that she will be the next victim.
Mr. L. Wilson writes to William he has bought him stock in the N. Y. and Gunn gold mines, Colorado.
Friday, December 12, 2014
Monday Dec. 12, 1864
Sarah coughed hard last night. Nancy suffering from catarrh was also in my room all night. Thermometer at 12o above zero this morning and ice running in the river. Mailed Annie’s Memoir to Clara, Polly, Nancy and Daniel.
Peggy's note:
Sarah is the eight year old daughter of William and Lizzie Cutler. Her sister Annie died in January 1864 and Julia had prepared a small leather bound memorial book.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Saturday Dec. 10. 1864
William went to Marietta on Oil business. He has here to fore kept aloof from oil speculation but Pomeroy Wells and some others have sought his co-operation--he has considerable land of his own, to lease, or sell as he may choose and he feels that it may be an opportunity which he would do wrong to neglect to make money with which much good may be done.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Friday Dec 9. 1864
Maggie Voris here to dinner & Nancy went to Mr Burgess‘ a very cold wind from the North.
Monday, December 8, 2014
Thursday Dec. 8. 1864
Circle at Mrs Harts. Mrs. Cutler & I went. Pleasant meeting and a nice supper.
George Cutter here. His parents have heard from Lewis who is a prisoner of war in Texas. He was well.
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Wednesday Dec. 7. 1864
Mrs. Cutler went to Marietta with Maggie and staid all day, very rainy, came home on the evening train also William from Amesville.
Wrote to Clara.
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Friday, December 5, 2014
Monday Dec 5 1864
William went to Marietta and Major Dawes and Mr. Wilson of New York came home with him & staid to dinner. I wrote to brother D. C. Cutler of Kansas.
Peggy's note:
Daniel Converse Cutler was Julia's half-brother, the son of their father Ephraim Cutler and his first wife, Leah Atwood. He was born in Ohio in 1799. When Leah died, Daniel was sent to live with his grandfather, Manasseh Cutler. He later returned to Ohio and farmed there until 1857 when he sold his farm and moved to Kansas.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Friday Dec 2” 1864
Sent a letter to Kate enclosing $50 from William. We had Miss Mary Ainsworth, Miss Waldron, Mrs. McGill & Maggie and Mrs. Anna B. Reppert here to spend the afternoon & take tea.
Monday, December 1, 2014
Thursday Dec. 1. 1864
Pleasant day. Lucy went home on the afternoon train & Mrs. Cutler, I and little Sarah went to Mr. W. D. McClures to meeting of circle.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Wednesday Nov. 30, 1864
Rose early thinking we were near Marietta, but were probably thirty miles above. Eat breakfast with our bonnets & shawls on, arrived at Marietta between 8 and 9 o’clock A.M. Glad to be on ‘terra firma’ again. Soon after our arrival at Mrs. Dawes’s little Sarah came bounding in very glad to see me, said her father & mother were in town. Ephe went with us to the cars and all went home together where we arrived in time for dinner. W. D. & Andrew J. McClure dined with us. Andrew has just returned from the West where he has been for several years. He is a fine looking young man. Lucy came down on the evening train. James Carlin came from Parkersburg. He has sprained his knee badly & it pains him severely.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Tuesday Nov. 29” 1864
We left West Alexander at nine o’clock on the Hempfield road. We have not seen the place under sunny skies, the weather being unpleasant ever since we came. I think in summer it may be very much more beautiful. There are hills all around and the place is on a hill of considerable altitude. Kate went with us to the depot, & the Misses Pollock were there too -- they introduced us to Mr. Bell who very politely took us under his care to Wheeling routing up two reluctant gentlemen from their seats to accommodate us, and securing an omnibus to drive us to the wharf in time for the Parkersburg Packet, but finding the Wild Wagoner in port we concluded to go on her.
This is one of the finest boats on the River.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Monday Nov. 28”, 1864
Helped sweep the house, and do some little matters preparatory to going home. This afternoon by especial invitation Mr. & Mrs. McLean, Lucy and I took tea at Mr. Ely’s -- Had a very nice supper and a very pleasant time. Miss Mary Pollock, sister of Mrs. Ely is now at home on a visit. She is one of Miss Dix’s hospital nurses, she is at Judiciary Square Washington D. C. -- Miss Pollock is an interesting lady, well educated, a good talker, and told many things about hospital life.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Sabbath. Nov. 27. 1864
Mr. McLean preached today, altho’ still an invalid, a very good sermon. The Free Church have a good frame meeting house, with a pleasant yard around it, the congregation appears to be an intelligent one. They have a sabbath school in which Kate teaches an interesting class of young ladies. I noticed a number of contrabands receiving instruction. One named Oscar that Mrs. Dr. Davidson was teaching near where I sat, seemed to be making good progress.
Dr. Davidson in again to see Mr. Thomas McLean who fancied himself worse, but the Dr. pronounced him doing well. Little Jennie Bell is really a sick child and takes most of Marias time & care.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Saturday Nov. 26. 1864
Called with Kate at Mrs. Ely’s, saw her sister, Miss Mary Pollock, who has been nearly three years with Miss Dix as a hospital nurse. She is an interesting lady. We helped Kate arrange her furniture and fix her house for winter.
Mrs. Scheller called. Maria’s child is very unwell. Kate sent for the Dr. To come & see it. Dr. Davidson is a skillful, well read physician -- but very odd.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Friday, Nov. 25. 1864
We proposed to keep house today & let Kate go to Wheeling to buy a cooking stove, which she needed, Lucy giving her the money where with to buy it. She accordingly went on the nine o’clock train, bought her stove & made some other purchases & got back about sunset. Mr. McLean is better--sits up a good deal and walks out. Several calls--Miss Pollock Mr. Patterson &c. Lucy re-arranged the pictures in the parlor &c.
