Kate and I went up to the church, as soon as we had taken breakfast, with our buggy filled with evergreens and whatever we needed to fasten up the decorations, George going along to help us. Found no one there but two boys making a fire. Soon, however, Mrs. W. D. Bailey, Mrs. Geo. W. Bailey, Mrs. Hart, Emeline McClure and Mrs. W. D. McClure, Miss Louise Carpenter and Miss Mary Ainsworth came. G. W. Bailey and George Cutter helped nearly all day. A. S. Bailey and Maggie Voris came a while in the afternoon. We made arched cornices over the windows and doors with cedar, also a beautiful arch over the pulpit against the wall, on which was fastened the figures 1863. Wreaths of cedar were hung between the windows and at intervals on the wall around the house. A large and handsome engraved portrait of Washington was hung above the choir surrounded with an evergreen wreath. The lamps were tastefully trimmed with cedar and myrtle. The hemlock tied to ropes formed graceful festoons upon the two iron rods which cross the house. Trees of pine were placed in the corners of the room. The effect of the whole was beautiful -- much better than we had dared to hope. We then swept the house and the men having shook the carpet it was nailed down and we departed well satisfied with the labors of the day. We got home about four o'clock and having decided upon placing the words Glory to God in the Highest on the wall over against the pulpit above the portrait of Washington, I went to work to cut out the letters and Kate and Lizzie to making them of arbor vitae. It was a tedious process and was not completed until near midnight.
William came home from Chillicothe tonight. The Board passed a resolution to pay interest on the Union R. R. bonds.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Tuesday, Dec. 30, 1862
A rainy disagreeable day. George and Call brought us a quantity of hemlock from Hocking to use at the church tomorrow. I cut out of stiff paper the figures 1863 about a foot long and Kate and Lizzie covered them with arbor vitae, also made wreaths of cedar on hoops.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Monday, Dec. 29, 1862
William went to Chillicothe to attend a meeting of the Board of Directors of the M. & C. R. R. Kate went on horseback to see what was to be done about the festival. She called at Mrs. Blackinton's, Mrs. Dickey's, Mrs. Hart's and saw Mrs. Goff, Mrs. Deming, &c. All seem willing to help. The house is to be decorated with evergreens.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Friday, Dec. 26, 1862
This is the day appointed for the execution of the condemned Sioux. 300 were sentenced. The president pardons the rest. More than one thousand whites were massacred and many more maimed for life. I am afraid the trouble is not yet over.
Peggy's comments:
Julia refers to the Sioux who were captured after the Indian uprising in Minnesota in August.
Peggy's comments:
Julia refers to the Sioux who were captured after the Indian uprising in Minnesota in August.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Thursday, Dec. 25, 1862. Christmas.
Rose early "Kriss Kringle had covered the table in the sitting room with books, toys, &c. for the younger members of the family. Kate unable to sit up during the forenoon with sick headache. About noon brother William landed from the Bostona. He comes to spend the holidays at home, Congress having taken a recess until the Monday after New Year's. He is in good health and very glad to be at home again. He brought Annie and Sarah each a pretty fan. He thinks Cabinet matters will be arranged, but regards Seward a drag upon the government. He has seen Rufus since the battle of Fredericksburg and heard his experiences. He is in very good health.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Wednesday, Dec. 24, 1862
I wrote to Jane. We have not heard from her since her letter written in July when she was in feeble health. We are anxious about her, and also about Ephraim whose last letter was written at Holly when he was expecting to go from that place on foot to join his regiment, some 30 or 40 miles distant. Since that time Holly Springs has fallen into the hands of the rebels. Van Dorn with 5 or 6000 men has possession of the Railroad and thus cuts Gen. Grant off from his supplies. There is no end to disasters in this war!
Lizzie Poage here to stay all night. Put up new curtains in the parlor.
Peggy's comments:
Jane is Julia's niece, Jane Dawes Shedd, who has been some years in Persia serving as a missionary with her husband. Ephraim, Jane's brother, is Ephraim Dawes who is serving with the 53rd Ohio Volunteers.
Lizzie Poage lived with Mrs. Burgess (Lizzie Cutler's mother) and is Lizzie Cutler's niece.
Holly Springs is in Mississippi and on Dec. 20, Confederate General Van Dorn attacked and raided the Union supply depot there causing Grant to withdraw his troops from Mississippi.
Peggy's comments:
Jane is Julia's niece, Jane Dawes Shedd, who has been some years in Persia serving as a missionary with her husband. Ephraim, Jane's brother, is Ephraim Dawes who is serving with the 53rd Ohio Volunteers.
Lizzie Poage lived with Mrs. Burgess (Lizzie Cutler's mother) and is Lizzie Cutler's niece.
Holly Springs is in Mississippi and on Dec. 20, Confederate General Van Dorn attacked and raided the Union supply depot there causing Grant to withdraw his troops from Mississippi.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Tuesday, Dec. 23, 1862
Kate went to Marietta and returned this evening. Seward and Chase have withdrawn their resignations and for the present cabinet difficulties are bridged over. Lizzie and I went up to see Mrs. Burgess. She is better.
Peggy's Comments:
Abraham Lincoln wrote to Seward and Chase (Secretaries of State and Treasury) and refused to accept their resignations. See his letter here.
Peggy's Comments:
Abraham Lincoln wrote to Seward and Chase (Secretaries of State and Treasury) and refused to accept their resignations. See his letter here.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Monday, Dec. 22, 1862
Kate and Lizzie went up to see Mrs. Burgess who has been sick since yesterday. Today's paper states that Seward and Chase have resigned their places in the cabinet and that the probabililities are that the cabinet will be entirely changed.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Friday, Dec. 19, 1862
This morning with thankful hearts we received from William this dispatch, "Dec. 16 Rufus was safe Sunday after battle."
Sarah and Lucy came on evening train.
Sarah and Lucy came on evening train.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Thursday, Dec. 18, 1862
I read the paper to Mr. Burgess. I went to female prayer meeting. Mrs. G. W. Bailey only there. Met at Mrs. Burgess'. Kate, Annie and Maggie got home tonight. Kate bought green damask curtains and fixings for parlor windows - 34 dollars, stand of cruets - 12 dollars, herself a cloak 18, me a brown silk dress, corded, $20.25, Lucy a china tea set for 16 dollars and a few smaller items. I think she has performed her commissions admirably.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Tuesday, Dec. 16, 1862
This morning Daniel took leave of us to return by way of Rutland to his home in Kansas. I have enjoyed his visit greatly.
Maggie, Kate and little Annie went down to Cincinnati today. The weather has turned cold again. Lizzie went to A. S. Bailey's to a dinner party.
Peggy's comments:
On this day, William Cutler in Congress at Washington noted in his memorandum book:
*The Emancipation Proclamation which was to be in force January 1, 1863.
Maggie, Kate and little Annie went down to Cincinnati today. The weather has turned cold again. Lizzie went to A. S. Bailey's to a dinner party.
Peggy's comments:
On this day, William Cutler in Congress at Washington noted in his memorandum book:
This is a day of darkness and peril to the country. -- The great trouble is the loss of confidence in the management of the army. Under McClellan nothing was accomplished. Now Burnside fails on the first trial. McClellan's friends chuckle and secretly rejoice over the result. -- The Democrats cry peace and compromise, clamor for McClellan, denounce the radicals, do everything to embarrass the government. Judge (W. D. ) Kelly of Pennsylvania, made a capital speech in the House to-day, in favor of the Proclamation*, which is now being attacked by the Democrats, in hopes the President will not enforce it.
*The Emancipation Proclamation which was to be in force January 1, 1863.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Monday, Dec. 15, 1862
Today's Gazette gives an account of the desperate battle between Burnside and the rebels at Fredericksburg. Franklin's division fought desperately and drove the enemy a mile. Rufus belongs to this division and thus again is compelled to take part in these dreadful scenes. I know he will do his duty but he is tired of bloodshed. I tremble when I think he may be cold and dead upon the battle field or wounded and suffering with none to care for him, but I will hope in God's mercy for him, His hand has kept and will, I trust, keep him still.
George took Daniel to Parkersburg to take a boat for Pomeroy but no boat was expected until Wednesday. So he returned here to go by railroad.
George took Daniel to Parkersburg to take a boat for Pomeroy but no boat was expected until Wednesday. So he returned here to go by railroad.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Sabbath, Dec. 14, 1862
Daniel is still here. Mr. Wakefield preached an excellent practical sermon. "I will set the Lord always before me."
Peggy's comments:
Meanwhile, at Fredericksburg, Virginia, General Burnside was preparing to retreat across the Rappahannock. He had recently replaced the always-hesitating-to-act General McClellan, but Burnside's first attempt was so unsuccessful that he would soon be replaced.
Here's a link to an animated map of the battle: http://www.civilwar.org/battlefields/fredericksburg/maps/fredericksburg-animated-map/
Rufus Dawes was in Doubleday's division.
Peggy's comments:
Meanwhile, at Fredericksburg, Virginia, General Burnside was preparing to retreat across the Rappahannock. He had recently replaced the always-hesitating-to-act General McClellan, but Burnside's first attempt was so unsuccessful that he would soon be replaced.
Here's a link to an animated map of the battle: http://www.civilwar.org/battlefields/fredericksburg/maps/fredericksburg-animated-map/
Rufus Dawes was in Doubleday's division.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Saturday, Dec. 13, 1862
Last night Lucy and Betty Gates came down and are spending the day here.
Peggy's notes:
Rufus Dawes continues his description of the battle of Fredericksburgh (Service with the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers):
Peggy's notes:
Rufus Dawes continues his description of the battle of Fredericksburgh (Service with the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers):
About daylight of the 13th, the troops were formed for the advance upon the enemy. The battle field was covered by an exceedingly dense fog and nothing could be seen. The brigade was formed in grand column by regiments, our regiment being second line from the front. Thus we moved through the fog in four lines of battle. The artillery of the enemy was firing vigorously at us and the shot and shell whistled and shrieked around us, but, owing to the fog, none struck in our columns. The divisions of Generals Meade and Gibbon, belonging to Franklin's grand division, soon became heavily engaged. We heard the crash of their musketry, and braced ourselves for the conflict we believed to be before us. But, after moving a considerable distance and no enemy having been encountered, the fog cleared away and we found ourselves on a great open plain, facing toward the Massaponax river on the extreme left flank of the army. We were without shelter of any kind and during the entire day were exposed to a fire of the rebel artillery, posted on a hill near Hamilton's crossing. The rebel cavalry under General J. E. B. Stuart, formed to charge the left flank of our army. Diagonal squares were formed by the regiments of our brigade to receive a charge of cavalry, while a heavy fire of artillery was directed upon us. Our squares were as formidable as those of Napoleon at the Pyramids. The rebel cavalry wisely refrained from charging upon these squares, and I have always felt that the "Iron Brigade" was in the right place at Fredericksburgh. It was the manifest purpose of General Lee to attack the left flank of our army with this heavy column of cavalry.
Late in the afternoon, the enemy opened upon us the concentrated fire of all his artillery on Hamilton's Heights, forty or fifty guns. Our men lay flat upon the ground and took it with wonderful courage and patience. I have never known a more severe trial of nerve upon the battle field, than this hour under that infernal fire. With nothing to do but crouch close to the ground, our eyes were riveted upon the cannon on the hill firing point blank at us. They seemed endowed with life in their tremendous and spiteful energy. There would be a swift outburst of snow white smoke, out of which flashed a tongue of fire, followed the thundering report, in the midst of which the missile fired at us would plow deep into the ground, scattering a spray of dirt and bound high over us or burst in the air sending fragments with a heavy thud into the ground around us. Like fiends who stirred infernal fires, the rebel artillerymen could be seen working around their guns. Several times I saw the awful plowing of the earth in the very midst of our battle lines of men lying upon the ground. There was instant death in the track of it. We were relieved from this fire only by the darkness of the night, and our regiment was moved forward to the Bowling Green road. Hearing this movement, the enemy began firing upon us with canister. We could hear the sharp rattle of shot upon the ground. As the night was very dark, the firing was necessarily at random, and the danger not great, but the sound of the shot striking the ground was frightful.