Monday, November 24, 2014
Nov. 24. 1864 Thursday
This is the Day of National Thanksgiving. Snow still on the ground. Miss Pollock called for us to go to church at the old school Presbyterian Church, just across the street. A good brick edifice capable of seating a thousand persons. Well grown evergreens in the yard which is surrounded by an ornamental iron fence. Mr. Lester pastor of the church preached from the text “Watchman what of the night,” &c, &c. It was more like a fast-day than a thanksgiving sermon, he dwelt much upon the great expense of the war, and drew sad pictures of the desolations it occasioned (and rather complimented the Democratic party on its good behavior since the Presidential election. He ventured to say that “between the North & South Slavery would be ground to powder and let all the people say Amen” -- He is I suppose really a Union man, but having a majority of copperheads in his congregation he trims his sails accordingly.
Kate who had to stay at home to take care of Thomas with Maria’s help got up a nice dinner, turkey with cranberry sauce, vegetables, cake, cheese, and canned quinces &c -- Maria is a contraband who escaped from Bortetout Co. Va. At the time of Hunters Raid, she is a good cook, but slow in her movements. She has a child 2 years old named Jennie Bell. She has been helping Kate two or three weeks.
Mr. McLean though quite unwell went to his own church. After noon two of his elders Mr. McCleery and Mr. Patterson called, both appeared to be intelligent men.
Peggy's note:
Here is a link to President Lincoln's Proclamation of Thanksgiving:
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Wednesday Nov. 23. 1864
Last evening we arrived at the station of West Alexander and inquired for the residence of Mr. McLean, before our question was answered a little boy presented himself and told us eagerly that he had a carriage for us and would take us to Mr. McLean’s we soon found that this was Harte, the youngest of the family. Arrived at the village we found Kate in the door awaiting us and glad to see us. Mr. McLean who has been sick for six weeks, was suffering from a re-lapse, and unable to leave his bed. Thomas the eldest son, is sick upstairs and Kate has her hands full. Two of Mr. McLean’s daughters who are teaching school at Middleton have been here for three weeks helping nurse but went back to their schools yesterday, thinking that their friends here were getting well. The very cold weather of yesterday & today has acted unfavorably upon the disease, which is erysipelas fever which Mr. McLean caught at Martinsburg, where he went to labor among the sick and wounded of Sheridan’s army, as a member of the United States Christian Commission --
Mrs. Ely, Miss Jan Pollock, Mrs. Dr. Davidson, Dr. Davidson and Dr McKeehan called. The latter is an old gentleman of 88 years, who was in Marietta about the year ’98 & wanted to talk about old times and early settlers of Ohio. He is quite eccentric and rather hard of hearing.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Tuesday Nov. 22 1864
We rose early, cabin cold, soon after day light got a cab and went to the McClure House, porter 25 cents, Cafe 65 cents. Got breakfast and dinner, sat in the reception room, & parlor, -- Snowy cold, disagreeable day. Could not go out into the city. Went to the Hempfield depot at three o’clock in the cab. Railroad not very good, slow progress, arrived at West Alexander 16 miles about sunset.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Monday Nov 21 1864
Rose early, eat breakfast, and Lucy and I waited for the omnibus which was late, we bearly reached the upper landing at Marietta in time to get aboard of the Leonore, a stern wheel steamer chartered to run in place of the Express now laid up for repairs -- dirty boat -- cross chamber maid -- Among the passengers was a Mrs. Walton of Paris Ill. very social -- A German woman dressed in grey silk who fancied she saw in me an old acquaintance & gave me a cordial greeting -- A Mrs. Jennie Randolph of Woodsfield cousin of Cochran’s, Mr. Cadwallader of Marietta &c ----- Weather cold and disagreeable dark before we got to Sunfish where Mrs. Walton & her husband left the boat. Not much opportunity to notice the scenery, some fine views of river & hills. Oil men on board were getting off at the different landings. At Bull creek saw the oil floating on the river, many barrels piled up on the bank, with apparatus for digging &c. Arrived at Wheeling about 2 o’clock Tuesday morning remained on board till morning-- Fare on boat $3.00.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Saturday Nov. 19 1864
Mrs Dawes & Katy Andrews came last night and will go back on the three o’clock train. I shall go with them expecting to go with Lucy next Monday to visit Kate at West Alexander Penn.
---------I went as expected with Mrs. S. C. Dawes & the Major & Katy Andrews to town by the afternoon train. Went in the omnibus from Harmar depot to Mrs Dawes’ -- fare 25 cents.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Friday Nov. 18 1864
A cloudy, drizzling day. Raked off the leaves from the front yard. Had the palpitation of the heart -- -- Last night about 11 o’clock the cannon at Fort Boreman began to boom, and continued firing until midnight -- Probably unionists rejoicing over Lincoln’s re-election -- Rained all last night.
Peggy's note: Fort Boreman was across the river in Parkersburg, West Virginia.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Thursday Nov. 17. 1864
Cloudy & some what rainy. Prepared the roses in Kate’s gardens for winter by putting chip manure & sand about the roots -- did not quite finish but was very tired.
William went to day to Chillicothe.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Wednesday Nov. 16 1864
George Cutter here last night -- Mrs Cutler & Sarah at Mr. Burgess’s -- Sarah spends the night there.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Tuesday Nov. 15. 1864
James Carlin was here to dinner, he is going with his sisters Eliza & Hannah to visit friends in Morgan Co. He walks pretty well now without a cane -- Recieved a letter from Kate.
Friday, November 14, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Sabbath Nov. 13. 1864
I went to Sabbath school and Church found that the congregation were expecting to hear Dr. Addison Kingsbury of Putnam, who was formerly fourteen years pastor of this church. Several came over from West Virginia hoping to hear him. Mr. Curtis stated that Dr. Kingsbury was prevented from coming by the death of Benjamin Buckingham -- a prominent member of his church.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Saturday Nov. 12. 1864
I went to Mr Burgess’ to dinner -- Lucy Dawes, Mrs. Col. Dawes, Miss Frances Bosworth, Bettie Gates, came down on the train & went to Mr. Burgess’s & Mrs Cutler & Sarah went up from here. John Means was also there.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Friday. Nov. 11. 1864.