This night was intensely cold. We formed long lines of officers and men together, who would lie down on their oil cloths, spoon fashion to keep each other warm. We would soon get so cold on the side next to the ground, that we would have to turn over. The command, "About face," would be given, and the whole line of men would roll over together to lie a few moments on the other side. At short intervals the rebel battery would blaze away with its horrible shot rattling on the frozen ground. The shot seemed to fly about one foot above us, so that, while one was freezing as he lay down, he was tortured with the fear of being torn to pieces if he ventured to stand up or walk around.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Friday, Dec. 12, 1862
A letter from William of Dec. 6 says "I learn today from what appears to me to be good authority that Burnside is crossing over the Rappahanock at a point down below Stafford, called "Tappahanock" and that Banks with his division is to come up York river to a point directly between Tappahanock and Richmond, and then disembark his forces on the south side of the Pamunky and thus unite with Burnside in an attack upon the rebel army. The above named points on the Rappahanock and the Pamunky are accessible to gunboats. This all looks very well and I hope and trust will be successful."
We were invited to dine at Mr. Burgess' with Mrs. Campbell (sister of late Mrs. Newton) Mrs. Clark, &c. but could not go as Mr. & Mrs. Joel Deming and Mrs. Converse dined here, also Mr. Plumly and brother Daniel.
Rufus recounts later:
We were invited to dine at Mr. Burgess' with Mrs. Campbell (sister of late Mrs. Newton) Mrs. Clark, &c. but could not go as Mr. & Mrs. Joel Deming and Mrs. Converse dined here, also Mr. Plumly and brother Daniel.
Peggy's notes:
On December 10, Julia's nephew Rufus Dawes was encamped near Fredericksburg, Virginia, and wrote the following in a letter to his sister:
The country is clamoring for General Burnside to drive his army to butchery at Fredericksburgh. What we think of the probability of Burnside's attacking Fredericksburgh is best shown in the fact that we are building winter quarters. Not by order, oh, no! No general would dare give such an order, as the country would demand his head immediately. But if General Burnside allows himself to be pushed into a battle here, against the enemy's works, the country will mourn thousands slain, and the Rappahannock will run red with blood expended in fruitless slaughter.
On the early morning of December 12th, 1862, in the midst of a dense fog, a heavy bombardment of artillery was opened on the town of Fredericksburgh. A crossing of the Rappahannock in pontoon boats was forced later in the day. Our brigade lay quietly on the heights opposite Fredericksburgh until about four o'clock in the afternoon of this day, when we moved toward a pontoon bridge about a mile below the town. From the Stafford Heights we had a fine view of the broad open plain on the south side of the river, upon which long lines of battle were being formed by our troops. General Franklin's grand division was assigned to duty on the left flank of the army. After crossing the bridge, our march was directed down the south bank of the river for nearly two miles. Our column was in plain view of the rebel artillerists, posted on the hills at about the distance of one mile. Battery after battery opened fire upon us, as we moved along. Owing to the distance and their bad practice, no damage was inflicted. The shell whistled over us, and a panic took place among our colored servants, who were following the regiment. They were loaded down with coffee pots, frying pans and officers' rations, and they fled hastily over the river bank, tumbling from top to bottom, and scattering our officers' provisions. The brigade reached a stone house, known as Bernard's, at dark. We bivouacked that night in a fine grove of trees around the house. The night was very cold.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Thursday, Dec. 11, 1862
Today the circle met at Mrs. Hart's. Quite a large number were present. Mr. Curtis was there. The entertainment was abundant and very nice. The weather is delightful, frosty nights and mild sunny days.
Our circle was instituted with a two fold aim. First to aid our soldiers in such manner as may be practicable or to promote any other benevolent object. Second, to promote social intercourse. We meet once in two weeks on Thursday afternoon and work for the soldiers paying quarterly at the rate of one cent a week. Each family take with them cake, canned fruit or whatever they please as their contribution to the supper.
Our circle was instituted with a two fold aim. First to aid our soldiers in such manner as may be practicable or to promote any other benevolent object. Second, to promote social intercourse. We meet once in two weeks on Thursday afternoon and work for the soldiers paying quarterly at the rate of one cent a week. Each family take with them cake, canned fruit or whatever they please as their contribution to the supper.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Wednesday, Dec. 10, 1862
Miss Mary Ainsworth and Mrs. G. W. Bailey and children spent the afternoon here and Mr. Bailey came to tea. Gen Cox' body guard and their wagon train consisting of twenty wagons drawn by four horse or six mule teams passed up today nearly all driven by darkies. One of the men, who stopped here for apples, said that the company was raised in Cincinnati. All except four were Germans. All provided their own horses, had been 19 months in service and were at South Mountain and Antietans [sic]. He expressed his satisfaction at being in Ohio once more. Their Commander is Capt. Smith. They expect to go into winter quarters at Marietta. Gen. Cox and his staff arrived in Marietta last Monday and took rooms at the National House.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Tuesday, Dec. 9, 1862
Sister Sarah is spending the day here visiting with Daniel. Mr. Burgess here most of the afternoon.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Monday, Dec. 8, 1862
Lizzie went up to Marietta with Lucy and Mr. Burgess who came down and took breakfast here. They are going to attend Mrs. John Newton's funeral. Mrs. Dawes came home with Lizzie to see brother Daniel.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Sabbath, Dec. 7, 1862
Mr. Curtis preached to the Sabbath School children. A very cold morning and day - the coldest of the season, the mercury at 12 degrees above zero. The ice is drifting in the river and fears are entertained that at its present low stage it may freeze over. The steam paddles go crushing through the ice.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Saturday, Dec. 6, 1862
A very cold morning. Mrs. Burgess and Maggie went to Marietta on the morning train. Lucy came down this evening to stay till Monday. Brother Daniel who resides in Kansas arrived here this evening.
Peggy's comments:
Brother Daniel Converse Cutler was Julia's half brother. He was the youngest child of Ephraim Cutler and Leah Atwood. After Leah Atwood Cutler died, Ephraim married Sally Parker who had 5 children: Sarah, Manasseh, William, Julia, and Clara. Sarah is the mother of Rufus and Ephraim Dawes who are fighting for the Union, and Kate Dawes who lives with the Cutlers, and Lucy Dawes who taught school in Marietta. Manasseh died in childhood. William and Julia continued to live in the Old Stone House where they were born. Clara married and moved to Pana, Illinois.
Peggy's comments:
Brother Daniel Converse Cutler was Julia's half brother. He was the youngest child of Ephraim Cutler and Leah Atwood. After Leah Atwood Cutler died, Ephraim married Sally Parker who had 5 children: Sarah, Manasseh, William, Julia, and Clara. Sarah is the mother of Rufus and Ephraim Dawes who are fighting for the Union, and Kate Dawes who lives with the Cutlers, and Lucy Dawes who taught school in Marietta. Manasseh died in childhood. William and Julia continued to live in the Old Stone House where they were born. Clara married and moved to Pana, Illinois.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Friday, Dec. 5, 1862
Maggie came down just at sunset to tell us of the death of Mrs. John Newton this morning at eight o'clock of apoplexy at her home in Marietta. She was a worthy and amiable lady, and will be sincerely lamented. She leaves two sons of her former husband, Mr. James Means, brother of Mrs. Burgess. Thus within a few months our county has lost three very excellent, influential and wealthy Christian women -- Mrs. Winchester Dana, Mrs. Douglas Putnam and Mrs. John Newton.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Thursday, Dec. 4, 1862
Lizzie and I went to prayer meeting at Mrs. Burgess'. Mr. Burgess read a chapter and prayed and then withdrew and we continued the meeting. Mrs. Burgess, Maggie, Julia Greenwood, Mrs. Joel Deming, Grosvenor Converse, Mrs. B. C. Bailey, Mrs. W. D. Bailey, Lizzie and myself were present. Lizzie staid all night at her mother's.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Wednesday, Dec. 3, 1862
Kate and Nancy have been busy all day papering Lizzie's bedroom which they finished and John and George nailed down the carpet in the evening. The room looks nicely. Maggie brought little Sarah home and staid to dinner which I prepared and which she pronounced very good.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Tuesday, Dec. 2, 1862
Pleasant day. Mrs. W. D. Bailey called. Maggie came and took little Sarah up to spend the night there. Kate went to town and returned again today. Sherman's division has left Memphis. Ephe has gone back to his regiment. There are predictions of a great battle in that region. I had hoped that Ephe might be spared from further scenes of bloodshed.
Kate took dinner with Mr. John Newton.
Kate took dinner with Mr. John Newton.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Monday, Dec. 1st, 1862
All the family rose between three and four o'clock to see William off. We had prayers and an early breakfast together when he started to Marietta in a drizzling rain, before daylight, going in a two horse buggy with George to drive, expecting to take the Wheeling boat and arrive in Washington tomorrow. He feels reluctant to leave home this winter and does not have very pleasant anticipations of life in Washington.
Peggy's comments:
William Cutler, Julia's brother, was returning to Congress as a Representative from Ohio. He had not been reelected, however, so he was a "lame-duck".
Peggy's comments:
William Cutler, Julia's brother, was returning to Congress as a Representative from Ohio. He had not been reelected, however, so he was a "lame-duck".
Friday, November 30, 2012
Sabbath, Nov. 30, 1862
So ends of the autumn of 1862. Rebellion still uncrushed and boasting itself of Northern Democratic sympathizers. The national heart bleeds and tears flow from the eyes of thousands of mourners who weep for the beloved ones who will return no more. What further miseries are still in store God only knows. France threatens intervention and is trying to draw all Europe into the measure. With southern rebels and northern traitors at home, and all Europe down upon us we do seem to be a God forsaken people. Gloom and darkness envelope the land. The people have offered themselves willingly but "cui bono"? More than a million loyal men bear arms in this land today, but where are the leaders? Shame and confusion of face is ours in view of the imbecility and treachery of those who like McClellan and Buell and a host of others have failed us in our hour of need.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Saturday, Nov. 29, 1862
Snowing today but melting as fast as it falls. Mr. Means, Lizzie and William took dinner at Mr. Burgess.
The following extract from a letter of Hon. T. Ewing of Lancaster, Ohio to William dated Nov. 24/62 gives some curious facts respecting the winter of 1806 & 7. "The Ohio river is low and cannot rise until it is moved by the spring rains. The earth is dry and a foot and a half deep and our late long and heavy rain has but moistened the surface. The season is like that of 1806 & 7 when the winter closed on low streams. They froze to the bottom and the springs ran over the surface forming glaciers near their sources. The Ohio was frozen to the depth of six feet, the ice forming an arch, did not rest for support on the water, but when the farmers cut in to get water for their cattle, it did not rise but they dipped it as out of a well with a bucket attached to a pole. The river will probably be bridged for two months. Tell your people to look out for small marauding bands from the other shore, horse thieves, especially and if the first band succeed they will annoy you all winter. I wrote to Gen. Wright. He says they will protect our border against large parties but we must protect ourselves against small robber bands."
Lucy Dawes and Mr. Means here to tea. Both went to Marietta on the evening train. Mr. Means has much to tell about the workings of rebellion in Kentucky in the Big Sandy region.
The following extract from a letter of Hon. T. Ewing of Lancaster, Ohio to William dated Nov. 24/62 gives some curious facts respecting the winter of 1806 & 7. "The Ohio river is low and cannot rise until it is moved by the spring rains. The earth is dry and a foot and a half deep and our late long and heavy rain has but moistened the surface. The season is like that of 1806 & 7 when the winter closed on low streams. They froze to the bottom and the springs ran over the surface forming glaciers near their sources. The Ohio was frozen to the depth of six feet, the ice forming an arch, did not rest for support on the water, but when the farmers cut in to get water for their cattle, it did not rise but they dipped it as out of a well with a bucket attached to a pole. The river will probably be bridged for two months. Tell your people to look out for small marauding bands from the other shore, horse thieves, especially and if the first band succeed they will annoy you all winter. I wrote to Gen. Wright. He says they will protect our border against large parties but we must protect ourselves against small robber bands."
Lucy Dawes and Mr. Means here to tea. Both went to Marietta on the evening train. Mr. Means has much to tell about the workings of rebellion in Kentucky in the Big Sandy region.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Thursday, Nov. 27, 1862 Thanksgiving.
We were much disappointed that Sarah and Lucy did not come to spend the day with us. A note from Lucy says her mother is not well. Mr. Curtis preached an able sermon. Mr. Curtis, Mr. John Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Burgess, Maggie, Lizzie Poage, Mrs. Jane Bailey and her son Marins took dinner here. Mrs. Terril was here to help Nancy and the dinner was well cooked and seemed to give entire satisfaction.
In this time of civil war and public calamity we, as a family, have great cause for thankfulness. No one of our number has been called away by death, though Rufus and Ephraim have faced it at the cannon's mouth. "Their heads have been covered in the day of battle." It has been to us a year of unusual health and our income from fields and herds is more than ever before.