Mr. Lewis here to breakfast. Mrs. Cutler and Maggie Voris went in the carriage to Mr. Briggs’ intending to take dinner there and got home about three o’clock--
Nancy went to her Aunt Carlins’ this afternoon to engage down feathers for Mrs. Cutler but did not succeed in getting any.
James Walton came on the evening train to spend the Sabbath.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Thursday Nov. 10. 1864
Mr. Linscott paid 254 dollars & after breakfast he and the other young men departed --
William is absent at Cincinnati -- Mrs. Cutler & Sarah are spending the day at Mr. Burgess’s. Mr. W. D. McClure was here to dinner. In the afternoon he brought in & introduced Mr. Lewis of Jeffersonville Indiana, to whom he has sold a lot of grindstones. Mr. Lewis was here to supper & will spend the night.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Wednesday Nov. 9. 1864
William started to Cincinnati this morning and Ephe went to Marietta & returned on the 11’ o’clock train and gave us the election news as far as recieved, it indicates that Lincoln is handsomely re-elected -- God be praised -- now may slavery fall to rise no more -- “Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” --
Ephe went back to town at three o’clock and is going to Portsmouth tomorrow and thence to Cincinnati to see the Dentist who has some alterations to make in the gate plate which supplies the place of his lower jaw.
After the evening train went down, three men came here, they were strangers to us, but after a while we found them to be a Mr. Linscott of Amesville, who bought 100 acres of land from William and came to make a payment. The others were young men from Barlow named Hoffman & Moore who wanted situations on the Railroad we got them supper & they staid all night --
Martha Colville went to Mr. B. C. Bailey’s to sew the rest of the week.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Tuesday Nov. 8. 1864
This is the day for Presidential Election. President Lincoln is the candidate of the Union party and Gen. McClellan that of the Copperheads. We confidently hope for success and dare scarcely think what the consequence of defeat would be. May God who holds the hearts of all men in his hand give us the Victory. Great frauds in the votes of New York Soldiers’ home have been discovered, the State Agents were rascals who changed the votes from Lincoln to McClellan -- A rainy day --
William went & voted and in the afternoon went to Marietta. Ephraim came home with him.
Friday, November 7, 2014
Monday Nov. 7. 1864.
I expected to go home this morning but could not get my arrangements made so as to do so -- Mrs. Luther Barker of McConnelsville here to dinner. I used to know her twenty five years ago. She told me I reminded her very much of my mother, whom she remembered to have seen soon after her marriage with my father.
In the after noon I helped Mrs Dawes about some writing and just as I was preparing to start home Nancy came in, having come up on the afternoon train. James P. Walton went down as far as Scotts Landing where brother William makes a speech to-night. Col. Barker, Capt Henry Fearing, David Putnam, Stephen Newton and several other gentlemen & ladies were on the cars and got off to hear the Speech -- As I was getting on to the Cincinnati train, I met Ephe going to the Marietta train, he looked pale -- He came up to vote -- Martha sat up nearly all night sewing.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Sabbath Nov. 6. 1864
Mrs. Dawes still continues to suffer from her headache, but got so much better that Lucy & I ventured to go to church, we went to the Episcopal Church, but did not hear Mr. Boyd, it being communion Sabbath there was no sermon, coming home we dropped into the Baptist Church we blundered into the negro seats, but sat still through the concluding services. The singing here is very good.
In the evening Lucy and I went to the Congregational Church and heard a good sermon from Mr. Wickes --
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Saturday Nov 5. 1864
Lucy came down in the forenoon & insisted that I should go up and spend the sabbath with her mother who is not well, I went with her on the three o’clock train. Lucy went in the evening with Mr. & Mrs. Giles to call on Rev. Mr. Holland and his lady. He is a second cousin of Lucy’s. He preaches to the Unitarian Church in Marietta--
Mrs. Jane C. Russel called at Mrs. Dawes with Mrs. Pinkerton of McConnellsville--they spent the evening --
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Friday Nov. 4. 1864
William did not come home last night but went to town intending to take a steamboat and go to Matamoras where he is to speak to-day --
There is to be a Copperhead demonstration at Veto to day -- the weather how ever is very unfavorable for out-door meeting. A cold rain has prevailed nearly all day--
Fearing that it might freeze to night, I took up gladiolas, daily lilies, tube roses, &c. Lizzie had the last of the Catawba's gathered -- No Gazette to night--
Peggy's comment:
Matamoras and Veto are towns in Ohio.
Monday, November 3, 2014
Thursday Nov. 3. 1864
Union Mass Meeting at Vincent’s Station. William has gone out there, and John & Nancy also--
The accommodation train was an hour late and Mrs. Cutler and Sarah got home just in time to sit down to dinner with us.
John and Nancy came home “on evening train”, George Cutter & Eliza Carlin with them. They have had a pleasant day, tho’ it is raining this evening. A great crowd. Barlow took the flag for the greatest number present.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Wednesday Nov. 2. 1864
Saw something that troubled and disgusted me this morning -- May God have mercy upon us, and avert evil.
Mrs. Cutler and Sarah went to town to spend the day -- and did not come home, not reaching the station in time owing to the tardiness of the omnibus driver. Martha Colville came home from town on the 11’ o’clock train.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Tuesday Nov. 1. 1864
This is the fifteenth anniversary of the marriage of William P. Cutler & his wife Lizzie. They have gone to take dinner at Mr. Burgess’s also little Sarah who alone is left to them of all their children. --
William went to town to attend to oil matters in the afternoon.