In this time of civil war and public calamity we, as a family, have great cause for thankfulness. No one of our number has been called away by death, though Rufus and Ephraim have faced it at the cannon's mouth. "Their heads have been covered in the day of battle." It has been to us a year of unusual health and our income from fields and herds is more than ever before.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Wednesday, Nov. 26, 1862
William has been very busy getting ready to leave home for the winter, arranging the farm and other business. Mrs. Terril here ironing and helping prepare for Thanksgiving.
Peggy's comments:
William was heading back to Washington, D.C. for the lame duck session of Congress. He had not been reelected to a second term.
Peggy's comments:
William was heading back to Washington, D.C. for the lame duck session of Congress. He had not been reelected to a second term.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Tuesday, Nov. 25, 1862
Made sweet pickle for beef. Limley Wilcox brought in 39 head of cattle, cows and calves to be wintered here. His uncle T. B. Wilcox expects soon to move to Hardin county, O. where he rents 3000 acres of land belonging to Judge Rice of Hills borough. Limley Wilcox stays on our old place in Athens Co. and takes care this winter of the stock which consists of 199 sheep one horse and three colts and 86 head of cattle. William came home from Chillicothe.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Monday, Nov. 24, 1862
Ephe came home with Kate this morning and told us goodby not expecting to be here again before he goes south to join his regiment. William went with him as far as Chillicothe. The river is said to have risen ten feet yesterday. Steamboats and coal barges are passing numerously today.
Emeline and Alonzo McClure called and spent the evening.
Emeline and Alonzo McClure called and spent the evening.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Sabbath, Nov. 23, 1862
The sacrament of the Lord's Supper administered today. Two infants were baptized. Mary Deming daughter of Lyman Hart and Eliza Alberta, daughter of G. W. Bailey. S. A. E. Poage united with the church today, Mr. Curtis officiating.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Saturday, Nov. 22, 1862
Kate went with Ephe to Marietta to be with him while at home. I wish he could stay altogether. His experience has been a hard one. I only pray he may come through the struggle unscathed.
Mr. Curtis preached a preparatory lecture this afternoon. William, Lizzie and I went to it.
William sold and delivered to A. S. Bailey 36 head of young cattle for about $700.
Mrs. McClure, Mrs. W. D. McClure and Miss Emeline McClure called.
Mr. Curtis preached a preparatory lecture this afternoon. William, Lizzie and I went to it.
William sold and delivered to A. S. Bailey 36 head of young cattle for about $700.
Mrs. McClure, Mrs. W. D. McClure and Miss Emeline McClure called.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Friday, Nov. 21, 1862
Ephe has been to Columbus and reported to Col. Brooks who told him to call again at nine o'clock Tuesday thus giving him a chance to come home. He came on the train tonight. It has been a cloudy rainy week and the river is rising so that steamboats are again afloat.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Thursday, Nov. 20, 1862
A rainy day. We did not go to prayer meeting at Mrs. Burgess' on account of the weather. Lizzie is making the new carpet for the parlor chamber. Kate came from Marietta on evening train, also William who went out to New England this morning on the cars rode on horeseback to Ames, settled with Mr. Wilcox, staid four hours, got back to New England an hour before the train and home again at eight o'clock this evening. Mr. John Brown, an old friend of Mr. Charles Dickey called.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Wednesday, Nov. 19, 1862
The cars come an hour later which makes it pleasanter starting in the morning. Kate and Maggie have gone to Marietta today. I have been busy all day directing books, documents and speeches to the sovereign people of Morgan Co. It is a great labor. I have directed many thousands since the recess of Congress. It seems to be a duty to place the truth before the minds of the public but whether any good will result is doubtful. So far as the "unterrified democracy" are concerned the fist appears to have gone forth. "They are joined to their idols, let them alone."
That party under its present leaders is a most corrupt and dangerous one. We have as much to fear from them as from the rebels themselves. The manner in which they conducted the political campaign this fall shows them ready for any crime, even murder. When will "te wickedness of the wicked come to an end?" God grant it may be soon.
Peggy's comments:
Julia was assisting her brother William Cutler as he prepared to archive papers related to his term in Congress. Julia refers to the "unterrified democracy" meaning Democrats who were not deemed completely loyal to the Union.
Peggy's comments:
Julia was assisting her brother William Cutler as he prepared to archive papers related to his term in Congress. Julia refers to the "unterrified democracy" meaning Democrats who were not deemed completely loyal to the Union.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Monday, Nov. 17, 1862
Late letters from Rufus say that he is still in command of the regiment and is near Warrenton. Col. Cutler whose wound is partially healed has returned but is in command of the brigade. After the terrible fighting that brigade did during Pope's retreat and at South Mountains and Antietam, they ought not to be put in the forefront of the battle again so soon. May God watch over them for good and if it is His holy will, keep Rufus unharmed as heretofore. William has been very much occupied arranging his business preparatory to going to Washington. It began to rain last night and looks as if we might expect a "spell of weather".
Friday, November 16, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Saturday, Nov. 15, 1862
The Marietta Register of yesterday says: "Adjutant E. C. Dawes of the Ohio 53rd called on us this morning (Thursday) looking in splendid trim. His regiment is at Memphis and now numbers only about 600 men. He stays in the city only one day and immediately goes to Columbus on business connected with his regiment. Ephe is a No. 1 officer."
William, Lizzie, Kate and the children took dinner at Mr. Burgess' with the Goffs, McClures, &c. Nancy went home to spend the Sabbath and see her brother James now at home on furlough. He belongs to the 87th reg. O.V.I. now at Mansfield recruiting. The papers are prophesying a great battle soon between Burnside and the rebel Lee.
Lucy came down on the evening train to spend the Sabbath.
William, Lizzie, Kate and the children took dinner at Mr. Burgess' with the Goffs, McClures, &c. Nancy went home to spend the Sabbath and see her brother James now at home on furlough. He belongs to the 87th reg. O.V.I. now at Mansfield recruiting. The papers are prophesying a great battle soon between Burnside and the rebel Lee.
Lucy came down on the evening train to spend the Sabbath.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Friday, Nov. 14, 1862
Ephe left us this morning being obliged to report himself immediately. He is to take charge of the drafted men who may be assigned to his division and take them to Memphis.
Lizzie got in the city new cloaks for herself and Annie and a fur tippet for Sarah, and a carpet for the parlor chamber. I sent for and got a balmoral skirt and scarf.
Peggy's comments:
A tippet was like a scarf which was draped over the shoulders.
Here's a description of the patented balmoral skirt from Victoriana Magazine:
Lizzie got in the city new cloaks for herself and Annie and a fur tippet for Sarah, and a carpet for the parlor chamber. I sent for and got a balmoral skirt and scarf.
Peggy's comments:
A tippet was like a scarf which was draped over the shoulders.
Here's a description of the patented balmoral skirt from Victoriana Magazine:
In 1858, Douglas & Sherwood referred to themselves as a “manufactory of hooped skirts” with almost four hundred young women employed in their factory. They advertised their new style, the “Adjustable Bustle and Skirt” in the February 1858 issue of Godey’s Lady’s Book and Magazine; the bustle was made with “round whalebone.” Later that year, Douglas & Sherwood introduced their “Balmoral Skirt” which combined both the hoop and a woolen, red and black graduated stripe skirt.
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Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Thursday Nov. 13, 1862
I heard at noon that Ephe arrived in Marietta last night. Maj. Gen. Sherman having sent him to Ohio on Military business. This is unexpected and pleasant news. I went to G. W. Bailey's to attend circle taking Annie and Sarah with me. Went late because Mr. Burgess was here and I had to read the Gazette to him before going. This eveing our friends arrived safely from Cincinnati accompanied by Ephraim, his mother and Lucy who joined them at Scotts Landing. Ephe gave us a very interesting account of his experience at the battle of Pittsburg Landing. He is looking very well.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Wednesday Nov. 12, 1862
A cloudy dull day. The river has fallen again to within eight inches of the low stage at which it has been so long this fall, a very unusual thing at this season. Steamboat navigation has ceased again.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Tuesday Nov. 11, 1862
William, Lizzie and Kate started this morning for Cincinnati; he to attend a meeting of the Board of Directors of the M. & C. R.R., they to do a little shopping. Lucy went home. Maggie came down & took Annie home with her to spend the night.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Monday Nov. 10, 1862
The president has removed M'Clellan. William says this is the broadest streak of sunshine the country has seen since the rebellion broke out, and worth to the nation a hundred millions of dollars. Burnside takes his place and Hooker replaces Burnside.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Bailey, Mr. G. W. Bailey, Mr. Thomas and their nephew young John Bailey spent the evening here.
Peggy's comments:
Much has been written about General McClellan. A recent essay appeared in the NY Times blog, Disunion.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Bailey, Mr. G. W. Bailey, Mr. Thomas and their nephew young John Bailey spent the evening here.
Peggy's comments:
Much has been written about General McClellan. A recent essay appeared in the NY Times blog, Disunion.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Saturday Nov. 8, 1862
Ground covered with snow this morning and still snowing. Mr. W. D. Bailey and his wife and Mr. and Mrs. M'Leod with the children of both families took tea with us. Mr. M'Leod's house was partly burned a few weeks ago and his family are staying with the Baileys (with whom Mrs. M'Leod was brought up) until it is repaired.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Thursday Nov. 6, 1862
Prayer meeting here. Mrs. Burgess, Mrs. W. D. Bailey, Mrs. B. C. Bailey attended.
Kate and I went up on the cars to Mr. Hollister's, Mr. W. D. Bailey bringing the buggy for us to return. There were about fifty guests. Rev. Mr. Wakefield of Harmar performed the ceremony which made Miss Augusta Hollister and Mr. John Sutleff man and wife. The evening passed off pleasantly. The table (which had been arranged and decorated under the auspices of Mrs. R. P. Iams) was very handsome. We had a cold moonlight ride home and retired to rest about one o'clock.
Kate and I went up on the cars to Mr. Hollister's, Mr. W. D. Bailey bringing the buggy for us to return. There were about fifty guests. Rev. Mr. Wakefield of Harmar performed the ceremony which made Miss Augusta Hollister and Mr. John Sutleff man and wife. The evening passed off pleasantly. The table (which had been arranged and decorated under the auspices of Mrs. R. P. Iams) was very handsome. We had a cold moonlight ride home and retired to rest about one o'clock.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Wednesday Nov. 5, 1862
The first steamboat (except some diminutive low water specimens) we have seen for many weeks passed down early this morning. The river has risen two feet or more. I went with Miss Ainsworth to visit at Mr. Cains Cole's in Virginia. Old Mr. Sardis Cole came over in his skiff for us and also staid and took dinner at his son's. He is an intelligent and loyal man. He told me much about the early history of Warren. After a pleasant visit we re-crossed the river and I got home about sunset. Kate and I received invitations to Miss Augusta Hollister's wedding tomorrow evening.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Tuesday Nov. 4, 1862
William at Parkersburg. They have begun to drive the piles for the foundation of the bridge. Mr. W. W. Graves, the engineer told him that they found the bottom of the river a hard conglomerate composed apparently of the ordinary river pebbles cemented together by some substance which in a fluid state had percolated between the stones and then hardened. This strata is from four to five feet thick. Underlying this is a strata much thicker (which extends down to the rock of sandstone) soft and yielding, which the piles penetrate easily when once through the conglomerate. This probably is a bed of sand lying between the sandstone and conglomerate.
Kate, Annie and I spent the afternoon at Mrs. Blackinton's. Drove home by moonlight.
Kate, Annie and I spent the afternoon at Mrs. Blackinton's. Drove home by moonlight.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Monday Nov. 3, 1862
William at Belpre and Parkersburg about "right of way". The weather pleasant in the afternoon. Kate called on Mrs. Loring Cole and Mrs. W. D. M'Clure.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Sabbath Nov. 2, 1862
An unusually pleasant morning. I could scarcely stay in the house -- delightful autumn weather. We all went to meeting. Mr. Curtis preached a good sermon on "Regeneration, the work of the Spirit of God". Mrs. W. D. McClure and his bride formerly Miss Lizzie James, Mr. Irving Cole & his bride & Mrs. Knox formerly Miss Mary Jane Scott were at meeting. An unusual thing to see three brides on the same Sabbath. The afternoon cloudy and at evening wind and rain.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Saturday Nov. 1, 1862
I directed three bags full of books mostly Agricultural reports for 1861 to persons in different parts of Washington and Morgan counties. William went to Belpre to attend to business connected with the Railroad bridge to be constructed over the Ohio river above Parkersburg.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Friday Oct. 31, 1862
The troops at Clarksburg, Va., under Gen. Milroy, Gen. Crook &c. have left that place moving on toward Stanton.