I wrote to Kate. We have heard that the second operation upon Ephe’s face has been performed, and was very painful.
Sarah began yesterday to study again, her lessons have been much interrupted during the summer & fall. I hope now to attend to her regularly.
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Lizzie Voris Cutler |
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William P. Cutler |
Friday, October 31, 2014
Monday Oct. 31. 1864
Washing day, and I have the dinner to get. William went to Marietta on oil business.
I see by Saturdays paper that Major E. C. Dawes has been discharged honorably from the service on account of his wounds.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Sunday Oct. 30. 1864
A quiet Sabbath. We all went to meeting. Mr. Curtis preached a good sermon. I heard Wesley read for an hour this evening. He is very studious, and can read tolerably, his perseverance is wonderful. It ought to shame those who call these colored men “baboons & monkeys”--
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Saturday Oct. 29 1864
William, Rufus, Mary, & Lucy went to town. The Colonel left his pocket-book, which he needed to take with him to Treble County next Monday, where he is “operating in oil” that is taking leases of oil territory. Henry McClure is going out with him. Mrs. Dawes came down on the eleven o’clock train to get the pocket-book & went up on the afternoon train.
Mr. Bowhan finished putting in our fire fronts with a patent flue.
Mrs. Terril here cleaning the bedroom & parlor. I went up to call on Mrs. Burgess.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Friday Oct. 28. 1864
It rained very hard last night with thunder & lightning and to day it has turned cold. I gathered most of the catawba grapes. Mr. Burgess was here to breakfast. Mr. Boothby & Mr. Wynn who are making a cider-mill were here to dinner. Also Mr. Bowhan who is setting the grates in the parlor & bedroom. He charged $20.00.
We watched the steamboats all day expecting Mrs. Cutler & Sarah, but night came without bringing them, we looked for William home from Chillicothe on the evening train, which comes about eight o’clock, we found there were some persons with him first Col. Dawes & his wife then Lucy and next to our great surprise and joy Mrs. Cutler & Sarah--
Lucy brought a letter from Kate, Mr. McLean is very sick & I fear she will not be able to endure all her cares --
Peggy's comment:
Kate Dawes McLean, Julia's niece, had married in February of 1864. She had step-children to care for, and now, she was apparently caring for a sick husband.
Monday, October 27, 2014
Thursday Oct 27 1864
Clara’s birthday may she have many happy returns of it. Mrs. Dawes & Martha Colville went to Marietta. Rainey. Mr. N. L. Wilson telegraphed yesterday to William to go out on an extra train with him to-day. He is coming home from New York City to Chillicothe to cast his vote for President & wants to talk over business matters. The train came about ten o’clock A.M. and William started with his carpet sack full of Coopers apples & some Catawba grapes--
Maggie came down this afternoon, & Mr. Burgess was here this morning before light to see if Mrs. Burgess had come. They expected to start home Tuesday.
Peggy's note:
Clara is Clara Cutler Walton, Julia's sister. She lived in Pana, Illinois, and on this day, she was 48.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Wednesday Oct. 26. 1864
Miss O’Harra brought me a clump of Daisies which I have put in a pot to keep in the pit. I expected Lucy tonight -- she did not come but her mother did. Martha has finished altering my black silk dress -- all but the trimming which I have not got yet. We are expecting Mrs. Cutler & Sarah every boat.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Tuesday Oct. 25. 1864
William went to town Mrs. Dawes & Mr. Bowhan came home with him. Mrs. Dawes had a very pleasant trip to Cincinnati visited Cousin Mason D. Parker. He took her round the City -- the trip has done her a great deal of good. -- Mr. Bowhan is going to set up grates and firefronts in the parlor & bedroom he will do it Friday. Mrs. Dawes went home on the afternoon train.
Mrs. McClure called & took the “Bible Depository” bibles & testaments to Emeline who is the “New Treasurer” --
Friday, October 24, 2014
Monday - Oct 24 1864
Nancy washed & I got dinner. Mr. Boothby & Amos Wynn were here. Wesley is picking apples for Mr. Burgess. William and Henry McClure were here to spend the evening and talk “oil”--I made a gallon of “Catawba wine” -- Recieved a letter from J.A. Shedd.
Peggy's comment:
J. A. Shedd was Jane (Jennie) Shedd, Julia's niece who was a missionary in Persia. Mrs. Shedd is a sister to Rufus, Ephraim, Lucy, and Kate.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Sabbath Oct. 23 1864
A Pleasant day. Mr. Curtis preached from “How Shall they escape who neglect so great salvation” a good sermon.
Mr. A. S. Bailey’s friends Mr. & Mrs. Cowles from Columbus were at meeting.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Saturday Oct. 22. 1864
Mrs. Perry and daughter left on the morning train. Quite a snow storm this forenoon. Nancy Carlin & her sister went to Parkersburg to see their brother James who is in hospital there. Paid Nancy one dollar. Martha Colville came home from Mr. Burgess’s this afternoon & finished my new black delaine dress. No papers.
Peggy's comment:
"Delaine" refers to a type of fabric.
The newspapers were delivered by the postal service.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Friday Oct. 21. 1864
Mrs. Perry & her daughter Sarah spend the day here. Charles left after breakfast. James P. Walton came on the 11 o’clock train to see his aunt, Mrs. Perry, and to stay until Monday. Mrs. W. D. Bailey & children dined with us -- and Maggie Voris was here to tea.
In addition to those already here, M. & Mrs. Bowhan Eliza & Hannah Carlin came to stay all night. James Walton had to sleep on the sofa in the parlor. Martha Colville went home with Maggie.
Dispatches from Sheridan at Cedar Creek Va announce another decisive victory in the Shenandoah Valley over the rebels.
Peggy's comment:
Jubal Early initially routed the Union troops, but Sheridan arrived and completely defeated the Confederates. This Union victory helped garner votes for Lincoln in the upcoming election.
The Civil War Trust website has an animated map describing the battle plus a description of what is happening to the Cedar Creek site today.
Here is A. Lincoln's message telegraphed to Gen. Sheridan.
Peggy's comment:
Jubal Early initially routed the Union troops, but Sheridan arrived and completely defeated the Confederates. This Union victory helped garner votes for Lincoln in the upcoming election.
The Civil War Trust website has an animated map describing the battle plus a description of what is happening to the Cedar Creek site today.
Here is A. Lincoln's message telegraphed to Gen. Sheridan.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Thursday Oct. 20. 1864
Mrs. Perry got up with a severe head ache, but went to town this morning leaving Sarah here with me. William went to Marietta -- Nancy started immediately after breakfast to spend the day at home her sister Elizabeth Bowhan having just arrived from Missouri, driven out by guerrillas.
I was very busy all day. Lucy Bailey here playing with Sarah Perry -- I did not go to circle because I could not. Mrs. Perry & Charles Perry came on evening train. Margaret Connelly now Mrs. Bailey was here to dinner.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Wednesday, Oct. 19, 1864.
Mrs. W. D. Bailey called to tell me that the circle meets to-morrow at James Repperts & to know if I would go. I told her I could not decide until I saw what the providential indications were, but would see her tomorrow --confessing to a disinclination to go.
Mrs. Perry and her daughter Sarah came on the evening train to visit us. Nancy washed today.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Tuesday Oct. 18. 1864
William went to Zaleski and Mrs. S. C. Dawes with Col. Dawes to Cincinnati to see Ephraim who will be obliged to submit to another operation on his mouth. How much he has been called to suffer!
Miss O'Harra was here to dinner.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Monday Oct. 17. 1864
We have had several hard frosts. I took up my maurandias to keep in the pit & have planted hyacinths in pots for early spring blooming. William went to Marietta twice to-day. Mr. Burgess was here to dinner-- B. C. Bailey called to talk with William, but he being absent he discussed local politics with me. This evening James P. Walton came to spend the night, and take some cooper apples & grapes up to be sent to Ephraim tomorrow by his mother who is going to see him.
![]() |
Maurandia |
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Sabbath Oct. 16, 1864
We had Rev. Mr. Mercer from Morgan Co. a Methodist, & agent for the Bible Society to preach today. Mr. Curtis was also here. The congregation contributed one hundred & eleven dollars for the cause and constituting the President A. S. Bailey, Secretary, Lyman Hart, & Treasurer Emeline McClure life-members of the American Bible Society. Martha Colville came home from Mr. Burgess’s.
Jimmie Carlin came home with us from meeting & will stay until the eleven o’clock train tomorrow when he will go to Parkersburg to the hospital, he has improved a good deal since he was here last. Nancy has sore throat.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Saturday Oct. 15. 1864
Lucy is here today, we are having a quiet day, for talking over family matters -- her mother wishes to sell her present house to Rufus, and buy a house on the plain in Dutch Row some where. I do not like the plan, & Lucy is much tried -- but I hope it will all end well. J. J. Hollister called to say that it was proposed to have a Union Demonstration at Vincent some time before the election. He wanted the co-operation of brother William, Mr. Bailey, & Col. Moore. William got home from Cincinnati tonight--
Peggy's note:
At the time, Rufus Dawes and his wife Mary were staying with her parents in Marietta. Rufus was doing some work with his Uncle William Cutler (Julia's brother) in the oil industry that was booming in Ohio. In 1865 Rufus and Mary would buy a small house at 309 Fourth Street in Marietta which they would refer to as "the cottage."
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Friday, Oct. 14. 1864
Maggie Voris & Martha Colville came and sat an hour this afternoon. Nancy went over to see Miss O’Harra & took her some grapes & learned to knit edging. Lucy came on the evening train and will stay until Monday much to my satisfaction.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Thursday Oct. 13 1864
I went on the cars with Mrs. W. D. Bailey to Mr. R. D. Hollisters’ to attend the meeting of our sewing circle. There were quite a number of ladies convened there Rev. Mr. Wakefield from Harmar with his wife, Mrs. Hagwood, Mrs. Larns, the Misses Curtis, &c. c. c. from town. We had a pleasant time, with very good fare, going beyond the rule only in meats. They had cold chicken, cold sliced beef, & dried (?)-handed round.
Nancy came for me in the buggy, and Mrs. W. D. Bailey rode home with us, we got home an hour sooner than we should have done by the cars -- a beautiful moonlight evening, cool but pleasant. It is said that Ohio has gone for the Union by 40,000 majority, Indiana 20,000, Pennsylvania 15,000. God be praised.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Wednesday Oct. 12. 1864
Mrs. Cutler & little Sarah with Mrs. Burgess went to town on the morning train to take the “Linnie Drown” (Steamboat) to go to Ashland Kentucky to visit at Mr. Hugh Means’ they also expect to visit Mr. Thomas Means at Hanging Rock. Rainy morning. William went on train to Cincinnati to attend to Railroad matters. Rufus also on his way to Ruble Co. to look after oil.
There is a report that Hamilton Co. which usually goes Democratic has given 6000 for the Republicans, majority.
Martha went up to Mr. Burgesses to keep Maggie company.
Peggy's note:
Thomas and Hugh Means were brothers of Elizabeth Voris Burgess and therefore they were uncles to Lizzie Voris Cutler.
There was an oil boom in Ohio and Pennsylvania in 1864. Rufus Dawes would work for an oil company for about a year.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Tuesday Oct 11. 1864
This is election day. In Ohio, Indiana, and Pennsylvania, the State elections take place to day, and from the result, we can judge how the Presidential Election will go. The weather is pleasant, which is always a favorable circumstance. Father used to say that a rainy election day generally was an omen of a Democratic victory. This (Warren) township is sure to give a Copperhead majority this year, as it always does -- William went to town in the forenoon came home to dinner and rode “Black Dan” to election.