The two companies of the 116" Reg. who marched up by here last week went down on the cars yesterday. The low stage of water in the Ohio throws a large amount of business on the railroad. The earnings for October will not fall much short of $80,000.
There is an "infare" party at Mrs. M'Clure's tonight. A large number invited. Kate came home on the evening train. It was late and we did not go to the party. Old Mrs. Candace Harris, daughter of John Cole, and widow of Willard Harris, was buried today, aged 87 years. She with her father's family came to this place in the beginning of the present century, one of the first settlers of what is now Warren.
Peggy's comments:
An infare was A house-warming; especially, a reception, party, or entertainment given by a newly married couple, or by the husband upon receiving the wife to his house.
The two companies of the 116" Reg. who marched up by here last week went down on the cars yesterday. The low stage of water in the Ohio throws a large amount of business on the railroad. The earnings for October will not fall much short of $80,000.
There is an "infare" party at Mrs. M'Clure's tonight. A large number invited. Kate came home on the evening train. It was late and we did not go to the party. Old Mrs. Candace Harris, daughter of John Cole, and widow of Willard Harris, was buried today, aged 87 years. She with her father's family came to this place in the beginning of the present century, one of the first settlers of what is now Warren.
Peggy's comments:
An infare was A house-warming; especially, a reception, party, or entertainment given by a newly married couple, or by the husband upon receiving the wife to his house.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Thursday Oct. 30, 1862
Kate went to Marietta today with her Uncle William. Lucy is not well. Lizzie and I attended Circle at W. D. Bailey's. Began knitting for soldiers. The late snow storm extended as far south as Memphis and occasioned much suffering in those regiments unprovided with tents.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Wednesday, Oct. 29, 1862
Nancy Carlin went on horseback to Marietta with her father and sister to see her brother James who is now in camp there. Mrs. Julia A. Bailey called. We gave her some smoke tree, honeysuckle &c. also some flower seeds. Lizzie and Mrs. Burgess came home on evening train, William, too, near midnight having walked from Scott's Landing.
The papers say that a forward movement of the army of the Potomac has begun. Headquarters of M'Clellan are now the south side of the river, and two or three of the corps d'armee have also crossed over. The shadows of a great battle cast themselves forth. Shall all the blood shed be in vain? God only knows. To Him reverently and humbly we commit our cause. For Rufus who is under Reynolds in command of the 6" Wisconsin regiment we feel very anxious. He has been kept heretofore, though exposed to great danger, we can only pray for his safety here. Col. Cutler is yet in hospital very feeble. Lt. Col. Bragg has gone to Wisconsin to canvas his district for Congress.
Memphis too seems to be threatened. Ephe writes that the enemy are very bold. So we know not how soon he also may be in peril.
Maggie came down. She is invited to William M'Clure's wedding tonight.
The papers say that a forward movement of the army of the Potomac has begun. Headquarters of M'Clellan are now the south side of the river, and two or three of the corps d'armee have also crossed over. The shadows of a great battle cast themselves forth. Shall all the blood shed be in vain? God only knows. To Him reverently and humbly we commit our cause. For Rufus who is under Reynolds in command of the 6" Wisconsin regiment we feel very anxious. He has been kept heretofore, though exposed to great danger, we can only pray for his safety here. Col. Cutler is yet in hospital very feeble. Lt. Col. Bragg has gone to Wisconsin to canvas his district for Congress.
Memphis too seems to be threatened. Ephe writes that the enemy are very bold. So we know not how soon he also may be in peril.
Maggie came down. She is invited to William M'Clure's wedding tonight.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Tuesday, Oct. 28,1862
Little Sarah was threatened with croup last night and so could not go as was proposed to Marietta with her mother and grandmother. Maggie called down to see her. Mrs. Lyman Hart and little Charlie called. A pleasant day.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Monday Oct. 27, 1862
This is Clara's birthday, the youngest of the flock and the family pet in childhood. In later life she has had much of trial and hardship to endure. She is a woman of uncommon energy and strength of character, a person once known never to be forgotten.
William has gone to Chillicothe today.
Peggy's comments:
Clara Cutler Walton, Julia's youngest sister, lived in Pana, Illinois.
William has gone to Chillicothe today.
Peggy's comments:
Clara Cutler Walton, Julia's youngest sister, lived in Pana, Illinois.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Sabbath Oct. 26, 1862
The snow lies white upon the ground this morning and a cold rain is falling. God pity the poor soldiers who are many of them unprovided with suitable clothing and shelter. Rain continued so that the female members of the family relinquished the idea of going to meeting. William went up but there was no congregation and Mr. Curtis did not preach.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Saturday Oct. 25, 1862
Kate received a letter from Marion Hunter this morning. She is at Dr. Williamson's. William and Lizzie dined at Mr. Burgess'. A dark, drizzling afternoon with a cold northerly wind. This is the first cold storm we have had.
I put up four jars of tomato pickles.
Gen. Buell who has managed matters so badly in Kentucky is now superceded by Gen. Rosecrans. Buell's sympathies are known to be strongly Southern. Rosecrans has done well heretofore. I hope he will not fail us now.
I put up four jars of tomato pickles.
Gen. Buell who has managed matters so badly in Kentucky is now superceded by Gen. Rosecrans. Buell's sympathies are known to be strongly Southern. Rosecrans has done well heretofore. I hope he will not fail us now.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Friday Oct. 24, 1862
William and Lizzie went to Marietta to perfect a deed to John Henry of some land in Cerro Gordo county, Iowa, which he sold Mr. Henry for his farm on Little Hocking adjoining this place. Kate also went to town. It was long after dark before they got home, all very tired, the train being some how belated. A regiment of soldiers passed down on the cars today enroute for western Virginia. Emeline M'Clure was here calling today. Her brother William has just returned from Clarksburg, Va. There are now four brigades at that place or about 23 thousand men.
The 36th are said not to like their new Col. They have been much complimented and are very proud of their drill -- lately in the presence of some strange officers some blunders occurred which mortified the regiment sorely -- I believe the Colonel is brave enough & talented enough to make a fine officer & has every motive to be diligent.
The 36th are said not to like their new Col. They have been much complimented and are very proud of their drill -- lately in the presence of some strange officers some blunders occurred which mortified the regiment sorely -- I believe the Colonel is brave enough & talented enough to make a fine officer & has every motive to be diligent.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Thursday, Oct. 23, 1862
Two companies of the 116 O.V.I. marched up past here today going to Marietta. Miss Ann Reppert and Miss Parker from Harmar came to solicit something for the festival of the Soldiers Aid Society to be held in Harmar tomorrow evening. We gave them two cans of delicious quinces and a large can of pickled cabbage, a quantity of Rome beauties (apples) and "any amount" of flowers. Miss Parker is a refugee from Norfolk, Va. Her father, a lawyer was driven out on account of his Union sentiments. The ladies of the family are boarding in Harmar. She "admired old houses" like ours, they were "so antique" and the garden, the cannas looked "so tropical" &c. & c.
Lizzie and I went to prayer meeting at Mrs. Burgess'. William came from Amesville. He settled with Mr. Wilcox who thinks of going up into Hardin county to settle this fall. William has for his share four or five hundred bushels of wheat worth a dollar a bushel, and three hundred dollars worth of corn and hogs. For the capital which William invested in stock he receives 125 head of catle and 199 sheep. We have on this home farm 194 sheep.
Lizzie and I went to prayer meeting at Mrs. Burgess'. William came from Amesville. He settled with Mr. Wilcox who thinks of going up into Hardin county to settle this fall. William has for his share four or five hundred bushels of wheat worth a dollar a bushel, and three hundred dollars worth of corn and hogs. For the capital which William invested in stock he receives 125 head of catle and 199 sheep. We have on this home farm 194 sheep.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Wednesday Oct. 22, 1862
William started to Amesville on train. Kate spent part of the day at Mr. Burgess's. Mrs. Terril here ironing.
A man from Virgnia here. Said he lived twenty one miles from Parkersburg, owned a farm which he lived on and another which he rented. He had been obliged to send away his horses to prevent the guerrillas from getting them and could put in no crops for want of a team. Said a man who stood by the government could have no satisfaction living there. The guerillas were very bold coming not only at night but in open day, taking what they chose but especially horses. He had a wife, three small boys and a little girl. His oldest son nearly of age would probably go into the army but he wanted to get the rest of his family away where they could live in peace. He had been sent to William as likely to have a farm to rent. We have had many such applications since the war began. Truly the land mourns. He spoke of hearing cannons in the direction of Charleston last Friday mrning, and that there was a rumor that Cox had taken that place. I doubt it.
A man from Virgnia here. Said he lived twenty one miles from Parkersburg, owned a farm which he lived on and another which he rented. He had been obliged to send away his horses to prevent the guerrillas from getting them and could put in no crops for want of a team. Said a man who stood by the government could have no satisfaction living there. The guerillas were very bold coming not only at night but in open day, taking what they chose but especially horses. He had a wife, three small boys and a little girl. His oldest son nearly of age would probably go into the army but he wanted to get the rest of his family away where they could live in peace. He had been sent to William as likely to have a farm to rent. We have had many such applications since the war began. Truly the land mourns. He spoke of hearing cannons in the direction of Charleston last Friday mrning, and that there was a rumor that Cox had taken that place. I doubt it.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Tuesday Oct. 21, 1862
A regiment of soldiers passed on the cars today. The officers rode by horseback. Two soldiers of the 116" called for water and lunch. The government seems to be sending many troops into Virginia from Ohio. What does it mean? Are the rebels coming westward? Who knows? Things look badly in Kentucky. Buell as might have been expected has let Bragg slip through his fingers and make off with his plunder. The papers say a battle near Winchester, Va. is impending. The Commercial and other conservative papers begin to cry out for vigorous action. I sometimes feel that all the blood and sacrifices of a noble patriotism have been in vain. We are undone by the procrastination and vacillation of the powers that be. It is now said that France and England are about to recognize the Confederacy. The success of the Democrats in so many districts encourages the rebels more than victory on the field of battle. That corrupt party has brought our beloved country to the brink of ruin and seems now about to plunge her over the precipice. I verily believe the only hope for safety is the interposition of God. If he does not fight against them that fight against us, we are lost. "Lord, how long wilt thou look on?" "Shall they escape by iniquity?" "Shew us a token for good that they which hate us may see it and be ashamed because thou, Lord, hath helpen us and comforted us".
Kate and the children went to Mrs. G. W. Bailey's to take a little baby's hood which Kate has knitted for her. In the afternoon Lizzie took Annie & Sarah up to her mothers -- William came home from Chillicothe.
Kate and the children went to Mrs. G. W. Bailey's to take a little baby's hood which Kate has knitted for her. In the afternoon Lizzie took Annie & Sarah up to her mothers -- William came home from Chillicothe.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Monday, Oct. 20, 1862
This morning William went to Chillicothe to attend Railroad matters. Mrs. Dawes and Lucy returned home. Two soldiers of the 116" O.V.I. took dinner with us. They were from Noble Co. A hard frost last night. It nipped tomatoes, sweet potatoes, cannas, dahlias, &c. Our first frost.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Sabbath, Oct. 19, 1862
Went to Sabbath School and meeting. Heard that Milroy's men had all marched back from Gallipolis to Parkersburg with orders to go to Clarksburg. It is apprehended that Lee designs to march into Western Virginia with his rebel hordes perhaps to Wheeling, Pittsburg and the adjacent parts of Ohio. The number of Federal troops now being assembled at Clarksburg and Parkersburg and a very considerable force under Gen. Cox near the mouth of the Great Kanawha would indicate a purpose on the part of th government to keep the miscreants back from the Ohio river, which is still fordable at hundreds of places. The war has thus far been kept away from us through the good providence of God. We may now, perhaps, see more of it.
During the late political canvas the conduct of the Democrats has been perfectly unscrupulous. They have made lies their refuge, resorting to threats intimidations and bribes to prevent men from voting the Republican ticket. They have misrepresented and lied about William, their falsehoods all hinging on the poor "nigger" and calculated to excite the malignant passions of unprincipled men. I knew that our friends have felt anxious for William's personal safety, but did not know until today that in Washington county, forty men have bound themselves to assassinate him. This has been made known to him from two reliable sources. Prof. Blair of the Ohio University also states his conviction that a similar gang exists in Athens county. Col. Putnam and other loyal men in Marietta have also been threatened. I do not believe God will give them over to the will of their enemies. I will "rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him". "The wicked watcheth the righteous and seeketh to slay him, the Lord will not leave him in his hands". "But the transgressors shall be destroyed together; the end of the wicked shall be cut off." [The following part was part crossed off but is still readable.] The Democratic leaders here about are very mean & corrupt, men such as ========= [unreadable], S D. Mi====, Sharp, &c had enough for any deed and it is a bad one to see ========== hand & glove with them.