Peggy's note:
Note: The presidential election was to be held November 8, 1864.
- 1. Benjamin Eggleston (R)
- 2. Rutherford B. Hayes (R)
- 3. Robert C. Schenck (R)
- 4. William Lawrence (R)
- 5. Francis C. Le Blond (D)
- 6. Reader W. Clarke (R)
- 7. Samuel Shellabarger (R)
- 8. James R. Hubbell (R)
- 9. Ralph P. Buckland (R)
- 10. James M. Ashley (R)
- 11. Hezekiah S. Bundy (R)
- 12. William E. Finck (D)
- 13. Columbus Delano (R)
- 14. Martin Welker (R)
- 15. Tobias A. Plants (R)
- 16. John A. Bingham (R)
- 17. Ephraim R. Eckley (R)
- 18. Rufus P. Spalding (R)
- 19. James A. Garfield (R)
Friday, October 10, 2014
Monday Oct. 10. 1864
Mrs. Cutler went to Marietta to make some purchases and returned at 11’ o’clock. Dahlias & Tomatoes show the effects of frost to day.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Sabbath. Oct 9 1864
James P. Walton who came down Friday & spent the sabbath with us -- It is still cold. We shall have frost to night.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Saturday Oct. 8. 1864
A cold raw day, we have kept up our fires as we do in winter. Mrs. Cutler & Sarah started with William to go to Marietta but a cold rain setting in they came back from the station nearly frozen. Sarah took cold. There was to have been a political meeting in town, but the wise ones concluded not to have one altho’ many in from the country were disappointed. Nancy went home.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Friday Oct 7 1864
William returned about noon. Good meeting at Beverly. Plants & Dorsey spoke in the afternoon -- in the evening William spoke to a full house. Torch light procession -- He spent the night at Dr. Littles.
Monday, October 6, 2014
Thursday, Oct. 6. 1864
Mrs. Cutler, little Sarah, & I went in his buggy calling for Maggie Voris to Mrs. Charles Dickeys to attend circle -- about 30 there -- very pleasant time--
Brother William went in his carriage to Beverly to attend political meeting.
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Wednesday Oct. 5. 1864
Colored merino crimson for Sarah, a saque, also some ribbins -- very pretty. Sarah went with me to the hill for elderberries, we got a basketful to make wine.
Peggy's note:
A saque was a kind of jacket.
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Tuesday. Oct. 4 (1864)
I looked out and saw little Sarah coming in at the gate, her mother & Maggie Voris are in town shopping. They came up to Mrs. Dawes’ & Mrs. Dawes & I came home with them. I met Clay Reppert on the cars. He is a Lieutenant in General Thomas’ body guard, says he likes the service & has no wish to leave it, has never been wounded, but a ball struck a button on the breast of his overcoat. I think he is a good soldier & a fine man.
David Irwin & his sister Ellen, Amos Hollister, & his sister Justine, called to wait for the cars. They are going to visit friends in Hancock County. Mrs. Dawes went up on the cars with them, taking two baskets of grapes to send to Ephraim by Express.
Friday, October 3, 2014
Monday Oct. 3. 1864
Read the Club Magazines “Good House” “Chambers Journal” “Living Age” &c. -- got on a little with the Stories of Lindisfarn Chase and Tony Butler, which I began at home. Mrs. E. B. Andrews called. Lucy came home with Rufus. Slept with me and told me her experiences.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Sabbath Oct. 2. 1864
Mrs. Dawes threatened with sick headache, and unable to go to meeting. I staid at home with her, read several of the minor prophets.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Oct. 1”. 1864. Saturday
I went to Marietta with William. Miss Mary Cone & Frank Brush who spent last night at our house, went up with us. I asked the conductors Mr. Brock & Mr. Ridlow to “pass her” which they did, a favor I never asked before for myself or any one. At the junction we saw Col. Dawes on his way to see Ephe, he will spend the Sabbath at Cincinnati. Mrs. Dawes and I were invited to dine at Mrs. Giles’ in Harmar with Mrs. Blackinton, it rained very hard all the forenoon & we could not go. Mr. Giles called in the afternoon & Mrs. Blackinton did not come. Sarah & I looked over the genealogical Register. Toward evening called on Mrs. Gates. Mr. Gates arrived at home this morning from New England where he has been spending several weeks with John Newton in pursuit of health. Mr. Gates’ brother came out with him on an oil speculation, or to look at oil lands. We went to Mr. Graves’ but Mrs. Graves was out riding with her husband’s parents now here on a visit from the East. We then called at Mr. Bachelors to see Sarah Parker, who boards there, but she too was out. We then started to go to Deacon A. T. Nye’s but Mrs. Dawes was so tired, we turned back calling at Mr. Edward Buells on our way home.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Friday Sept. 30 1864
As I was busily engaged reading the Gazette to Mr. Burgess this morning, Miss Mary Cone arrived to spend the day accompanied by Frank Brush. I was not sorry to lay aside the Newspapers to welcome them.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Thursday Sept. 29” 1864
A Cloudy morning. As the circle meets at our house today I came home on the 11 o’clock train to help Mrs. Cutler through with it. There were several here not withstanding the threatening aspect of the sky. Toward evening however it not only rained but it poured. I never saw it rain harder. Those who were on their way home were of course drenched.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Wednesday Sept. 28”, 1864
I went back to town, to stay with Mrs. Dawes. The reports from Ephraim are favorable.
Peggy's comments:
During this time, Julia was traveling the six miles between her home in Constitution (Warren) and Marietta. She lived with her brother William, his wife Lizzie, and their daughter Sarah at the Old Stone House in Constitution. Julia's sister Sarah Cutler Dawes (mother of Ephraim, Rufus, Lucy, Kate & Jane) lived in Marietta and was often unwell.
Kate Dawes McLean, who had lived at the Old Stone House, had married in February of 1864 and moved away. She married a minister who had several children so she presumably worked very hard to run their household.
This is the letter that Julia wrote to her niece Kate. It took Julia several days to finish writing the letter.
Your letter to me dated Sept 2 did not arrive until long after date, it was written when you were sick and gave me great uneasiness, I was strongly tempted to sit down & write to that unfeeling girl and give her a regular blowing up. I felt too indignant to trust myself to write even to you, lest I should speak unadvisedly. I am sick of reformers if their teachings deprive people of common humanity and common courtesy, and lead to the neglect of the plainest duties of life. That most excellent Christian lady for whom you were named, Mrs. Catherine Parker, who was exercised by many & sore trials once said to me that she “had always found the path of duty, the path of happiness” and I believe it is so. “Do right, & God will answer for the rest.” Do not allow yourself to be discouraged, you will find friends where ever you go. Do not look backward, but forward --and always remember that what your dying Grandfather said to us, is as true now as it was then, “God is a very present help in time of trouble.”
I came down from Marietta today where I have been since last Wednesday staying with your mother who is still feeble, while Lucy & Rufus went to Cincinnati to stay by poor Ephe while Dr. Blackman performed the operation upon his face, which was done Thursday afternoon. Sept. 22. -- Friday we recieved from Rufus this dispatch “Operation successfully performed -- a fearful ordeal --Ephe all right” -- Saturday night Rufus came home leaving Lucy with Ephe. He says it was the most terrible scene he ever witnessed and he would rather pass through all the battles he has fought than do it again. Ephe was an hour and a half under the surgeons knife, the chloroform taking no effect, he felt every cut & bore the agony, nobly, as he only could. Dr. Blackman said that in all the operations he has performed he never saw a man endure suffering as bravely as Major Dawes. I cannot describe the operation to you, as Rufus did to me, but it was horrible. Dr. Gobrecht the principal surgeon of the Officers Hospital at Fairmount Cincinnati, where Ephraim is, assisted throughout. There were about a dozen surgeons present, but they were so overcome by the scene as to render little assistance -- and Rufus had to hold the arteries while they were taken up and hold Ephraims hands to prevent any injury from convulsive movement. He said it was only the feeling that the life of his only brother was at stake enabled him to do it. At first it required all the strength Rufus possessed but at the end of the hour & a half his pulse was so low, & his strength so reduced by loss of blood & suffering that he lay more like a corpse than a living man --but stimulants were administered and he got up and walked to his room when all was done. It is considered a very successful operation, Dr. Blackman is master of his art and if Ephe lives to get well as they all say he is likely to do we shall be glad it is done. It has been much more severe and extensive than we had any idea of, and we all feel that knowing what we do now we could not have consented to it.
Lucy was not present at the time, but sat up the first night with Rufus at Ephe’s bedside -- that night the patient slept none, in addition to the soreness & pain of his face, the chloroform produced a terrible sick head-ache -- but the second night Friday he slept well. He takes his nourishment through a straw. The surgeon says he cannot be removed for a month. Lucy will stay while she is needed perhaps a week or two. Rufus has sent down his servant William today to help take care of him.
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Walton went out to the Hospital with them, Mr. Walton staid in as long as he could stand it. Mrs. Walton very kindly introduced Lucy to Mrs. Harrison a friend who lives near and who invited Lucy to her house -- She however in order to be near Ephe will take her meals with the Matron, a very excellent & respectable lady. Ephe has a room to himself and Lucy has a cot placed in it so she can attend to him night & day.
Sarah Andrews is teaching Lucy’s school for her during her absence. Your Mother does not get well fast, she lies down part of every day. She is very much troubled about Ephe but more about his proposed marriage than any thing else, it seems as if that would kill her -- and when she thinks of it she chooses death rather than life. I feel very badly about it both on account of your mother & Ephraim and can only pray that this cup may pass from us.
I expect to go back to town again & shall stay most of the time Lucy is gone with her. James Walton is there and is a pleasanter boarder than I expected. You see that as matters now are we cannot visit you, indeed your mother is not well enough to do so now. I hope before winter some of us can. Lizzie Cutler says Mr. Burgess does not know whether he will go to Pennsylvania or not this fall. Don’t you need your dresses?
Rufus has bought all the sheep he expects to get at present. They gave about four dollars a head. The sheep purchased are of a desirable quality. Old Mr. Lognacher, Mrs. Blues father, has been engaged to take charge of them.
Henry and Theodore McClure are both here now.
I must go down to Warren tomorrow. Lizzie is going to have the circle and cannot get along without me -- but I shall come to town again Friday. I hope your health will be better, take care of it, and be so happy as you can.
Peggy's comments:
During this time, Julia was traveling the six miles between her home in Constitution (Warren) and Marietta. She lived with her brother William, his wife Lizzie, and their daughter Sarah at the Old Stone House in Constitution. Julia's sister Sarah Cutler Dawes (mother of Ephraim, Rufus, Lucy, Kate & Jane) lived in Marietta and was often unwell.
Kate Dawes McLean, who had lived at the Old Stone House, had married in February of 1864 and moved away. She married a minister who had several children so she presumably worked very hard to run their household.
This is the letter that Julia wrote to her niece Kate. It took Julia several days to finish writing the letter.
Letter to Kate
Constitution O, Sept 26, 1864
My dear Kate,Your letter to me dated Sept 2 did not arrive until long after date, it was written when you were sick and gave me great uneasiness, I was strongly tempted to sit down & write to that unfeeling girl and give her a regular blowing up. I felt too indignant to trust myself to write even to you, lest I should speak unadvisedly. I am sick of reformers if their teachings deprive people of common humanity and common courtesy, and lead to the neglect of the plainest duties of life. That most excellent Christian lady for whom you were named, Mrs. Catherine Parker, who was exercised by many & sore trials once said to me that she “had always found the path of duty, the path of happiness” and I believe it is so. “Do right, & God will answer for the rest.” Do not allow yourself to be discouraged, you will find friends where ever you go. Do not look backward, but forward --and always remember that what your dying Grandfather said to us, is as true now as it was then, “God is a very present help in time of trouble.”