During the late political canvas the conduct of the Democrats has been perfectly unscrupulous. They have made lies their refuge, resorting to threats intimidations and bribes to prevent men from voting the Republican ticket. They have misrepresented and lied about William, their falsehoods all hinging on the poor "nigger" and calculated to excite the malignant passions of unprincipled men. I knew that our friends have felt anxious for William's personal safety, but did not know until today that in Washington county, forty men have bound themselves to assassinate him. This has been made known to him from two reliable sources. Prof. Blair of the Ohio University also states his conviction that a similar gang exists in Athens county. Col. Putnam and other loyal men in Marietta have also been threatened. I do not believe God will give them over to the will of their enemies. I will "rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him". "The wicked watcheth the righteous and seeketh to slay him, the Lord will not leave him in his hands". "But the transgressors shall be destroyed together; the end of the wicked shall be cut off." [The following part was part crossed off but is still readable.] The Democratic leaders here about are very mean & corrupt, men such as ========= [unreadable], S D. Mi====, Sharp, &c had enough for any deed and it is a bad one to see ========== hand & glove with them.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Saturday, Oct. 18, 1862
Lizzie and Mrs. Dawes and Mrs. Burgess went up in the afternoon and called on Mrs. Greenwood. Lucy spent the afternoon and night at Mrs. Burgess'. In the morning Sarah and I took a walk on the hill seeking pawpaws and finding none. No Gazette tonight. Two or three trains with soldiers passed down. They are a regiment from Zanesville.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Friday Oct. 17, 1862
Agricultural fair at Veto near Mr. Dan Shaw's. Nancy went. Kate sent a beautiful bouquet of flowers with directions to have it given to Mrs. Perry of Barlow after the fair. Col. David Barber called. He said he was sorry for the result of the election. We have not yet heard from Morgan county; but Monroe is reported to have given Morris 1900 majority. No doubt he is elected.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Thursday, Oct. 16, 1862
A dark, cloudy day, rain in the afternoon. Circle met at Mr. Briggs. William at home.
No returns from election as yet, but from the insolent manner and noisy manifestations of passing Democrats hurrahing for James R. Morris, the Secesh candidate for Congress, I suppose they feel sure of the result. The paper tonight says but four Union congressmen are known to be elected in this state. One of these is Schenck, the opponent of the traitor Vallandigham. I am glad that he is defeated as he deserves to be. I am sorry that our good state which has sent to the battlefield more than 100,000 of her sons must fall into the hands of the enemies of liberty and of the government, because her true men have gone to fight and are not here to vote. I fear that we have deeper waters to pass through than ever before, for when the wicked here rule the land mourns.
Peggy's comments:
Ohio's congressional districts were re-districted for the 1862 election. The incumbent of the 15th district, Democrat Robert Nugen, retired. William Cutler, Republican, ran against James. R. Morris, Democrat.
William had represented the 16th district. James R. Morris had represented the 17th district. The 16th, which had been Republican, went to the Democrat. The 17th, which had been Democrat, went to the republican.
It was difficult, if not impossible, for the men who were off fighting in the war to cast their ballots, which could very well have made a difference in the election results.
No returns from election as yet, but from the insolent manner and noisy manifestations of passing Democrats hurrahing for James R. Morris, the Secesh candidate for Congress, I suppose they feel sure of the result. The paper tonight says but four Union congressmen are known to be elected in this state. One of these is Schenck, the opponent of the traitor Vallandigham. I am glad that he is defeated as he deserves to be. I am sorry that our good state which has sent to the battlefield more than 100,000 of her sons must fall into the hands of the enemies of liberty and of the government, because her true men have gone to fight and are not here to vote. I fear that we have deeper waters to pass through than ever before, for when the wicked here rule the land mourns.
Peggy's comments:
Ohio's congressional districts were re-districted for the 1862 election. The incumbent of the 15th district, Democrat Robert Nugen, retired. William Cutler, Republican, ran against James. R. Morris, Democrat.
William had represented the 16th district. James R. Morris had represented the 17th district. The 16th, which had been Republican, went to the Democrat. The 17th, which had been Democrat, went to the republican.
It was difficult, if not impossible, for the men who were off fighting in the war to cast their ballots, which could very well have made a difference in the election results.
Wednesday, Oct. 15, 1862
In Warren which is a strong Democratic township, the majority is the same as it was last year on the Governor's vote being about 74 where they promised themselves 110.
We this morning received a letter from Marion Hunter who is now at Dr. Williamson's at Traverse de Sioux. She gives a touching account of the murder of Mr. Hunter by the Indians. Annie and Sarah cried when I read it to them. No one could hear it without emotion. She was among the released prisoners. Rev. John P. Williamson also writes --
William went to town today. Lucy came on the evening train. The Republican ticket is defeated in this county; and probably in the district. Sharp a miserable traitor living in Warren was boasting and glorying over it in the streets of Marietta. Thus the wicked triumph. The Democrats have perhaps 500 majority in Washington Co. The Republicans 780 in Athens, 350 in Meigs as reported, Morgan and Monroe yet to hear from. The latter will be heavily Democratic.
We this morning received a letter from Marion Hunter who is now at Dr. Williamson's at Traverse de Sioux. She gives a touching account of the murder of Mr. Hunter by the Indians. Annie and Sarah cried when I read it to them. No one could hear it without emotion. She was among the released prisoners. Rev. John P. Williamson also writes --
William went to town today. Lucy came on the evening train. The Republican ticket is defeated in this county; and probably in the district. Sharp a miserable traitor living in Warren was boasting and glorying over it in the streets of Marietta. Thus the wicked triumph. The Democrats have perhaps 500 majority in Washington Co. The Republicans 780 in Athens, 350 in Meigs as reported, Morgan and Monroe yet to hear from. The latter will be heavily Democratic.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Tuesday, Oct. 14, 1862
This is election day in Ohio and Pennsylvania. This morning it was cloudy and dark but the sun has set without a cloud and the day has been pleasant. We know that in this Congressional district the result is very uncertain.
The victory at Corinth assumes larger proportions. It is now stated that our men buried 1200 of the rebel dead. 1500 more were wounded and we took 600 prisoners, bringing their loss to nine or ten thousand, -- So says. Gen. Pope.
Peggy's comments:
Julia's brother, William P. Cutler, was running for a second congressional term.
The victory at Corinth assumes larger proportions. It is now stated that our men buried 1200 of the rebel dead. 1500 more were wounded and we took 600 prisoners, bringing their loss to nine or ten thousand, -- So says. Gen. Pope.
Peggy's comments:
Julia's brother, William P. Cutler, was running for a second congressional term.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Monday, Oct. 13, 1862
William about home nearly all day. Speaks tonight at the Court House in Marietta. Nancy Carlin who has been at her father's for six weeks came back today. Still cloudy.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Sabbath, Oct. 12, 1862
Lucy here today. The weather which has been very warm has turned cool but no frost yet. All went to meeting. Mr. Curtis preached. -- Cloudy.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Saturday, Oct. 11, 1862
Kate and I and Mrs. Julia Bailey went up to Mr. Greenwood's. They are more composed, though very sorrowful, showed us a letter from Capt. Goddard giving the particulars of Theodore's sickness and death. George went after William who has been speaking at different points around the county. It was midnight when they got home.
Today's paper reports the rebels in possession of Chambersburg, Pa. This week's Register has a fine tribute to the memory of Lt. Col. Clark from the pen of Mrs. W. D. Bailey.
Today's paper reports the rebels in possession of Chambersburg, Pa. This week's Register has a fine tribute to the memory of Lt. Col. Clark from the pen of Mrs. W. D. Bailey.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Friday, Oct. 10, 1862
I have been looking over old papers & find some that are curious & interesting -- one written to my Grandmother Parker during the Revolutionary War. She had been removed from Newburyport to Brown's Gardens for greater safety, & there her son William was born July 4th 1775. It is dated at Glocester Monday morning noon & night from perpetual interruptions May 22".
The lady who wrote this letter was Sukey Warner she afterwards married Dr. Cotton Tufts -- She was Aunt to my Grandmother although she addresses her as "My dear cousin" -- The letter takes us back near an hundred years -- and the state of things described is not very unlike that which now exists. The parting of friends going to war -- the fleeing of families from their homes for safety the looking up to God for help -- the confidence in the justice of our cause -- are all what we daily hear of or see.
Lucy came down. The cars were late. Fighting in Kentucky between Buell and Bragg, at Perrysburg. Rainy. William speaks in Salem tonight.
My dear cousin, why this remissness in writing to me, when I have so anxiously desired to hear from you. I don't imagine that your regard falters in the least, but rather impute your silence to the tumult of the times. Sometimes I think you are retired so far back that you have not opportunity to write. But let me tell you, my dear, that not the remotest distance will ever put a period to my regard for you & yours. I can't say with propriety, that I have been one day free from care and anxiety since you left me. The loss of my little cousin Nancy Collings and my brother Nathl and John's joining the army and in short everything conspires to make me uneasy -- Your Uncles company left this town last Tuesday -- My brother rode on horseback together with twenty gentlemen that waited on him as far as Manchester where they treated the officers and soldiers in the best manner and left them -- I have since heard they are safely arrived at Head Quarters in Cambridge in good spirits. I am very anxious about them and have many a gloomy thought., but my dear the providence of God's universal & over all his works -- Why should I be uneasy when the great Savior of the Universe has vouchedsafe to be their guard if they put their trust in Him. O: that they might put their trust in Him & not in an arm of flesh -- May He give them wisdom, courage, and intrepedity to act in so great an undertaking. Tis an innocent cause -- The God of Nature teaches us to stand in defence of our lives and liberties. Truly 'tis a shocking thing to take the life of one fellow creature, and for Christians to make war against one another, but I verily believe the Blood that is shed in this war will be required at the hands of wicked ministry -- How many lives will be thrown away in this unhappy quarrel that might have been useful to society & blessings to their families and friends -- I heartily sympathise with every person that has friends in the army -- my heart overflows with sorrow for them all -- but more particularly for our own friends. These ties of Nature and a tender heart are almost too much for me -- our family is here at present and will tarry as long as we can with safety. My father has spoke for part of a house at Gebacco as far up as Revd Mr. Cleveland's about eight miles from the Harbor. Some of our goods are there. We have talked much of going to Haveril but I hope we shall not be obliged to leave this old Mansion house yet awhile.
The lady who wrote this letter was Sukey Warner she afterwards married Dr. Cotton Tufts -- She was Aunt to my Grandmother although she addresses her as "My dear cousin" -- The letter takes us back near an hundred years -- and the state of things described is not very unlike that which now exists. The parting of friends going to war -- the fleeing of families from their homes for safety the looking up to God for help -- the confidence in the justice of our cause -- are all what we daily hear of or see.
Lucy came down. The cars were late. Fighting in Kentucky between Buell and Bragg, at Perrysburg. Rainy. William speaks in Salem tonight.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Thursday Oct. 9, 1862
Mrs. Scott, widow of Sergeant John Scott, called. Her son Lt. W. W. Scott, who was wounded at Pittsburg Landing, Tenn., by a ball passing through his chest coming out at the shoulder, has gone, this week to rejoin his regiment, the 77" O.V.I., now at Alton, Ill. Mrs. Loring Lewis and Mrs. M. Taggart spent the afternoon here. In the evening Mr. Burgess, the Misses Hollister, and Mrs. Julia A. Bailey called, also W. D. M'Clure and B. C. Bailey
Monday, October 8, 2012
Wednesday, Oct. 8, 1862
The battle of Corinth proves to be a decided victory. Gen. U. S. Grant reports 800 rebels killed, 1500 wounded and 1500 prisoners. They fled across the Hatchie river pursued by our forces under Hurlburt and Rosecrans.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Tuesday Oct. 7, 1862
Kate and Annie went to Marietta and deposited the money in Bank which was received yesterday for the cattle. Mrs. G. W. Bailey called. She says the firing Sabbath night in Virginia was occasioned by the marriage of one of David Uhl's daughters. Milroy's men marched by land to Gallipolis from Parkersburg. They encamped one night in Belpre in a grove of trees.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Monday, Oct. 6, 1862
Milroy's brigade are at Parkersburg en route to Kanawha Valley, to join Lightburn's Brigade now at Point Pleasant. Horses and wagons are being sent by train for the use of the expedition. The rebels are believed to be in considerable force at the Salines near Charleston. The Moriss's came today and got 35 head of cattle for $1065.00. They paid $865.00 down and promised the remainder next week. William went to Athens.
A battle and victory reported near Corinth, Miss. over Van Dorn and Price.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Sabbath, Oct. 5, 1862
Theodore E. Greenwood's funeral was attended at eleven o'clock today. President Andrews of Marietta College conducted the services and made the address. He spoke in the highest terms of the worth of the departed, whom he said he regarded as a son. He was much affected as were many of those who heard him. Mr. Wickes made the concluding prayer, a most appropriate one. A procession of more than thirty carriages besides a large number on foot who had come on the train from Harmar, and some on horse back, followed him to the grave where a hymn was sung. Kate took up a beautiful bouquet of white flowers (which Lucy had arranged) and by his Mother's permission laid it upon his coffin. There were many of Mr. Greenwood's friends from Newport there, also from Marietta and Harmar, besides the Warren people. After the funeral was over we came home. (S. S. was omitted today) got our dinner and went to meeting. Mrs. Dawes came on the train to Mr. Greenwood's and then home with us. In the evening we heard firing on the other side of the river not very distant. We could not tell what it was. William said it was "boys having a frolic", but Mr. George Bailey who was on the bank listening, thought it must be a skirmish. We heard explosions that sounded like cannon and also muskets. After sitting up sometime being unable to decide what was going on we concluded (that is Sarah and I, for the rest of the family retired as usual) to go to bed.
Peggy's comments:
More about Theodore E. Greenwood can be found in the book Marietta College in the war of Secession.
Peggy's comments:
More about Theodore E. Greenwood can be found in the book Marietta College in the war of Secession.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Saturday Oct. 4, 1862
It is cool and a pleasant rain fell today, the first for many days. The grass in many places had withered with drouth and the dust was almost intollerable. William at home today, went this evening and spoke at Shaw's school house. Col. West was there and made a speech advocating emancipation.
Mr. T. B. Wilcox who lives on the "Old Place" in Amestown is here tonight. -- He has been up into Hurden Co. to look at the country & thinks he will buy a farm there. He says good land, unimproved, can be bought at six dollars an acre.
Mr. T. B. Wilcox who lives on the "Old Place" in Amestown is here tonight. -- He has been up into Hurden Co. to look at the country & thinks he will buy a farm there. He says good land, unimproved, can be bought at six dollars an acre.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Friday, Oct. 3, 1862
Kate this forenoon went on horseback with Julia A. Bailey to Mr. Greenwood's. They have received a dispatch from Cairo saying that Mr. Greenwood would be here Saturday night with the body of his son.
Lucy came down this evening to stay until Monday. It seems doubtful what the rebels will do next. A movement on Wheeling and thence to Pittsburg to destroy the arsenal and seize public stores is thought possible. It is asserted that a large part of Lee's army are being sent to Kanawha. If so we shall have fighting nearer home.
George went to Chadwick's Schoolhouse for William.
Lucy came down this evening to stay until Monday. It seems doubtful what the rebels will do next. A movement on Wheeling and thence to Pittsburg to destroy the arsenal and seize public stores is thought possible. It is asserted that a large part of Lee's army are being sent to Kanawha. If so we shall have fighting nearer home.
George went to Chadwick's Schoolhouse for William.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Thursday, Oct. 2, 1862
We still get letters from Rufus giving interesting incidents of the late battle. In the battle of Sharpsburg or Antietam as it is called, his division was commanded by Gen. Doubleday. Sept. 23' he writes
We are temporarily in camp. It would seem that our brigade having suffered a loss of 1593 in battle had done its share, but I suppose we'll have to go in again soon. I have had for a day or two a very severe sick headache, the result of the late trying times. At Gainsville we fought the famous "Stonewall Brigade" and routed it. One of their Captains said it was the first time they ever turned their backs. We met the same Brigade at South Mountain and dislodged them from what they had called an impregnable position. Just about such a place as the point back of where Ma's old house used to stand. They call us the "Black Hat Brigade", and when they saw us coming up the mountain it was with difficulty their officers restrained a panic. The carrying of that mountain gorge on the 14" was one of the most brilliant things of this war. Gibbon's Brigade without support carried this position. Sumner who was ordered to our support was not within three miles until the fight was over. At Sharpsburg the 6" Wisconsin fired the first musket, moved farther to the front than any other regiment and at its advanced position fired away every round of amunition. Capt. Brown, a splendid fellow, my best friend in the regiment, was shot dead at Sharpsburg. Capt. Bachelle, a most gallant soldier was shot dead, his Newfoundland dog lay dead upon his body never having left his master.The sewing circle met today at Mr. Henry Cole's. Kate and Lizzie attended.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Wednesday, Oct. 1, 1862
Kate went with Mrs. W. D. Bailey to see Mrs. Greenwood and Julia. They are almost heart broken. Mr. Greenwood has gone hoping to find him alive. How sad it will be to find him dead. Gen. Rosecrans, on whose staff he was, telegraphed his death to Mr. Beman Gates. He had sent to St. Louis for a Metallic Coffin, the body being preserved in ice until its arrival.
Lizzie and the children took dinner at Mr. Burgess with Mr. and Mrs. John Newton. They came down here, spent the afternoon and took tea. Mr. Newton is a member of the military committee of the county. He thinks they are well organized now and could resist an attack successfully.
The rebels now talk of annihilating the Baltimore Ohio R.R. threatening to blow up bridges and tunnels and level embankments and utterly destroy the road. After this done from Harpers Ferry to Wheeling and Parkersburg, they expect to exterminate the Pierpont Government. All this looks like making western Virginia the seat of war.
Lizzie and the children took dinner at Mr. Burgess with Mr. and Mrs. John Newton. They came down here, spent the afternoon and took tea. Mr. Newton is a member of the military committee of the county. He thinks they are well organized now and could resist an attack successfully.
The rebels now talk of annihilating the Baltimore Ohio R.R. threatening to blow up bridges and tunnels and level embankments and utterly destroy the road. After this done from Harpers Ferry to Wheeling and Parkersburg, they expect to exterminate the Pierpont Government. All this looks like making western Virginia the seat of war.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Thursday, Sept. 30, 1862
William left for Morgan county early this morning, going up the Muskingum. This stumping is to him a very great trial, uncheered by the prospect of final success. No effort possible is left unused by the Democrats to defeat him; secret organizations holding meetings at night, public meetings, lies uttered, and printed in the Marietta Republican, and threats and intimidations to ignorant men to keep them from voting the Republican ticket. Everything is resorted to that can be done to defeat the Government in this district.
[Ten lines of Julia's journal have been smudged out and are unreadable.]
William says "the great lesson of life is not success, but submission" he says "he finds the great mass of the volunteers are Republicans and about ten thousand volunteers have gone from this Congressional district. In Rutland, Meigs Co., out of 200 volunteers not more than three Democrats. In Lee, Athens Co., of 100 not half a dozen were Democrats. He says with these facts before him, he sees no chance of success and he has given the thing up." God sees the end from the beginning. Though he slay me yet will I trust in him --
Theodore Greenwood is dead.
Peggy's comments:
Today's journal entry is particularly notable. Julia reveals brother William's distaste for the stumping he must do in an effort to be re-elected to Congress. Her comments about politics seem very timely!
Parts of Julia's journals have been erased or crossed out. It's difficult to know who did this but it is likely that it was one of the family who had access to the journals after Julia's death.
The quote from William is also of interest. Many soldiers would have voted for Republicans had they been able to cast their ballots. Another timely issue!
And finally, her comment about Theodore Greenwood is so very brief. It's almost as if death had become so commonplace that no elaboration was needed to convey sorrow.
[Ten lines of Julia's journal have been smudged out and are unreadable.]
William says "the great lesson of life is not success, but submission" he says "he finds the great mass of the volunteers are Republicans and about ten thousand volunteers have gone from this Congressional district. In Rutland, Meigs Co., out of 200 volunteers not more than three Democrats. In Lee, Athens Co., of 100 not half a dozen were Democrats. He says with these facts before him, he sees no chance of success and he has given the thing up." God sees the end from the beginning. Though he slay me yet will I trust in him --
Theodore Greenwood is dead.
Peggy's comments:
Today's journal entry is particularly notable. Julia reveals brother William's distaste for the stumping he must do in an effort to be re-elected to Congress. Her comments about politics seem very timely!
Parts of Julia's journals have been erased or crossed out. It's difficult to know who did this but it is likely that it was one of the family who had access to the journals after Julia's death.
The quote from William is also of interest. Many soldiers would have voted for Republicans had they been able to cast their ballots. Another timely issue!
And finally, her comment about Theodore Greenwood is so very brief. It's almost as if death had become so commonplace that no elaboration was needed to convey sorrow.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Monday, Sept. 29, 1862
Kate went up to meet William at Scott's Landing with the buggy, he having gone to town on the morning train. She called at Mr. Greenwood's. They are in great trouble. Mr. G. started this morning for Jacinto where Theodore is. He is a most talented and estimable young man, a graduate of Marietta College, one upon whom great hopes have centered. He is on Gen. Rosecrans' Staff with rank as Captain, and acted as aid to the General in the battle of Luka.
Began a letter to Jane S. Shedd.
Peggy's comments:
Jane Shedd is Julia's niece and sister to Rufus, Ephraim, Kate and Lucy Dawes. Before the outbreak of the Civil War, Jane had left the country with her husband to serve as missionaries in Persia.
Began a letter to Jane S. Shedd.
Peggy's comments:
Jane Shedd is Julia's niece and sister to Rufus, Ephraim, Kate and Lucy Dawes. Before the outbreak of the Civil War, Jane had left the country with her husband to serve as missionaries in Persia.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Sunday, Sept. 28, 1862
Rev. Francis Bartlett supplied the pulpit for Mr. Curtis today. Some of the congregation seeing who was to preach, went home -- not feeling willing to sit under his teaching. I suppose they felt aggrieved by Mr. B.'s treatment of them ecclesiastically as well as financially. Mr. & Mrs. Greenwood sent in a note requesting prayers for themselves and son who is lying dangerously sick in Mississippi.
Peggy's comments:
Julia's entry made me curious about Rev. Francis Bartlett. He was born in Massachusetts in 1797 and spent his early years preaching in Massachusetts. He married, and according to an announcement in The Home Missionary, v. 41,
Peggy's comments:
Julia's entry made me curious about Rev. Francis Bartlett. He was born in Massachusetts in 1797 and spent his early years preaching in Massachusetts. He married, and according to an announcement in The Home Missionary, v. 41,
The necessity for securing better advantages for educating his children induced him to remove to Marietta. He now entered the service of the A.B.C.F.M. as agent for Southeastern Ohio and for nine years he diligently performed the duties devolving upon him in work. In 1857, having received a call, he was installed over the Congregational church in Belpre and remained pastor for five years when he resigned, and became pastor of the church at Coolville. [Athens County, Ohio]The ABCFM was the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Saturday, Sept. 27, 1862
Called to see Mrs. W. D. Bailey who is convalescent. Lucy who went back to town this morning came down again bringing Katy Andrews, on the evening train with a long letter from Rufus giving an account of his experiences during the late bloody battles in Virginia and Maryland. He has done nobly. In a late letter he says:
We have about 200 men left for duty. The brigade has a deservedly splendid reputation in the army. If I live through the struggle it will be the glory of my life to have fought with the gallant sixth at Sharpsburg, South Mountain, Gainsville and Bull Run. I fear you may yet have trouble at home.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Friday Sept. 26, 1862
Lizzie canning quinces again today. Last night Lieut. Henricle and a squad of soldiers came down on the engine and went over during the night and arrested Basil Chalfant, a deserter from the 77". He deserted after the battle of Pittsburg Landing, getting on to the steamboat with the sick, pretending to be a nurse. He has been skulking about ever since.