I came down from Marietta today where I have been since last Wednesday staying with your mother who is still feeble, while Lucy & Rufus went to Cincinnati to stay by poor Ephe while Dr. Blackman performed the operation upon his face, which was done Thursday afternoon. Sept. 22. -- Friday we recieved from Rufus this dispatch “Operation successfully performed -- a fearful ordeal --Ephe all right” -- Saturday night Rufus came home leaving Lucy with Ephe. He says it was the most terrible scene he ever witnessed and he would rather pass through all the battles he has fought than do it again. Ephe was an hour and a half under the surgeons knife, the chloroform taking no effect, he felt every cut & bore the agony, nobly, as he only could. Dr. Blackman said that in all the operations he has performed he never saw a man endure suffering as bravely as Major Dawes. I cannot describe the operation to you, as Rufus did to me, but it was horrible. Dr. Gobrecht the principal surgeon of the Officers Hospital at Fairmount Cincinnati, where Ephraim is, assisted throughout. There were about a dozen surgeons present, but they were so overcome by the scene as to render little assistance -- and Rufus had to hold the arteries while they were taken up and hold Ephraims hands to prevent any injury from convulsive movement. He said it was only the feeling that the life of his only brother was at stake enabled him to do it. At first it required all the strength Rufus possessed but at the end of the hour & a half his pulse was so low, & his strength so reduced by loss of blood & suffering that he lay more like a corpse than a living man --but stimulants were administered and he got up and walked to his room when all was done. It is considered a very successful operation, Dr. Blackman is master of his art and if Ephe lives to get well as they all say he is likely to do we shall be glad it is done. It has been much more severe and extensive than we had any idea of, and we all feel that knowing what we do now we could not have consented to it.
Lucy was not present at the time, but sat up the first night with Rufus at Ephe’s bedside -- that night the patient slept none, in addition to the soreness & pain of his face, the chloroform produced a terrible sick head-ache -- but the second night Friday he slept well. He takes his nourishment through a straw. The surgeon says he cannot be removed for a month. Lucy will stay while she is needed perhaps a week or two. Rufus has sent down his servant William today to help take care of him.
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Walton went out to the Hospital with them, Mr. Walton staid in as long as he could stand it. Mrs. Walton very kindly introduced Lucy to Mrs. Harrison a friend who lives near and who invited Lucy to her house -- She however in order to be near Ephe will take her meals with the Matron, a very excellent & respectable lady. Ephe has a room to himself and Lucy has a cot placed in it so she can attend to him night & day.
Sarah Andrews is teaching Lucy’s school for her during her absence. Your Mother does not get well fast, she lies down part of every day. She is very much troubled about Ephe but more about his proposed marriage than any thing else, it seems as if that would kill her -- and when she thinks of it she chooses death rather than life. I feel very badly about it both on account of your mother & Ephraim and can only pray that this cup may pass from us.
I expect to go back to town again & shall stay most of the time Lucy is gone with her. James Walton is there and is a pleasanter boarder than I expected. You see that as matters now are we cannot visit you, indeed your mother is not well enough to do so now. I hope before winter some of us can. Lizzie Cutler says Mr. Burgess does not know whether he will go to Pennsylvania or not this fall. Don’t you need your dresses?
Rufus has bought all the sheep he expects to get at present. They gave about four dollars a head. The sheep purchased are of a desirable quality. Old Mr. Lognacher, Mrs. Blues father, has been engaged to take charge of them.
Henry and Theodore McClure are both here now.
Tuesday, Sept 27
Mr. Burgess has just been in -- he says he is afraid to go to Pennsylvania he believes the Masons would murder him before he got there. Rufus has been down here to-day he says he thinks he will visit you this fall. He is going Saturday down to see Ephe again. Your Uncle William is doing a great deal of speaking, this campaign. He speaks to-night at Cedarville and will speak this week at Cutler & Whininess. He is going down next week to see Ephe. They want Rufus to make speeches next week out in the country & he probably will.
Wednesday Sept 28
I came up to town this morning with your Uncle William. They got letters from Lucy last night. She writes to Rufus “Dr. Gobrecht washed & dressed Ephe’s face after you left and after dinner Dr. Blackman came to see him. He says it is doing slendidly, just as he wishes.” Ephe dressed himself & walked into the hall with the Dr’s permission. He sleeps well, last night had a very good night. I don’t think you need have any uneasiness about him now still I would not leave him in his present condition, as I know he would not be properly cared for” Ephe writes in pencil “with the exception of the taste and smell in my mouth, I feel as though I was doing very well. Major Olefin sent me a lot of books this morning with his compliments. The Officers here all proffer their services to assist me in any way. It seems to do me good to walk round as much as anything. Dr. Hardy Dentist was just here -- says a man who could stand what I did could stand it to be burned alive -- that I would probably talk in a week and be able to have impressions for permanent teeth in six weeks” Lucy writes that his face is very sore.I must go down to Warren tomorrow. Lizzie is going to have the circle and cannot get along without me -- but I shall come to town again Friday. I hope your health will be better, take care of it, and be so happy as you can.
Your affectionate
Aunt Julia
I see by your letter to Lucy that Mr. McLean has gone to Philadelphia and Delaware. I hope you will not be left alone & sick -- am sorry we can’t come up and nobody to take care of you come home & I will do it. [A line here is crossed out and unreadable.] It is possible Lizzie may be up to see you if so little Sarah will come. She wants to go badly but her mother will not part with her -- Nancy is now married yet she says she wishes she could step in and make you some waffles.
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