Tonight Lucy came down with the good news of Rufus' safety. I do desire to thank God for His great goodness in thus keeping him unharmed amid such fearful carnage. He writes thus to his mother:
Tonight Lucy came down with the good news of Rufus' safety. I do desire to thank God for His great goodness in thus keeping him unharmed amid such fearful carnage. He writes thus to his mother:
Before the enemy near Sharpsburg, Sept. 18th. My dear Mother. I have come safely through two more terrible battles. South Mountain and the terrible battle yesterday. Our regiment is almost gone. We have lost near 400 men in killed and wounded in the late battles. Seven out of twelve officers in the last battle were shot. We are now under Hooker and will probably be annihilated as a regiment before he or our Brigadier will let our brigade be relieved. The men have stood like iron and been worth any two Eastern brigades in the army. Lt. Col. Bragg was wounded yesterday. I commanded the regiment and was obliged at one time to carry the color to keep the men up to save a cannon. It was riddled to ribbons in my hands, but God bless them every boy from the Badger State in sight rallied around me, and we saved our battery. We lost 160 men out of 400 in the fight. The battle may be renewed at any moment. Your aff. son, Rufe.The more we learn of the surrender of Harper's Ferry the more it appears there was base treachery and cowardice at the bottom of it. I never had faith in Col. Miles. He was a drunken, miserable wretch and should never have been trusted with so important a post. He dies unlamented with a blot upon his name. The rebels boast of the valuable opportune stores they obtained there. Among other things they took 1800 splendid horses. The rebel loss during the late battles is estimated at 20,000, our own loss at 10,000 killed and wounded.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Thursday Sept. 25, 1862
Kate went back with Lucy this morning. Lizzie is putting up quinces and making quince jelly. I went down to Mr. Briggs' with the children having an errand there. In the afternoon I went to Mrs. Burgess' to prayer meeting. Kate took tea with Dr. Frank Hart's family. He thinks that election prospects are good. The papers say that there is now less probability of an attack upon Memphis.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Wednesday Sept. 24, 1862
William went on the train this morning. He spends the rest of the week with the Quakers who are his good friends. Mr. Wm. Perdue has his threshing machine here today threshing our wheat.
Mrs. Fauncey came and helped us. Mrs. J. H. Deming called.
Late letters from Eph represent an attack upon Memphis by the rebels as probable. Eph's health is better, I wish he could be at home.
Mrs. Fauncey came and helped us. Mrs. J. H. Deming called.
Late letters from Eph represent an attack upon Memphis by the rebels as probable. Eph's health is better, I wish he could be at home.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Tuesday Sept. 23, 1862
Mr. William S. Nye was buried today in Marietta. He died in Chillicothe. He has been sick several weeks of typhoid fever. He was a useful man and is a great loss to the Railroad interests with which he has for several years been identified. The body of Col. Clark arrived today and will be interred tomorrow. Thus two prominent lawyers and worthy Christian men are laid low. Col. Clark fell in Wednesday's battle.
It is said that President Lincoln has proclaimed Emancipation. God bless the President and bless the cause. It is God's own cause. He can and will take care of it.
William came home to spend the night and will leave again in the morning. Hon. V. B. Horton treated him very handsomely, and gives him his support although the contrary has been reported. I noticed in a late paper that our cousin Prof. Joseph Torry, L. L. D. (the translator of Neander's Church history) is elected president of Vermont University.
Peggy's comments:
Julia's brother, William P. Cutler, was running for a second term in the U. S. House of Representatives. These mid-term elections were critical. Many "peace" Republicans advocated giving up trying to preserve the Union. They felt that the Confederate States could be let go in exchange for an end to the war. The issue would be taken up in Congress. William was encouraged by some politicians to soften his stand on preserving the Union.
Meanwhile, in July Lincoln had warned the southern states that if they did not rejoin the Union in 60 days, a proclamation would be issued to seize their property. Politically, issuing such a proclamation would have seemed a desperate move had it been made before there was a major Federal battleground victory. The recent battle at Antietam was seen at the time by the North as a victory--Robert E. Lee had withdrawn his army from the North. The timing, therefore, seemed right to issue the Emancipation Proclamation which would take effect on January 1, 1863.
It is said that President Lincoln has proclaimed Emancipation. God bless the President and bless the cause. It is God's own cause. He can and will take care of it.
William came home to spend the night and will leave again in the morning. Hon. V. B. Horton treated him very handsomely, and gives him his support although the contrary has been reported. I noticed in a late paper that our cousin Prof. Joseph Torry, L. L. D. (the translator of Neander's Church history) is elected president of Vermont University.
Peggy's comments:
Julia's brother, William P. Cutler, was running for a second term in the U. S. House of Representatives. These mid-term elections were critical. Many "peace" Republicans advocated giving up trying to preserve the Union. They felt that the Confederate States could be let go in exchange for an end to the war. The issue would be taken up in Congress. William was encouraged by some politicians to soften his stand on preserving the Union.
Meanwhile, in July Lincoln had warned the southern states that if they did not rejoin the Union in 60 days, a proclamation would be issued to seize their property. Politically, issuing such a proclamation would have seemed a desperate move had it been made before there was a major Federal battleground victory. The recent battle at Antietam was seen at the time by the North as a victory--Robert E. Lee had withdrawn his army from the North. The timing, therefore, seemed right to issue the Emancipation Proclamation which would take effect on January 1, 1863.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Monday Sept. 22, 1862
The day closes without news of or from Rufus. The weary waiting for tidings, the anxious dread is terrible. Hooker's division or whatever it may be called was in the hottest of the fight. That is where Rufus was as Hooker was his commanding General. The battle of Antietam of Wednesday last is said to have not been equalled since Waterloo.
Kate has letters tonight from John and Andrew Williamson. They both say that Marion is a prisoner among the Indians and is at Yellow Medicine. Mr. Hunter, her husband was murdered.
Kate has letters tonight from John and Andrew Williamson. They both say that Marion is a prisoner among the Indians and is at Yellow Medicine. Mr. Hunter, her husband was murdered.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Sabbath Sept. 21, 1862
This is the autumnal equinox but we have no rain. The roads are extremely dusty, the river getting lower daily. Full Sabbath School. Heard the drums and some firing at Parkersburg this morning, suppose it is the troops on parade.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Saturday, Sept. 20, 1862
Sarah came down on the evening train, going back on the returning train. She says that Quarter Master Barber telegraphed this morning the death of Lt. Col. Clark of the 36" O. V. I. Mr. Stephen Newton came to her house and told her he had "bad news". She replied "Rufus is dead", No, said he, "but Col Clark is and I want you to go and see his wife". Mrs. Clark first heard the boys in the street telling each other but thought it an idle rumor. The reality to her is terrible. She goes from one fainting fit into another. How terrible is war. The people of Marietta almost universally have friends in the army and feel that this is but the first installment of evil tidings.
There is no doubt that the rebels were greatly disappointed and chagrined by the reception they met with from Marylanders. The Richmond Whig of Sept. 13 has an article on the "Redemption of My Maryland", from which it appears that the rebels expected that as soon as their army appeared north of the Potomac, Maryland would rush to arms and join their standard. They have been deceived as to the state of feeling there. Major Andrews writes that the demonstrations of joy and loyalty on the approach of our army to Frederick were very affecting and that it did our men good to be able to go to the relief of such a people. The loyalty of the people of Maryland at this juncture has done more for our cause than a victory won on the field of battle.
The same Richmond paper has a report of a discussion in the rebel Congress on "advancing our banners into the enemy's country', and voted to invade the North 62 against 29. Messrs. Ayer and Miles of South Carolina both urged the policy. One said the only way for them was "to dare, to dare again and still to dare", and "dare at once". Miles said "give Jackson one half our present army, and although there were six hundred thousand men in the field, he would drive them all before him". He says "let our swords gleam and our banners float over their soil, make them bleed and strike the dagger to their hearts". He wishes "with strong arms to pluck fortune from the enemy's soil", "to let them bleed and let them feel the horrors of war". God has thus far wonderfully preserved the free States from the feet of the foe, but they now have formally announced their policy to be invasion, the but Lord is our keeper, "Man proposes but God disposes". It seems that the rebels have re-crossed the Potomac and are again in Virginia. They have possession of Harpers Ferry still.
Our neighborhood has organized into a military company. A. S. Bailey is Captain, Jacob Repper, 1st Lieut;, and George Cutter 2nd Lieut.
There is no doubt that the rebels were greatly disappointed and chagrined by the reception they met with from Marylanders. The Richmond Whig of Sept. 13 has an article on the "Redemption of My Maryland", from which it appears that the rebels expected that as soon as their army appeared north of the Potomac, Maryland would rush to arms and join their standard. They have been deceived as to the state of feeling there. Major Andrews writes that the demonstrations of joy and loyalty on the approach of our army to Frederick were very affecting and that it did our men good to be able to go to the relief of such a people. The loyalty of the people of Maryland at this juncture has done more for our cause than a victory won on the field of battle.
The same Richmond paper has a report of a discussion in the rebel Congress on "advancing our banners into the enemy's country', and voted to invade the North 62 against 29. Messrs. Ayer and Miles of South Carolina both urged the policy. One said the only way for them was "to dare, to dare again and still to dare", and "dare at once". Miles said "give Jackson one half our present army, and although there were six hundred thousand men in the field, he would drive them all before him". He says "let our swords gleam and our banners float over their soil, make them bleed and strike the dagger to their hearts". He wishes "with strong arms to pluck fortune from the enemy's soil", "to let them bleed and let them feel the horrors of war". God has thus far wonderfully preserved the free States from the feet of the foe, but they now have formally announced their policy to be invasion, the but Lord is our keeper, "Man proposes but God disposes". It seems that the rebels have re-crossed the Potomac and are again in Virginia. They have possession of Harpers Ferry still.
Our neighborhood has organized into a military company. A. S. Bailey is Captain, Jacob Repper, 1st Lieut;, and George Cutter 2nd Lieut.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Friday, Sept. 19, 1862
Kate went to town and took little Sarah with her. She found letters there from Rufus, Ephraim and Jane. Rufus at Frederick. It was written last Saturday. He thought the rebels meant to fight. "If there is a battle you may know I am there" he says, "If severely wounded I want Lucy to come to me at Baltimore or Washington. If killed I ask no more honorable grave than the battlefield". May God spare him to see our beloved land restored to peace and happiness and give to him an honorable life and old age. Ephraim and Jane have both been sick. I feel anxious for them all and for William as well as for the cause generally. My heart is greatly troubled. The fighting near Sharpsburg, Maryland, has been terrific and seems still to continue, our forces steadily pressing back the enemy while a rise in the Potomac prevents the rebels from fording back into Virginia. The situation of affairs is hopeful but critical. "But God reigns, let the earth rejoice".
Peggy's comments:
The letter Rufus wrote to his sister Kate on September 13, 1862 from Frederick was written after having been in battles at the Rappahannock, Gainesville, and Bull Run. On September 14, he would be battling at South Mountain. By the time the Cutler/Dawes family read his letter, Rufus had been through the first day of battle at Antietam (Sharpsburg). It is no wonder that he considered it likely that he would be wounded or killed. His sister Lucy was unmarried, and often tended to sick family members.
Peggy's comments:
The letter Rufus wrote to his sister Kate on September 13, 1862 from Frederick was written after having been in battles at the Rappahannock, Gainesville, and Bull Run. On September 14, he would be battling at South Mountain. By the time the Cutler/Dawes family read his letter, Rufus had been through the first day of battle at Antietam (Sharpsburg). It is no wonder that he considered it likely that he would be wounded or killed. His sister Lucy was unmarried, and often tended to sick family members.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Thursday, Sept. 18, 1862
Kate and I went to circle at W. P. Cole's taking Maggie and Mrs. W. D. Bailey in our buggy. All the circle sewed on things we are preparing for the missionaries in Minnesota who have lately suffered the loss of all things from the Indian outbreak. We are still in uncertainty as to Marion Hunter's fate. Miss Williamson thinks she may be a prisoner. Rev. Alfred Riggs writes to Maggie Voris that in all probability Mr. Hunter is killed.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Wednesday, Sept. 17, 1862
George shot some squirrels. I took one to Mrs. Burgess who is not well. Talked over the possibility of a raid from Jenkin's cavalry. We hope to be spared a visit from his robber band. Col. Mulligan has been ordered away from Parkersburg. Col. Lightburn has arrived at the Ohio river with his train of six hundred wagons and is crossing the river near Ravenswood. The enemy are reported to be working their way down the Kanawha, in force. If so, a battle may be expected near Pt. Pleasant. They may, however, turn toward Parkersburg. If so, our scouts will report them. Very severe fighting in Maryland. Gibbon's brigade was in the fight of Sunday at South Mountain. They moved to a gorge in the mountain and got into action about dark, fighting until nine o'clock. They drove the enemy a mile, lost 120 killed and wounded; when they were relieved, (all except the 6" Wisconsin who lay upon their arms all night) by Summer's corps who held the position during the night. Gen. Reno a gallant and loyal officer was killed. Our anxieties for Rufus are constant. We can only trust that the same divine hand which has kept him heretofore will guard him still.
The paroled Union soldiers are to be formed into regiments and sent to fight the Indians in Minnesota.
I called to see Mrs. G. W. Bailey this morning.
Harpers Ferry has fallen into the hands of the rebels. The 87 O. V. I. were there.
Peggy's comments:
Rufus Dawes, Julia's nephew, helped raise Company K of the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers shortly after Lincoln's first call for troops. In May 1861 he was officially mustered in and was soon after he was elected Captain. For more than a year, Rufus had been camped near Washington, D. C. with the Army of the Potomac. But during the summer of 1862, he and his men were on the march. On August 23, he was under fire from the rebels while supporting a battery near Rappahannock, near Warrenton, Virginia. There was fierce fighting and the Union army slowly retreated. Five days later in Gainesville, Virginia, Rufus was in another fierce battle. He wrote in his journal:
Rufus was back near Washington when he learned that McClellan was in charge of all the troops, taking over for General Pope, who had been sent to Minnesota to respond to the Indian wars. The news was well received as the troops had not liked General Pope.
Rufus' regiment was again engaged in battle on September 14 at South Mountain and then on September 17 at Antietam, near Sharpsburg, Maryland. As they marched toward the village of Sharpsburg, the rebels began to fire and Colonel Bragg was shot. Rufus was handed the command and fought in the horrific battle in the cornfield. Rufus took the flag in hand and rallied the troops to follow him--he did not expect to survive, but miraculously, he survived uninjured.
The paroled Union soldiers are to be formed into regiments and sent to fight the Indians in Minnesota.
I called to see Mrs. G. W. Bailey this morning.
Harpers Ferry has fallen into the hands of the rebels. The 87 O. V. I. were there.
Peggy's comments:
Rufus Dawes, Julia's nephew, helped raise Company K of the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers shortly after Lincoln's first call for troops. In May 1861 he was officially mustered in and was soon after he was elected Captain. For more than a year, Rufus had been camped near Washington, D. C. with the Army of the Potomac. But during the summer of 1862, he and his men were on the march. On August 23, he was under fire from the rebels while supporting a battery near Rappahannock, near Warrenton, Virginia. There was fierce fighting and the Union army slowly retreated. Five days later in Gainesville, Virginia, Rufus was in another fierce battle. He wrote in his journal:
Our one night's experience at Gainesville had eradicated our yearning for a fight. In our future history we will always be found ready but never again anxious.The Second Battle of Bull Run occurred two days later on August 30. The Union troops had been slowly advancing when they broke rank and began a confusing retreat. The Sixth Wisconsin held fast. They did not have orders to retreat, but it soon became obvious that all other regiments had done so. Colonel Bragg ordered face front and slowly back away.
Rufus was back near Washington when he learned that McClellan was in charge of all the troops, taking over for General Pope, who had been sent to Minnesota to respond to the Indian wars. The news was well received as the troops had not liked General Pope.
Rufus' regiment was again engaged in battle on September 14 at South Mountain and then on September 17 at Antietam, near Sharpsburg, Maryland. As they marched toward the village of Sharpsburg, the rebels began to fire and Colonel Bragg was shot. Rufus was handed the command and fought in the horrific battle in the cornfield. Rufus took the flag in hand and rallied the troops to follow him--he did not expect to survive, but miraculously, he survived uninjured.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Tuesday, Sept. 16, 1862
William went to Athens and will probably spend a week in Meigs Co. William D. M'Clure called this afternoon just from Parkersburg. It is apprehended that the rebels may make a move in that direction and upon Ohio. He wants George Cutter to come with his gun and stand guard at the ford. A. S. Bailey came here this evening and said all the fords must be watched. He recalled George from M'Clure's and set him, and John and six or seven others from Hocking, to watch at the foot of the island, a guard being placed also at the head of the island. M'Clellan reports a victory at the Heights near Middletown, Md., on the 14th. God be thanked.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Monday, Sept. 15, 1862
Our Union troops have possession of Frederick, Maryland. Our Army in the Kanawha Valley has been greatly reduced by the withdrawal of Cox's division, only 5000 remaining under Col. Lightburn. Our advanced camp only 1200 strong were attacked by 10,000 rebels under Williams and were compelled to fall back to Charleston where a fierce battle was fought, resulting in the destruction of the town. Our troops are supposed to be retreating to the Ohio river. The enemy which threatened Cincinnati have retreated. The whole available population of that city and Newport and Covington were made to labor on the defences. As a result seven miles of defences were completed and guns mounted. Business in the city is resumed and volunteers from the country are returning home.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Sabbath, Sept. 14, 1862
The Sabbath School library which William bought and gave the school was first distributed to the school today. The books are beautiful and were the cause of many smiles on children's faces. Mr. Curtis brought with him a Mr. Monelle who addressed the school and afterwards preached. Our congregation numbered more than 80 today, which for this place is a large number. I was sorry to notice that today neither of the men who occupied the pulpit prayed either for the government, the country, or the patriot army who daily suffer for our good. Now is the time to say mightily unto God -- in this hour of darkness, when men's hearts fail them with fear, lest all be lost.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Saturday, Sept. 13, 1862
William has been at home writing letters and arranging his business with G. W. Bailey, &c. He says that it is very irksome to him to stand as candidate with so much uncertainty as to results. The conservative Republicans are constantly urging on him, caution, saying that it will not do to come out plainly against Slavery, denouncing it as the cause of the rebellion (while they admit that it is the cause) for fear Union Democrats will be offended.
Peggy's comments:
Julia's brother, William P. Cutler, was running for a second term as congressman.
Peggy's comments:
Julia's brother, William P. Cutler, was running for a second term as congressman.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Friday, Sept. 12, 1862
The letter of Rufus written partly with pen and partly with pencil is dated: "Upton's Hill near Washington, Sept. 5, 1862" and is as follows:
Peggy's comments:
Rufus later writes extensively about these battles in his book Service with the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers. He was proud of his men and quotes accounts given by their opponents, notably Confederate General T. J. (Stonewall) Jackson:
My dear Mother: I have tried in several ways to let you know of my safety ere this. We have had a terrible ordeal in battle almost every day from Aug. 21 to 31. We fought at Rappahannock, at Beverly Ford, at White Sulphur Springs, in a terrible battle on Thursday eve of 28 and in the great battles of Friday and Saturday. Our brigade has lost 800 men. Our regiment near 150. How I have escaped without injury is beyond my comprehension. How nobly our regiment and brigade bore themselves the Country knows. Gibbon's Brigade has covered the retreat of the army since leaving the Rapidan. I have been at my post in every battle. In great haste, your aff. son Rufe.I wrote to Clara and began a letter to Jane. B. C. Bailey here this evening. He has been talking with Mr. Morris and ascertaining the strength of parties in this township. William was in Marietta, saw Stimson and arranged with him as to the conduct of the campaign. Saw leading business men. They mean to work from this till election as opportunity presents. Let loyal men do their duty and leave the event with God.
Peggy's comments:
Rufus later writes extensively about these battles in his book Service with the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers. He was proud of his men and quotes accounts given by their opponents, notably Confederate General T. J. (Stonewall) Jackson:
The conflict was fierce and sanguinary. The federals did not attempt to advance but maintained their ground with obstinate determination. Both lines stood exposed to the discharge of musketry and artillery until about nine o'clock with the enemy slowly retired, yielding the field to our troops. The loss on both sides was heavy . . .
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Thursday, Sept. 11, 1862
William went to town today, found the German paper, which the Republicans established last year had been discontinued by X -- who for a trivial debt of 40 dollars had locked up the press and for months thus deprived the country of a very valuable help in bringing our German population to a just knowledge and appreciation of the crisis. William sent Mr. Reppert to the man with the money who, after exacting an additional twelve dollars, released the press and the publication of the paper will be resumed next week.
Mrs. Finney ironed. Female prayer meeting here, Mrs. W. D. Bailey, Lizzie and I and our little girls were all that attended today but where two or three are gathered together, the Savior's promise may be claimed and his blessing expected. Mrs. Dawes came on the evening car. She brought a letter from Rufus, the first since the battles of the 28th, 29th and 30th of August. God mercifully kept him as he did Ephraim at Shiloh -- to Him be all the praise!
B. C. Bailey here this evening.
Mrs. Finney ironed. Female prayer meeting here, Mrs. W. D. Bailey, Lizzie and I and our little girls were all that attended today but where two or three are gathered together, the Savior's promise may be claimed and his blessing expected. Mrs. Dawes came on the evening car. She brought a letter from Rufus, the first since the battles of the 28th, 29th and 30th of August. God mercifully kept him as he did Ephraim at Shiloh -- to Him be all the praise!
B. C. Bailey here this evening.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Wednesday, Sept. 10, 1862
We canned three bushels of peaches today, more than 30 cans. Mrs. Terril helped us in the forenoon, but were all very tired.
A Parkersburg butcher came to inquire for beef cattle. He said he heard William had sixty head. He offered two cents a pound which is too low a figure, but I wish they were marketed. In these troublous times a fine herd of cattle are tempting booty. We, however, have little to fear from rebels just now, while the brave and energetic Col. Mulligan, (the hero of Lexington, Mo.) is in command at Parkersburg. William came home tonight. Mrs. Douglas Putnam buried today.
A Parkersburg butcher came to inquire for beef cattle. He said he heard William had sixty head. He offered two cents a pound which is too low a figure, but I wish they were marketed. In these troublous times a fine herd of cattle are tempting booty. We, however, have little to fear from rebels just now, while the brave and energetic Col. Mulligan, (the hero of Lexington, Mo.) is in command at Parkersburg. William came home tonight. Mrs. Douglas Putnam buried today.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Tuesday, Sept. 9, 1862
Looking over the Pomeroy Telegraph I see a letter describing the march of Gen. Sherman's division from Moscow to Memphis. Speaking of the 53rd O.V.I. the writer says -- "First comes a good natured looking chestnut steed whose main object seems to be not to move too fast. Mounted on the aforesaid steed is a pleasant looking officer, with a short pipe in his mouth. This Adjutant Daws, as brave a man as there is in our army. He is not so much for saving the Union as he is for killing the rebels." Of the 53rd he says "They, last winter, left Ohio, Volunteers, expecting to bring the war to a close by eating their rations and having dress parade. They march out of Moscow, soldiers in every sense of the word, understanding their duty and willing to perform it."
George went to Watertown and got peaches for us and for Mrs. Burgess. We are all invited to a melon party at Joel Demings this evening. Too tired to go. Kate and Annie went to town today. She brought home a letter her mother has just received from Adjutant Brooks of the 6th Wis. Regiment who is in hospital at Washington having been wounded in the late battle. He writes that Rufus passed through the battles entirely unhurt, and with honor. Col. Cutler was wounded in the thigh severely. Kate also brought an interesting letter from Major Andrews telling the adventures of the 36th since they left Parkersburg. They were drawn up in line of battle but took no part in the late engagements.
William telegraphs that he stays over at Athens until tomorrow.
Major Andrews writes to his wife, "Tell Mrs. Dawes I have seen Rufus four or five times. He is a brave and gallant officer. His regiment did splendid fighting. She may well be proud of him. I am proud of him myself."
Peggy's comments:
The whole family was concerned for Ephraim Dawes and Rufus Dawes, nephews of Julia. Ephraim was adjutant for the 53rd Ohio and Rufus was a captain with the 6th Wisconsin.
George went to Watertown and got peaches for us and for Mrs. Burgess. We are all invited to a melon party at Joel Demings this evening. Too tired to go. Kate and Annie went to town today. She brought home a letter her mother has just received from Adjutant Brooks of the 6th Wis. Regiment who is in hospital at Washington having been wounded in the late battle. He writes that Rufus passed through the battles entirely unhurt, and with honor. Col. Cutler was wounded in the thigh severely. Kate also brought an interesting letter from Major Andrews telling the adventures of the 36th since they left Parkersburg. They were drawn up in line of battle but took no part in the late engagements.
William telegraphs that he stays over at Athens until tomorrow.
Major Andrews writes to his wife, "Tell Mrs. Dawes I have seen Rufus four or five times. He is a brave and gallant officer. His regiment did splendid fighting. She may well be proud of him. I am proud of him myself."
Peggy's comments:
The whole family was concerned for Ephraim Dawes and Rufus Dawes, nephews of Julia. Ephraim was adjutant for the 53rd Ohio and Rufus was a captain with the 6th Wisconsin.
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Rufus R. Dawes |
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Ephraim Cutler Dawes |
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Rufus' and Ephraim's mother, Sarah Cutler Dawes |
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